“BLOOD SAVES LIVES, GIVE” VISIT VOI R BLOOD BANK VOLUME TWENTY-ONE Dr. W. A. Y. Sargent was one of the physicians from ana Avery counties who joined doctors from seven other counties "in attending the opening session m .Morganton of a post graduate-course jn medicine on Wednesday, September 26. Shown left to right,are pr. JAck Horner of Spruce Pine, Dr. Eustice H, Smith of Crossnore, Dr. _ D. L. Phillips of Spruce Pine, Dr. David Cayer, professor of gastroenterology at the Bowman Gary School of Medicine who was lecturer for the first in the weekly series; Dr. W. K. Kibler of Morgan ton, general chairman of the postgraduate courses; Dr. A. E. Gouge of Bakersville, and Dr. Sargent of Burnsville. Thirty-eight doctors registered for the first day of the course, which is being sponsored by the University of ’North Carolina School of Medicine, the UNC Extensi on Division and the Burke County Medical Society. These lectures will be presented in afternoon and .night sessions in Morganton each Wednesday through November 7, with outstanding medical specialists as lecturers. Bald Creek PTA Names Committee Members The members of the executive committee of the Bald Creek P. T. A. met on Sept. 19, for the pur pose of naming various commit tees for the year. The following committees were named: Membership committee: Mrs. Vance Silvers, chairman; Mrs. Ralph Edwards, Mrs. Miller Led ford, Mrs. Lewis Robinson and Bis Randolph. Program committee: Miss An nastacia Tomberlin, 'chairman; Mrs. Mary Cecil Severs, Mrs. Earl Wilson, Francis Robinson and Ottis Gibbs. Finance committee: Yates Bai ley, chairman; Mrs. Clyde Whit tington, Mrs. Ottis Proffitt, R. A. Radford and Roger Banks. Welfare committee: Mrs. P. M. Hensley, chairman; Mrs. Charles Tomberlin, Mrs. Edd Wilson, Mrs Pershing Wilson and Mrs. Jack Mclntosh. Publicity committee: .Mrs. Doris Burton, chairman; Mrs. Hugh Pate, Don Wilson and Mrs. Ben Randolph. Lunch room Committee: Mrs. Marjorie Jamerson, chairman; Mrs. P. M. Hensley, W. H. Peter • son and Mrs. Roy Pate. Sanitation committee: Mrs.- James Proffitt, chairman; B. H. Higgins, Miss Lola Ann Hensley and Mrs. Fleet Proffitt. • The next P. T. A. meeting will be held on Wednesday night, Oct.- 3, at 7:30 in the school library. All parents and teachers, and anyone else who is interested in the school program of Bald Creek High School, are urged to be present for this and every meeting of the P. T. A. for the year. HD And 4-H Clubs To Hold Achieve ment Night The annual 4-H and Home De monstration Clubs Achievement Night will take place on Friday, October 26, at the Community Building. The time of the meeting will be announced later, All 4-H members who turn in a record arc eligible to attend, ac cording to Miss' Sue Nottingham, home ngent, 4-H achievement awards and medals will be pre sented, and County winners in each project of 4-H will be announced during the program. Home Demonstration Club ex hibits of , activities during the year will be displayed, and a re port of the years work in ■ HD Clubs in the County will be pre sented. The program will follow- a sup per, and the evening will be climaxed by a period of recrea tion. •. , Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers The regular monthly supper meeting of the American Legion and its Auxiliary was held Tues day at the Community Building. As . September is designated Music Month on the Auxiliary program, Mrs. R. K. Helmle, music chair man, led those present in the sing ing of old World War I songs. The following officers were elec ted for the Auxiliary: President, Mrs. Dover Fouts; Ist Vice pres., Mrs. George Rob erts; 2nd Vice pres., Mrs. W. A. Y. Sargent; Recording secretary, Mrs. Bill Banks; Corresponding secretary, Mrs/ Ransom Riddle; Historian, Mrs. Hobart Ray; Treasurer, Mrs. Evelyn Pate; Child welfare, Mrs. J. J. Nowicki; Rehabilitation, Mrs. J. G. Low; Finance, Mrs. Frank Mem bership committee, Mrs. Mack B. Ray, Mrs. T. M. Tyner, Mrs. Earl Young; Sargent At arms, Mrs. Brooks Wilson; Chaplain, Mrs. Lena Til son; Program chairman, Mr?. Hob art