I J VOMfiffi NINETEEN Draft Beards Te Dispose Os Registrants’ Files Thomas H. . Upton, State Director o t Selec. 'five Service, said today that he has received notice from the Director of Selective Service to proceed with the disposal of the individual files of registrants of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amend ed. He pointed out that any World War II registrant need ing information from hi» World War HI selective service file should request if now before „ the loss of such information by destruction of the records. The information roust be requested FUNERAL_SERVICES BASCOMB RANDOLPH Bascomto Randolph, 64, a far mer near Green Mountain, died . Friday at a Bakersville Clinic after a short illness. Funeral services were held Sunday ‘at 2:30 in Pleasant Grove Baptist Church with the Rev. Arthur Thomas and the Rev. Holland Black officiating. Burial was in the church ceroe wry- . Sqivivprg iqcitfde th« -widow, Xri, jgapah Si»*n« Randolph.; three sons, Yates and Wade qf Green fountain and Bade of Spruce Pine; four daughters, Mrs. Andrew Johnson and Mrs. B#y BpchjWan, both pf Qjeen Moqqtain, Mrs. James McQgur f¥ «f Strawberry Plains, fenn., aaad- Mrs. Paul Buchanan qf taiif; B 4 ftelph Os BqjnsviMai seventeen grandchildren and one great * grandchild. Pall bearers were Gay and Gjw Sparks, Dr. Jay Woody, Dr. Charles Phelps, Jr., R. K. and Dennis G rinds taff, and Virgil McKinney. M. H. DRYfON M. H. Deyton, 75J, retired 9sm ft 6 a. ro- April 6, qfter a long Olncsg. Funeral services were held at thp Qeyton Rend Methodist Church at 2 p. m. Euuay. The Rev. W. B. Boyato and the Rev " Surviving are the widow, Mary fqur daqgh^, Miss Jenqie Qeytqn qf % bgnn& Mrs. Charles Bradshaw of Re yes, Mrs. Joe Wilson qf Johnson Blty, fenn.,‘ and M ra - M ar v in £apce qf Qak Ridge, Tenq.; a sen, Bill, of Burnsville; and •even grandchildren, DSFGETFG We wish to thank our friends for the kindness shown ue dur ing the death and funeral of our loved one. And for the beau tiful flowers, fifty FW We wish to express heartfelt thanks and apprecia tion to pur frieqds. relatives and neighbors for their acts of kindness and expfessr ions of of sympathy sod fop |he beautiful floral offerings r«- eeived at the loss of our mother, Mrs. Loula Laughrun. The Family of Mrs. Loula Laughrun. We wish to express our many thanks for the beautiful florfil offering and sympathy showfl us during the death of our deceased one. The Family of John Grady Young. The Yancey Record sub, Bates ir.oo year. either in person or by letter signed by the registrant. Colonel Upton also stated that the Director of Selective Ser vice advises that the great majority of the World War II files have served all discernible administrative purposes in the operation of the Universal Mil itary Training and Service Act, as amended, and that the Joint Committee of Congress on the Disposition of Executive Pap ers has approved of the disposal of individual files of registrants of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. The only World War II files to he retain ed are those of registrants clas sified at any time in Class IV-C (Alien), which have been re quested by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Files obtained, under the cur rent draft act will continue to be maintained by each Regis trant’s local board. *" " "" ' * ‘ ' .."'X •■••• . r * 'i,t • ... ' '.»• Five Houses Destroyed By Fire In Last Six Weeks The home qf Jphn Qequge at Celo burned to the groumL Mon day night after being struck oy lightning. The family was anyay from home at the time of thp fire and did not know of the , loss until they returned- The loss is estiiqafed at between . eight and nine thousand dollars, 1 according to Chief Bob Hilliard of the Burnsville Volunteer Fire itnov?h to have been destroyed by fire in Yancey <3ou*tjT in a little over a month, in two of these fires a total of three lives were lost—two when a house belong ing to Mrs. Charity Griffith Shirley Murphy Wms Peace Study Gpntfst Shirley Murphy was the win ner when Micaville held fts final contest in the High School World Peace Study and Speaking Program sponsor ed by the University qf North Carolina. This program exists to encourage study and discus sion. qf the Myays of establishing just apd lasting peace. Accompanied fjy the teacher coach, Mra. Florence W. Hugh es, Mias Murphy is going pn the educational four sponsored by the American Freedom Asso ciation fp New