IPUOIUOAOPSOPS It is now time to make select ions of spring flowering bulbs. Plant them any time in Sept ember, October or November. Choose from many kinds, including ® tulips, daffodils, crocus, hyacinths and Dutch iris. There are many varieties of these and a wide range of colors to suit the fancy of any gardener. By selecting varieties you may also extend the blooming season over a period of several weeks. In sandy or loose soils bulbs may be planted a little deeper than in tight clay soils. Daffodils (narcissi) should be planted six to seven inches deep in sandy loam soils, tulips and Dutch iris about five inches deep, hyacinths about six inches, and crocus two inches deep. Use any good garden fertilizer. Put it into the soil where the bulbs are to be planted, but don’t let it come into contact with the bulbs. There are many different types of narcissi - commonly called daf fodils or jonquils. The true jonquil usually has s&all flowers, often several to the stem, and they are What To Pack For College “What to pack for college?” is a, question needling thousands of students preparing to step over the threshold of higher learning this fall. Eager to put their best foot forward,' yet not sure which is their best foot, the slon-to-be col lege freshmen of both sexes often pack and repack a hundred times. A few suggestions will help the excited but perplexed and bewild ered “frosh” not only in his aim to strut on the campus with the ease of a senior, but to ably meet the responsibilities of being “on your own.” First, let’s look at the ward robe. It’s not a question of “Shall I stock up on Bermuda shorts be cause I have nice legs.” Nor is it a question of “Do I look better in elacka or Levi’s?" The question is ‘What type of school am I at- MOTOR TEANSPORT \ *>—, , r Why settle for less than i Blue Chip performance? r . I TT doecn t take a new GMC owner long *• to spot the difference—especially if he’s {' just switched from another make truck. Take the way every Blue Chip GMC is ( “engined”. An ultra-modern power plant y gives him flashing response, sparkling road- V pace —and record fuel economy. • • Hydri-Matic* is another eye-opener. Right away he appreciates its time and effort sav j ing in traffic. And later on, he cashes in on the big maintenance savings. And every tnp he can carry a bigger load, i For GMC chassis are rugged—GMC axles are extra-capacity. So he hauls more —and hauls it comfort ably. GMC cabs are man-size and deep " us, too, for Triple- C/tftkuLusiiHrttdu —■bmlmw; * STYLES & COMPANY FRANCHISED DEALER No. 2752 BURNSVILLJE, N. O. usually very fragrant. There are several types of daf fodils; some with short trumpets and others with large trumpets. Some of the trumpets are a bril liant orange-red, some white, and some yellow. These go along with white or yellow petals. Os the large flowered daffodils, King Alfred, Golden Harvest, Duke of Windsor, Tunis, Fortune, John Evelyn, Texas and Twink are interesting double flowers; and Mrs. R. O. Backhouse is the famous pink-flowered var iety. Dutch iris should be planted in September or October. The leaves will appear before winter sets in, but this is natural so do not be alarmed. They will withstand our winters with very little damage. Crocuses should be planted more generally. They give a cheerful spot of color in late winter or early spring. Madonrfa or ascension lilies should be planted, in September. The depth of planting is very im portant. Madonna lilies should be planted only about two to three inches deep, whereas most other lilies are planted much deeper. J tending and where is it located?" It jjs true that Levi’s are basic at a Western college and Bermu da shorts are worn to class at some small midwest campuses. But ; what is worn in class or on the campus, for dates and for loaf ing, defends on what’s accepted at the particular school. Gener ally speaking', the more Informal wear that is accepted at a small school is frowned on by large city schools. One standard that goes from coast to coast is, for girls: skirts, sweaters and jackets. A special hint for the distaff side: You won’t need more than one or two formal gowns at the most. Exchanging among the girls is a custom a(, most schools, i And keep in mind that bare shoul , ders and sheer nightgowns are sot - / • ' . ** I cushioned. Recirculating ball-bearing steering makes handling free and easy. Close-quarters parking’s a cinch with Safety Power Steering.* And at every stop,' a Blue Chip GMC attracts admiring attention. With that di»- tinctive boulevard styling, it’s a smart ad vertisement-on-wheels for any business. One for your kind of truck-work ? Our truck specialists will help you select just the Blue Chip model that will do your job moat profitably. And our truck eervicing experts always standready to help you keep its \ Blue Chip top-profit-maker. Drop in and get acquainted! 