VOLUME TWENTY-ONE U F Workers Begin Cam paign In County Monday ' The second annual drive of the| Yancey United Fund begins next' Monday to raise a budget goal of $9,200 for an even dozen health, J welfare and character building agencies whoSe activities benefit Yancey County and its citizens, j Yancey residents during the campaign may expect to see and hear much of the campaign slo gans “drive once for All” and “Everybody Gives Everybody Benefits". These slogans condense in a few words the objectives of the United Fund Drive. The campaign this year is un der the direction of Don Burhoe, campaign chairman, assisted by co-chairman Hershey Longenecker of MicaVtfie, who will direct the drive ir. the eastern part of the county, and co-chairman James Hall of Bald Creek, who will han dle the drive in the western end of the County. An able group of workers has enlisted to carry out the raising of the funds. For the central por tion of the county, Chairman Bur hoe announces the following vol unteers, together with the fields they will cover: Teachers Edgar Hunter, Jr.; Merchants Kenneth Robertson, Vint Westall, Paul Biggerstaff, J. N. Barnettf Manufacturing Indus try Bill Banks, Pete Coletta, Max Penland, Bob Rhinehart, Harvest Festival Scheduled For Nov. 2 The annual Harvest Festival at Burnsville School will be held on Friday night, NoV. 2, at the school. A Harvest King and Queen will be selected for the elementary grades and the high school. Other entertainment will include a var iety show and a well-known quar tet from Johnson City, Tenn. In the masquerade contest, a first prize of $5.00 and a second prize of $3.00 will be given for the best Hallowe’en costume. A refreshment concession will be in operation during the even ing for the sale of drinks, other refreshments, and caudy and ap ples, a new feature this year. Admission prices for the festi val will be 25c and 50c. The Burnsville PTA is in need of raising additional funds since a large sum was spent on the re modeling of the lunchroom last summer. Your support of the fes tival will help your school. Rest Home To Open In Burnsville Among the new establishments opening or soon to open in Burns, ville is the Burnsville Rest Home. Located on a beautiful hill just above the Yancey Health Center, and commanding an excellent view of the central portion of town and the hills beyond, the site of this new enterprize was for many years known as the S. Y. Reid home. Following Mr. Reid’s death, it was bought and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Stamey. As the Burnsville Rest Home, it will be operated by Mrs. J. R. Brinkley. An addition to the present build ing is now under construction whioh will provide room for 12 to 14 patients. Just as soon as this work is finished, within the next few weeks, The Burnsville Rest Home will be receiving guests. Mrs. Brinkley is now in residen ce at the above location. She in vites inquiries by letter or person* al interview from all interested parties. (j Give To Your Fund H s I Leo Good, B. R. Penland; Yancey] ( Hospital Howard Wright; Law-] ■ yers Dick Bailey; Doctors and j Dentists Dr Clyde M. Whis- / ( nant; Garages and Auto Dealers— I Jim Anglin; Prison Camp- Em | ployees Ralph England; Also Highway Dept. Fred Phoenix; Court House Mrs. Evelyn Pate; Miscellaneous Offi ces Paul Laughrun; Jacks Creek J. B. Stamey; Green Mountain Erskine Bailey and Jesse Howell; REA Burnie, King; Post-Office, Insurance and Telephone Offices Ashton Ram sey; and general coverage of rur al areas Herman Anderson. Organization in the eastern and western areas of the county ; is not complete at this time and will be reported next week. In holding the drive at this time, the Yancey Comty drive coincides with hundreds of similar cam paigns throughout the country, in cluding most of the more import ant areas in Western North Caro lina The local drive, it is felt, will benefit by the large amount of television, radio and newspaper publicity from these other centers. Although all these drives are man aged locally and the budgets drawn up locally, In the main their objectives are very similar and publicity for one is applicable to the others. . R. K. Helmle, President of the Yancey United F'und, stated that he is very pleaded with the bud get goal set up this year and be lieves that the people of the coun ty have every reason to support it wholeheartedly. The budget committee of local citizens, he said, did a thoughtful painstak ing job and in all cases gave care ful consideration to the benefits whioh will flow to Yancey County. A larger portion of the budget will be spent in the county this year in providing direct benefits to the people here. Important advantages of the united fund way of giving have . been outlined by Mr. Helmle as follows: 1. It provides an efficient, eco-J nomlcal way of raising money, as compared with having a dozen in dividual drives, each for a single purpose. 2. It provides for home control over the collection of funds, which gives assurance that the money will be used for the greatest bene fit of the county. 