sfdasfd VOLUME NINETEEN Two Appointments In County Agent Office Two appointments to the Yancey County Agent’s office have been onnouncea. W. H. Anderson, a native of McDowell County has been ap pointed to succeed Albert Ram sey as assistant county agent working on the TVA demon stration farm program, accord ing to W. B. Collins, district farm agent?" Anderson, a veteran of World War II is a graduate of N. C. State College with a masters degree in agricultural educa tion and a minor in agricultur al economics. He was reared on Bathing Costs Go Up In Burnsville Baths will be more expensive in Burnsville after the first of July. The water rate for the Town of Burnsville will be $2.25 per month for each water connec tion or account. A discount of twenty-five cents for each con- 8 nection or account will be al- j lowed for paying the bill on or I before the 10th of the month I when it is due. The decision to increase the f rate was made by the Town | Board of Commissioners be- | cause of extensive repairs need- ] ed on reservoir No. 1, and be- 1 cw.se of a large sum outstand- 1 ing in water bonds issued by the Town of Burnsville matur- | •ing in 1965. The commissioners | hope to pay these bonds with- <1 out increasing the tax rate. 4-H Club Announces 1 Two New Awards Two National 4-H award pro- I grams, public speaking and com- I munity relations, give 4-H’ers I ■opportunity to develop personal I talents and gain recognition and ; I awards for their efforts. | I In the public speaking pro-' I gram, medals are provided for j I the winning boy and girl in each. I county. The top ranking boy in j I the* state receives a 19-jewel I watch, and the winning* girl a j chest of silver. The Pure Oil ■Company, donor of awards, also ■offers an all-expense trip to the National 4-H Club Congress ip 'Chicago, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, and a 4300 scholarship to the boy \ and ] ■girl national winners. Through the Community Re lations program, 4-H members ► bring the ideals and 'values of | (Continued on page two) i } . i i FUNERALSERVICES: BILL ROBINSON- -/ _ - ' A Bill .Robinson, 35, of Burns- f v ville, ■JIFID 2, an employe of Car olina, Minerals Corp., died June il4th in a Morganton Hospital after a brief Pl^ess. services were held June 15 at 2 p. m. in the Shoal Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. James Beaver and the Rev. Clar ence Buchanan officiated Burial will be in the Double Is land Cemetary. Survivors are the widow, two (sons, Ronnie and Jerry Lee, of the home; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson of Kona; four sisters, Miss Emma and ■Miss Beula Robinson of Kona, Mrs. Wyatt Hoilman .of Green Mountain and Mrs. Emery Young of Bakersville; live bro thers, Lawerence of Green Mountain, Eugene of Millers, Md., Cecil of Henderson, Rob ert of Burnsville and George of Kona. The Yancey Reu - ■ - ■ ■ ■ SUB. RATES YEAR. a farm in McDowell County where he .attended Gleriwood High School. |ln 1947 he was married to Miss Marie 6olick of Hickory. In addition to Yancey Coun ty, his work territory includes Madison, Avery and Watauga Counties. Former Home Agent Wanda Greene Garland will be succeed ed by Miss Sue Nottingham, according to an announcement by Miss Mary Harris, district home agent. Miss Nottingham’s appointment becomes effective July 1. * > A native of Kingsport*, Tenn., Miss Nottingham has been em ployed for the past two years by a Tennessee power company as a home economist. She is a graduate of the University of Tennessee with a degree in home economics. Miss Nottingham had eoiV Isiderable training and experi ence as a 4-H Club member. DUPLAN PICNIC STYLE SHOW \ I. h! 1H -. The above photo taken at the . Duplan Pknic shows Shir ley Robertson, left, and Billie Lou Ayers about to start off in the sack race. Caroline Justice won in this classification. DUPLAN EMPLOYEES PARTICIPATE IN GAMES AND CONTESTS AT PICNIC About 450 Duplan employees ‘ and their guests enjoyed com- ‘ pany sponsored picnic Sunday. June 12, at the Optimist Club - Park near Morgan ton. The feature event was a 7- inning softball game between the "Supervised Braves" and 1 the “Supervisor (Not So) Braves,” with the former win ning 4 to 3. Winner of the rolling pin throwing contest'was Mary Hose Silvers, Mildred Mclntosh being runner-up. ' George-and Rogur Banks were the horse shoe pit ching champions. The team of Ruth Banks and Delor Anglin won the egg throwing