'OfHfUalut txtra •f place In the dormitory. ■. The Wordfobe set tied, moke • Mt of items needed for ‘ tilde*- { pendjcnt” living. This reqtert* , careful thought especially ol those who will be I-vtug away from home for the first time. I Mother won’t be there to tenderly ( awaken you in. thf morning. An I alarm clock is a “must” item. Also very much needed is a pressing iron and incidentially, a good supply of nylon, orlon and jersey' garments will help cut the ironing hours. Don’t forget an ex tra pair of glasses, prescription for your eye glasses, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving gear, cosmet ics, Murine eye drops and aspirin. Pack a few resolutions for good habits along with your clothes. Resolve to eat three well balanced meals a day concentrating on plenty of water, fruit juices, fruits, salads and vegetables; get ade quate exercise each day, am eight or nine hours sleep. It’s a wonderful feeling to be on your own but the freedom entails re. sponsibility. J The girls might find it^wise to select big bags to go with their campus wear so that whole day’s gear of notebooks, pencils, pens, make-up and glasses may be car ried. Finally, if the choice of a going away gift is a radio or typewriter, take the typewriter. It will in crease your chances for good marks, in addition to getting the work done faster. Packing aids include plastic bottles for liquids and creams, polyethyline film refrigerator bags for damp things, cellophane tape to temporarily repair hems and straps, and kitchen self-sticking k wax paper for wrapping up splll ables. k Os course, no matter how well ! Informed the fall 'sft, college freshman might be, he or she will t still feel “unsure” as the first step is made on the campus grounds. , Don’t worry about it. Next year, you will be casually tossing items in your luggage with nary a doubt—probably just the day be fore classes start \ Special nickel alloys have been developed which shew practically no* expansion ar contraction in. changing temperatures, as well as others that eapand and contract ,a great deal he heat or cold. These In the’•mo THE YANCEY RECORD WIDE, WONDERFUL - ' T By FBANKUN J. MEINE Editor, The American Peoples i Encyclopedia. LOCUSTS, like grasshoppers, are completely unusual and thor oughly disliked insects. They will devour anything green and, when presaed by hunger; they devour the young of their own 3pecies. The flight of the locust varies with weather conditions. Twenty miles a day la a favorable average, but with a good tail wind, they are able to travel 300 miles a day. They have been known to travel 2,000 miles in one migration. The loud noise made by grasshoppers comes from the males. It is produced either by rubbing the hind wings against the fore wings or by scrap ing the femur of the leg, which Is equipped with beadlike protuber j ancea, against (the fore wings. Grasshoppers also produce super- sounds inaudible to the hu man ear. -i • • • A good buffalo steak was rel ished by Indian and pioneer alike as America pushed West. But the buffalo, called a civil engineer by instinct, did much more than pro vide food to our forefathers. The buffalo, in his seasonal migrations and In his travels between feed ing grounds and salt licks, chose tlw line of least resistance, follow ing watersheds through mountain gaps, across valleys and water courses. \ 1.572-foot television tower at ’ihoma City has taken the title the world’s tallest structure ay from New York City's Em* e State Building. Five years ?o the Empire State Building add vd 222 feet to its height by con structing a television tower It now rises 1.472 feet t : *'fmr4 tandem axle BIG JOBS are rated to carry mart payload titan comparable tandems of any of . the leading manufacturers. T-800 model has mgs. I CVW of 45,000 Ib.-QCVV if 65,000 lb, ft - __ -* ■"■•' • *' *. ** #&&&*:., -*«•— * E FOR BIG J 085.,. SMALL JOBS ... ALL JOBS wref tucks cast fess ijmmmwwbmmbhbi *' l l *wl , » MOO pickup with 8-ft. box is the biggest * _ _l_ _ fe - • *^l ttitmsr SJlrik’E -. '•/'" u is only your first saving! •rith a full 45 cu. ft. capacity also available. .4>/> *</■ vtVt *fx«r • Before you buy your next truck, - f \ look at both sides of Ford’s story of / value. Check what you get and what J it costs. You’ll like -what you see. / (/)AjF /A/ I Look at the costs. Ford’s first cost is / *- r/r I i ow> p.jjsale value is high. Modern / 00 77\r\A \S f / Short Stroke engines—V-8 or Six— / fUl'njr f I are designed for less friction, less JL wa—» • / wear, lower running costs. Mainte / nance costs are lower, too, because - ' ged long life. And a 10-million truck study proves Ford trucks last longer. Uxmttrtwt ftiiUrrtion d«t« wi 10,503,361 tnttia, to tea*. BANKS-YOUNG MOTOR CO. FRANCHISED DEALER No. UN , PHONE 17 BURNSVILLE, N. C. 