3. It makes possible" the reduc tion of fund raising activities in the schools, which in the past have interfered seriously with | school work, and been a nuisance to prqents and teachers. y . Hospital Report The Yancey Hospital reports four births and fifteen other ad missions during the past week. The births include a son, Michael Randall, born Oct. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fox of Rt. 1; a son, Leasil Joe, born Oct. 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Leasil Webb of Burns ville; a son, Jerry Everett, born Oct. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Lee Robinson of Rt. 2; and a son, Randy Keith, born Oct. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hunter of Rt. 3. Other admissions during the week include Max Penland, Roy Young and Deborah Young of Burnsville; Mary Essie Ball, Mar. jorie Burleson, Mattie Fox and Pansey Franklin of Rt. 1; Clara Presnell and Harriett Hughes of RRt. 2; Elaine Whitson of Pensa cola; Russell W. Hughes and Clyde Fox of Green Mtn.; Neal Byrd of Hamrick; Clifford Wllliß of Bak- I ersville; and Mary Penland of Kingsport, Tenn. The Yancey Record SUB. RATES 82.00 YEAR. BURNSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1956 Legion Auxiliary To Meet Tuesday Night By Mrs. J. G. Low s All ex-ser.vjjeemen and s their wives or guests are invited to at } tend the regular monthly supper I meeting of the American Legion and Auxiliary to be held Tuesday evening, Oct. 23, at 7 o’clock in the Community Building. * Following the program, guests and members are invited to re ■ main for an hour of games and entertainment. As the fall membership drive is now on, members are urged to come prepared to pay their dues. ! The stronger our membership, the more we can do for those in hos pitals and homes where the pri vations and sufferings of war con tinue; the more we can do for children who need our help; and 1 the more we can do to build the 1 good will and understanding that are the foundations of peace. • With a great membership, we • will have new power in all parts ■ of our program. We must meet our ■ membership quota as soon as pos ■ sible. Prospective members and ■ guests are cordially welcome. : Local People Have “Exhibits At State Fail* ’ The huge North Carolina State I Fair grounds in Raleigh are alive with activity this week as the biggest State Fair in the 103- year history of the event is in progress. Every phase of farming in North Carolina is being depict ed in its latest, most modern state. More than $65,000 has been set aside for cash premiums for those who exhibit their products and wares. __ _. I “ u... -•» • Miss Sue Nottingham, Yancey County home agent, and Roger] Hyatt, along with Yancey 4-H*ers | Verlene Silver, Penny Landreth .' and Benny Ray, are attending the ! fair this week and have entered an exhibit “Steps To Better Grooming”. Mrs. J. G. Low, president of the , Burnsville Home Demonstration I * Club, has entered articles of cloth ing,— culinary arts, photography , I and household articles which are i being exhibited this week. In all some 10,000 different ex ■ hibits displayed by about 2,000 persons are being shown at this year’s fair, compared with about 8,000 last year. ■ 11 —— * Saving Bond Sales Lag, Hensley Report ; * • 1 | During September, sales of Ser-I ,' les E and H Savings Bonds !n | North Carolina were $3,332,062.25 | making a nine months total of I $39,480,440.75 for the calendar year, G. L. Hensley, Savings Bonds Volunteer Chairman for Yancey County reported today. This com pared with $41,451,408.25 sold dur ing the same period last year. Sales of Series E Bonds through September show an increase of one half of one per cent over last year, however the overall decrease of E and H Bonds combined sales is less than 5% from a year ago. The Series H Bonds sales total $5,243,500, so far this year, com pares with $7,452,500 for the first nine months of 1955, Sales for September in Yancey > County total $3,255.05, with cumu lative sales for the year totaling [ $Bl, 405. 05, | k “The wide spread popularity ofj ! United States Saving Bonds among • our citizens is revealed by their ! continued purchases of Series E f Bonds,” said Mr. Hensley, who ■ joined with the Savings Bonds ; Division in expressing thanks for I this fine support. “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” SHOOT TO BE HELD SATURDAY A Turkey Shoot will be held this Saturday, Oct. 20, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. at the home of Doug Ferguson on Licksklilet Road. The shoot te being sponsored by the Bald Creek Lions Club, Every one is invited, and those taking part are askpd to bring their own guns. Credit Needs Os FHA Clients Discussed How the credit needs of a lar ger number of farm families can be served by the Farmers Home Administration under recently en acted legislation was duscussed at a meeting- of agency officials held in Asheville recently. The new law provides broader au thority to assMggiTamily-type far mers with loaflKp improve and operate their farms. It also author izes, as a part pf the rural develop ment program, loans for operating and developing .farms where the farmer has part-time employment off the farm. Included in the broad er authority are loans for finan cing existing debts, and an increase in the maximum amount that can be advanced for operating loans. All of the present loan services of the