THURSDAY. AUGUST 24, 1950 " ! Down Main Street i Mrs. Emma D. Crossland of Bennettsville, S. C. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Pollard this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Hughes of Erwin .were the week end guests of Miss Alberta Campbell and fam ily- Mr. and Mrs. - Nathan Smith of Alexadneria, Va. were the weekend guests of Mrs. Sallie Kate Butner. Mrs. Smith is the fromer Miss Daphne Butner. Mr. an Mrs. H. E. Smith of Melbuorne, Fla. visited friends in Burnsville Sun day. Mrs. J. G. Fox visited re latives in Spruce Pine dur ing the week end. '• Mrs. Philip Blevins of Detroit, Mich, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rabe Peterson, this week. Mrs. Frank Briggs of Wagner, S. C., also Mr. and Mrs A. P. Ford of Arcadia, Fla. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Briggs this week. THESE FAMOUS SINGERS SMOKE CAMELS BECAUSE... Qame&sgise w/tfnyi/matf MARIO LANZA HOLLYWOOD STAR 4k NADINE CONNER METROPOLITAN OPERA SOPRANO TS k! FRAN warren s,N6,MfiSTAR^IOIO,OAMDRECWDS DANCE ~I EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT ROUND and SQUARE DANCES EVERYBODY HAS FUN CAM »*»)M-**»>M>*>M>*****>*********»**»***»*»***»»*>»* I ¥ i Box 283 Phone 54 ? ★ ¥ 5 * * CARPENTER - BRASWELL J ★ ¥ DRILLING COMPANY t i $ Water Well-Drilling Contractors t ' NEWLAND, N. C. 2. -T t * ★ * Wc Encourage an Old Habit Because It’s SOUND The habit of saving has been the foundation of material success through the ages. The modern begin is to open a Savings Account at a bank that is prepared to give you friendly help with your financial affairs. We Encourage Savings Accounts THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BURNSVILLE, N. C. # i CALENDAR Friday, August 25 The Garden Club will meet with , Mrs. George Robinson at 8 o’clock. Mrs. R. W. Ramsey and Miss Edith Ramsey left Friday for a visit with Mrs. Ramsey’s daughter, Mrs. Michial Mayo, o f New York City. They are ex pecting to return to Bur nsville Friday. Miss Ruth Mclntosh and Jimmie Honeycutt of Alex anders, Va. were the gues ts of Miss Mclntosh’s mot her, Mrs. J. C. r Mclntosh, during the weekend. Ruth returned to Alexanders on Mondey, but Jimmie will in Burnsville an other week. Mrs. J. A. Hannum is in Swingle. Hospital, Johnson City for treatment. Mrs. Bernie King is con fined to her home this week by illness. WILSON-RAY Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Wilson of Cane River an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Ethel, to George Dewey Ray, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dewey Ray of Burnsville, Monday, August 1.4,in the Firsts Baptist Church of Burnsville. B The Rev. Charles Tram mel, pastor, officiated. The couple was unattended. The bride wore a gray suit with white accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ray are graduates of Bald Creek High School. After a short wedding trip, they will reside in Burnsville. Wilson-McKinney Newdale— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of Newdale announce the marriage of their daughter, Winnie, to Sherbert Day McKinney of Newdale. The ceremony was per formed in Martins Chapel Methodist Church in New dale Saturday, August 12, at 2 o’clock, with Rev. Ear ley, a former pastor of the church, officiating) For the ceremony, the bride wore an off-the-face hat with a shoulder length veil. She earned a white Bible topped by a purple throated orchid. Before the ceremony, a program of wedding music was presetned by Mrs. Jack Young, pianist. Included in the program were Schub ert’s “Serenade,” “Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes,’’ and “Beautiful Dreamer”. During the ceremony, “I Love You Truly” was played softly. Charles Wilson, brother of the bride, and Charles McKinney, brother of the bridegroom, were ushers. Only relatives and close friends of the bridal couple were present. The mother of the bride wore a gray suit with black accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds. The mother of the bridegroom was dr essed in gray with white accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. Mrs. McKinney is a grad uate of Micaville High Sch ool and Mr. McKinney at tended that school prior to his entry into the armed services during World War 11. During the war ,he was in active service with the 75th Infantry Division in the European theatre of operations. Following a reception at the home of the bride’s parents, the couple left on a motor trip through the Great Smoky Mountains. For traveling the bride wore a suit of navy blue with white accessories and an orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. McKinney will make their home in Newdale on their return. MICAVILLE NEWS Tony Honeycutt, two and a half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Honeycutt, who was struck by a car Friday night while crossing the road at his home, is in Marion Hospital with a broken leg and arm. His condition is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Young and family of Pittsburg, Pa., are visiting friends and Micaville. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gar-' dner were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wyatt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robin son, Maurice and Betty Jo, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Robinson, Sunday, relatives in Burnsville and THE YANCEY RECORD Shower Given Miss Bessie Jones and Miss Thedra Parham inter tained Miss Geraldine Led ford, bride-elect of Jack Edwards, with a lingerie shower at the home of Miss Parham in Asheville on ; last Friday evening. Little Gail Shepherd of 1 Asheville dressed as a min ature bride presented the 1 1 gifts. Approximately 35 1 guests were present. A color scheme of yellow ' and green was carried out. Miss Ledford will be mar ried in Asheville September 1 16, at 8 o’clock at the Elk ; Mtn. Baptist Church Par sonage. The Rev. C. H. Parham will perform the ceremony. ■ SWISSNEWS Mr. and Mrs. B. W. i Hensley and daughter, ' Tonnuya Anne, of Home stead, Fla. are visiting Mr. Hensley’s mother, Mrs. A. P. Hensley. Rev. and. Mrs. B. S. Hen , sley of Sylva are visiting relatives. Mrs. W. J. Shepherd of Swiss, who underwent an operation in Biltmore Hos pital, Asheville, has re turned home and is impro ving. Mr. and Mrs Charles Yo ung of North Arlington, ; N. J. are visiting relatives ! and friendgin Newdale and j Burnsville this week. Mr. Young, is the son of the late ( Richmond L. Young. Now thousands own 2 Fine Fords When over a quarter-million families are 4 I ' fmo-Ford families there must be a reason! And • * * J. COO ' there are many! These families love the con- - —■■ I -.*■ venienee of the extra car! And they’ve found m 8 7? , that, while dividing the Jj *• fjjL. / family mileage, two m w, '£V ills money-saving Fords cost * f jlFr-zP little more than driving ,-<,.1.-. .. -.Ai : . one liighei priced tar. rJ r y HMH WJ \v W ■■£'£•■ ~ whUe iirestvxd / fk f nfMutual &»——pPu." IjL. *’"*~*W |V^P\ \ • M jt fci fail they're that easy on the purse! ! Ford offers a choice of two great economy Engines—a IOC h.p. V-8 rr «OS h.p. "Six” . f * '• with King-Size Brakes . .. with a "Lifeguard” ‘ m I I • c*S|'\ v Body . with "Fashion ar” Styling! (iowe ’ I | / < "1 '* I \\V ""* '"' t° r > xurself "Teat Sae»ii In ' torJ today. BANKS-YOUNG MOTOR COMPANY Phone 17 Burnsville, N. C HOME AGENT ,l, ‘ 1 ! The Ramseytown Club will meet at 2 o’clock on Wednesday, August 30 at the Post Office. f '—■ ‘ - ■ - - Miss Loraine Byrd of San Francisco, Cal., is vis iting friends in Burnsville this week. Mrs. Clarence Burton and son, Tommy, of Flint, Mich., who have spent sev eral weeks with Mrs. Bur ton’s mother, Mrs. Julia Mclntosh are returning home this week. They are driving through with Mrs. Jos Godfrey and Mrs. June King of Burnsville. Mrs. Godfrey will spend a week in Flint, aijd Mrs. Ring is spending a week with her husband in Pontiac. **M*WWW*r*rW**rMMM*MWWW***MrMr*W^ 2 Watch This Space 2 $ S fc For Opening Date 5 ° f 5 \ FELTS FURNITURE COMPANY $ 2 NEW BUILDING-OPPOSITE METHODIST CHURCH 2 $ J Your Town of Burnsville J 2 2 '*jsrj»'jsrjerjsrM*rM*rjrjrjtrjirjirjsrwjei r w.wji r *rjir J ar*rjrjrjirMb Annua] ReuAiijji Attention all Wheelers the annual reunion will be held at Pensacola Method ist Church, Pensacola, N. C. at 11 a. m. September 3, 1950. HOUSE FOR SALE ★ •¥* Large Colonial type residence containing 10 J ★ rooms and bath, 2Vi acres of nicely shrubbed and J ★ lands aped grounds, fronting on 3 streets, orchard $ ★ and rape arbor, stone aple house, rich vegetable $ J garden, stream running through property, rock $ ★ pool and fine old trees. Priced FAR BELOW the * ★ cost of reproduction of the house alone. | . —W. W. HENNESSEE | ★ Burnsville, Phone 2083 • J ««***««-M(*****«*****««*«**«**-M««****«««««««««««€ PAGE FIVE Mr. Ottoway Bennett and family of Charlotte spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Zeb Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hev ner and son of Lincolnton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Molt Hensley.