contest for the women; the team of ! Frank Gillespie and Wayne Adkins won for the men. In the sack race Caroline Justice was first place winner for the women’s group; Wayne Adkins for the men; Melva El liott for teen-age girls; Charles English for teen-age boys; Shir ley Ann Terry for young girls; and Traceys Banks so r young boys. Emmett Williams, plant 1 manager for Duplan, awarded the prizes in these contests, v “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” Sheep Production Increasing In County v ~ by Mack B. Ray Since late summer or early fall is the beet time to start a small farm flock, Yancey farm ers desiring to keep sheep should begin making definite plans now Sheep rasing does not require expensive equipment or heavy labor but does require steady and continuous attention. For the beginner good grade ewes and a purebred ram are re commanded. Western bred year ling ewes or local ewe lambs are now available. A new grow er may acquire experience with fewer than 20 ewes. To encourage more sheep production en Yancey farms all (County Agricultural Workers are now working on a “Lamb Chain Project” similar to the Pig Chain for 4-H Ijeys and Girls. Details of tbe project will be announced later. It is hoped that over a five year period the project will cover the county. Sheep production in Yancey County reached an all timee low in 1952. Today the industry is (Continued on page 3) also presented bags of n'oceries as door prizes to 57 employees. I Each employee attending was given a . 4-yard length of "Dup-j lan dress material upon enter-' ing the picnic area. Each child j was given a hand ball and bag of candy. Many Receive Health Services Ninety-five persons received! services Monday in the Burns ville office of the District Health Department, most of these dul'ing the afternoon clinic. Services rendered includ ed immunizations, examinations blood tests), examinations of boys and girls prior to going to camp, and arranging for the correction of dental defects through the School Health Fund. DR. OHLE ON VACATION Dr. E. R-v Ohle will be away June 26th through July 10th, and the Celo Health Center Will be closed accordingly. v BURNSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, June 23,1955 ! Vets Receiving Aid Must Report IncreaseTn Income -4r Veterans and the widows and children of deceased veterans receiving pension from Veter ans Administration should re port immediately any increase in income which would raise their annual income above the statutory limitations. This warning was sounded today by the YA. To remain eligible for pen sion under the law,. VA said, pensioners of World War L World War TI and of the Kor ean conflict may not have an annual inconae from other sour ces exceed mg $1,400 without dependents;" or $2,700 with wife or minor children. . VA ehdfcSyihe annua) incoihe of pension through the’medium of annual which are dis tributed aßbat January 1 every year. !. Later, if; the person receiving the pensio’h' fails to notify VA ( promptly of an increase in in come which raises tois annual income above the statutory lim it, payments will be discontin ued retroactively to the first of ' the year. This creates an over payment,' according to the ! agency, and is subject to re covery by the Government. If receiving the . pension notifies VA promptly ‘ of such increase, payments ) will be jpscontinued as of the j date t|S last; payment was T no oyer-payment will Activities Announced ■ .< ! Baptist Assemblies at Ridgq- 1 crest, Caswell, Fruitland, and i Glorieta are expected to attract i a number of Yancey County Baptists this summer. According to Rev. Charles B. i Trammel, pastor of the First,.: Baptist Church in Burnsville, ’ the first Training Union Week at Fruitland opened Monday, June 20. James P. Morgan, Training. Union Secretary, is directing the program for this state-wide week. Those who i were planning to attend fpom i this county included Myra Hoi- i combe, Selden Gladden, Doris « King, Carolyn Buckner, Cyn- 1 ithia Randolph, Susie McCurry, ! David Hall, ( Mickey Yelton, ' Dennis England, Charles Ran dolph, Jimmy Lewis, Jerry Holcombe, R. L. Mclntosh, Randy Riddle, and Lester Heavener. At Caswell Baptist Assembly the week of June 27-July 3 will consist of the Junior Royal j Ambassador. Camp and the 1 Music Conference. At Ridge fCrest the Woman’s Missionary I Union and Young Women’s ; Auxiliary Conferences are being ! held from June 23 