Ray; Menu committee, Mrs. Julia Banks, Mrs. Ransom Silvers, Mrs. Bruce Westall; Publicity, Mrs Howard Simpson; Poppy chair man, Mrs. George Roberts; Muskv Mrs. R. K, Helmle. .. . ASC Office Takes Step On Committee Election The Yancey County ASC Elec tion Board met on September 18, and named a Community Election Board for each of the sixteen com munities in the county. The Community Election Boards will select ten farmers from each community as nominees for com munity committeemen. These nom inees will be posted next week. Election of community commit teemen and delegates will be held October 23, and the County con vention will be held October 25. Every farmer should take this opportunity to elect active farm ers for community committeemen. Bloodmobile To Be Here Monday Blood donors will be accepted from 11:30 to 5:30 on Monday, October 1, at the Burnsville First Baptist Church. Each person do nating a pint Os blood at this visit will protect himself and his fam ily for a period of 12 months, re gardless of the amount of blood that may be needed. Come and give and help reach the goal of 118 pints to assure free blood for our sick and injured. \ \i g oi ‘ * • *k.» . .it The Yancey Record • .. # 1 • •ggi . - .. r i “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” Men’s Club Dinner Well Attenled Approximately 17S members and guests attended the Burns ville Men’s Club Ladies Night an nual dinner Monday night given at Mt. Mitchell Inn, owned and operated by Ewart Wilson. Among the guests at the dinner were sixteen officials of Clinch field Railroad and their wives of Erwin, Tenn. They were the guests of Yancey Railroad officials who are members of the club. The number of persons attend ing the dinner was surprising when the fog and rain from the . current storm is considered. Letterman Takes Welfare Position Here Francis Lloyd Letterman of Green Mtn., recently accepted a position as case work assistant with the Public Welfare Depart ment here. He replaced Coy Whit son of Newland, who resigned to accept a position as a teacher in the Glen Alpine Schools this year. Letterman is a graduate of Clearmont High School. .‘He at tended King's College in Bristol, Tenn., and was graduated in June, 1963, from East Tennessee State College in Johnson City, Tenn. After his graduation, he served three years in the TJ. S. Army. He is the son of Mrs. John Let terman of Green Mtn., and the late Mr. Letterman. GARDEN CLUB TO MEET FRIDAY The Garden Club will meet with Mrs. Fred Proffitt on Friday ev ening, September 28, at 8 o’clock. Mrs, C. M. Shotts will have charge of the program. Church Women Sponsor Picnic For Primary Class A picnic honoring the primary class of the Higgins Memorial Methodist Church, sponsored by the primary teachers, Mrs. Ike Laughrun, Mrs. J. H. Cooper and Mrs. Roy Ray, was held Friday, Sept. 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Laughrun. The primary students being promoted to the junior depart ment were Sherril Roberts, Gary Ray, Amanda Bennett, Alma An gel, Doris Chase, Vincent Tyner, Donald McMacin and Ronnie ] McMacin. Other guests were Gary Bennett, Gary Peterson, Norman Ray, Betty Cooper, Johnny Gillespie, Julia Ray, Jean Cooper, and the ’ superintendent of the Sunday i School J. H. Cooper. - r - ' - - - SUB. RATES 02.00 YEAR. BURNSVILLE, N. C., TIIURS DAY, SEPTEMBER 37, WM WMU TO Hold Regional Meeting Here * The American Regional W. M. U. will hold the annual session at the First Baptist Church here on Wednesday, Get. 3. The morning session will begin at 9:50 4 follow ed by lunch and an afternoon session. Mrs. J. R. Morgan, regional superintendent, will preside. Miss Miriam Robinson, W. M. U. exe cutive secretary for North Caro lina, Miss Janet Wilson, youth director of W. M. U. in North Carolina, and Miss Mildred Math -1 ews, missionary to Cuba, will be guest speakers. * . * Special music will be furnished by the First Baptist Church of Burnsville. Burton Is UNC Assistant Paul R. Burton, former gradu ate assistant instructor in the Zoology department at the Univer sity of