VOLUME .TWENTY-ONE b : .i-Av ; .vj v-v jj* JHF * - * jJ. .«- ■ ”**& - *•'" • 'g ...;. ,y v c*f . x'- • -. v " ■'' '* ■•*• FARMERS ADVISED TO FILE FOR REFUND The North Carolina Farm Bu reau reminded farmers this week to file their federal fax refunds On farm-used gasoline. The dead line is October 1. Farm Bureau Exechtive Vice President R. Flake Shaw said many farmers eligible for this re fund have not made application for it. A charge of three cents in fed eral tax is made on each gallon of gasoline. This is the first year that farmers who use gasoline in farm machinery have been exempt from it. Farmers should file for the re fund through the office of P. K. Sanders, Greensboro, director of infernal revenue for the North Carolina district. The exemption of non-highway used gasoline from federal tax came after extended debates in Congress over whether to increase the gasoline tax to finance a new nationwide highway construction program. But the Farm Bureau has for several years urged exemption for farmers from the tax, maintain ing that gaslline used on the farm is source of production supply, much as is electricity in making aluminum or as is diesel fuel in in other types of manufacture. The exemption means savings of $214 million annually* to North Carolina farmers. “Since it means so much to the average farmer, refund applications should be fil ed immediately,” said Shaw. Awards Won By Two Yancey Communities By Lewis W. Dameron Yancey Soil Conservationist Both Jacks Creek and Brush Creek communities recently re ceived SSO. cash swgrds f or the outstanding soi) and water conser ration work accomplished by the farmers in these communities, The awards were presented to the Community Clubs of Jacks Creek and Brush Creek by the Carolina Power and Light Com pany as "Superior Accomplishment Awards", won by participating in their “Finer Farms Program". The purpose of this program is to promote interest in-soil and water conservation on a commun ity basis as well as on an individ ual farm basis. The “Finer Farm Program” is sponsored by the Carolina Power and Light Com pany in cooperation with the Soil Conservation District Supervisors in the counties in which the com pany furnishes electric power,—— Communities were judged on the number and amount of soil con servation practices established and maintained from July 1, 1955 to July 1, 1956. Practices which both communities in Yancey ex. celled in were conservation jcrop rotations, contour strip cropping, cover cropping, and alfalfa and meadow seeding and maintenance. Not only 3i|ve the Jacks Creek and Brush Creek communities won a monetary sum to be used for community improvements, but they have also improved the pro duction and value of their com munities and their individual farms by carrying out and main taining a good soli and water conservation program. The Yancey Record -- . V ' Yancey County Health Center Completed The Yancey County Health Center, new quarters for the local 1 Health Department, located on Mitchell Branch Road, is now completed and ready for occupan cy on Monday, September 17. This attractive, modern building has a spacious waiting room, separate offices for the' health officer, nurse, sanitarian and secretary, examining and treatment rooms, X-ray and dark room, laboratory, two rest Axioms, and is provided with storage and janitor closets. Mclntosh Follows Good Land Use System An outstanding example of good land use to minimise soil and water losses can be found on the farm of Mack Mclntosh on Jacks Creek Road. Mr. Mclntosh is carrying out a well rounded soil and water conservation program on his farm and is using his land for full production without eros ion. A visit to Mr. Mclntosh’s farm would reveal an outstanding herd of dairy cattle grazing on ladino clover and orchard grass pastures located on the steeper fields of the farm. This land, most subject to erosion, is tied down with permanent sod. Mr. Mclntosh has high protein alfalfa hay growing on excellent >• land that is less steep than the pastures, and presents a severe erosion problem when cultivated. On the fields that have very lit tle erosion hazzard, tobacco and silage corn are grown, To insure continued production on these fields, Mr. Mclntosh us es a winter cover crop of rye and vetch plus plenty of stable man ure to maintain the organic mat ter in these heavily cropped soils. In completing his outstanding soil conservation program, Mr. Mclntosh plans to set white pines next spring on an acre of very steep pasture land. Although this acre is very productive soil, the cattle almost completely destroy the grass each year when grazing on the steep slopes. . ‘ Woman’s Club Meet ing Scheduled The Burnsville Woman’s Club will hold its first meeting of the new year tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Community Building. Club members and their