to 29, and the Foreign Mission and Bro- ( therhood Conferences from June 30 to July 6. At the Glori eta Assembly the Training Union will meet from June 23 to July 6. I It is also announced that • Miss Erma, Styles of the First : Baptist Church, Burnsville, will ' work with a group of Intermed iates this summer who wish to ■ study and increase their know ledge of the fundamentals of church music. EPISCOPAL SERVICES ANNOUNCED The St . Thomas Episcopal Mission of Burnsville will hold regular services and Holy Com munion every first and third Sunday at the pavillion at Camp Mt. Mitchell for Girls. Services will start at 7:30 a. m. All persons interested are invited ito attend Episcopal Services. -3&31 ' * -oSl : . x-. : .^|9w JtejW / JgHy| MISS ALLING } * " Bible Characters Portrayed ’ Ardis Ailing, interpreter of Bibljcal stories’ Is back in wes tern North Carolina, after an appearance at Peace College, Raleigh for the training school of the Presbyterian Women of the state. 'During this annual southern tour she will appear before the Southwestern Meth odist Assembly. Lake Junaluska, Saturday evening, June 26th and the following Sunday morning before the Church i School. Os particular interest to this community will be Miss Ailing’s appearance Tuesday afternoon, June 28th at two o’clock at the Mars Theatre, Bakersville. Mrs. Earl Rannells is program chair- < man. There will be many will ■ remember Miss Ailing’s * recent f ppg«»» j n Burnsville, i lpflEU£e l ine *•■■■ . n r i“tvHer, iy. North Carolina, and some of hern iiew portrayals are reported to be as entertaining and inspir ing as those previously wit nessed. Miss Ailing is now visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simpson ■ in BurnsvilW. J,.. ; ONLY THREE BIRTHS ANNOUNCED IN TWO WEEKS AT YANCEY HOSPITAL Only three births were an nounced by the Yancey Hospital for the last two weeks. These included a son, Randall A., born June 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dover of Burnsville; a son, Edward Oliver, born June 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Payne of Cane River; and a daughter, Yancey 96 In Tax Evaluation Yancey County ranked 96 of the state’s 100 counties in as sessed valuation of real and personal property .per capita listed by white residents in 1963. The white per capita pro perty evaluation for the county was $494; the non-white per capita property evaluation, $165. This, information for Yancey and all other counties in the state is given in a table recent ly compiled by the North Caro lina Department of Tax Re search and State Board of As sessment. A study of the table shows that colored residents of Yancey County have the high est per capita property evalua tion in proportion to that of white residents, of any county in the state. This does not (mean, of course, that their ac tual per capita property evalu ation is the highest. It means that the difference between the average amount of property owned by the two racial groups is less for Yancey than for any other county. Colored citizens of Yancey County average 33% as much property per person as do white citizens of the county. The opposite extreme in the Mens, v . t) ,\v " /’• Goal * t er A dual purpose fund raising campaign, aimed at assuring Yancey County a new Health Center Building, and to pro vide the necessary funds to as sure the continuation of the blood program in Yancey Coun ty is now in full swing. The early results of : the campaign, which has been undertaken by the Burnsville Men’s Club, in cooperation with the Lions Christine Wilson At Methodist Conference Christine Wilson of Bald Creek, representing thj> Method ist Student Movement at West ern Carolina College, was among nearly 400 college students and adult counselors who attended an eight-day leadership train conference at Lake Junaluska. The metting opened June 7 and ran through June 14 at the Methodint Church’s southwest ern summer assembly. Delegates from 12 states and several for eign countries attended. Dr. Harvey C. Brown of the Methodist Board of Education headquarters in Nashville, Tenn., directed the conferene^. Dr. Peter Bertocci, Boston University, was the daily plat form speaker on the conference theme, “Christian Alternatives to Aimlessness.” Bible studies were led by Dr. Jack S. Boozer of Emory University, Atlanta, allies**' missions,“ mu sic, and social action. The conference was one of six regional training programs