Farmers Home Administra tion whiilj, include loans for the operation, 'development and pur chase of family-type farms, farm housing, soil water conservation, and loans to meet emergency credit needs will continue to be available. Taking part in the meeting were Horace J. Isenhower, State Dir ector; Herman B, Riggle, Produc tion Loan jQffker_J James O. Buchanan, Farm Loan Officer; Ralph W. Turner, Farm Manage ment Specialist; and Paul Laugh run, Area Supervisor. County office employees of the farmers Home Administration in Yancey County received the new in structions and are now ready to process loans within these broader authorities. The loans to refinance existing debts will be available until June 30, 1959 to owners of farms no lar ger than family-size. These loans will heip farmers who have ade quate real estate scurity and who are otherwise in a sound position but who are unable to meet their present credit obligations and need credit on more favorable terms and conditions than is currently avail able from othei lenders. When debts are refinanced by the FHA the payments will be scheduled according to the ability of the borrower to repay. In the ■past, the .agency has only refinan ced existing debts when the re- I financing was incidental to the making of a real estate loan for jurchase or improvement of family type farms. The amount of each operating loan made by the Farmers Home Administration is based on the needs of the applicant and his ability to pay. In the past the maximum amount that a borrower could be indebted has been. set at SIO,OOO. Normally the credit needs of borrowers can be met within such a ceiling. How ever, under the new law when a borrower needs additional credit because of the type of farming operation which he proposes to carry out, loans may be made up to a total debt ceiling of $20,000. The operating loans are used for the purchase of equipment, live stock, fertilizer, seed and other farm and home operating expenses I needed to carry out efficient far -1 ming operations on family-type farms. The interest rate remains at 5 percent. Operating loans are repayable over periods up to 7 years. Loans will also be available for (Continued on back pace) Prisoner Captured Following Escape William L. Winkler, 21, of Con nelly Springs in Burke County, who escaped from the Yancey County Prison Omp road gang on Tuesday of last week, was re captured the next night by Spruce Pine police, camp officials have announced. Winkler had escaped from the road gang while the prison crew was working in the Cattail com munity. He crossed the rugged mountain on foot to Celo, where he stole an auto belonging to Levi Burleson. Wrinkler was arrested in the automobile in Spruce Pine. Winkler had been at the Yancey Prison slightly over one week at the time of hfl* escape. He started serving a sentence of 22 months for breaking and entering last Aug. 28, at Central Prison, Raleigh. District PTA Meet Attended By Local Representatives Fou/ delegates from Yancey County are attending the annual conference of District Two, North Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers, today (Thursday) at the Glen Alpine School, Glen Alpine. The Yancey delegation includes Mrs. Fleet Proffitt, president of the Bald Creek PTA; Mrs. Max Proffitt of Bald Creek; Mrs. Jaf es Ray, president of the Burns ville PTA; and Mrs. Reece Mcln tosh of Burnsville. Mrs. John W. Crawford, presi dent of the N. C. Congress who will address the group, has chosen for he# topic, “Education, Our In- j vestment Is The Future”. Mr a] Robert Lackey, Jr., director of District Two, will preside at the meeting. Many new features have been added to the program this year, including a play. Two Saturdays Open For Registration Raleigh—Registration to vote in the General Election on November 6, will be possible for the next two Saturdays; and all who have not heretofore registered are urged to place their names on the books. Hundreds of young people have reached the age of 21 in the past few months, or will before Nov ember 6, and are thus eligible; to register. In the older groups, those who have not heretofore registered have this opportunity to participate in the affairs of government. Also those who have changed their residences and have lived in the new precinct for 30 days may register, and those who have lived in the State for the past year will have the right to regisetr and vote. Polling places will be open all day on Saturday, October 20, and Oct ober 27, for registration of new voters. * i|* - -■ : Parkway Travel Above Last Year According to figures just re leased by Sam P. Weems, Super intendent of the Blue Ridge Park way, travel continues to increase on this scenic highway. In September, 1955, 434,365 peo ple traveled the Parkway. Com pared with the September, 1956 figure of 513,214, this is an in crease of 18.2 per cent. The travel for 1905 through Sep tember was 3,470,871. Compared with the same period of 1956, 4,009,559, this is an increase of 18.5 per cent. New Health Center To Be Dedicated Sunday Plans have been made for the , dedication of the Yancey County , Health Center in Burnsville, at 3 o’clocl Sunday afternoon, Oct. 21. Among those taking part in the dedication program will be the Rev. Worth