VOLUME TWENTY Tragedy Averted By a German War Bride Mrs. Ford a native of _ Germany who now lives In Green Mountain, made a heroic rescue last Thursday when she saved S. C. Hughes of Green Mtn., and her husband from drowning. The inci dent occurred about 12 noon Thu rsday in Cane River, about a mile north-west of Huntdale in Yan cey County, where Hughes, his wife and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, also of Qreen Mtn., had gone on a pcnic. Hughes and Wallace had been swimming for about 20 minutes when Hughes swam into the deeper water and was caught in the undertow of a whirl-pool. In PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH e NEWS ' The Presbyterian Church pic nic, which was to have been held on Water Tower hill last Tuesday night, had to be held in the chur- ch on- account of the cold damp weather. Nevertheless there was quite a good turn-out, with plenty of'ood and jollity, and a program afterwards, At the WometlV Association meeting last Thursday evening in Mrs. Lena Tilsoq’s home Mrs. G. A. Bradshaw led in a fine pro. gram that the large attendance of ' ladles found very inspiring. Rev. Warren S. Reeve, minister, plans that the service at 11:00 o’clock on Sunday morning, the 26th, will be especially for the school teachers of the congrega tion. Mr. Reeve’s sermon subject will be “The Teacher’s High Calling”. The Rev. aqd Mrs. barren Si. Reeve gre apetyUftff (Th«rs jiay) at with old colleag ues of the Japan mission field, the Rev. and Mrs. Harry H. Bryan, Dr. Bryan, no wminister of the Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church Os Huntington, W. Va., is the son pf a vesy bejpved minister of Bir mingham, Ala., long known affect ionately as ‘Brother Bryan”. - Dr. Bryan also had a part \n the of Peter Marshall and js mentjqoet! ip the b B°H. “A Man Called Peter’*. " MR. AND MKs JOSEPH IIORVATII Presbyterians Sponsor Family Os Refugees From Europe The Burnsville Presbyterian Church has assumed the sponsor ship for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horvath and their two-year rid son, Siegfried, who are expecttd to arrive here sometime within the not too distant future. Mr. Horvath, 30 years of age and a native of Hungary, was for; a time a politics) prisoner untij hig pspapp iqto Austria. Ppr the past five years op more, he hap "Jived in refugee centers in Germany. Mrs. Horvath is a native of Hau sen in the Aar region of Germany, but hft* more recently been m Wiesbaden where she had some employment in Industry. Both Mr. and Mrs. Horvath were brought up in the Lutheran Church.' The Presbyterian Church here will be responsible for getting these people from New York after their transatlantic voyage and for providing housing and employ THE YANCEY RECORD Wallace’s attempt to help, he too was caught in the undertow and went down. Mrs. Wallace, who is an experi enced swimmer, went into the water fully clothed and was able to hold her husband above the water while he brought. Hughes up for the 4th or sth time. Wal lace carried him to the river bank, where he attempted to give arti ficial respiration to the uncon scious man. < John Hendrix of Asheville, an honor grade prisoner and one of a 15-man squad of prisoners from Yancey Prison Camp who were working on the road above the river, heard the cries for help and rushed to the scene. Hendrix gave Hughes artificial respiration for about 40 minutes before he re i gained consciousness. Thomas Tipton, State Highway foreman who works the 15-man squad of prisoners, also gave assistance. After he regained consciousness, Hughes was able to walk to his car, and later in the afternoon, was brought to the Yancey Hospi tal here for treatment. He was dis charged from the hospital Friday morning and was reported by the doctor to be In good condition. Mrs. Wallace, who made the heroic rescue, grew up in Ger many near the Rhine River where she learned to be an expert swim mer. She and Mr. Wallace were married in Germany in 1954, while he was serving a tour of duty with the U. S. Army. Mrs. Wallace came to the States with her Am erican husband about a year ago, and since that time, they hqve made their ppnpe in Green Mtn., community pear BqrnsvUle. ■rwi - DR. BELL ATTENDS SEMINAR Thp Be(| Chiropractic Cljni<f qt 11 Wajnip §t., in Spruce Piths, will be closed for one week be-' ginning Aug. 27 to allow r. Bell to take special seminar courses in the healing grts in Virginia. The clinic will open its door-s with the usual office hours Mon day, September Brd. ment for them. Mr. Horvath has had