PAGE TWO — 1 . 1 THE YANCEY RECORD - ESTABLISHED JULY, 1936 l Editor Frances M. Hamrick Published Every Thursday By YANCEY PUBLISHING CO. A Partnership Entered as second-class matter November 11th, 1936, at the Post Office, Burnsville, North Carolina, under the act of March 3, 1879: MORE ABOUT— JOHN HUTCHINS (Continued from page 1) simple tools. Hutchins lives with and cares for his mother who has been an invalid since a : stroke nine years ago. Guns were not his first ; hobby. As an only child he 1 was often lonely, “store bought” toys were scarce so lie made his own, mostly I automobiles made to scale. He still has a number of tjhese classy limousines and sport models of the early 20s made of the only materials he had at hand— card board and string, a few wires, and scraps of cloth for upholstering. Every intricate detail was worked out with painstak ing-care, .Card board cars which served as recreation for many hours of a lonely young boy’s life lost all in terest for him, however, when he "completed that -first gun 'and found that it would shoot. Guns now line all four walls of the loft room of the home, some are in racks and a table holds a display j of revolvers. What kind of guns doesi he have m his collection-; Without even glancing at; : . j *»*»****>*><>**> *>»**-***>*■*-a-**-*-**-**-**-****#-**** * ¥ i ROYSTERS HIGH GRADE \ I FERTILIZERS t * ¥ * • + For Potatoes, 1 Corn, etc. On Hand now. Also 20 5 j J t\ * per cent Super Phosphate. * I ★ *' J BRING YOUR TRIPLE A ORDERS J' * ¥ 5 W r E DELIVER J * * \ ED GOUGE j I C. P. GIBSON’S STORE \ * ¥ i WIN DOM, N. C. ¥ * ¥ * 4 i * Zm¥*******¥¥*******¥******¥******¥**************% *****»*»♦>* 4*** j********************** *»»*»»»***»4 Punctures sealed while you ride with B. F. Goodrich Puncture-Sealing SAFETY TUBES! IFORCET ABOUT FLATS with BFG Puncture - Sealing Tubes in your tires. You ride without a worry because . . . { Your Present Tubes ( ■ •*3 0« the purchase of BFG ( A WEEK IK2| tubes! | (Six* 6.00-16' W l ‘ AUIO & HOME CENIER ' Phone 236 BURNSVILLE, N. C. [RFGoodrich I FIRST id RUBBER them Hutchins can name them all:' revolvers, auto matic pistols, single shot rifles, (a) with rolling block, <b> with lever action (c I with bolt action; re peaters, trombone or pump | action repeaters with bolt action with clip maga zine, tb) bolt action with j tubular magazine, auto matic loader with clip ma gazine, muzzle loaders of ; all types, single shot pis tols, single and double bar rel shot guns, revolvers in single and double action, [revolvers in break ' open and swing, with square and round handles. , What makes? They are ■ of both American and for eign manufacture and he names them’ easily: Win chester, Remington, Mar lin, Hamilton, Harris, Ste vens/ Paige-Lewis, Har ringion-Kichardson, Smith and Wesson, Warner, Nit ro-King, Springfield, Man ton, Iver-Johnson, We: tern 1 Field, Premier, Ranger, Walt her. These are in his collec tion; he has worked on many other makes includ ing a number of Swiss, ! English, German, French land other foreign makes. The smallesyguij^in the [collection is a pjAtol so small that it can be hidden 1 2 . . . WHEN YOU RUN OVF.R A NAIL or other sharp object, the hole is sealed immediately with no ait loss. And . . . 3. . . Y O U DRIVE ON as though nothing had happened! The hole is permanently sealed. No flat to fix! No repair job! behind an 18 size pocket watch. It is entirely hand [made but fires a standard factory load. If no bullets are availab le for a particular gun (as is the case with some of the foreign makes) Hutch ins makes the bullets too. In addition to the guns he has several other col- , lections. One of these is a small but interesting dis play of Indian relics. He did not gather these per sonally, he explains. A nearby field yields a plen tiful supply of arrowheads and spear points and he 'has established a unique [“barter system”. Because of his work and the close care which his' mother requires he doesn’t go and bunt the rllics him self. Instead he set up a rifle range and the neigh borhood children bring ar rowheads and other artic les iii exchange for target practice with a 22 rifle! Hutchins had a very limited formal education, attending the short term grade school in his com munity. He is extremely well read however, with history and scientific books his favorite reading and •I such magazines as The American Rifleman his guide for much of his work. Needless to say all his guns receive expert treat ment and are cleaned and , polished with care. NOTICE OF FINAL SALE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY ! Yancey County vs. Mrs. Henry McCrackin Under and by virtue of adjudg ment of the Superior Court in the., above entitled action appointing the undersigned as Commissioner to sell the hereinafter described lands to satisfy said judgment for taxes for tne years of 1946, 1947, i 1948, together with interest, pen i alties and costs thereon, and sub -1 sequent taxes, the undersigned will, on the 13th day of March, 1950, at 10 o’clock