THE YANCEY RECORD Established July. 1936 ARNEY mud THEN A FOX CO-PUBLISHERS 4 EDITORS MISS HOPE BAILEY ASSOCIATE EDITOR T. L. BROWN SHOP MANAGER Published Every Thursday By YANCEY PUBLISHING COMPANY , A Partnership Second Class Mall Privileges Authorized at M. C. 7 THURSDAY, JULY S, 1958 NUMBER FORTY-FIAE , SUB. RATE $2.00 PER YEAR •- Overlook On [Life - By WARREN S. REEVE The idea of “Overlook” is taken from the Overlooks provtoeo lor viewing panoramas abyig the Blue Ridge Parkway. The study of pscyhology and psychiatry during the la&t few decades has given us new un derstanding of the workings of the human mind and of the com plex relationships that together make up the human conscious ness. We have read. and heard much about the '’‘subconscious" "repression”, and “neurotic” terms which arq suggestive of a whotg- new vocabulary that has become current just within the span of a generation or so. The professional psychologists and psychiatrists have no doubt attained a deeper and more pre-. cise understanding of human psychology than most people of former generations had; and even we who are “laymen" in this field have learned a great deal about it. Thoughtful people who are familiar with these achievements cannot but be grateful for this new “science” and for the utili zation of it for the alleviation of many nervous, emotional and disorders. For a long time, however, I have been gravely apprehensive over the ihisus e some practition ers and some professional groups have put these skills to. Among and psy chiatrists there are those, I think, who are not competent. They succeed in skilfully dissecting the tangled web of drives and fixations, etc., but they are not able to effect a wholesome syn thesis of personality afterwards. The group, however, whose procedures alarm me still more are thidse in the employ of large ; advertising and industrial con cerna-jvho by very subtle and clever psychological devices are to control the mind of the public. I have a suspicion that if we could get an accurate picture of the prevailing state of mind of. th e American pepple and com pare it with a Mmilar picture of the minds of the Russian and Chinese people, we could find that we are just about as much enslaved in our thinking as they are, though in a different way, perhaps. We are all of us being “duped” right along, I consider Mrs* AMERICA says** * " take care of yours too l, v Ml ■* m A j&SfSL WITH U.S. SAVINGS BONDS by high-powered advertising tech niques that enslave us mentally just as the “party-line”- in Rus sia dominates the thinking of masses of the people there. The aim of advertisers is to make people think the way they want them to think. How do they want the public to think? They want them to think they need, and to think they desire the par ticular goods they are selling. I wonder s how many people there are who at first said to themsel ves they didn’J. need and didn’t want this particular article who an the end changed their minds and bought it. 1 As I listen to some commer cials, I am astonished at the ri diculousness of some of the ar guments that are presented. And I am saddened -to think that there are people who do not see th.jugh the falleciousness of the logic employed. I think, for ex ample, of a firm that argues that because th e medicine they put on the market is a compound of several ingredients, therefore it is necessarily superior. A com pound multiple drugs might in some cases be better and might in some cases be worse. The ad vertiser of that article uses atro cious logic because it has a plausible sound; and his aim is not to be logical but to be per suasive. He wants to exercise a measure of control over the thinking of people with respect to the particular article that he offers for sale. The pathetic thing is that hundreds and thou sands of people have their think ing established for them by pow erful I "advertising media. Constant repetition, day after day, is just -an American version of “brainwashing” that we often re proach the Russians or the Chin ese for using. An even more sinister techni que is coming into use, and most people have no inkling that they ar e being “worked on” by the craftiest kind of mind-con trollers. I refer to the device of directing appeals to the sublimit ed consciousness. “Subliminal” means "below the floor level” “floor level,” here, meaning our