traihing and experience as an electro-welder, and his wife has worked as a domestic. Although they do not as yet speak English, they appear to be bright, resource ful people who will soon adapt themselves to American life and quickly become able to speak find understand our language. The young people of the church here are feeling a special, interest in the Horvath's and are endea voring to raise funds toward get , ting this family established. Cqn i tribptiong of household equipment, i furniture and foodstuffs as well . as monwy will be appreciated. ■ It is estimated that there, are two million people In the : .world s today who are refugees. It is t gratifying that Burnsville can r have this little part in the solving f of one of the world's most criti - cal needs. ■ <• -*< • y “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” SUB. RATES 12.00 YEAR. mWMVnxlt, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST »«, - - WILDLIFE COMMIS SION STOCKS STREAM In accordance with previously approved plans, the Wildlife Re sources Commission has completed stocking of 8,540 trout averaging 2 inches in length, in feeder streams to designated trout wat ers in Yancey County. These fish were produced at the State Fish Hatchery located near Pineola, according to G. W. Woodruff, Hatchery superintendent. District Game and Fish Protectory M. B. Higgins directed the release of the fish and solicited assistance from members of the local wild life club and other interested sportsmen. The Wildlife Resources Com mission points out that the coop erative effort of all those interest ed in the State’s fish and game resources will be required to bring about better fishing, the favorite outdoor recreation of so many Americans. 7~— “Carousel” Brings Playhouse Season To Triumphant Conclusion By Hope Bailey Everytime the curtain has gone up on one of the Parkway Play house productions this season, it has been obvious that Gordon Bennett, his staff and students had created another miracle; and the most miraculous presentation yet was the famed Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “Carousel”, directed by Mr. Bennett himself, and magnificently staged last Thursday, Friday and Saturday nightg. Since Parkway Playhouse audi ences are accustomed to seeing stimulating dramatic productions on the Playhouse stage, it was not a surprise that “Carousel’ 1 was a specta c M|ar success. The surpris ing element, it seems to me, is that Mr. Bennett staged this mas sive production after only four days rehearsal time for most of the leading rules and was ready on opening night with a more than competent performance, bringing* the season to a triumphant con clusion. All the performing arts were united in “Carousel” by accom plished young singers whose por traits of character were winning fyid genuine, by colorful ballet numbers which were integrated with the central theme, and by the abundance of enchanting music that soared from the orchestra pit. Everyone concerned with the play seemed to accept the occasion as an artistic challenge. Dave Clements as Bill Bigelow, a caro usel barker, gave a manly perfor mance in the part of the central character, and his combination surliness and kindliness was per fect. Mr. elements 1 fine baritone voice filled the theatre as he sang Mr. Rogers’ songs with gkill and conviction—the most outstanding being his “Soliloquy” and '"The Highest J\>dge of All”, He played and sang his role with a genial in dependence that created the right relationship between the environ ment and himself. Ab Julie Jordan, the heroine of the story, Joyce Albret’s portrayal behind the footlights was inspired, and good use was made of her accomplished vocal talent in such songs as “If I Loved You” and the wistful “What’s The Use of derin”’. Miss Albrect’s acting was ideal, mode&t without being timid, and ' had an incandescence that illuminated the theatre. Her per formance was profoundly moving and touched the hearts of every* one in the audience, Beverly Morrill was excellent as Carrie Piperidge. Her perform ance was fresh and entertaining! and her slightly impish portrayal and her lilting singing voice ac counted for many of the pleasant episodes in “Carousel”. As Enoch Snow, Ted Morrill’s characteriza i tlon was thoroughly enjoyable. He i captured the spirit of the music : and dialogue of his role with per fection, and the melodic richness of his vpice made e genuine ' i - ■ - ■ ■ « ' ' — mm. mm , Tipton Family Gets Together Mr. and Mlrs. J. J. Tipton and family, of