'Q—Did both political parties adopt a plank relating to farm Cooper j atlves? , . !a—Yes. The Republican plank pledges “full support to farmer-owned and farmer controlled cooperatives." The Democratic plana pledges the party to "Encourage bona fide farm cooperatives , which help farmers reduce the cost-price squeeze, and protect such cooperatives against punitive taxation." q Can you give me the personnel of the Commission named by Presi dent Elsenhower to find more Industrial uses for farm products? i A—The chairman of the five-man commiasion is J. Leroy Welsh, I Omaha, Neb., grain operator and member of board of regents ! 0 f University of Nebraska. Other members Include George Henry Coppers, Englewood, N. J., President of the National Biscuit Co.; Dr Karl Butler, agricultural consultant to AVCO Manufacturing Co.; Dr. Frank J. Welch, Lexington, Ky., Dean of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, and Dr. Chailes K. Sayie, Scott, Miss., President of Delta & Pine Land Co. Q—How many National Parks are there? , . A—There are now 29. President Eisenhower recently signed a bill creating the Virgin Islands National Park, occupying most of the Island of St. John, smallest of the Virgin Islands. , j Q—Which Is the oldest park in Washington? A— Lafayette park is probably the oldest. Incidentally, 1957 will be celebrated by the French government as Lafayette year, marking the 200th anniversary of his birth. President Rene Coty of France will send invitations to the mayors of 42 cities in the United States named after Lafayette to participate in “Lafayette de Paris Week" June 28 to July 4, 1957. Focal point of interest will be the' Chateau de Cliavagnac, Lafayette’s birthplace in the Auvergne region of France. _ TELL US VO UR PROBLEUI H vjs. Mr »W> LIT mHUITON TO MU.F OtWIU IK KH-YWt fjS ■ ■ BY JOHN and JANE STRICKLAND ONE of the greatest leaders of industry of this country had a pfCSlem to solVe that had baffled his foreman for some time. This man was Charles M. Schwab, Chairman of the Board of the Beth lehem Steel Company. Smoking on the job was forbid den in the steel mills, but the in dependently - minded - Americans working in one of the mills paid little attention to that rule, nor even so much as glanced at the big sign in capital letters. NO SMOKING, placed where all could see it. Their attitude amounted almost to in subordination. Several times the matter was brought to the attention of Mr. Schwab, who knew that something had to be done about it, forjsmok ford’s F-100 Custom pqpel is one of thy tgp load carriers in its class. It provides 155.8 cu. ft. of cargo space fn a smooth, fully lined interior and hauls Up to 1,535 lb. of payload. ing was decidedly a fire menace; great disaster might result. One day, he took from his draw er a box of expensive cigars and,) tucking it under his arm, went among the men. He followed his usual custom of talking to the porkers in a friendly manner, call ing most of them by name, com menting on the good work that they were doing, and then, bringing the box of cigars into prominence, he said, “Boys, I just got in a new lot of cigars. I think you might enjoy some pf them- I’ll BPprepiafo it if you won’t smoke them until you get outside- Do you think those men smoked in the mill after that? Well, Mr. Schwab said he never heard of it Look at what you get and you’ll see’ you get more in a Ford. For example, 1 more horsepower per dollar—proved t by a comparison of factory-suggested * list prices and net horsepower of all i truck lines. You get more comfort and i safety In Ford’s Driverteed Cab with 4 exclusive Lifeguard features. j Look carefully . . . consider every-J thing. You’ll agree Ford trucks cost; less, give you more. If you want ml great deal —a great deal more tor] your money—see your Ford Dealer.) * TI*URSt>A*,^SEPT.&,I9S(3 * THIS WEEK** SAFETY * MESSAGE " .$■ H By C'aßwron F. Ts rflur, )L D. . Dome weeks ago we mentioned fulls as being a leading cause of home accidents, These of course are not limited to children and old people, though they have more than their share of such accidents. Falls on stafrs are especially dan gerous; they are usually due to poo*- lighting—especially on stairs leading down to the basement and to carelessness in leaving ar ticles on the steps rather than putting them away. Especial care is needed in carrying something large or heavy down a flight df stairs. J** J MORE Eggs > v on a good price market! / BETTER Eggs of more uniform qualityt J EASIER Feeding * pf ONI£ balanced fat ion! * * itiil#* ■ # _ fhp perfectlyrfjg/ancetf 999 ntml JOHNSON A COMPANY BUKNSViU44S, N. 0, Tl lf h<H*»f?*6r kl "*. bl9B«*t-sqy|f»g ‘ twB r tonner" of them oil is the ford f-600. Only offers a Short Stroke Si* and three Short Stroke V-B's in this field. Max. GVW is 19,500 )£. * *

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