JOIN VOLUME NINETEEN Superintendent Justice Releases School List An incomplete list of teach ers and principals appointed for the 1955-56 school year was released by Superintendent H. D. Justice. G. D. Anglin, Principal; Vernie Wilson, Islean Ray, Helen Ramsey, Woodrow Anglin, Ford Bailey, Jean Price, Joyce K. Howell, Vinita Robert son, Mrs. Annie B. Proffitt, Mrs. Lena Tilson, Lallage J. Neill, Enola P. Wilson, Lois G. Anglin, Jeanette Bailey, Ruth Hensley, Madlyn Bailey, Maphra Byrd Bennett, Ollie Young, Elizabeth Stamey, Nettie Ben nett, Sara Hensley, Nell Bailey, Margaret M. Ferguson, Hettie Price, Augustus Peterson, Zula Wilson, Pearl Randolph, Juanita Wallace, Willie Molt Hensley. Pensacola: Dawson Briggs, Orlena J. Williams, Ossie Ben nett. Bald Creek: E. D. Wilson, Principal; Lola Ann Hensley, Vera C. Ray, Maphra Wilson, Norma Pate, Paula M. Higgins, Doris G. Tomberlin, Edrus Led ford, Madge Carter, Jan Laugh ridge, Virginia P. Bailey, Nancy Fox, Ruth Buckner, Ottis Gibbs, Hattie Phoenix, Lillian- Tomber lin, Evelyn Wilson, David Pet erson, Pauline B. Hensley, Bob by Severs, Burl Maney," Jack Mctfntosh, Anastasia Tomberlin. Prices Creek: Lola B. Wilson. Bee Log: Edgar F. Hunter, Principal; Lucy Randolph, Lena Fagan, Kate B. Robinson, Opha Hylemon, Bonnie Marrow, Lou etta R. Mclntosh, Opal Johnson, Baxter Silver, Edna Jamerson, Lois Byrd, Walton Angel, Eula Howell, Erma Peterson, Hazel Wilson, Wade Holloway, Cora W. Cox, Mrs. Horace H. Cox. Lost Cove: S. B. Conley. Clearmont: John Hansil, Principal; Richard Howell, Myrtle Peterson, Ora Byrd, Maglee Ray, Ruth Jobe Rice, Ola Edwards, Lois Anglin, Thelma Gomto, Frank Deyton, Nona K. Deyton, Joyce Tilley Yancey Revolutionary Soldier To Be Honored Plans are being made for j the unveiling of a historic mar- 1 yer to Zephaniah Horton, a re volutionary soldier from this area. Descendants of Zephaniah Horton are asked to get in touch with William Cock of Asheville or Mrs. A. G. Barnett, regent of the Edward Buncombe chapter of the D A R. Library Open House Draws Good Attendance Open House at the Yancey County Public Library in Bur nsville attracted a “standing room only” crowd on Friday evening, May 6. The library room was decor ated with arrangements of ° dogwood and wild crab apple blossoms by members of the Burnsville Woman’s Club. The Club served refreshments of cake and punch and presented a bookmark summarizing the progress of the library to each person attending. Mm. E. L, Briggs served as chairman of the committee j which planned the open house program. Burnsville Woman’s Club was the sponsor of the first public library in Burnsville in 1923. This year the Club has also donated S6O toward the cost of new shelving needed in the pre sent, library quarters. Other clubs contributing have been: Burnsville Men’s Club, $60.09; Lions Club, $50.00; Garden Club, SIO.OO. The Yancey record sufe. RATES $2.00 YEAR. * Fox, Phyllis Bailey, Dorothy S: Ray, Delzy D. Bradshaw, Reece Wilson. Micavilie: Shelby L. Robert son, Principal;. Florence Hugh es, Elizabeth Wes tall, Edith Robinson, Margaret Griffith, Louise P. Hughes, Robert Pet erson, fe. 8.