Miami, now holds a grad uate assistantship at the Univer sity of North Carolina where he is completing his work toward a PHD degree. Burton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burton of Burnsville, made an outstanding record in his work at the University of Miami. During the summer, he was associated with the Parkway Playhouse as c*-publicity direc tor as well as working in some of the shows presented at the Play house, sponsored by the Drama School of Miai&f U. Burton has assumed his duties as graduate assistant at UNC, Chapel Hill, for the fall term. Miss Parser Complet ing A F Training Lackland Air Force Base, Tex as, Eva Mae Parker, 24, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parker, Star Rt., Burnsville, N. C., is completing her AF basic airmen indoctrination .course at Lackland Air Force Base, the "Gateway to the Air Force.” Lackland, situated near San An tonio, is the world’s largest air force base, site of Air Force basic training, for men and women, headquarters of the Human Re source Center, and home of AF’s Officer Candidate School. Her basic training is preparing her for entrance into Air Force technical training and for assign ment in specialized work. The i course includes a scientific evalu- | ation of her aptitude and inclina tion for following a particular vo cation and career. BEE LOG PTA TO MEET TONIGHT The Bee Log PTA will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30, in - the High School auditorium. Mrs. < Oscar Fender, president, will pre- : side at the meeting. •• i BUSINESS PLACES WILL BE OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS The Merchants’ Association an nounced this week that the busi ness places in town will stay open on Wednesday afternoons begin ning next Wednesday, October 3. ' .*- - I MISS YELTON RETURNS TO W. C. Miss Jean Yelton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Yelton of Rt. 3, Burnsville, has returned to the Woman’s College of the Univer sity of North Carolina, Greens boro, N. Q„ where she is a senior this year. Dr. C. F. Mcßae, district health officer, attended a regional meet ing of the North Carolina Divis ion, American Cancer Society, in Asheville on May 21. Miss Iris Byrd, secretary In Mitchell Coun ty for the District Health Depart ment, attended a similar meeting in Morganton on September 19. > Hospital Report • " The Yancey Hospital reports four births and seventeen other admissions during the past week. The births include a daughter, Linda Gaylene, born Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doan of Rt. l, Burnsville; a daughter, Susan Elaine, born Sept. 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll H. Souther of Burns ville; a daughter, Scottle Elaine, born Sept. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Boone, Jr., of Rt. 3, Bak ersville; * a daughter, Rebecca Lynn, born Sept. 23, to Mrs. and Mrs. Spurgon Almon, Rt. 2, Bur nsville. Other admissions include Will iam Silvers,' Wayneßr&nton, Mrs. Julia Jones, Mrs. Lora Allen, Sam Murphy, Rt. 2, Burnsville; Mrs. Kathryn Chandler, Asheville; baby Wayne Hullett, Rt. 3, Burnsville; Miss Edith Buchanan, Mrs. Esther Boone, Burnsville; Shelia Turby fill Rt. 1, Green Mountain; Donald McMahan, Ronald McMahan, Star Rt. Burnsville; Albert R%y, Rt. 5, Asheville; Mrs. Madge Edwards, Rt. 4’ Burnsville; Jerry Robertson, Mrs. Katie Wilson, Pensacola; Mrs. Jenell Webb, Rt. 2, Bakers ville Pensacola Lad Loses Fingers In Accident Jerry Robertson, 9-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robertson of Pensacola, lost two fingers and a thumb in a freak accident Sunday. The accident which brou ght serious injury to one hand and minor injury to the other was caused by explosion of a dyna mite cap. According to reports, the lad was carrying a dynamite cap in his hand as he was on his way to church Sunday morning. He fell with" the cap In his hand and the cap exploded from the jar or from striking the ground. The explosion caused the loss of two fingers and thumb on the left hand and injury to the right. Immediately