Vttrk CHfy, the United Nations, and Washing 0. C., April 13-17. Representa tives from 38 schools through out the state will make the tour. \ YOUNG Burgsvipe, R. a, a veteran of World War *, was killed last Thursday miming when the tractor-trailer 1 truck he was ~ driving collided with another truck near lames City, Ftfo Both trucks were destroyed by‘ fire. j Two men k the other truck - also were kited, i Funeral wqre held Sunday at 2 v mi at 1 Windom : Methpdist phuWh. Rev. Fetfee and A. Z. Jtam erspn Burial was in thf Ppte Vpupgpymet«i’y.. v Surviving SFSft\e yfidofW* children, Stevf and Carqlyn; the pother, Mr Will Young of Burnsville; fiw eistdrs, Miss Sarah Young, bra, Homer Hus kins, Mrs. Mose Griffith and i Mrs. George Wight, all of Bur nsville, and Mb Rex Letterman of Lenoir; an four brothers, Jess, Terrell, imes and Carl, all of Burnsville “Dedicated to the progress of yancey county" ’ icaK ' |p ; <1 f \ Pm | tiding SALK VACCINE REPORT RELEASED — Dr, Jonas E, Salk of the University of Pittsburgh has been credited with develop ing a vaccine which ~ has been found to be an effective weapon against the great crippler— poliomyelitis, A report was made which evaluates . the re sults of, last year’s mass inocu lation with this polio vaccine. According to reports the new vaccine is 80 to , 90 percent ef feclive against, the dreaded bulbar type potidl ' # burned down on March 5, \ 1-2 miles south of Burnsville, and: one when Mrs. Emaline Heqsley perished in the fire that de stroyed her home in Burnsville on March 14. The former fire was of unknown origin, the lat ter caused by using gasoline to build a fire in a stove. The Griffith house waa valued at $25(10, the Hensley house at A vacant house belonging to L. E. Briggs burned down on Mitchell Branch on March 21, from an unknown cause, with a loss of $660. The Jay Boone home at Windom was destroyed on April 4 by a fire caused by a defective flue. The loss was around S6OOO. Damage amounting to S6GjO resulted when a qay fyelgq£ihg to Ray cuyght fire pn March 28 qn Bennett Street in Burnsville. , r Ray Garland Gets promotion |n Arfiy;. - IX Corps,; Gar land, 21, son Qf Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Garland, Green Moun tain, N. C., recently was promot- - ed to private first clasp jn Ja pan, where hf {s a member of IX Corps' 2f2th Military Police Company. The IX Corps supervises the intensive training activities of a comprehensive post-truce tra ining program for units under its control. . Private First Class Garland arrived overseas from m assignment' at Fort Jackson, S. C. A 1961 graduate of Clearmont High School at Day Book, N. €., and a former of the Briggs Mfg. Co InpDetroit, he entered the Army in)- February qf last year. Fig-ures Show Travel Increasing: to* figures just released by Great Smoky Moun tains! National Park officials, estimated travel in the park during March totaled ~ 84,122 persons. A breakdown of states repre sented and the percentage from each state rune: Tennessee, 54.3; North Carolina, 13.3; Georgia, 5.Q; Ohio, 4.6; South Carolina, 4.3; Michigan, 3.6; Illinois, 3.1; Indiana, 1.6; Wisconsin, 1.1; Kentucky, 1.0. BURNSVIUsE, N. C, THURSDAY, 14, 1955 ■- Pre-Sdtdol Clinic The District Health Depart ment will hold a pre-school clinic at the elementary school build ing in Burnsville on Monday, April 18, starting at 9 a. m. Parents of children who will be six years old on ; or ‘before Octo ber 15 are astalg) to bring their children to this clinic. — Many Yancey Churches Plan Revivals A number of revival st.vices have ibeen announced by -var ious churches of Yancey County. On April 11 jirevival services began at the Church of God in West Burnsville, The services .will continue nightly through April 24. beginning each even ing at 7:30. Thf Rev. and Mrs. Wroten Dunn qf Asheville will be the Evangelists. The Rev. H. L. Hutcherson- is the pastor- Beginning April 18 a revival meeting -Will begin at the West Burnsville Baptist Church. The Rev, R, A. Pate of Micaville will assist the pastor, the Rev. E. G. AdkTr.r. This is the fifth revival service, the Rev. Pate has conducted jiq the West Burnsville Rapti*t Church. Starting April 25, revival services are planned by the Burnsville Baptist Church and the South Bstatoe Baptist Church. The Burnsville services will begin each evening at 7:45 with the Rey. Nane Starnes of Church conducting the services. -; - > J V ' ■ ■ ' I' Toßb Presented By Clearmont Hi