-Ray, Carroll Angel, Charles B. Tomberlin, Hazel Wyatt, Helen Silver, Claude Sil ver, Sara Silver, Minnie Young, Elizabeth Clapp, Lillian Robin son, Elma Griffith, Eram. Lewis, Eva Robertson, Alberta Camp bell, Artie Lee Peterson, Doris Young, Elma Young, Gladys Gillespie, Jennie Owens, Edith Huskins, Bernice Justice. Double Island: Ruby Wheeler. .South Toe: Monroe Mclntosh, Principal; Mae Chrisawn, Bess Lewis, Clara Byrd, Luna E. Ray, Mollie V. Hensley, Lillian Mclntosh, Hazel Dellinger, Winnie Murphy, Tensie Bailey, C. B. Bennett. Blood Collection Falls Short Os Small Quota The Bloodmobile collected 68 pints of blood from donors Friday at the community build ing. This was 32 pints less than the quota. Eight offers of blood were rejected. Drs. C. F. Mcßae, M W. Webb, W. A. Y. Sargent, and E. R. Ohle and Mrs. Willard Honeycutt, R. N., gave their services in examining donors. Mrs. Dover Fouts headed tne volunteer workers, who consist ed of Mrs. Fred Proffitt, Mrs. Ransom Higgins, Mrs. Horace Edge, Mtfs. Hobart Ray, Mrs. Wm. Bennett, Mrs. Wesley Rob erts, Mrs. Torrey Tyner, Mrs. Jack Bailey, Mrs. Paul Bigger staff, Mrs. Worth Royals, Mrs. Leo Goode, Mrs. C. 3. Sperry, Mrs. James Hurst, and Mrs, M. C.. Honeycutt. Harry Bowen and Bob Helmle assisted in set ting up the equipment. The following donated blood: Michael Votta, Howard Wright, Mrs. Wilma Ketchum, H. L. Harris, Gene Howell, Troy Hill iard, Carl Wheeler, Hulan Boone, Bill Silver, W. A. Higgins, Lu ther J. Banks, Mrs. Lena Anglin, Mrs. Ethel Hall, Mrs. L. J. Banks, Kenneth Robertson, Seth Peterson, E. L. Dilling ham, William Bledsoe, Dixon Bailey, Miss Lola Mace, Miss Evangeline Banks, Miss Char lotte Jean Fox, Miss Jean Hen sley, Royce Howell, Mrs. E. K. Smith, Philip J. Howell, Mack B. Ray, Arthur Hughes, Mrs. Vay Anglin, Robert B. Hilliard, L- V. Pollard, J. N. Barnett,* Robert W. Ramsey, Ashton Ram- Jay Edge Elected President Os Yancey Merchants Jay Edge was elected presi dent of the Yancey Merchant’s Association at the annual meet ing held last Monday at the L & B Cafeteria. Vincent Westall was elected vice president. Dir ectors for the commg--year are Joe Young, Will Price', Lloyd j Owens, Reggie Taylor, B. R. Penland, Henry Stamey and Os Deyton. Mrs. L. G. Deyton was re-elected as secretary-treasurer The organization named the month of M{iy as membership month when new members will be accepted. Other business included plan ning a directors meeting to be held at 8 p. m. May 16 in the Association office and plans to have a general meeting every three months. “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY* raK-ml V re, ■ m \ m 11 II ’ i west Germany be i comes a sovereign na tion Chancellor Konrad . Adenauer iQoks pleased as the , British and J'rench deposit the i ratified Paris treaty papers at . the Chancellery in Bonn, Ger i many. Almost 10 years to the , day after Hitler’s Reich crumb , led, West „ Germany is restored to the rayiks of free states. sey, James W. Ray, Jr.; ■ Philip Westall, Miss Olive Flaim, J. Hubert Cooper, Phyllis Ruth Bailey, A. W. Rector, Lewis Butner, James Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, Frank Randolph, Geneva Benninger, Mrs. Virginia Boone, Earl Ben niiiger, .Afcemus Simmons, Mrs. Dorothy Thomas, Jack Norman Shankle, Arthelia Brooks, Mrs. Lena Harris, Miss Ruby Mcln tosh, Arnold E. Higgins, Robert . Helmle, Vincent Westall, Roy Ray, Mrs. Charles Tilley, Mrs. , L. E. Hall, Emmett F. Williams, Robert Lee Westall, Joe Hollar, Harold C. Anglin, Mrs. June Robinson, Mrs. Howard Gar land, Oscar W. Deyton, Dr. E. R. Ohle, Mrs. Ada Sue Bowan. , Mrs. Ada Sue Bowen, Miss Ruby Mclntosh, and Os Deyton became Gallon Glub members at the collection. Yancey Schools Present Drama Festival Here The Drama Festival of the county high schools will take place in the Pafkway Playhouse in Burnsville Friday and Satur day, May 13 and 14 at 8 p. m., announced Miss Ethel Boone,, county supervisor. Each high school in the' county will put on a one act play. Micavilie and Clearmont High Schools will present their plays Friday and the other schools will give theirs on Saturday. Weiner Roast Planned For Jacks Creek Meeting A picture show and a weiner roast will