following the acci dent, Jerry was taken to Yancey hospital where he received treat ment. He was released Tuesday. Hunter Joins In Farm Draining Program E. F. Hunter of the Jacks Creek community is one of the many Yancey County farmers who are draining the wet bottomland and stopping erosion on upland this year, according to Lewis Dameron, work unit conversa tionist. Fifteen Yiiincey farmers to date have drained a total of eighteen acres of land by installing 7,427 feet of clay tile drain and 7,200 feet of open ditch drains. By draining the wet bottomland, these farmers have been able to utilize their time and labor more efficiently. Machinery can be used on these bottomlands, thus tak ing less time and labor to work the crop, Mr. Dameron said. Less soil erosion occurs and pro duction increases, since this sys tem enables row crops to be moved off the less productive, more erosive slopes. Technical assistance in the na ture of surveying, designing, and supervision of installation has been furnished to Yancey farm ers by the personnel of the Yan cey Soil Conservation Office. TWO COWS GIVES FARMER EXTRA MONTHLY INCREABE Eight gallons of Grade C milk per day might not be enough to impress a larger producer, but Roy Duncan of Yancey County isn’t dissatisfied with this amount. Assistant county agent, Roger Hyatt, says that Duncan is get ting these eight gallons from two cows. Duncan says he gets ap proximately 340 net income fromi these two cows every month. Dun can agrees that while this may not sound like much, it hfelps supplement his income from the rest of the farm and helps to pay some of the minor monthly bills. Four Os Six Prisoners Reported Captured In Va. i Six prisoners from the Yancey County prison wmp at Cane River attacked a guard and State High way employees Monday and escap ed while doing road work in the Prices Creek section. Prison guard Fred Honeycutt . was injured by one of the prison i erg during the escape affair. Hon oycutt was attacked by Wayne Joyce of Mt. Airy, who stabbed the guard in the shoulder with a pitch fork. Honeycutt was not i seriously injured. When Joyce launched the es ■ cape attack, five other prisoners joined In. The six long term pris- Mrs. Low Does Much Work With Vets In Hospital Os the several women’s clubs in Burnsville, the American Legion Auxiliary is one which was organ ized strictly for service to others. One example is the work that i Mrs. J. G. Low, rehabilitation chairman and volunteer hospital worker for the Auxiliary, is doing in our two V. A. Hospitals, Oteen and the Swannanoa Division of Oteen. The Legion’s hospital pro gram consists of bringing person al service to patients, being often a go-between for patient and home, and working in child welfare when children of veterans are in need as a result of the father being ill. By personal services, Mrs. Low explains that “we do for the pa tient just what one would do for a relative; read and write letters; make phone calls, supply toilet articles for those 'vrtio have left • home in an emergency and need J razors, tooth brushes and combs, , lotions and other small items.” The Auxiliary subscribes to sev eral copies of all the leading ma gazines, furnishes stationery with picture of the hospital, distributes greeting cards, does banking, dis tributes free cigarettes, takes J care of post office needs, and' many other small attentions that' only sick men can appreciate. Whereas all of the volunteers at| present are women, the hospital would like for Legionaires to con sider volunteer work in the nature of visiting and doing what they can for the hospitalized. STUDENTS RETURN TO COLLEGES The following students from the Jacks Creek community have re turned or entered college for the fall term; Misses Genene Bailey, Hope Ann Mclntosh and Beverly Silvers has reterned to Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, N. C. Loyd Bailey has entered Duke University, Durham, N. C. Misses Patty Wilson and Ange line Evans have entered the Dell School of Medical Technology, Asheville, N. C. Steve Briggs has entered N. C. State, Raleigh, N. C. Reid Hall has returned to East Tennessee State College, Johnson City Ten.n. Hensley Leaves For Overseas Duty Morehead City, N. C. (FHTNC) —Marine Pfc. Harmon W. Heif sley, son of Mrs. Eula G. Hensley of Rt. .