•■MuaiumßnanauvnßUMraiiatUHiiiißiiaiiaiiaiißiißiia'iaitin The wicked flee when no man pursueth him, But the righteous are as bold as a lion. Proverbs. VOLUME FOURTEEN SUB. RATES sl.l Duplan Official Interiews Prospective Emplo yes James Timony, Personnel Supervisor of Duplan’s Burnsville mill was in Bur nsville Tuesday through Friday of last week inter viewing prospective em ployees for the temporary training center which has been set up by the company Mr. Timony said his pur pose here at this time was not to hire personnel but to! get an idea of the labor, market in Burnsville and * Yancey County. Approxi-j mately 400 candidates for employment mere, inter-' viewed during the sour 1 days the Supervisor was| here and several more were ° not, due to the lack of time. 1 From an overall view of 1 of the labor situation here, f the prospects look good. ( Tests were given six fix- ‘ ers who underwent a cour- 1 Griffith Family Reunion A reunion of the family of Mrs. Charles Hutchins was held at Mrs. Hutchin’s home in Burnsville Sunday, August 27. Members of the family from out of town who at tended the reunion were: Mrs. Welzie Bennett of Asheville, N. C., Miss Mary Martha -Bennett of Wash ington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hughes of Erwin, Tenn., and, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCurry of Ashe ville. The other members of Mrs. Hutchins family who attended are from Yancey County. Mrs. Rilo Godfrey and family of Washington, D. C. are visiting Mrs. God frey’s mother, Mrs, George Young of Boonford. .... Due to Mechanical trou ble the Record is late this week. BEAUTY CONTEST WINNERS xgg&t. 1 Hero Jl ife £ •J L m x .' y- N't HHP v> -- v :7 ’B|Fr ipy' f r ' jl jK vM W m b * $ ||| $8&8B » ■ Miss Billie Jean Ramsey who was crowned “Miss Yancey” and Miss Virginia Callwell, the runner-up in the Annual Beauty Contest held on the Stage of the Yancey Theatre last week. Mi Yancey Record Ise of trainin Jtt the Lin -1 colnton Dupln mill. And it the Comany’s idea to begin a sc hoi to train new employees n all phases of ' the work. Mr. Tiflflny said he plan ned to rturn to Burnsville around October 15, and that tb actual hiring of employes for the various jobs vould probably begin jarouxl the .first of Novem ber. The speed at which per ' souzjiel will be hired and placed on jobs will be gov erned by the shipment of : machinery by the manufac turer. And it was believed that the current Korean situation will have no effect on receipt of the machines, since arrangements were made previously. 24 Deaths Predicted Raleigh.—Present trends indicate that 24 persons will be killed over the Lab or Day week-end, the Nor th Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles estimat ed this week. The prediction was based on the fact that 21 persons were killed over the Labor Day week-end. last year and that highway fatuities are up approximately 13 per cent. Nearly 1,100,000 motor vehicles can be expected to be on the highways at. some time over the holiday, more than during any previous holiday period in history. All leaves for patrolmen have been cancelled in an ticipation of the heavy travel. Theme for the Labor Day week-end is: Drive as you would have the other fel low drive. “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” EAR. Rebids to be Made on South Toe School Dear Mr. Howell: Confirming the decision that was reached ' at the conference between you, ' Messrs L. M. Robinson, W. M. Hall, Bill Atkins, Joe ! Thomas, and D. H. Harri son, all of Yancey County, . Mr. L. M. Gudger, your ar , chitect of Asheville, Mr. [ John L. Cameron, Director ■of the Division of School i house Planning and Sur [ veys, and Mr. Leaman and . I, of the same organization, we are of the opinion that the decision reached in our . confeience to revise the plans and issue them in j time for bids to be taken on ■ September 22nd, in order ' that an application may be presented to the State 1 State Board of Education J at its meeting on the first ’ Thursday in October, was a 1 most wise one. All of us here in the office wish to commend you, and the fine group of Yancey County citizens who accom ’ panied you, on following 5 through on the South Toe ' River School proposition in ' such an enterprising sort ' of way. All along, we have ' had the feeling that you and your associates were doing everything possible ‘ to get a building under way ' at this location, and we sin | cerdy ‘ jection of all the bids taken a few days “ago and the advertisement for new bids “ i will result in a considerable 1 saving to this county. We believe it will. Thanking you and wish 1 good wishes to all who ac companied you, L am Very cordially yours, , W. F. Credle, Consultant Division o f Schoolhouse r Planning and Surveys. i Injured From Fall Mrs. Marion Mitchell of Burnsville, is in Mission Hospital, v Asheville, N. C., undergoing treatment for a broken hip and fractured shoulder received from a fall at her home Tuesday. mumrnT STRALEYHALL, 74 Straley Hall, 74, of Pric es Creek, died at the home Tuesday