be special features of the next regular meeting of the Jack’s Creek Community Club. Because of a revival going on in the community, the club will i hold its regular meeting Mon l day night, May 16, in the cot tage by Ed Hunter’s fish pond, s -Assistant County Agent.Will-J 1 iam Bledsoe and Buster Stamey , ofJack’s Creek will be in charge i of the program, i Everyone who comes is asked • to bring his own weiners -and ! rolls. The rest of the meal will > be furnished by the club. I Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Orr and • daughter visited relatives here ! over 'the weekend. s Mr. and Mrs. Barefoot and > son. of Canton, were guests of r Mr. and Mrs. I. F McCourry last weekend. BURNSVILLE, N. C„ THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1956* NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In order to hold a jn!>lic dis cussion of the U -S. Forest Ser vice Christmas Tree harvesting, and other land management policies on Roan Mountain, re presentatives of the U. S. For est Service will meet with all interested persons in the Mit chell County Courthouse on Friday, May 20, 1965 at 9 a. m. It will be desirable for all at tending the meeting to come prepared for a trip to the top of Roan Mountain, after the indoor meeting, to personally inspect the Christmas''"Tree areas, and existing or proposed developments on the Roan. Forest Sendee representa tives will conduct a tour and . arfbwed questions concerning the operations, according to B. J. ! Morris, Forest Supervisor. - rJf : s ’ TOWN HEAD ||ljb n J| H# flg reece mcintosh Town Leaders Reelected Without Opposition » Reece Mcfntosh, W. Joshua Banks, and James W. Ray were unanimously reelected as mayor and commissioners for the town of Burnsville. Only fifty five persons voted at the town election held in the county court house with Mcln tosh and Ray each getting 54 votes and Joshua. Banks fifty three. All ballots but four voted the straight ticket as printed. These four voted for one or two of the nominated candidates and left the balance of the bal lot blank. There were no writ in candidates. . —i Burning Banned Until Rain Conies - mm pmmmmmp Craig English, county forest ranger, announced that all burning permits previously is sued have been cancelled and that no more burning permits will be issued until forest fire danger has lessened. He stated that due to the extended period of dry weather no burning ‘ of any kind within 500 feet of forest land will be permitted in the county. He stated that u ’ hard soaking rain is needed be fore these restrictions can be lifted. CORRECTION . In last week’s account of the Clearmont P. T. A., meeting it ' | was erroneously stated that the . ‘ next meeting would be on , I Thursday, May 17. The correct I time is Tuesday, May 17, at [ 7:30 in the Clearmont school I 'auditorium. The Yancey Record I takes this opportunity to con gratulate the new Clearmont P. T. A., and hopes that Tues- I day’s meeting will be well „ attended and successful. I Dr. J. C. Cornwell, veterinar ’ ian will be out of town from r Thursday, May 12 through Tuesday, May 17. Two Occidents In Yancey Over Weekend _ v . v . Two auto accidents, one of them fatal, occurred in Yancey County over last week-end, Paul Howard Price, 30, of Burnsville, Rt. 2, was killed instantly in' a two-car collision on highway 19E about .2 mile west of Bur nsville (below the Love Fox service station) Sunday morn ing about 5 o’clock. According to Highway Pa trolman A. W. Rector, the ’55 Chevrolet in which Price was a passenger, said to hsfVe been driven by Charles Burdette Allen, 27, of Burnsville, slid sideways into the head of a’ ’49 Chevrolet from