Butler, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. ‘CJrady Tipton and family of Marion, N G n Mr. and Mrs. L. A. White of Washington, D. C., Mir. and Mrs. D. E. Hall and sOn-in iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Deveau, of Boston, Mass., have been, the recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Banks, Sr., and other relatives in the county. This was the first family -gath ering which included the 8 sur viving children of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson Tipton since the beginning of World War I. They include in addition to the two sons and three daugh ters mentioned above, Mrs. Sue Coffey, Mrs. Claude Honeycutt and Mrs. J. J. Nowicki. Mr. Tipton was a descendant of one of Yancey county’s pioneer families. j. 4 % contribution tp this wonderful '■ musical. Joan Sena gpgs another one of the accomplished young singers who helped bftg this great storv to life. As Jfljltie Fowler, Julie Jordan’s aunt, Miss Sena’s perfor mance could npt have been im proved upon. It was a highly per sonal performahae, from her in person to each person who was sitting out front. She sang the fambus “June Is Bustin’ Out All Over” with imagination and vital ity; and her performance was cli maxed hi perceptive and beautiful* “You’ll NiSver Walk Alone" which she sang with emo tion that seemed to come from the heart, A notable performance was giv en by Vince Marcley as Jigger Cragln, Billy’s, thief friend with a glib tongue. Marcley played and sang hs role convincingly. Leslie I Waugh as Louise, the daughter who is born to Julie, after Billy’s death, gave a beautiful perform ance; and Lila Richards as Mrs. Mullin gave a fine portrayal. Ed Anderson as the Starkeeper who grants Billy a day back on earth to see his daughter gradu ate from high school, and Robert Gwaltney as the Heavenly Friend who accompanies Billy back to earth, both gave excellent charac terizations in roles that required real ability. Fine performances were given by the many others in the huge castj among them Robert Allen, a local boy; who Played the part of Enooh Snow Jp. like a trooper; and Marietta Atkins, a local girl, contributed her talent to the violin section of the orchestra, whioh was under the capable direction of Richard Graoe, To a theatregoer sitting out front with no knowledge of back stage problems, It seemed to me that Gerald Honaker was one of the hardest workers in the produc tion. Everyone in the cast had the pleasure of acting in a different stage set for each scene, nine in all, which Honaker had designed for the bountiful musical. He sol ved the scenic problem in away that was beyond routine illustra rtion. And Leslie Waugh, as well as acting and dancing in the perfor mance, had the cast wearing de lightful costumes from the 1800%. According to Mr. Bennett, the Playhouse had the biggest number ot students and the largest audi ence attendance this season than ever before. Unquestionably, It has ben th* moat successful season, Mr. Bennett said, from, both the 1 theatre and art standpoint. Next 1 summer, he plans to continue and I enlarge on the Children’s Theatre and the Arts and Crafts program • which are offered as community 1 services; and he is planning a ! schedule that will bring “as good ■ if not better plays next summer*’, 1 to add to their already glowing * reputation. FARMERS URGED TO* GET SOIL TESTED The most important task of soil testing is to determine accur ately the available plunt nutrients in the soil and What steps must be taken to realize maximum pro fit by correct application of lime and fertilizer, says E. L. Dilling ham County Agent of Yancey County. “Farmers in Yancey County know the importance of fertilizing for high yields,” Dillingham said. "They are interested in getting the highest return per dollar spent on lime and fertilizer. High returns can be obtained only by selecting the right grade and am ount of fertil%er to apply to a crop on a certain soil. “The first step, in selecting the proper grade and amount of fer ■ tilizer is to determine the lime and fertilizer needs of the soil. Only through soil testing is it possible for the farmer to obtain information about the- status of certain plant nutrients in the soil And soil testing may also deter mine whether a certain soil is ad apted to a certain crop.” J Soil testing is a free service-pro vided farmers in this state. Soil samples should be sent to the Soil Testing Division, State De partment of Agriculture, Raleigh, North Carolina. There are usually two or more kindq of soil in each field, and they