PAGE TWO THE YANCEY RECORD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1936 Editor Frances M. Hamrick Published Every Thursday By YANCEY PUBLISHING CO. t *A Partnership Entered as second-class matter November 11th, 1936, at. the Post Office, Burnsville, North Carolina, under the act of March 3, 1879. MORE ABOUT— Road Recommendations This committee makes re commendations only, and is not empowered to decide which road shall be worked first. M. D. Bailey was named chairman of the comifiittte for the county and Z. B. Byrd, secretary-treasurer. The following list was recommended, in order of importance in each town-i I ROYSTERS HIGH GRADE \ l FERTILIZERS f * * * * i For Potatoes, Corn, etc. On Hand now. Also 20 j! ★ - % * per cent Super Phosphate. * 1-• -1.1 J BRING YOUR TRIPLE A ORDERS * 2 ; ■ - * 5 WE DELIVER } 2 j f ED GOUGE \ .* C. P. GIBSON’S STORE ' i 2 * 2 WIN DOM. N. C. * * ★ o ¥ * * ***•**>»* ♦**♦****-***>»***#-***>♦•*****>♦■ ****)<-**+** NOTICE TO FARMERS THERE IS A SEVERE SHORTAGE* OF POTASH FOR I ] FERTILIZER—ON ACCOUNT OF POTASH MINERS ON STRIKE I Late buyers of fertilizer, for tobacco and other crop requiring potash, may not be able to buy same. ----- I will receive all my allotment for the season within the next ten days; and in order to make quick sales and! also to help my V. C. CUSTOMERS, I will give SI.OO per ton off, from now until Feb 12th.—50c per ton off Feb.; 12th to March 1. Buy now, get what you need and save money. STANLEY BAILEY Phone 241 Burnsville, N. C. P. S. Just unloaded two car loads, good, well balec shredded shucks—price reasonable. -*<♦*-*-*(+*-*•*•*■«<■****+-*-* •fr-**-*-*-**-***-*-*******-***** Stop in before you trade tires... See this money-saving difference with your own eyes! . .... .... .. I U .. 1......... ......... SAFITY, COMFORT the difference! Unlike cords in most tires, BFG cords work in J i Sfjlj jfWgg rythm to share the wear for / |OQ 1 2 9 more miles—cushion the impact °°tVN / * Samllßr \ for more comfort —absorb the / 1 25 , f # i&M a Er* v road punch for more safety. ft WIK / , I ll|E , * LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 1 gill; i FOR YOUR PRESENT TIRES! ’ I 1111111 " 11 *™*™’* 11111 mwmmjs AUIO & HOME CENIER Phone 236 BURNSVILLE, N. C. B.F. Goodrich I FIRST IN RUBBER | ship. This is in addition to the roads listed above which are already marked for con tract letting: Burnsville Township: Mi tchell Br. Road (Mill Street > 1 mile black top; Old Green Mountain Road 1.5 mile black top; Penland-Ayers Mill Road 1 mile grade and gravel. | Cane River Township: Hard Scrabble Road 2.7 mil-! les black top; Wolf Branch I Road .6 mile grade and gra- vel. Egypt Township: Ledford Branch Road 1.5 miles; Piney Hill to Sang Branch 1.5 mile; Bee Log to Wolf Branch .4 mile; Hog Branch Road 2 miles; Roscoe Hen sley Road 1 mile—all grade and gravel. Ramsey toyrfi Township: Cox Creek Road 1.5 mile; Sioux Whitson Branch Road 1 mile; Murphy Road 1.5 mile; McKinney Branch .5 mile—all grade and gra vel. Green Mountain Town ship: Pig Pen Road 1 mile black top; Relief to Jacks Creek 3 miles, black top; John Letterman Road .5 mile; Peterson Branch- North Bend 1.5 miles; Bee Branch-River to School 1 j mile; J. C. Turner Road .5 I mile—grade and gravel. Jacks Creek Township: Dewey Pate Read on Renfro Branch 2 miles: Evans- Johnson Road 1.6 miles; Roy Duncan Road .3 mile; Samson Branch Road 2.5 miles; Jack Tipton - Tom King Road 1.2 mile; Will Ayers Ext. Wilson Br. .5 mile; Lester Bailey Road 1 mile; Arthur Silver Road .5 Mile; Alice Jobe Road .4 mile; McCourry Branch to Pounding Mill .Br. 1 mile— all grade and gravel; Jacks Creek Road widen black top to 16 feet.