GIVE TO YOUR YANCEY UNITED FUND VOLUME TWENTY-ONE ” >^B> T liilß flHpf||i •:' f|» Hj| FIRE PREVENTION SPEAKERS Here are eight of the speakers for the Governor’s Confer ence on Forest Fire Prevention held yesterday in the N. C. State Fa ; r Arena at Raleigh. Purpose of the Conference is to curtali North Carolina's 35-million-dollar annual loss to forest fires. Speakers on top row (left tp right) were: Govprnor Luther H. Hodges, who also served as honorary chairman of the Conference; Thomas J. Pearsall, Rocky Mount businessman and farmer; W. Lunsford Crew, state senator of Roanoke Rapids; and Fred H. Claridge of Raleigh, state Forester. On the bottom row are: !f. Wade Bruton of Raleigh, assistant N. C, attorney general; Turner W. Battle, Jr., of Rocky Mount,. N, C. Wildlife Federation president; D. Hidden Ramsey of Asheville, retired newspaper publisher; and C. E, Hartford of Wilmington, vice president of Riegal Paper Company. North Carolina took action against one of its major economic problems yesterday when more than 2,000 Tar Heels attended the State’s first Governor’s Confer ence -on Forest Fire Prevention. The gathering was held in the giant N. C. State Fair Arena in Raleigh. Yancey County was represented at the conference by District For est Ranger Don Bylsma, Assist- ASC Officials Attend Meeting The Yancey County ASC Com mittee, officp manager Fred L. Anglin, and office personnel at tended a quarterly staff confer ence in Asheville on November Bth and 9th. The first day of the meeting tvas dgyoted to duties and respon sibiliti& of county committeemen, _ jpaf-fc eting quota violations, and the acreage reserve and conservation reserve programs. The second day was devoted to the agricultural conservation program and other current ASC activities. Tilman Walker, state ASC Chairman, pointed out that it is- a selling Job for ASC to get more people in the program. According to Mr. Anglin, the Yancey ASC office would like to thank the people of Yancey Coun ty for their fine cooperation dur ing the past year. Seventy-nine percent of all Yancey farmers are participating in the agricultural conservation program for 1956, Anglin said, and it is hoped that a larger number will participate in 1957. The sign-up period fqr 1957 will be announced in the near future, and the ASC office Jiopes that at least 90 percent of all farmers . will be participating in the pro gram, The job Os the ASC, Anglin stated, is to serve the public in a way that they will be pleased with our operations hero in Yancey County. J, Evelyn H. Pate, Register of Deeds for Yancey County, do here by certify that the following is a true and cprreot copy, of the Min utes of the Board of County Com missioners fbr the October and November meetings. Oct. 1, 1956. Poor $5340.37; Debt $34.40; General $7,780.59 Nov." 5, 1956. Poor $608.01; Debt $98.29; General $3,541.84 Witness my hand and official seal, this 13th day of Nov. 1956. Evelyn H. Pate, Register I. of y* The Yancey Record /”" ' , . ■ • •, < 4| «K“ .'■■••• - • - ant Ranger Robert Cox, Assistant County Agent W. H. Anderson and Forest Warden Craig. English, The problem discussed at the conference was one which takes a 35-million dollar slice out of the State’s economy each year, a loss Which impairs" North Carolina's per capita income and standard of living. • Governor Luther H. Hodges’ as] honorary chairman of the confer- Miss Hassel Speaks •To Women On Trip To Italy The Burnsville Woman's Club held its regular monthly meeting last/ Thursday evening at the Community Building, Mrs. R. K. Helmle, president, called the meeting to order and re cognized the guests, Mrs, Karl O. Bellack ipd Mrs. G. S. Crane of Wisconsin, and Mrs. Don Byslma of Burnsville. Mrs. R. K. Ransom presented Miss Annie. Hassel, who gave an interesting talk on her trip to Italy and showed slides of scenes she visited during her trip. Miss Hassel. a. newcomer to Burnsville,' is employed at the Glen Raven Silk Mills. Mrs. Don Burhoe, chairman of the membership committee, pre sented the following candidates for membership in the club: Mrs. J. B. King, Mrs. Warren Franklin, Mrs. Dick Bailey, Mrs. Don Bylsma, Miss Annie Hassel and Miss Hope Bailey. Members who were teinstated were Mrs: Ever ette Dillingham, Mrs. Clarence Burton and Mrs. Hubert D. Justice Reports were given by the var ioup committee chairmen, and Mrs. Rush T. Wray was appointed chairman of a new project to place an air marker on a build ing In town. The club has been asked to do this In order to put Burnsville on the Air Force map. No Red Cedar Available