may differ widely in their N-P-K needs. They should therefore, be sampled separately and carefully. n Dillingham urges all farmers to have their soil tested now in order that they, may realize the greatest return possible from the money they invest in lime and fertilizer. Samples mailed now can be ana lyzed and recommendations made to the farmer in plenty of time to make needed purchases of lime and fertilizer. “Bur remember,** Dillingham cautioned, “the Soil Testing Di vision is swamped with late com ers every spring. So be an early bird—get your, samples in now and the results will come back to you when you need them.” Hospital Report The Yancey Hospital reports three births and twelve other ad missions during the past week. The births include a son, Randy Charles, born Aug. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Whrd C. Wilson of Rt. 1; a son, not yet named, born Aug. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sheppard of Rt. 1; and a son, not yet named, born Aug. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. •Kelly Penland of Rt. 8. The following people were ad mitted to the hospital this week:] Nell Beaver and Maude Ray of j Burnsville; Edward Dean Styles and Edith Silver of Rt. 1; Jerry Gillespie and Dwayne Smith of Rt. 2; Joan Mathla end E. C. Mc- Intosh of Rt. 3; Aletha Autrey of Penaaeola; S. C. Hughes k.f Green Mtn.; and James Pittman and Ray Pittman of Spruce Pine. NCO ACADEMY GRAD EARNS COMMENDATION SFC Daniel C. Nowicki, a mem ber of "G” Co., 74th RCT, has re ceived a Letter of Commendation from Col. L. M. Wilson, Com manding Officer of the NCO Aca demy at Ft. Dix, N. J., for his achievements in a recent claa* there. - ; SFC Nowicki, son of Mr, and , Mrs. J. J. Nowicki of Burnsville, ] Rt. 3, who Is now stationed at j Camp Drum for the summer tra- j ' ining of National Guardaraen and < Reservists, graduated with hon ors from the academy. He placed second In hts class. | In forwarding thi letter to Ser geant Nowlc’;!, Col. Julian H. Martin, regimental Commanding Officer, added praise: “It. ls with pride and pleasure that-1 am for warding the attached Letter of Commendattion Col. Wilson’s letter was prompted hy your note worthy achievement in graduating second from the recent clals at Fort Uto —1 wish to convey my sincere appreciation''to you for .such an outstanding performance. Your achievement re fleets favor-1 ably upon yourself and our \ or ganization.” 'i . Students Leave After Successful Season Here ■ • ■ C By Vince Mardey The final curtain has descended for another year at the Parkway Playhouse. It seems unbelievable that six of the most productive weeks in Playhouse history have ended. Six short weeks ago stud ents and staff from all over the country descended on the tranquil town of Burnsville, to turn it in to a proving grounds for young thespians. July 9th the starting gun sound ed and from then on it was a match race between directors, cast, costumer, set designer and all in volved in making that particular week’s production the very best. The outcome? A dead heat. First production was SABRINA FAIR. Guest director Ed Downes of Miami molded ,it into a fine production that insured the audi ence of seeing one of the best shows of the season. STALTG 17 followed ahd diffi culties insued. George Crocker, scheduled director, was taken ill at the last moment and was ca pably replaced by Gerald Honaker, set designer for the Playhouse. Honaker directed the show from Ins past experience and also from first hand knowledge of PW life since he was a prisoner-of-war during World War 11. In show business a change like this could have meant a “jinx”. It was a “jinx” alrightf—attendance whs up 74% and box office increased 72% over 1955. This kind of “jinx" Gordon Bennett, Director of the Playhouse, could afford more of. Hilmar Sellee, experienced dir ector in. both this country and England, was called in to direct the third production, Shake speare’s AS YOU LIKE IT* and we did like it. Guest star for AS YOU LIKE IT was W. C. “Mutt” Burton, columnist for the Greens boro Daily News, who manages to squeeze at least one appearance at the theatre during his yearly ar gosy. ( Feeling well once again, George JACKS CREEK CLUBS HOLD JOINT PICNIC The Jacks Creek Community and Home Demonstration Clubs held their annual joint family picnic on the grounds of the Bor ing Crapel Methodist Church, Friday evening, August 17th with approximately 60 in attendance. Liated among the guests were Assistant Farm Agent and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Dameron