^ Brush Creek Township: Little Brush Creek 4 miles black top; Woody Road 1 mile; Roses Br. Road 1 mile—grade and gravel. Crabtree Township: Tom Tones Hollow .5 mile; Cane Branch Road 3 miles, re , pair, grade and gravel. South Toe Township: Sev en Mile Ridge 3 miles; Wil son Creek Road 3 miles; Blue Rock-Hall's Chapel 6 miles; Henry Grindstaff Road 1.5 mile—grade and ; gravel. Pensacola Township: Cat Tail Creek Road 3.5 miles; Eseota Road 3.5 miles; Murcheson Road 2 miles — I grade and gravel. Prices Creek Township: (Grady Robinson Road .8 mile; Cheet Holcombe Road .6; England Branch Road .4 mile; Lattie Metcalf Road .9 mile; Charlie Banks Roald 1 mile; Exten sion Prices Creek Road .2 mile, grade and gravel. Other Roads Will Be Listed Members of the commit tee stated that this was their first recommendations only, that other roads would he considered later. NOTICE In The Sunerinr Court NORTH CAROLINA VANGEY COUNTY Yancey County . vs - T T. S. Greene and wife, Lucy C. Greene The Defendants, T. S. Greene and wife, Lucy C. Greene will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced m the Superior Court of Yancey County 'to enforce '-he tax liens for the years of 1943, for taxes due by the above named Defendants on land in Crabtree Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the Defendants will further take not ice that the complaint in said ac tion is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County. North Carolina, and the Defendants are required to appear and answer or demur to the said complaint within 20 days from the 16 (lav of Feb. 1950, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 11-th day of Jan. 1950. Fred Pr->ffitt, Clerk of the Sup erior Court. Jan. 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9 j*************>********************************** $ : Improve Your Dairy herd * : By Artificial Breeding : J "" * J SETH PETERSON, Technician * S J Telephone 30 + * YANCEY COUNTY ARTIFICIAL j : BREEDING ASSOCIATION ? i * THE YANCEY RECORD For Avun Cosmetics Cal Mrs. Paul Young. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified &s Adminis trator of the Estate of D. J. Young, deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersign ed Administrator at his home at Burnsville, N. C., on or before the 31st day of January, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate will please make immediate pay ment. 'This January 31,1950. C. P. Randolph, Administrator of the Estate of D. J. Young, de ceased. Feb. 2,9, 16, 23TSIareh 2, 9 NOTICE OF FINAL SALE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. W. H. Peake and wife, Mrs. W. H Peake Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court in the; above entitled action, appointing! the undersigned as Commissioner to sell the hereinafter described! lands to satisfy said judgment for] taxes for the years of 1944, 1945, i 1946, 1947, 1948,-together with in terest, penalties and costs thereon, and subsequent taxes, the under signed will, on the 13th day of February, 1950, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, North Carolina, sell the hereinafter described lands to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy sai<i judgment, together with all costs and subsequent tax es, said property being in Green Mountain Township, Yancey Cou nty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Loretta Pitman, and de scribed by metes and bounds as follows: Being the lands described in a deed from Laura Peake to W. 11. Peake, October 12, 1935, which defed appears of record in the offi ce of the Register of Deeds for Yancey County, North Carolina in Deed Book 78, page 40, refer ence to which is heieby made for a more specific description of said lands. This 11th day of Jan. 1950. BILL ATKINS, Commissioner Tan. 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9 NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. _j~- r Paul McKinney, et als. Heirs 'at Law ctf John Hall, Deceased The Defendants, Lyda McKin ney, May McKinney and Elza McKinney will take notice that an action, entitled above, has been commenced in the Superior Court' of Yancey County to enforce the tax liens for the jears of 1942, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1947. 1948, 1949 for taxes dut- by the above named Defendants on land in Brush Creek Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the Defend ants will further take notice that the complaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of County, North Carolina, and the Defendants are required to appear and answer or demur to the said complaint within 20 days from the 16 day of Feb. 1950, or the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the. relief demanded, in said complaint. This 11th day of Jan. 1950. -Fred Proffitt, Clerk of the Sup erior Court. Jan. 