guests will haye the pleasure of watching J. Robert Miller, instructor and an : executive of the Burnsville Paint ing Classes at Seecelo, present a | portrait demonstration in pastels. Mrs. R. K. Helmle, the new club . president, will preside at the meeting. , ; { “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OP YANCEY COUNTS SUB. RATES fSLOO YEAR. BURNSVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER IS, i»m The health center was designed by Breeze, Holland & Reviere, Architects of Shelby, N. C., as sisted by D. M. Sholes, local engi neer, and built by J. O. Shepard, Contractor of Burnsville. This building was made possible by the North Carolina Medical Care As sociation, The Yancey County Commissioners, and by local con tributions. -It is hoped that the driveway and parking area can be surfaced in the immediate future. Sheriff Captures Still, Liquor , Sheriff Terry Hall reported this week that “another moonshine still had been in the Bakers Creek section by federal I officers, with Hall assisting. The sheriff said the still was seized Wednesday on property owned by Will Baker in the Bakers Creek section. Baker was given a cita tion for hearing in Federal Court at a later date. Hall also reported that he cap tured 54 half gallons of "white” liquor recently at the old REA power plant here. The liquor was not found in the plant building, Sheriff Hall said, but was taken from an auxiliary room built to the plant on the spill-way side. No arrest was made in connec tion with the capture. Tobacco Farmers: Some Cut, Some Don’t The old question of farmers as to cutting tobacco a little on the green order or let it ripen and take the chance of frostbite may be settled this year. Many larmers have cut their tobacco due to the early cold nights the mountain counties have been experiencing. And the talk of early frost has hastened those who hold to the "cut green” Order. Many farmers, however, seem to have no fear of frost or more faith in the Maker of frosts, be cause they are saying they’ll Jet it stand till it ripens. a The dry weather cut tobacco short in the Weeks that much rain iq.necded by the crop. Re cently rains have turned the leaves green again that were be ginning to brown. This freak weather condition on the tobacco farmer may settle the question this year to cut or not to cut. Dr. Gladden To ||| Attend Meeting 5 Dr. William Gladden will leave Saturday to attend a meeting in 1 Roanoke, Va. Dr. Gladden’s office will be closed from Saturday noon < until Tuesday morning. Hospital Report The Yancey Hospital reports two births and 13 other admiss ions during the past week. The births include twin sons, not yet named, born SeptJ 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bedford, Rt. 3, Burnsville. Other admissiortSHnclude: Mable Griffith, Masy Higgins, Rt. 2; Joyce Masters, Rt, 2, Bakersvllle; Dorada Burleson, jPlumtree; Mhx ine Hensley, Mrs. a Carrie Anglin, Sam McPeters, Robert. Allen, all of Burnsville; Hiram Willis, Pauline Baker, Pansy Franklin,- Rt. 1; Virginia Huskins. jRt. 3, Bakers ville; Annie Mae Brooks, Rt. 1, Spruce Pine. ■ - BURNSVILLE PTA TO M • MEET TUESDAY ■i ■— .Vi i The Burnsville Parent-Teacher’ Association will hold its first meeting of the school year next Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the school lunch room. The meeting will be mainly a social event to greet this new teachers and no program • has been scheduled. Roberts Appointed To Head Auto Dealers George W. Roberts of Roberts Auto Sales, Inc., in Burnsville has been appointed Area Chairman d for Yancey County, according to John M. Tiller of Durham, Presi dent of the North Carolina Auto mobile Dealers Association, who made the appointment. As Area Chain nan for Yancey County, George will be the liaison between the state and national dealers associations and local dealers. He will also direct the two associations’ an nual membership campaign to be In announcing the appointment President Tiller stated, “I am happy to have such a capable and outstanding was as Mr. George W. Roberts in this most import ant position. I feel certain he will do a splendid job of keeping deal ers ard the public abreast of mat ters of interest in the retail auto motive industry.’’ ' .r School Amendment Passes Big Majority A total of 1325 Yancey County voters voted “yes” the consti tutional amendment relating to segregation and education last Saturday, while only 238 opposed the amendment. Burnsville Town ship led the county with a total of 406 votes, 335 for and 70 against (the' amendment. Jacks and Pensacola had the smallest number of votes cast. Pensacola cast only 58 votes, with 52 for the amendment; and Jacks Creek township voted 39 for and 28 against the school amendment. All the other amendments, three, carried in the county. The total vote of North Caro lina in the election that Governor Hodges has'shown so much inter- > est \in since the plan was brought to light by the Education Commit tee carried by a large majority.