afternoon after a short illness. Funeral services will be held at Prices Creek Chur ch today (Thursday) at 10:30 a. m., with buriab in the family cemetery. The Rev. T. E. Woody and the Rev. EJzie Ray officiated. Survivors include the widow; two daughters, Mrs. Cora Arrowood andi Mrs. Josie Blankenship of Cane River; four brothers, and two sisters. » Revival Services A series of revival ser vices will begin on Monday night, September 4, at 8 o'clock at Laurel Branch Baptist Church at Pensa cola. The Rev. R. A. Pate, pastor, will be assisted by the Rev. A. Z. Jamerson. The public is cordially in vited to attend the services each evening. BURNSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31,1950 MISS BENNTT HONORED Miss Jean f stennett, bride elect of Nathan Alonzo Price, Jr., was honored by a miscellaneous shower given by Miss. Evelyn Briggs, Mrs,; Robert Hill iard and MisrClonnie Hus kins at the home of Mrs. Joshua Banks on Friday night, August 25th. A color scheme of pink and white was used throu ghout the house. The table was covered with a white linen cloth and centered , with a florah arrangement ■of pink white and ! pink pon-poma and ferns, i flanked by 4«ible candle ; holders, holding lighted • pink tapers. - • | The guests were greeted 1 by Mrs. Ernest Briggs and i presented to ' the receiving ; line which consisted of Mrs. t Banks, Miss Bennett, Mrs. H. L. Bennett, mother of i the bride elect, and Miss Huskins. s r Mrs. Hilliard directed the • guests to the dining room. : Mrs. Ben Griffith served 1 white cake iced with pink, i and Mrs. Joe Young pre - sided at the punch bowl. Miss BriggSidirected the guests to the f register at which Mrs. Mark Bennett presided. Miss Edith Huskins and Mrs. Janies RpV in charge of tin? *gf?t' rifflmr; while little Julia. Byrd Ben nett and Linda Ann Banks carried gifts to the room. Eighty-nine guestk called during the evening. PAINTING CLASSES The Annual Exhibition of the Burnsville Painting Classes was held this week , iff the “Building in The Pines” at Seecelo, formerly the Mt. Mitchell Camp for Boys. This is the Fifth An nual Exhibition which has . been held by the painting school. The school is owned and operated ;by Frank ; Stanley Herring, Edward S. Shorter and Frances Hall Herring. Approximately 150 piec es, all painted by 40 stud ents enrolled this year, were shown at the exhibit. Paintings in the three categories, 'portrait, land scape, and still life, were separated as to the type of , painting, namely, oil, wafer color and tempra. This exhibit carried an outstanding collection of students’ paintings and many of the pieces shown have been sold. \ Overseas Maxwell AF Base, Ala.— Arnold D. Bradley, gee Log has been transferred to an Air Force Overseas Replac ement Depot, Colonel Leslie G. Mulzer, base command er, announced this week. While at Maxwell he was assigned as a clerk . typist with the 38615 t Composite Group, Gunter AF Base, Ala., an auxiliary base loca ted close by. Prior to entering the Air Force in December 1947 Badley attended Bee Log High School. His parents are Mr. and Mrs Carl Bradley of Bee Log. Stationed in Japan Japan —Warrant Officer Noble B. Laughrun, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.R. Laughrun of Burnsville, recently ar rived in the Far East and has ueen assigned to an air have been assigned to an air base in Japan for duty as adjutant of a unit of the Fifth Air Force. A veteran of the Europe an campaign, during the war, Laughrun fiirst enter ed the military service in July 1940 and served until 1944 as first sergeant at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. ( He was then transferred He was then transferred over seas and served with the 51st Troop Carrier Wing in Europe until Nov ember 1945. Laughrun then returned to the States and was assigned to the inspec tor general’s office of the Air University. It was' while serving there that he received his wahrant. Lau ghrun continued to serve in the Air University until March 1950 when he was alerted for overseas ship ment. He arrived in Japan in April of this year and after being assigned to the war famed Fifth Air Force, was subsequently reassign ed to his present station. Warrant Officer Laugh- Dean Parker, and their two children, Larry 7 and Diane 3, are residing with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Parker of Rt. 1, Greenville, Ala., while awaiting orders to sail for Japan. DRIVER’S LICENSE Driver’s License examin er, Jack F. Gilbert of Mar shall said today that only one-fourth of the motorists in his section whost last names begin with R, S or T have reported to his station for driver’s license exami nations. Deadline for R through T motorists to be examined for renewals is December 31. Examiner Gilbert stat ed that his daily schedule will be as follows: Marshall, Monday; Mars Hill, Tuesday; Burnsville, Wednesday and Thursday; Marshall,. Friday; Hot Springs, every Fifth Fri day. j The Glen Raven Mill of Burnsville The employees of the Glen Raven Mill in Burns ville went all out for the Red