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9 NOTICE OF FINAL SALE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. .Minnie Bailey Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court in the above entitled action appointing the undersigned as Commissioner to sell the heiginafter described lands to satisfy said judgment for taxes for the years of 1946, to gether with interest, penalties and costs thereon, and subsequent tax es, the undersigned will, on the 13th day of Feb. 1950, at 10 o’clock A. M , at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, North Carolina, sell the hereinafter described lands to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy .said judgment, together with all costs ami subsequent tax es, said property being in Green Mountain Township. Yancey Cou nty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of I). C. Letterman, and de scribed by metes and bounds as follows: Being the lands described in a deed from J. P. Garland and wife, Tilda Garland, to Stephen Collis and wife, Minnie Collis, Feb. 3, 1920, which deed is registered in the office nf tb* jVyil*— ’ of Deeds for Yancy County in Deed Book 56, page 433, reference to which is hereby made for a more specific description of said lands. This Jan. 2, 1960. BILL ATKINS, Commissioner. . Tar> 4 0 Ift ft/t ft?”* jaturiz, xtr, 2d, FxD. c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA / YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Administra tor of the Estate of Mrs. Archie M. (Mildred) Hvatt, deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Decedent to exhibit tne same to the 'undersigned Ad ministrator at. his home at Win dow, N. C., on or before the 13th day of January, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate Will please make immediate pay ment. This January 13, 195 . Archie M. Hyatt, A< /linistrator of the Estate of Mrs Archie M (Mildred) Hyatt, deceased. Jan. 19, 26, Feb. 2,9, 16, 23 .«\w i r~ ’ ~ SOMETHING NEW f 5 X ■\\ We Have Now Added A Complete jjjj New Addition to Our Store - Carrying § § Complete Lines of Furniture and Home 5 jl Furnishings: • BED ROOM SUITES • CHINA CABINETS % \ • LIVING ROOM SUITES • KITCHEN CABINETS $ j • DINETTE SUITES • OCCASIONAL CHAIRS S £ • PLATFORM ROCKERS • EAMP3 ' ? \ Many Other Items That Will Add Charm and Comfort to Your Home. § % ; j New Shipment: V 6x9 —712x9 —9xl2 —9xls , J k . 12x12—12x15 5 to , “ K When in Burnsville we Extend yoibt a \ Cordial Invitation to Visit our Store. | "Where Quality and Service Rule" jl BLUE RIDGE HARDWARE COMPANY S W PHONE 217 —BURNSVILLE, N. C. S .. . tn New, Easy Way to Farm y'TN OrL J One Minute to pot on implements fcgffiggp NEW EAGLE HITCH ' 3-POINT HOOK-UP YOU IVH SAW TSic new Eagle Hitch on the 1950 Case "VAC” tractor takes hold of the new latch on implements and picks them up—fast and easy. Without getting off the seat you just la&h on, slip in a pin, and go! You get to the fielH quicker, finish sooner. Work is done better because the Eagle Hitch keeps imple • *ncnts working at a steady deoth in spite of In Stock - - - Tractors « Mowing Machines Hay Rakes -- Disc Harrows « Plows J. W. HOWELL & SON Green Mountain, N. C. IpDnnfitaiiniiiiaiiiiHiiiHinaMniiiiHMn^aiiiinißHiiinMiiiniiiinniiiiiitiniiiiißiimoinin^ 1 HELP WANTED I i i | CASHIER—MARRIED, BETWEEN 18-30 YEARS 1 1 i i i DOORMAN—Prefer Young Married Man Will- | • | i ing to Train For Assistant Manager. 1 ! I « | CURIOSITY SEEKERS, SAVE YOUR TIME | ! 1 | | SEE LUM CLEVENGER, Mgr. I YANCEY THEATRE | ■ ■ lilifllliMllliiMIIIIMHIIIMIIMHIIflllllBIHIHIfllliHll'MilMIIIIMliKMIllllBlllilBlillMIIIIIMitimililiMlLMjil.lilli.M!? hard spots and uneven ground. Come in and see it! Try the new low-pressure hydraulic implement control. You’ll like the way it works with both latch-on and front-mounted implements. This isn’t push-button farming but it’s the nearest thing to it. And you’ll be amazed at .he eager power wrapped up in this low-cost 2-plow tractor. f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1950

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