sponsored across the country this summer by the Methodist Student Movement. also born June 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Laws of Green Mountain. Other admissions include Miss Darlene Proffitt, Mrs. Genevieve Mclntosh, and Mrs. Ruth Towe, all of Cane River; Samuel Thomas of Newdale; Mrs. Veo Byrd of Ramsaytown; Baby George Hughes, Mrs. Wilma Ketchum, Mrs. Eliza beth Young, Joe Smith, Johnny Proffitt, Wm. M. Westall, Mrs. Gladys Coletta, Miss Nettie Beaver, Mrs. Vivian Murdock, Nelson King, and Johnny Gill espie, all of Burnsville; Miss Predith Carroll, Mrs. Billie Rene Silvers, Mrs. Rose Butner, Mrs. Annie Silvers, and Ralph Griffith, all of Route 2; John Pate and Mrs. Grace Edwards lof Swiss; Baby Barbara Jean Roberts and Miss Imogene Hig igins of Pensacola; Edgar Man ley Cranford of Concord; Mrs. Frances Doan and Baby Camil le Elkins, both of Route 1; Mrs. Earlene McCourry of Day Book; Baby Deborah Huskins, Miss Mildred Robinson, and Cling Hughes, all of Green Mountain; Mrs. Mary Alice Carroll of Asheville; Miss Bar bara Burleson and . Mrs. Flor ence of Bakers ville; LaFoy of Char lotte, anjl Merritt Smith of Celo state ii in Forsyth County, where colored citizens average less than 6% as much property as white. |lt was pointed out that all these figures deal only with real and personal property, " not income, and that the rela i itive position of the Negro in > North Carolina is much better . in regard to income than to 5 property. aghly encour . .nmittee who re- P*- j importance of the ajectives is gener ally rt gnized in the County and that many generous contri butions have been received. The goal for the Health Cen ter is $2,200, which must be raised by public contributions. This amounts to only 8 per cent of the cost of the health center building. Another 8 per cent will be furnished by the County, and the balance, or 84 per cent, will be paid by the State and Federal Governments. The new health center will be located on a lot of approxi mately one acre which is now a portion of Camp Ray on Mitch- „• ell Branch. The State Health Department representative who approved this site, considered it a very'suitable one for the purpose, and stated that the Health Department now favors the location of health centers at a little distance from the congested down-town centers of towns. The new site at present belongs to the Town of Burns ville, but title to the lot will be transferred to the County. To provide for continuation of the blood program r the goal of the present drive approxi mately $1,350, which is the amount by which Yancey Coun ty has fallen short of its quota for the American Red Cross. A large part of this quota used to defray expense. 1 processing and delivering blood J and other costs 'of the blood 1 Altho the comrHlttee members I are collecting for both projects, jj the two funds are being ac- jj counted for separately, and the ■ wishes of all contributors are ■ being respected as to which I fund their donations will go. a It will be impossible for the B collectors to see everybody who H may wish to contribute to these* funds. Donations from anyone* who has been overlooked will* gladly be received by Bobß Helmle, who is- acting as treasJß urer of the funds. -p Civil Service Examaa For Cartographer A civil service examinaticrj*’ 1 for Cartographic survey aid hgK? been announced for filling* p sitions paying from $2,500 *22* $4,205 a year in the U. Coast and Geodetic Surv4s« Jobs are located with mobiy a field units operating through® out the United States and uA location is changed frequen© ffi Persons unwilling to travel tn 3; most continuously should apply for this examination.®?? No written test is requi£sMM Applicants may qualify on ©MW basis of appropriate experiefircfiS For jobs paying $3,175 above, a part of this experifflyja must have been in specialjjßGffin field survey work. ProvisioiSw made for the substitution® J education for part of thejG&&| quired experience. The agHjgfe desires only men for flijlife positions. I||l^ , Applications will be accßjSs§i •until further notice and / , be filed with the Board ■ Civil Service Examiners, • and Geodetic Survey, D Bfi|| t ment of Commerce, W«l . r ton 25, D. c. '’Mpl , Further information a® . - plication forms may be y&Ssrl i ed from many post j throughout the country ■ jj ) the U. S. Civil Service sion, Washington 25, Tim?^ "'■apglM

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