the opposite direction driven by Thomas Edward Proffitt, 20, of Burns ville. At the time of the crash the first car was passing a ’4O Ford driven by Duane “Smokey” Smith, 16, of Burnsville, on a curve. r Allen suffered a crushed chest and is in a serious condi tion in an Asheville Hospital. Frank Phillips, 22, of Burns ville, R. 1, who was also riding in the car, received a fractured right arm and body cuts and bruises. Proffitt, who was alone in the other car, suffered brok en ribs and body bruises. Both cars were demolished. The car in which Price was killed was owned by S. A. Boat, Jr., of Burnsville. No arrests were made, stated Patrolman Rector, pending the outcome of Allen’s injuries and further investigation. This was the third fatal traffic accident in the county so far this yea#/' The other two deaths were of pedestrians. Funeral services for Paul Price were held at 2 p. m. Mon day in the, Windom Free Will Baptist Church, with the Rev. T. E. Woody, the Rev. Francis t Radford and the Rev. Fulton ! Williams officiating. Burial was in Honeycutt Cemetery. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Ola Price; two brothers, Ward and Kenneth of Burnsville; and his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Price of Bur nsville, R. 2. Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Hn the other week-end acci dent, at 12:40 Saturday noon, Murray Wright of Burnsville, R. 2, received body bruises and severe lacerations of his face. His car, a ’55 Chevrolet, was demolished when, it left the highway on the right, hit a pile of crushed rock, swerved back across the road, and struck the left bank. He was alone in the car. The accident occurred 2 miles west of Burnsville on 19E, near the Drive-In Theatre. 91 f 1 1 < 1 I ' < ■< SIAMESE TWINS TO LEAD SEPARATE LIVES Pris sana, left, and Napit Polpinyo, 28-month-old Thailand Siamese ‘ twins who were successfully separated at the University of Chicago mOUatVmtltrrlmtikttm 'ltmrwQk -tktir-imne; Miss 1 Jirapon Karsemsak, in the first pictures permitted since their ( i separation. The twin girls are ftdly recovered and ready to return to Thailand later this month. , • * r ■ . .i Many Events Planned For Dogwood Festival m mm The Dogwood Festival of the Burnsville schools will take place on Tuesday. May 19. In case of rain the festival will be postpon de to the following day, Wednes day, 'May 18. « Burnsville School Band will lead a parade of students from the schooll to the square, starting at two p.m. Following the band in order will be the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, May pole dancers, . student council, the float bearing ahe candidates for queen, the 12th grade students in cap and gown, and all other grhdes of the school, each carrying a banner or pennant emblazoned with the cardinal ideals of education. Onn the square the students will take their places around the throne platform where thequeen will be crowned. “The Star Spangled Banner” sung by all will begin the ceremony. The in vocation will be given by the teverend Chafiea Trammel. May- Stork Leaves Five At Yancey Hospital This Week Five births and twenty-two other admissions were reported for the week by the Yancey Hospital. The births are as follows: a soir, David Lee, born May 4 to Mr. and Mrs. James Wooten of Asheville; a daughter, Mickey Lynn, 'born May 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goins of Spruce Pine; a son Michael Charles, ’ born May sto Mr. and Mrs. 1 Charles Hopson of Green Moun • tain; 1 a son, James Paul, bom 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 1 Thomas of Burnsville; and a * son, Edward Lee, born May 8 ; to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lee Riddle of Burnsville. Other admissions include Mrs. Bobby Brown and Frank Phil lips, both of Rt. 1; Baby Sharon Blankenship, Mrs. Bessie Ray, Mrs. Clyde Whittington, and Miss Ethel Maney, all of Cane River; Mrs. Mollie Phillips and Mrs. Jennie Crane, both of Bald Creek; Mack Robert Pitman of Spruce Pine; Baby Marvin Hol land, Jr., and Mrs. Grace Mc- Mahan, both of Star Route; Mrs. Vada Wilson of Celo; Dewey Mitchell, Sehvyn Hen sley, Mrs. Ruby Mallory, Mrs. Ruth Riddle, Edward Proffitt, Charles Young, and Mrs. Myrtle Hill, all of Burnsville; Murray Wright and Harley Hughes both of Rt. 2; and Mrs. Golda Williams of Ramsaytown. v" ■■ NUMBER THIRTY-SEVEN or Reese Mclntosh will deliver the welcoming address. “The Old North State” will then be sung. Superintendent of Schools H. D. Justice will deliver an address and crown the queen, followed by a solo from the band. The May pole dancers will perform next, after which High School Principal Garrett Anglin will give an address. The song “America” will be sung. The Reverend Worth Royals will give the benediction, and the band will play a postlude march. As a planned finale to the Dogwood Festival, a Queen’s Ball will be held at the commun ity building Bp.m. op Fri day evening, May 20, in honor of the queen and all her attend ant contestants. Formal attire for others attending is optional. - AH junior and senior high school students and their par ents are especially invited. Other couples not in this group are also welcome to attend. Re freshments will be served. Ad mission will be 40 cents per per son, 75 cents per couple. The contest for deciding the queen of the Dogwood Festival is being sponsored by a group of local stores, each of which sponsors one candidate. People “vote” for the queen of their choice by making a donation of money at the store sponsoring this candidate. The candidates and their sponsoring stores'are as follows: 6th grade, Brenda Phoenix, Binnie McCurry, Ruth Jones; 7th grade, Betty Sue MoGurry, Barbara Buchanan; Bth grade, Mary Alice Westall, Wanda Buchanan; 9th grade, Cynthia Randolph, Janice Ray; 10th grade, Barbara Hensley, Jaqui line Harris; 11th grade, Nan Phipps, Helen Allen; 12th grade, Hope Ann Mclntosh, Mary Cecil Bodford. Anti Rabies Clinic For Dog’s Planned The District Health Depart ment is sponsoring Dog Vacci nation Clinics for Rabies at the time and places listed below. Dr. J. C. Cornwell, D. V M will conduct the clinics. The small fee of. SI.OO per dog is all it costs to protect your dog from ' one of the most fatal diseases known to medical science. Micavilie, on the School grounds, Saturday, May 21, 1 p. m. to 3:00 p. m. Bald Creek, on the School grounds, Saturday, May 21, 3:30 p. m. to 5:30 p„ m. Burnsville, at the 'back en trance to the Farmers Federa tion, Saturday, May 28, 1 p. m. to 4:00 p. m. a - Manager At , Yancey Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. W/lliam Black ' have recently moved to Burns ville where Mr. Black is now working as the new pharmacist at the Yancey Pharmacy. A native of Champaign Coun- ' ty, Illinois, Mr. Black studied at Butler and Valparaiso Uni versities, both in Indiana, ma ioring in chemistry. Be receiv ed a bachelor of science deiree in pharmaceutical chemistry at Butler and a similar degree in chemistry at Valparaiso. The new pharmacist’s previous experience includes 5 years in a pharmaceutical manufactur ing plant, 4 years in a drug store, and 4 years as chemiet in a New York City factory. Stating that he has lived in dared that Yancey County peo ple are the friendliest he has met so far.

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