For Planting Due to the Impact from the soil bank program, no’more red cedar or yellow-poplar tree seedlings are available from the state nur series for the coming tree'plant ing season. A small allotment of 150,000 yellow-poplar seedlings was ear marked for a program by the Fur niture, Plywood and Veneer-Coun cil of the North Carolina Forestry Association In the summer. These trees weff assigned free of charge :o interested applicants on a mat ching tret -for-tree basis up to a limit of ,5,000 trees to aiiy indi t victual. However, hti tnc r treos in j s pro r ae a,q mnv e . “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” SUB. RATES $2.00 YEAR. BURNSVILLE, N. C„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1936 A I -- ii - ence, led an- impressive list of speakers who are regarded as er - perts on various aspects of the forest fire problem. The Governor has designated November as “Forest Fire Pre vention Month in North Carolirfd" to emphasize the fact that need less economic waste through" for est fires has an adverse effect on the State’s per capita income. Heart Clinic To Be £***•* ii. i —• Held At Spruce Pine A heart examination clinic will be held at the Bell Chiropractic Clinic at 11 Walnut Street, in Spruce .Pine, on Nov. 20, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, and from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Dr. Royal S. Lee of Mil waukee, Wis., is sending Mr. Daniel Boone to take the readings. Any questionable readings will be sent to Dr. Lee for analysis. Dr. is a nationally known nu tritionist, and in addition heads an engineering company which has developed the Endocardio graph machine, which has been used for about twenty years. Dr. Lee is disturbed about the rising incidence of heart conditions and is offering this service to Chiro practors throughout the nation, at no expense to either the doctor or the patient, in an effort to de tect heart weaknesses before they i each critical stages, and to out line proper care where needed I ' Miss Boone Speaks To Bald Creek PTA The Bald Creek PTA met in the school library on Nov. 7, for its regular monthly meeting. The president, Mrs. Fleet Proffitt, pre sided at the meeting. The devotional was given by the fifth grades under the leadership Pf Mrs. Virginia Bailey and Miss Paula Mae Higgins. Miss Ethel Boone, county super visor, gave a most interesting talk on the subject, “The School and Your Child", after which she gave one of her famous readings. The next meeting will be held on Dep. JJ The program will be given by the Glee Club under the direction of Mrs. Mary Cecil Seivers, The South Toe PTA is present ing its second movie prpgram Sat urday night, Nov. 17, at 8 o’clock. , • 7f ysgrtT ■■ The name t>f the picture is "J'ggs and Maggie Out West”. [ Mr - and Mrs - Harf y Hockins of :* * * Clearmont School News Clearhnont Booster’s Club . A group of interested men and teachers met recently at Clear mont and organized The Clear mont Booster’s Club. Its major purpose being to help subsidize the Clearmont Athletic Association and other school activities. # Officers elected at the organi zational meeting were Clarence E. Bailey, president; Phillip J. How ell, vice-president ’ and Cecil Dey ton, secretary-treasurer. There is at the present time a membership drive underway to ad-" vance the enrollment of this need ed organization. The Booster’s CJub, when the basketball season., opens, will han- i die all duties assigned to the ath-1 letic event. V Clearmont Organizes Dramatics Club Twenty-seven interested stud ents met recently under the dirte tion of Robert Howell and organi zed a high school dramatics group. During the organizational meeting t lie following officers were elect ed: Gerald Garland, director; Bet- Lou* Peterson, assistant direct and Bobby Ayers, business manager.’ The purpose of the organization is to a-dvanee-A stronger interest in dramatic acflyiti’ at Clearmont and to encouraftv interest in oral expresßr '‘‘j A series ate now being studiolL T Season OgSfr J'tWlth Nebo On Tuesday- . »*• '.f The Cle£U'i',joitt athletic squads will journey Ivto MoDowell County Tuesday to spen their basketball season. On re turn “to their home court for the home-game opener with Bald Creek as the visiting team. The Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Cov ington of Winnsboro, S. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Covington here recently. Weems Anounces Section Os Parkway Closed • Sam P. Weems, Superintendent of the Blue Ridge Parkway, has announced. the customary closing of the high altitude sections of the Parkway for the winter mon ths. These sections will reopen April 15. The 22 mile section from Bull Creek Gap to the Mt. Mitcrell turnoff will be closed, as will the Soco-Mke High and the Wagon Road-Beech Gap section. Mt. Mitchell State Park will he open tp visitors throughput the year. BMMiBf wSHgur | gg|. ***** V Jail W % A “CJARRYING THE BALL” Acting Secretary of State Herbert Hoover, Jr., is shown as he leaves Walter Reed Hospital in Washing ton after visiting Secretary John “cwryiag U the ball” f« the hospi talized Dulles, reports Mr. Dulles to be making good progress in ( C©r operqjjpn. BHS Defeats Bee Log In Opening Games Here By Gerald Murdock The Burnsville High School bas ketball teams opened the season here Tuesday night with two games with Bee Log. Burnsville took both games. The Burnsville girls defeated the Bee Log girls by a score of 59-51, The boys took their game with a final score of 50-40. Judy Briggs led the Burnsville , girls team with 27 points. Nancy Brown got 18 for the winners. The Lineups: Burnsville; Brown 18, McCurry, Bennett 12, Gardner, Woody. Substitutes: Berry 2, Ray Angel. Bee Log: Ran dolph 6. Tipton 23, D. Edwards 22, 5. Silvers, G.. Edwards, L. Silvers??! Raleigh Buchanan led the Bur ! nsville boys scoring with 15 points. Donald Banks and Charlie Hen sley each got 10 points. The Lineups; Burnsville: Banks 10, Buchanan 15, Hensley 10, Lew is 6, Harris'!?! Subs: Fox 4, Wells. Bee Log: T. Fender 2, Hylemon 6, D. Hensley 14, J. Wheeler 2, D, Wheeler 14. Subs: L. Fender, yJ. Hensley 2. Officials were Rig gins and Sizemore. Burnsville’s next game will be at Bald Creek November 27. Former Foreign Missionary Visits 1 Church Here Present in the congregation of the Presbyterian Church last Sun day were Miss Elizabeth C. Wright, formerly of Peiping, China, and Dr. and Mrs. Daniels of New York City, who spent' Aj number I of years in missionary service at [ •Wanking, China. The Rev. Mr. Reeve, local minister, recalls hav ing met them at a mountain sum mer resort in Japan in the latter 1930”5. Miss Wright, who now re sides at Penland, was a colleague in China of Miss Sarah Perkins whom the Communists captured and held prisoner for a long time until her release a year or so ago. At the service on Sunday Mr. Reeva commissioned about eight een people who were to go out as visitors fn the church’s annual Every-Member Canvass. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. j George Anglin, Mrs. C. A Russell and Tommy Dean Mclntosh for distinguished achievement in the "Bible Mastery” plan of reading and study in First Corinthians during the month of Ootober. On Sunday next, at the morn ing service’ Mr. Reeve will preach on the subject, "Thanksgiving That is Really Christian”. Hospital Report The Yancey Hospital raports one birth this week, a daughter, Helen, born Nov. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Billie Chandler of Rt. 3, Burnsville. Other admissions during the week include Grace Chase and Charles Laurents of Burnsville: Edward Roy Hollman, Tom Laws and Ray Street of Green Mtn.; Baby Edward Dean Styles of Rt. 1, Burnsville; Agnes Chandler of Swiss; Holt Griffith of Relief; Neva McKinney of Bakersville; Ovecja Gibson of Spruce Pine; Elizabeth Moore of Ridgecrest; and Myrtle Taylor of Asheville. Lions Will Sell Fruit Cakes To Aid The Blind .* OR v . A « . . . I Civil Air Patrol Squadron To Be Organized Here Wing CommandeT of the Air Patrol In North Carolina, Col. Hamilton, has authorized Carl Mclntosh of Burnsville to organ ize a local Civil Air Patrol squad ron. At least 15 young men between the ages of 15 and 20 are needed before the sfuadron can be organi zed, Mr. Mclntosh stated. The Civil Air Patrol is-an auxi liary of thf Air Force and is vit ally interested in the cadet pro- No Mail Service • Over Weekend, Postmaster Says •ft l Postmaster G. Leslie Hensley announced this week that mail service from the old post office location will come to a close Sat urday afternoon at 1:00 p. m. One o’clock Saturday of each week is the regular closing time of the office, however, incoming and out going mail is processed Saturday I afternoon and Sunday. This ser vice will not be given this week end due to the fact that the office is moving to the new location in the Briggs Building. Postmaster Hensley said the process of moving will begin im mediately following the closing of the window at the regular closing hour Saturday and will continue until the moving has been com pleted. Business will be resumed at the new