A. M„ at the j Courthouse door in Burnsville, North Carolina, sell the hereinaf ter described lands to the highest [Gilder/for cash, to satisfy said | judgment, together with alt costs | and subsequent taxes, said proper ty being in Crabtree Township, 1 Yancey Ci unty, North Carolina. I adjoining the lands of E. D. Boone, ] and described by metes and bounds |as follows' | BEGINNING on a sycamore standing on the East side of Plum ; Branch and runs an East course I with E. D. Boone’s line to a stake |on top of a ridge in the John Thomas line; thence a North eour !se to a locust; thence a 'West | course down and with'Harry Mc- Crackin’s line to a Leech on the East side of Plum Branch; thence with Plum Branch to the BEGJN jNING, containing 40 acres, more or less. Excepting, however, a 25 acre ■ tract previously conveyed by Pan jsy McCrackin to Rass Styles and wife. 1 This Feb. 1, 1950. / BILL ATKINS. Commissioner. Feb. 16, 23, March 2, 9 NOTICE In The Superior Court north Carolina Yancey county * . . Yancey County vs. Mrs.iO. L. (Virginia P.) Suggett The Defendant, Mrs. O. L. (Vir ■ U'inia P.) Suggett will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Super ior Court of Yancey Counth to en -1 force the tax liens for the years of 1946, 1948 for taxes due by the above named Defendant on land in Crabtree Township, Yancey Coun ty, North Carolina: and the De fendant will further take notice that the complaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, and the Defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the said complaint within 20 days from ihe 9th day of March, 1950, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 31st day of Jan. 1950. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of The Sup erior Court. ■ Feb. 9, 16, 2d, March 2 ***#>***** *>*#**>*****>*»*■*■**»)♦•***)♦•***•**■*******>* * * ' j Improve Your Dairy herd | By Artificial Breeding ; X SETH PETERSON, Technician * 5 Telephone 30 % YANCEY COUNTY ARTIFICIAL \ I BREEDING ASSOCIATION : X ... , + i - THE YANCEY RECORD FOR SALE: Everything works on this 1937 Ply mouth. New tires, dean seat covers, good running order. $250.00. See J. G. Low Pensacola Road. NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County , vs. James M. Young and wife, Daisy Young The Defendants, Janies M. Young and wife, Daisy Young will take notice that an action, en titled as above, has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Yan cey County to enforce the tax liens for the years of 1946 for taxes due by the above named Defendants on land in Crabtree Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the Defendants will further take notice that the com plaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, and the Defend ants are required "to Appear and; answer or demur to the said com- J plaint within 20 days from the 9th day of March, 1950, or the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the j relief demanded in said complaint. j This 31st day of Jan. 1950. Ered"Proffitt, Clerk of The Sup erior Court/ Feb. 9, 16, 23, March 2 NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. Roy Young, Roy Sparks and wife Mrs. Roy Sparks- The Defendants, Roy Young will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Yancey County to enforce the tax liens for the years of 1945, 1940 for taxes due by the above named Defendants on land in Crabtree Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the Defendants will further take notice that the com plaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, and the Defend ants are required to appear and answer or demur to the said com plaint within 29 days from the 9th day of March, 1950, or the | Plaintiff will apply to the Court j for the relief demanded in said j complaint. This 31st day of Jan. 19o0’. , Fred Proffitt, Clerk of The Sup erior Court. Feb. 9, 16, 23, March 2 NOTICE In The Superior Court _ NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. Calvin Wilcox and w ife. "Vena Wil cox, and A. I*. Brinkley and Mar) C. O’Donnell. Trustees The Defendants, A. P. Brinkley and Mary C. O’Donnell, Trustees will take notice that an action, en titled as above, has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Yan cey County to enforce the tax liens for the years of 1947, for taxes due by the above named Defend ants on land in Crabtree Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the Defendants will further take notice that the complaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, and the Defenlants are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint within 20 djfys from the 9th day of March, 1950, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 31st day of Jan. 1950. erior Court Feb. 9, 16, 23, March 2 Fred Proffitt, Clerk of The Sup- NOTICE In the Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. Russell Engineering Co. and the Vermicuiite Corp. of America The Defendants, Russell Engi neering Co.. and the Vermicuiite Corp. of America will take notice that an action , -entitled as above, has been commenced in the Super ior Court of Yancey County to en force the lax liens for the years of 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948 1949 for taxes due by the above named Defendants on land in Crabtree Township, Yancey Coun ty, North Carolina; and the De fendants will further take notice that the complaint in said action Is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, and the Defendants are required to appeal and answer or demur to the said complaint within 20 days from the 9th day of March, 1950, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 31st day of Jan. 1950. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of The Sup erior Court. Feb. 9, 16, 23, March 2 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualilied as Adminis trator of the Estate of D. J. Young, deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to notify all persons having j claims against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersign ed Administrator at his home at .Burnsville; N. C., on or before the 31st dSy of January, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This January 31, 1950. C. P. Randolph, Administrator of the Estate of I). J. Y’oung, de ceased. » Feb. 2,9, lil, 23, March 2, .9 ADM L\ 18 I K A l t)IMS NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualifies! as Administra tor of the Estate of Mrs. Archie M. (Mildred) llyatt, deceased late of Yancey County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Decedent Jcv, exhibit j the same to the undersigned Ad mfhistrator at his home at Win dom, N. C., on or before the 13th j day of January, 1951, or this I notice will be plead in bar of their, I recovery. I All persons owing the Estate will please mak ■ immediate pay ment. This January 13. 1950. Archie M. Hvatt, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Archie M. (Mildred) Hyatt, deceased. * dan. 19, 26, Feb. 2,9, 16, 23 NOTH E In The Superior Court NORTH ( VKOLINA YANCEY OOU N’-l’Y Yancey County vs. Reuben Honeycutt and wife, Mrs. Reuben Honeycutt The DeTetKianis, -’Rcuhwy Hon-j eycutt and wife. Mis. Reuben Honeycutt will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has bees commence 1 in the Superior Court of Vanci- y County to en force the tax liens for the years of 19,44, .1945, 1946, 1947, 1948 for taxes due by. the above named Defendants on land in Crabtree Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the Defendants will further take notice that the com plaint in said action is on file in i the office of the Clerk of the Sup-- | erior Court. of Yancey County, North ( aroliua, and tiie Defend ants .are required to appear and answer or demur to the said com- ; plaint within 20 days from the 9th j day of March, 1950, or the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the j | relief demanded in-said complaint. This 31st day of Jan. 1950. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of The Sup erior Court.- Feb. 9, 16, 23, March 2 1 f" T WSOs THHOCBUnmiS The word is spreading—and fast—that light- / f medium GMCs for 1950 are the best buys in / For I9Jo 3 the whole light-medium field! There are plenty I hav * wl <i»r, tl C t " oh, - n >»di Un , * f of reasons why. These new GMCs offer even / b *" ,r 'n7 U |^, , " cf * 0 *»« I better performance and greater economy than / ro ' , ». h. as onj*«<„„* f the quick-stepping, money-saving GMCs of / ° f the past. They’re easier riding, easier driving / PtATUtim f .. . improved to provide more comfort for the / ”Jo, i/ ohf U "CS I driver, more profit for the owner on every / '•'••co p/og hay. I score. Last, but far from least, they are prod- / pi# ( . dut(Lnj Un '> bo*,, h **°' k ob- ff ucts of the General Motors division that’s the / '"»*/. **•'*7.. M world’s largest exclusive producer of commer- I opWo nq/ 0/r f '" • cial vehicles .. . that has, in addition to its / ■- ■ $ \ own ultra-modern facilities, full access to the / for ]Mo f ] unparalleled GM research and proving I f j operations that continually work to make J "* w light f *j / “more and better things for more people.” jlZTto*”** X I-■ ' STYLES & COMPANY ~ SOUTH MAIN STREET BURNSVILLE, N. C. 3 Solid Cherty Bed Room Suites $125.00 each Odd Tables SIO.OO Each 3 Cedar Chests'.. ; $25.00 Each BENNETT'S FURNITURE > PINE HAND MADE FURNITURE FREE DOG FOOD AT BURNSVILLE SUPER MARKET 2 cans of KEN-L-RATICN AT NO COST! Bring us this offer blank, properly signed, and VOU will get 2 cans of Ken-L-Ration at no cost when you buv j) cans at our regular price. This means you get 5 vans for tne price of 3. Hurry! Offer limited! Name -t r ~ Address t. r.~. ! City . State Offer Closes June 30, 1950. (Limit: Two cans at no extra cost to a customer) ATTENTION FARMERS • DISC HARROWS • TURNING PLOWS • BARE WIRE • POULTRY NET • FIELD FENCE . SEE THE OLIVER 66 TRACTOR AT Hit HIM FEDERATION BURNSVILLE, N. C. TEL. 47 WE DELIVER <<*' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1950

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