i The senior class of CleJrmoait High School wiir present “Take Your Medicine,” a comedy in 3 -acts, on Friday night, April 15. The seeqe qf the play i« a hospital qqqm, and the antics of the two hospital roommates, Dodson and Puckett, keep things in a continuous uproar. And there are Jack, the witty order ly, and funny Dovie Finkledink, to keep the rih-aplittlng fun mqyjng fast. One laughable sit uation follows another in quick order. There’s not a dull mom ent—this is a hew type qf really different farce. The following seniors will take part in the playßoyd Deyton, Mary Elmer Garland, Jack Evans, Marjorie Conley, ..Beverly §ilveq Vienna June Jar ret i, Jean Sparks, Keith Letterman, Toip Jbhnsqn, Vel ma Deyton,. Johnnie Robinson, Yvonne Peterson, Isaac Bailey, Elden Duncan, and Sam Gorntp. Another school affair, the annual Junior-Senior banquet, will be held Thursday night, April 21, at the Spruce Ping Country Clulb. ..•/m: ■ 1 . Sgt Marion Ray Participated In Maneuvers Ist ©iv„ Germany—Sgt. Mar ion T. Ray, 22, son of Mrs. An nie L. Ray, Burnsville, N. C., re cently participated in an Army training maneuver in Germany the Ist Infantry Division's sth Field Artillery Battalion. Testing the efficiency qf Battery A, Ray’s uqi,t, the exer cise was part qf the North At lantic Treaty Organization’s preparedness for the defense of western Europe. Ray, a section chief in the battery, entered the Army in January<l9s3 and has been ov erseas 22 months. <;• . * Mr. Donald Ketchum was called to Scranton, Penn., due to the death of his sister. • Mrs. Mabel. West left week fqr a two weeks vacation, ip Mjaml, Ela. * ‘ • < ■ i • Yancey Hospital Lists Four Births For Week ' Four births were announced ! by the Yancey Hospital for the last week. They were a daugh ter, Amelia Gwin, born April 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe Ran dolph of Bee Log; a son, Arnold, born April 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Billie Chandler of Swiss; a son, not yet named, born April 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Mack Honeycutt of Rt. 2; a daughter, Ramonia Lynn, born April 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson of Burnsville. Other admissions include Miss Connie Bryant and Baby Betty Gay Miller, both of Ramsay town; Will Austin, Mrs. Zillah Gibbs, Robert Lee Foster, Miss Nadine Johnson, and Master Daniel Boone, all of Burnsville; Elzie Silver and Ray Honey eutt, jboth of Rt. 2; Miss Louise Riddle of Star Route; Miss Shirley Riddle, Miss Thanna Riddle, and Miss Athelen Gre gory, all of Rt. 1; Master Ron nie Bryant of Day Book;. Keith Rathlburn of Hamrick; Mrs. G. C. Mclntosh of Bee Log; Mrs. Nola Miller of Cane River; and Mrs. Lucille Peterson of Relief. Burnsville Seniors Return From Washington Trip June Mclntosh, Reporter The Seniors of Burnsville High School have just returned from a trip to the nation’s capi- They left on April 4th and returned on April Bth. Miss Isle&n Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Edwards,* Mrs. Irene Riddle, 1 J and j[r. and Mrs. Bill Peffknd! The students tul’enjoyea their trip, especially climbing the Washington Monument and touring the Federal Bureau qf Engraving. The students who went along on the trip were Charles Robinson, Kenneth Dillingham, ' June Mclntosh’ Barbara Styles, Louise Riddle, Mary Cecil Bodford, Muriel England, Teddie Styles, L. G- Deyton, John Anderson', Bobby Proffitt, Glenn Fog, Tommy Higgins, Jimmy Curtiss, Edw ard Carter, Bflly Ray Edge, Genene Bailey, Hope Anrie Mc- Intosh, Dee Smith, Steve Briggs Robert Styles, Gale Hall, Gerald Peterson and James McMahan. Jacks Creek ' Community Club Meets Monday The Jacks Creek Community Club meeting will be held next Monday night, April 18 at 7:30 p. m. at the cottage by the Hunter fish pond. Mrs. Bruce Bailey is in charge. j&f . Blumh w • ■ Wm t' * ’’ j>UVlyWy . HHp!: , ■« itgflaUt &.vs#sßP!s Ira JISISrIm JBMKk '■ SSOO.QOO MANHATTAN RANK ROBBERY—Chief Henry Bardenjiageri (left) gs the Chase Wanhattan Rank in New York tells, detectives, hop- he was forced by four men to help them ( rob , the- book, where he works,. The stickup men kidnaped him . and weed him as a hostage to enter the unguarded bank and | escape with over S BOO,OOO , I I New School Board Takes Over; Justice Reelected J -V -'V p, • . 