location at the regular hour beginning Monday morning, he said. -—— - —-- Formal opening of the new post office building will be held in the near future, Mr. Hensley said. He stated that some notable figures in the Post Office Department will be on hand at the formal op ening, which is believed to be early in December. Beta Club Organized ! At Bald Creek ! A local chapter of the National Beta Club, a leadership-service organization for high-school stu dents of America, was established! on Tuesday, Oct. 23, at Bald Creek School according to E. D. > Wilson. The National Beta Club, with over 2300 local chapters and ap proximately 85,000 members in high schools of 19 States, is now in its twenty year. Objectives of this non-secret, leadership-service organization are: to encourage effort, to promote character, to stimulate achieve ment among Its members, and to* encourage and assißt students to continue their education after high-school graduation. , Donald Wilson, teacher of eighth grade, was appointed as faculty sponsor for the local chapter. Permanent officers for this year are: President, Conita t Fender; vice presidtnt, Becky Proffitt; secretary, Valorie Anglin; treasur er, Sarah E. Proffitt; reporter, Patricia Mclnturff. The local organization is com posed of the following students who have fulfilled the require, raents necessary for membership in the . ational Beta Club. Valorie Anglin, Stoker Hnstin, Mary K. Bailey, Linda J. Briggs, Donah Burton, Billy Doane, Conita Fender, Allire Foxx, Terrold Foxx, J Elaine Hensley, Helena Hensley. Evalle King, Betty Ledford, Patri cia Mcln'.urff, Becky Proffitt, Sar •k a Proffitt. Harbor, Pair, — —i—■ - 'Y"’ i Y ‘Tierf’ ' - GIVE .*0 YOUR • - - rnfr'Vi YANCEY. UNITED FUND * *y number Twelve gram that they have. At the pre- Isent time, they are striving to get more young men interested in the aviation phase of the service. Members of the Civil Air Patrol who join the Air Force are per mitted to advance one rating on entering the Air Force, Mr. Mcln tosh said. - . ’ Once the squadron is foYmed and has young people interested In communications and radio, the Air Force issues on 4 radio kit, a transmitter and receiver oh voice icommuuications. After the radio is in operation and licensed, ' a second kit is issued. Each squad ron is given up to two radio 'kit3 free of charge. • * - When the squadron has three or four pilots, enough to' warrfibt having an air plane, the squadron is put on a rotation program, Hr. Mclntosh said, and the airplane is rotated from squadron to squad ron throughout the area. The Civil Air Patrol is made up solely of volunteers. Much of the equipment is received from var ious branches of the military ser vice and passed on to the various squadrons according to the amount of equipment they already have, their active participation in Civil Air Patrol functions, and their activity in the cadet program. Col. Hamilton will be in Burns, ville, the time and place to bo announced later, to speak to .all interested in organizing a local Civil Air Patrol squadron. All young men who are interested should contact Mr. Mclntosh by calling 2082, or by writing Box 67', Burnsville, N. C. v *■- ■ v .’.r X 52555 GirJ Scout Camp Approved For This Area - Plans for a $116,000 permanent camp for Girl Scouts in this area were approved at a meeting -of the Pisgah Girl Scout Council on Nov. 9, at St. Paul's* Methodist Church, Asheville. The camp, located on the 131- tract owned by the council in Transylvania County, eight miles I southwest of Brevard, will provide j for the needs of 96 girls and a staff of 20. Plans call for a £fnit plan camp which will include three Brownie cabin units, each- *to ..accomodate 16 girls; one tent' girls of one Adirondack shelter tuiTfr.jtor girls 16 and older. ' -■ Construction is expected to ex tend over a three to foor year per iod as funds are available. ■i At the meeting Miss- Sarah Ellen Proffitt of Troop- '67, Bald Creek, showed slides and told the group of the Patrol Roundup on the camp site this summer^ Mrs. James Proffitt Bald Creek, first vice president of the Council, presented a 3 miniature statue of a Girl Scout to Mrs. Guy Carpenter, outgoing who was named second vicrfjhresfdent. in recognition of her m&itce as president of the Council during the last two years. ' Mrs. G. Dixon Bailey Os Burns ville was elected to the ntember ve a two year term A total of )M person* from the vartoooJitarl Stepnt Trange in the area attended the i iWflg The monthly qllnic u - _

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