Cross August 14 by giving 60 opts of blood to the Blood Rank. Sixty five employees of the mill vol unteered as donors, how ever, blood was taken from only sixty. The Glen Raven Mill and its employees are to be com mended—seven and a half gallons of blood can save many lives. BLOODSHED BOXSCORE On N. & Highways art--' . " •* < Killed August 25 through August 28 14 Injured August 25 through August 28 177 Killed through August 28 thisyear 584 Killed through August 28, 1949 —517 Injured through August 28 this year 7719 Injured through August 28, 1949 —v 5922 First Crop of Fawns on fFlat Top Mountain The Flat Top Mountain Deer Restoration Area, which was established in the northwest corner of Yancey County last winter, has now produced its first crop of fawns, according to Frank B. Barick, North Carolina Wildlife Resour ces Commission biologist in charge of big game restor ation. Fawn sign has been seen near each of the re lease points and sign of adult deer has been observ ed ou all parts of the refuge The new refuge which was stocked last winter oc cupies about 7,500 acres of U. S. Forest Service land between ihe Nolichucky River and U. S. highway 19E-23. A total of 50 deer were released on the area, half of them from Wiscon sin and half from the Mt. Uitchell refuge in the east side of the County. .Although set up jointly by the North Carolina Wild life Resources Commission and the U. S. Forest Serv ice, this area will not be ma naged exactly the same as the Cooperative Wildlife Management Areas such as the Mt. Mitchell refuge. The main point of differen ce lies in the fact that the wiMHc-rafu.ge will be thrown open to public hunting with out a drawing or permit system when it is consider ed sufficiently stocked with deer. This period of de velopment will be at least five years, but it may be lo nger if dogs or. poaching keeps the herd from grow ing properly. According to figures co mpiled by Barick, the orig inal herd of 50 can multiply at a maximum rate of one and one-half fawns per doe each year. At this rate the re would be between 750 and 1000 head of deer in western Yancey County by 1955, and this would supply an annual buck harvest of between 50 and 100 deer from then on. This, how ever, is under ideal condi tions of protection from dogs and poaching. Poaching and dogging Contributors to Cattle Show The following establish ments in Yancey County are contributors to the Tri-j County Cattle Show to be held in Spruce Pine Sept. Ist.: Roberts Johnson, $25; B. B. Penland and Son Co., $25; Proffitt and Company, sls; Burnsville Furniture and Hardware Co., $10; Yancey County Farmers Co-op., $10; Northwestern Bank, Burnsville, $10; Rob inson’s Dairy, $10; Ray Bros. Grocery, -5; Johnson and Co., $5; Farmers Fed eration, $10; Yancey Thea tre, $5; J. N. Barnett, $5. Total $135.00. ' * ' Vl'-' Tis with our judgements as our watches, None go just alike, yet believes his Own. Pope | NUMBER FIFTY-TW' are especially serious dur ing the early years of a pro gram such as this, because each deer killed represents a great loss in breeding po tential. According to the same figures quoted above, for each doe killed during the first year, we lose 20 deer that would have issued from that deer and its off spring in the five year pro tection period. Although considerable fawn sign has been seen, the area has already suf fered some damage due to free running dogs. At least two cases of such killings have been reported which already represent a loss of 40 deer five years from now. Barick pointed out that it is a violation of the game law to allow dogs to run deer at any time, whe ther on private or govern ment land, and that the owners of dogs running deer are liable to prosecu tion. It is believed, how- , ever, that most of the dog running has been done by stray dogs, since most of the people living near the refuge are cooperating by keeping their dogs tied. The Flat Top Mountain Dope Restoration Area is the first of fts Kind to he established. It is planned to create other similar areas on Forest Service land in the western part of the State. Part of the stock for these new areas is to be se cured from established re fuges and part from Wis consin-deer being bought again this year by the life Resources Commission. Due to the fact that bucks only have been hunted on the various western wild life management areas, there exists a surplus of doe deer on most of them. Using this surplus for breeding stock on new ar eas is considered a much wiser use than opening the season on them. For vari ous reasons, all transplant ing from western areas is to be used to restock new areas in the mountain counties. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Sum ner and daughters, Vida and Joanne, of Charlotte, N. C., are visiting friends iin Buvrjsville. Mrs. C. R, Hamrick and daughters were visit ing in Georgia last . week. Vic Vet jayj lg fIF YOU USE POSTAL NOTES 7b fAY YOUR GI INSURANCE PREMIUMS BE SUQE YOU ' WRITE YOUR INSURANCE NUMBER ON TWE FRONT ! 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