lof Soil Conservation, Mrs. Fred Trimmer and daughter of Arling ton, Va., and Mr. Tom Byrd of. New York. After a short business session,' a very bountiful meal was served, by the members of the Home De monstration clubs. The next meeting of the Com munity Club will be held Septem ber 10th at the Ed Hunter Fish Pond in the form ,of a weiner roast, THE MAN IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT* SHOWING HERE \ “The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit,” which will be shown tonite and Friday at the Yancey TTieatre, has that indefinable quality that touches a chord of understanding in all who *vlew It on the Cinema- Scope screen. While it is a pic ture about a man in a gray flan nel suit, a fairly universal figure In mid-twentieth century Ameri ca, it is also about tii£ Rath fam ily, the Impact of World War 11, big business, and the broadcasting industry an intriguing combina tion of sttvry elements. Thia engrossing picture bears the stamp of quality that only a producer of the stature of Darryl F. Zanuck could give it and brings. Sloan Wilson's novel which won critical acclaim and is still on the best-seller lists, to life on the 3creen with deep dramatic pene- I I I ration. NUMBER FIFTY-t*WO Crocker directed the fourth offing, THE CRADLE SONG, and a real niee job he did, too, in bringing the touching tale to the Playhouse stage. The finale j>f the season ? Well, what would be more appropriate than a musical—not just any mus ical, but Richard Rodgers’ and Oscar Hammerstein’s CAROUSEL. This wonderful folk story had all the life, bounce, laugh, love, dance and song that was possible. CAR OUSEL was the largest .production ever to be presented. at the Play house and Bennett will have to go some before he tops it, but top It he will. ,' „ So now Ed Madden, “straw boss” at the Playhouse is hard at work with his crews. Where it was once raking, clipping and painting, getting the Playhouse in shape, it’s now storing, wrapping and shipping. Lesley Waugh, cos tumer, has put away the last cos* , tume—the last hat, the last shoe. Les Martin, electrician, is putting away the lights, wires and fuses to be preserved till next year. »All the students are pit. hing in to “ring” down the curtain, pack it in moth balls and tuck it away till next year. “Next year” is the wotd . now. Not next week as it has been. Next year when more students, additional directors and staff will once again descend upon Burns ville and make it and each addi tional year bigger and better than the one preceding. The University of Miami may not know it, but it has one of the finest groups of publie relations, publicity and talented personali ties-the likes of which it could never get from any advertising agency on Madison Avfe., New York. Next year plans have tentatively been started; and from this view ers glance, it looks like a tremen dous season ahead. Two shows l have been chosen by Director Bennett. One is, in my opinion, the most hilarious show ever to go on stage. It is MISTER ROB ERTS. For the musical, It’s a toss up between Rodgers* and Hammer stein’s OKLAHOMA or Jerome Kearns, SHOW BOAT. With one of these shows, how can next sea son miss being bigger Vthan this year? It appears tljat Ahe Park way Playhouse has no saturation point—it just grows and grows with every passing season. So, till next year, so-long to Burnsville, adious to the Saturday night barbecues, hasta manana to the mountains, and a special good (bye to the people of Burnsville * and Yancey County for making this season the biggest and most f successful ,ln Playhouse history, ' and for making the Parkway Play house what it is today—the best theatre of its kihd in the country. THIS WEEK'S SAFETY MESSAGE By Cameron F. Mcßae -jr Deaths from drowning increase greatly with hot : weather, flere are a few of the rules for water safety:— 1. Don’t swim alone, or just af ter a meal, or during a thunder st&rm. 2. Before diving, make sure the water is deep enough and has no hidden rocks or stumps just under the surface. s- 3. Keep constant watch over small children near the water. Remember that drowning can take place even in just a few inches of water. ” . 1 7'\.~ The above is the first in what is hoped will be a series of brief safety messages, to appear every week in this newspaper and the other newspapers of the district With the control of contagious* diseases through public health measures, the toll of deaths and come relatively higher. Almost ‘to fmm

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