1 The new Board of Education of Yancey County met on April 4 in the office of the Clerk of Court to take the oath of office. Roy Ray was sworn in as chair man, after which the meeting adjourned. Members of the present qqpn ty school board, who were nam ed in the omnibus school bill passed toy the State Assembly, are Roy Jtay, Mildred Mclntosh, W. H. Peterson, Adrian Buch anan, Everett Johnson, Ralph Silver, and Arcemus Simmons. A second meeting of the new board was held on Saturday, Yancey Pharmacy Celebrates . 2nd Birthday •, •- x Over 18,000* prescript ions have been filled by Pharmacist J. P. Greene and Miss Bessie Parks of the Yancey Pharmacy as the store celebrated its second bir thday anniversary this week. . The store is celebrating the big event by having a ‘‘Bring a friend sale”. During this sale they will give two sodas or milk shakes for the price of one pro viding you bring a friend to drink the second one. The store opened April 11, 1953 in the new building across from the Yancey Hospital which is also occupied by Dr. C. M. Whisnant, dentist, Dr. William Gladden, optometrist, Banks and Patton Lumber Co., arid the Phoenix Beauty Shop. Killed In Auto r : Accident • Word was received on Tues day of the death of Mr. and Mrs. ;Bailey Hall in an auto ac cident somewhere in West Vir ginia, The accident occurred on Monday. Mr. Hall was a broth er of Mrs. Harry Bowen, who left on, Tuesday to attend the funeral services. -- ■ - Orthopedic Clinic To Be Held Wednesday The monthly orthopedic clinic for this district will be held on Wedneeday, April 20, in the Spruce Pine office of the Dis trict Health Department. Doc tors J. Bruce Galloway and Walter Watts, both of Asheville, will be the clinicians. Children attending the clinic should be registered not later than 11 a. m., and adults not later than 12:30, g JOIN ; NUMBER THIRTY-THREE April 9. The board reelected Hubert Justice as superintend ent and Miss Ethel Boone as supervisor. The following local school committeemen were ap pointed: for Burnsville, Alice Mclbtosh, Iliff Clevenger, ana George Wheeler; for Bald Creek, Hubert England, Blake Ray, and Roy Bucknefr; for Bee Log, Wash Wilson, G. C. Mcln tosh, and Paul Buck; for Clear mont, Jennings Fox, Howard Hughes, and R. B. Deyton; for Micaville, Rass Thomas and Burl Robinson; for South Toe, Hermon Murphy, Ed Wilsoff, and Alma Westall. In the omnibus school bill the State Assembly named the board of education members for all 100 counties of North Carolina. The previous Yancey board consisted of three mem bers : Adrian Buchanan, Yates Bailey, and Lloyd Fortner. Navy Taking Applications Os High School Students i The Navy Recruiting service is now applications of high school seniors to be enlist ed n June and July, by apply ing for enlistment now all pap ers can be completed arid the men jean leave as soon after graduation as they desire, rt wa<s announced by L. E. Fay Chief Petty Officer in charge of the Navy Recruiting Station; Ashe vm#ch3.„c. ■ i .-< & Ovcjr 150,000 . Visit Parkway In March v ?* Asheville-—According to fig ures just released by Superin tendent Sam P. Weems of the Blue Ridge Parkway, there Y ere 166,699 visitors to the Parkway during March of this year. They canje in a total of 47,544 cars. This is an increase of 65,586 or 72% over February and 11,632 or 8%, over March of last year. The Parkway will reopen the two sections that have been closed for the winter during this month. Narcotics And SIOO Stolen From ' ,-y ' .4 Yancey Pharmacy - Approximately S2OO worth of narcotics, including _oodeide, , cocaine, And morphine and abdit SIOO in cash were stolen from the Yancey Pharmacy Monday night. From the evidence, found by J. P. Greene, pharmacist and manager of the store, the rob bers broke in through a base ment window, made their way up into thf drug store where they-pried "open a steel filing cabinet that contained the moq- . ey and narcotics. Apparently nothing else was taken. Byrle Young of Dayton, Ohio visited his family in New dale last weekend. Airman and Mrs. 'J. C. Styles of Donaldson AFB, Greenvillg, - S. C. visited relatives here dur ing the holidays. Seaman Eugene Banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Banks of Bolens Creek, with his wife,“the former Miss Helen Angel, qre visitihg relatives in Burnsville and Bolens Creek during a short leave. Seaman Banks is just back from Formosa where he has been with the Seventh Fleet. Seaman and Mrs. Banks will return to California where he" will be located. . ' ~ r

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