^ i ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC The monthly orthopedic clinic will be held In the Spruce Pine health office on Wednesday, Sept. 19. Dr. J. Bruce Galloway of / Asheville will be _the clinician. Children should be registered by ’1 a. m., and adults not later than 12:30. *' i! _ -r. , - j W. Murray Linker and Frank R. Blaisdell, of the State Board of Health, visited the district last week with Jake F. Buckner, dis trict sanitarian - The Rev. H. M. Aliey is report ed to be much improved after his illness of several weeks, end is now visiting his daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anglin, in WaynesVlUe. i %"./. Mauney To Aid In Industrial Develop ment . Richard P. (Dick) Mauney, an industrial development engineer with the Department of Conserva tion and Development’s commerce and industry division fri Raleigh, who has been assigned to assist" industrial development groups -4n Yancey County and other coun ties comprising Western North Carolina. Mauney, a member of the 1953 General Assembly as the House of Representatives member from Cherokee county, was with the State Treasurer’s office for 17 years before going with the C A D Department to yrqpota industrial development. He is a' native of Cherokee county and attended the University of Georgia. Mauney's services in aiding in dustrial development to all counties in this area. He will work with local development groups in helping promote the in dustrial development of western N. C. counties and communities. Mauney may be contacted through and Development, # Education Building, Raleigh, N. C. Veterans’ Survivor Benefits Act Signed The President signed the Sur vivor*- Benefits Act revising bene fits for the dependents of deceased] servicemen and veterans who died of service-connected causes. Veterans Administration annou nced that it is taking immediate steps to put this new law into oper ation even though payments cannot begin prior to January 1, 1957, the effective date of the Act. VA stressed that this law does not change death pension benefits to widows and children of veterans whose deaths were not as a result of service. Widows, dependent parents and guardians o f orphan children receiving compensation for the service-connected death of a veteran are requested NOT to contact VA for information. Veterans Administration will notify each person receiving death com pensation under present law con cerning his rights under the new law. ...irr The new law is designed to: 1- Revise the death compensation program by providing monthly payments to widows partially re lated to military pay; slightly in crease existing uniform payments for orphan children; and to provide a sliding scale of benefits for de pendent parents subject to cer. tain annual income limitations. 2r Extend Social Security cover age to those in the armed forces on a contributory basis; and 3- Revise the six months death gratuity to range from a minimum of SBOO to a maximum of $3,0C0. This will be administered by the various service departments. The new law also eliminates cov erage of service personnel under the Servicemen’s Indemnity Act (the so-called "SIO,OOO free insur ance”) and coverage of reserve personnel under the Federal Em ployees Compensation Act on and after January l, 1957. The new law continue* the right of veterans disabled in . Service to apply to VA for the fivs«year policy or any of the six permanent plans of National Service Life Insurance within one year from the date VA finds their disabilities to be service- Gulf 09 Service Station To Be Started Soon Rex Gulf Oil Co. dis tributor for the tri-county area, said this week that Gulf Oil’s re cently acquired lot in Burnsville has been graded to completion and is now ready for the construction of the new Gulf service statioh. The building site, formerly own ed by Mrs. Lena Tilson and known Rev. Murphy To Preach Here Sunday / The Rev. Manley Murphy, pas tor of the historic Forks of Little i River Baptist Church, Montgom ' ery Baptist Association, will speak . at both services Sunday in the : First* Baptist Church here. The , public is cordially invited to hear Jjim at both services. Mr. Murphy is a graduate of Wake Forest College and the Southern Seminary. ' v The Rev. C. B. Trammel, pas tor of the -First Baptist Church here, will preach in the Forks of Little River Church near Troy, N. C., in an exchange of pulpits with t>Rev. Mr. Murphy for the day. Mr. Trammel is a former pastor Housing Loans Available Through FH A i Yancey County farm families are now able to obtain rural hous ing loans from the Farmers Home j Administration, according to Mack »• RaK ÜbmKqk"FHA Supervisor. Farm Housing loans may be made to