B. Royals, pastor of« the Higgins Memorial' Methodist l VA Representative To Be Here Next Thursday A representative of the North Carolina Veterans Commission, Jack C. Winchester, will be with the,County Service Officer, Court-' house, Burnsville, North Carolina •n Thursday, October 25, from .11:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. to assist veterans and their dependents. Mr. Winchester stated the dead line for some veterans to file a change of their discharge or sep aration records is approaching. The Department allows up to fifteen years after separation, dis charge or retirement to file for a review of the discharge. Some dis charges may be changed if issue can be shown to have in error or j injustice. General, Undesirable, Bad I Conduct,' or Dishonorable discharg es are types which may be correct ed to a better type if satisfactory reason for making a change can be shown. To change certain ones of above discharges or separations may cause some veterans to qualify. In some cases, they are now barrel | from G I training or education, | loans, hospitalization, re-employ ment right, burial flag and burial , allowance, service pay which was held back, and also a bar for their dependents in case of veteran’s death. If you have other than honorable, or one of the above classes of sep arations, you should by all means file for a review to obtain a better type. Your County Service Officer will be glad to assist in any way possible. Bald Creek, Burnsville Win Softball Tournament The Girls| soft ball team of Bald Creek High School, under the coaching of David Peterson, won the final game of the County Tour nament last week, with a 10-8 score over the Clearmont High School girls. Bald Creek has played 10 games I this season - eight regular season games and two tournament games. They have played 20 games in two years and have won seventeen of them. The line-up for the champions includes Carolyn Chandler, catcher; Billie Marie Robinson, pitcher; Evelyn Ledford, first base; Alma Faye Hylcmon, second base; Catherine Pate, third base: Melba Fox, short stop: Valerie Anglin, right field; Lurene Pate, left field; Peggy Ayers, center field; Winnie Hensley and Joyce Ayers, substitutes. The Burnsville Boys’ soft ball team won the Yancey County Bas ketball Tournament at Micaville, Friday, Odt. 12, by defeating Mica ville 8-1. The winning pitcher was Frank Howard Lewis. The line-up for Burnsville: Styles, Harris, Laughrun, Fox-1, Hensley-3, Lew is-1, Wells-1, Deyton, Wilson-1. Micaville line-up: Young, Hall, W. Boone, P. Boone, Robinson-1, W. Young, Gibbs, Ray, Bartlett This was Burnsville’s fourth consecutive tournament win. They w ent into the finals after defeat ing Clearmont 11-4. i ; NUMBER EIGHT ! Church, who will give the invo cation. Dover R. Fouts, Burnsville at torney, and Dr. J. W. R. Norton, . M. P. H., State Health Officer, «, will deliver addresses at the de dication ceremonies. The speakers' . will be introduced 'by John M. Randolph, chairman of the Yan. cey County Health Council, and . Dr. Cameron F. Mcßae, District Health Officer. An open house will 'Tollow the official opening of the Health Center by W/Mark Hall, chairman of the Yancey. County Board of Commissioners. 1 " The public is cofrdlaily invited to attend the dedication ceremon -1 ies and open house. i Pensacola PTA Officers Elected The Pensacola PTA met Thurs day evening, Oct. 11, with twenty six present. Alvin McMahan pre sided over the meeting. Mrs. Carl Ray gave the devo tional, after which a business I session was held. The following officers were elected to serve for the coming year - Ralph Byrd, president;' Junior Robinson, vice president; Mbs. Billy Brooks Wilson, secretary; and Mrs. Gilmer Bagwell, treas urer. The program committee includ es Mrs. Carl Elay, chairman, Oli va*'McMahan and Mrs. Brooks Wilson. Those serving on the re freshment committee are Mrs. Ralph Byrd, chairman, Mrs. Way ne Ray, Mrs. Dawson Briggs, Mrs. Maney and Mrs. Osborn Briggs. Those serving on the enlistment committee are Billy Brooks Wil son, chairman, Mrs. Buddie At kins, Mrs. Oliver McMahan, Mrs. Wyman Higgins and Mrs. Laur ence Wilson. The welfare com mittee includes Horace Daniel Ray, chairman, Billy Brooks Wil son and airs. Burb Metcalf. The second Tuesday evening of each month was’ set as the time for the regular meetings. Hostesses for the Thursday ev ening meeting were Mrs. Wayne Ray, Mrs. Oliver McMahan, Mrs. Brooks Wilson and Mrs. Billy Brooks Wilson. Pensacola School To Hold Festival Wednesday The Pensacola Elementary “School Hallowe’en Festival will ' take place Wednesday, October 2*, at 8 p m. in the school auditorium* A one act comedy, “Billy’s Com ing,” will be presented by mem bers of the PTA. Other entertain ment during the evening will con ■sist of music, games, an amateur contest, and a most original cos tume contest. Prizes will be award ed for the winner of the amateur contest and there’ will be a eos tume prize for children. A dosr prize will be given as well as prizes for other games and contests. Refreshments, - in cluding pop-corn, candy, pies, cakes, punch and coffee will’ bo sold during the evening. Surprise boxes also will be for sale. Admission for the program will be 50c and 25c.