\ Burnsville, and Marine Pvt. David A. Giller son of Mrs. Saf Giller of Newdale, N. C., de parted Morehead City, N. C., Aug ust 21 with the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines, 2nd Marine Division, for a goodwill tour of the Mediter ranean. The battalion will join the Sixth Fleet in relief of the 2nd Battal ion, Bth Marines, which has been in the Mediterranean since March. The battalion will participate In amphibious exercises in several of the NATO countries and make goodwill visits to numerous Euro pean countries. ... k .. *• .-I- .V .. i, . “BLOOD SAVES LIVES, GIVE* VWH YOUR BLOOD BANK NUMBER FIVH oners tied up Honeycutt, Ben Griffith, a State Highway em pi oye, and three other prisoners. One of the prisoners stripped the guard of his clothing, as well as also taking his guns and. identifi ' fation papers.- Following the escape, the pris oners held up a motorist, Lel&nd Scott of that section, and made their getaway in his 1951 Ply mouth automobile. They also took a rifle from the 18-year old Scott. The next contact made by offi cers with the escaped prisoners was in Big Stone Gap, Va., where gun shots were exchanged by prisoners and Virginia officers. Shortly following identification of the stolen automobile and the gun battle, the prisoners aband oned the car and escaped into the ’ mountains around Big Stone Gap. As the search continued, one prisoner, Herman Patterson of Shelby, N. C., surrendered to of ficers in Big Stone Gap Tuesday night. i Ralph England, prison camp superintendent, reported Wednes day evening that it was known officially that Raymond Gilley was captured Wednesday morn ing in the Virginia town, his home. Virginia State Police captured Gilley after he had broken into a commissary at Big Stone Gap. Superintendent England also said that an unofficial report had been made Wednesday that two other prisoners, Deyton Watts and Carl Roberts, had been captured. He said that if this report is true only two, Wayne Joyce, instigator of the escape, and John Woods re main at large. All prisoners of Camp 1014 are long termers. One of the escaped men from the camp was serving two life sentences, it was said. Plans Being Made For Extension Courses Here Cullowhee, Sept. 21—Dean W. B. Harrill of Western Carolina Col lege has announced that plans have been completed for an ex tension course to be taught in Burnsville beginning Saturday, September 29, at eight-thirty a. m. Mrs. C. A. Hoyle of the college faculty will teach "Language Arts in the Elementary School” at the Burnsville High School Library each Saturday morning for eleven > consecutive weeks. It was explained by Dr. C. D. Killian, head of WCC's education department, that the course will allow credit only in the under graduate and certificate renewal areas. He also said that teachers from surrounding counties are in vited to attend the Burnsville classes if they wish to do so. Officials To Hold Open House At New Building Town officials announced this week that “‘open house” will be held at the new Town Office Building Sunday afternoon. The building now houses the of fice of the Town and the Burns ville Fire Department as well as maintenance equipment. The public is invited and urged to make a visit through the new building Sunday. Refreshments will be served In the Fire Depart ment section of the building. DR. SARGENT TO ATTEND MEDICAL CONVENTIONS Dr. W. A. Y. Sargent will leave Sunday for Chattanooga, Tenn., where he will attend the Tennes see Valley Medical Assembly con vention on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1 and 2, and the Southern Medical Association’s Golden An niversary celebration on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 2 asd 3. Dr. Sargent will be back In his °c£:l7u, Thurs,i * y "“71

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