construct, improve, alter, repair, replace, or relocate & dwell ing of other essential farm build ings on the farm. It also includes, in connection with such repair, alteration and new construction, sewage disposal systems, water j supplies, and the purchase and installation of essential equipment that becomes part of the real es tate after installation. zThis loan carries an interest rate of 4% and may be repaid over a period of years ranging up to 33 years. To be eligible for Farm Hous ing loans an applicant must be the owneV of a farm, have income. from the farm and other sources] sufficient to meet farm operating and family living expenses and be able to properly pay outside debts as well as the Farmers Home Ad ministration loan. He must be a citizen of the United States, also be without sufficient resources to provide on his own the necessary housing, buildings or repairs and improvements needed, and he un able to secure the necessary cred it from other sources upon terms and conditions which he reason ably could be expected to meet. The applicant must also possess the character, ability, and experi ence necessary to carry out suc cessfully his farming operations and to carry out the undertakings and obligations required of him in connection with the Farm Housing loan. Part-time farmers are eligible for Farm Housing loans. Also owners of small tracts that may not be a family-type farm and who rent additional crop land are eligible. This loan dees not require supervision and has been very much in demand. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles B. Trammel have had as their guests recently the Rev. and Mrs. O. Van Stephens of Angler, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Barna 'Warner of Troy, N. C., Mrs. Murray Nichol j son of Mebane, N. C., and Mr. and ■ Mrs. R. E. Hurst of Durham, N. C Miss Becky Trammel spent last week-end in Cherryville, N. C„ \ f where she served as a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding. Miss Tram mel also visited friends in Troy last week. NUMBER THREE as the "Dr. Ray place”, was clean ed and graded Banks and Patton who purchased the site from Mrs. | Tilson. Grading was started last week. \ Wilson said that construction on the ultra-modern service station will be started next week. And plans now are for the building to be completed within days. THe station will be built under the supervision of Gulf Oil Com r pany’s construction department; however, a certain amount of 10. . cal labor vdULby used, it was said. e The ultra-modern station, in re . lation to service stations today, { will be built .approrimately twen , ty-eight by forty-eight feet. The . structure, which will be built of . blocks with porcelain finish, will house a modern service depart , ment and equipment as well as an office. At least six pumps will be out front to serve the public. The station will be leased tq a lical operator when construction ' is completed, Wilson said. 4-H Members Show High Class Cattle Yancey County’s 4-JJ g &**s^£...j;;.' was held last Monday mornftig at the Deyton Feed Store here. EH Blue ribbon winner of the Jer sey breed in the junior calf class was James Bennett. In the senior calf class, Ronnie Bailey won a blue ribbon. Tommy Ray placed i secosd with a red ribbon in the • Guernsey breed; and Joe Bennett ' ’ won a white ribbon, third place, in the Jersey breed. Donald Peterson placed first with a blue ribbon in the junior yearling class of the Guernsey breed, and Ronald Ray placed firse with a blue ribbon in the junior yearling class of the Hol stein breed. In the senior year ling class, Sandra Whitson won a blue ribbon and Ronald Peterson placed third with a white ribbon in the Guernsey breed; and Tom my Ray placed first with a blue ribbon in the Holstein breed. Loretta Robinson and Ronnie Robinson won blue ribbons in the ; 2-year old class of the Jersey breed, and Viann Duncan placed second with a red ribbon in the 2-year old class of the Guernsey breed. Grand Champion of all breeds was won by Loretta Robinson’s entries. Miss Robinson's Jersey entry also won the title of cham pion, as well as Sandra Whitson’s Guernsey entry and Ronald Ray’s Holstein entry. For the best fit ted animal entry, Ronnie Robin son took first place and Loretta Robinson second place. For best showmanship, Tommy Ray won first place and Ronnie Robinson ' second place. Pig Chain And Pullet Show Held Today The County Pig Chalh . Show and Poultry Show and Sale will take place today at 2 p. m., at the Farmers Federation parking lot. Five pigs and eight groups of pul let* have been entered by 4-H boy* and girls to be shown today. Extension specialists from Stats College, Raleigh, will be. judges. —-J i iClearmont Faculty To Entertain Parents The faculty of School has extended an Invttatkm to the day, September 20. at *3O p. m., on the school grounds. -A visit to