ctiONtllß* tfcflttgfct. Dowiy |n ti» “cellar”, of ©ur minds, all kinds of idtfti seethe around without our knowing anything abodt Kiem. Secretly also they sneak pp to the “first floor”, and /In sinuate themselves into our con scious thinking, without our realizing where they hav e come from. Clever psychologists in _ the employ of rich and powerful cor porations, have devised ways’ of controlling some of the thoughts in the “subliminal” part of our that is, in the "cellars” l of our minds. For example, they contrive to bring it about that in our subconscious mind, we are saying over and over to oursel ves, “Oh, I want a drink of such and-such a soft drink. Oh, I am so thirsty. Oh, I must have a bottle of ‘such-and-such ‘ a drink”. That thought whirls around in our cellar like a m ad animal, and finally slips “upstairs", and we find ourselves saying con sciously, “Oh, I must- have a drink of “such-and-such”, and we immediately go and get' a bottl e of *t. The great and pow erful corporation that bottles that particular drink has accom plished what it wanted to, do. It shoved us around into thinking what' it wanted us to think, which was that we should have a bottle of their drink without any delay. In that way, you or I are just one of thousands and perhaps of millions who hav e Our thoughts get shoved around by these clever manipulators. Th e big corporation makes enor mous profits. It pays the adver tising agency a large sum, and, in turn, the advertising agency pays the psychological expert that it employed a large amount, with perhaps a fat bonus added on. Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, Independence Day, when Freedom in this 4and of ours is lauded. It is profitable that on this occasion we should ask our*, selves how much real freedom we have. It appears to me that the general public is being sub jected to a species of “brain washing” that, if not so demoral izing is perhaps all the more pa thetic than . any brainwashing carried on by the communists. It is a small matter, perhaps, whether w e succumb to the vertising that persuades us to buy this particular soft drink rather than that. It is not a small matter if w e are induced to start drinking or increase our drinking of alcoholic beverages. It is even more serious if a phi losophy of life, entirely material istic, gets established in our minds. And that is precisely the kind, of a philosophy that under lies th e advertsiing of many ar- *—— l TnmilMH FOR PROMPT DELIVERY M Just Pick Up Your Phone ) All Your Building Needs B. B. Penland & Son Lumber Co. EBB YANCEY RBOOBD Holes. We are made to thlqH having things, ahd buying things, is the most abundant life. There is no doubt, I thihk, that powerful interests, are using all possible media of mind-education to create that kind bt a “climate of public opinion” in which ev erybody feels that life isn’t worth living if they can’t have this and JULY SPECIALS 10-PIECE BEDROOM GROUP Poster Bed \» $0! 2 Vanity Lamps Vanity 2 Pillows Chest of Drawers ® e dspread Coil Springs # Felt Platter Mattress “ Not Exactly as Shown Actual Value *215.00 Special *189.95 9-PIECE LIVING ROOM GROUP • )‘- -i i \ .» - Sofa-Bed a 2 Table Lamps Club Chair 1 Smoke-Stand Platform Rocker f&| 1 " 1-3’ x 4’ Wool 2 End Tables J&j\ Throw Rug Not Exactly as Shown __ ® Actual Value *275.00 Special ,*239.95 32 Piece Set White Dinnerware Free With Either Group *r ' , ■ -■ i BLUE RIDGE HARDWARE CO: MU 2-2545 Burnsville, N. C. ’ if th^ ; can't have that, and it they ;©ib’t have the newest and most up-to-date. model and style.; We are encouraged to buy more things whether we can ( afford them or not. A vast amount of the advertising appeals made both to our conscious minds and subliminally are an effort to create an unthinking, uncritical ’mentAl Attitude/ Thus, this po tentially wonderful human scien ce of pill, psychology, is being 'diyerted into a demonic service. On this’ eve of the remembran ce of our classic American docu ment of Freedom, I would urge therefore that, figuratively speak ing, we rise in arms, like the Minute Men of '7B and resist the *\ ■ ■ • -> fHgjWPATt jtjCE % -A ■ > subtle and ceaseless bombarding of oiitminds by ec lated ua mehsdly to thos,, who. for thetf own felf ish advancement desire to sub jugate the minds of the publio and mak e us no better than the dumb animals in our response to their goadings.