VI YANGESf RECORD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1961 THE YANCEY RECORD Established July, 1936 ARftEV and FOX. CO PUBLISHERS TBBNa FOX *md GERALD MURDOCK' CO-EDITORS - - PTJB LISHgIY;«VBRYTHURSDAY BY • YANCCT -I»#LISHING OOMPANf ■ -u ■ , 4 ' . ' i • ■■■_ |T - " Jl 1 -\jfey j I -••• f '• - / - Hs- t A, Partnership Second Clasl Postage Paid at -Bonttvilft N- C\ THURSDAY. FKBKAJARV2, 1961, NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR . SUBSCRIPTION. RATE; $2.50 PER YEAR iV i i. . ■■ ■ -Ovwtek Ofl Life -- ..." . 'By WARDEN a BKBVB | Th&>idu>of “Overtook” is takes from the Owrioeki purler■ Mr risidscauivnip* *M>I the Blue Ridye rullM|. There was a period in my life vhen.-J... lived in a community made ,up mostly of industrial wor kers. Not a ■ few ,yoyng men were constantly clranging jobs. They n ev. er seemed,sto ..settle down. What ever job they had, they soon came to dislike it. _ They, were always thinking .tlyit somewhere else would be .better than where they. were. _ Such a state of mental . unsettle ment. prevails also among people in Jtfayer than just industnal 'Com munities. .There ~are~ people" eVery where who . wish they.'were else where arid ‘who wonder what life is.'all about. Hundreds of older men*ar&hapnte,d by regrets .at. foolish choices they made earlier in life. What ■ gobd£bas living, -been for them? Where have To those questions they have , no answer. They see no sense in it at all. many of them spend their days in stolid? endur ance, or apgry, they feeh. like fighting the world (which may, in their. case, mean _ fighting . their wives, or picking. on - their child ren “or. . conitnu&lly. scolding and criticizing look after f COME, SEE AND SAVE I | Adjustable Metal Ironing Boards $4.95 I-Ironing Board Pads & Covers 98t - I 4 qt. presto Pressure Cooler $8.95 m££ qt Miro-matic Pressure Cooker $9.95 t I SPECIAL SALE PRICES ON AIJL I FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 1“ 9x12 Rugs-All patterns $4.95 I - SACRO-Pedic Interspring Mattress IRegular $59.95 Now $39.95 V buy and save 920.00 I JiQ: P er cent off on all Goats aid Sweaters I fBESTdNE gal. »1.98 ■ I SHOP & SAVE I J. F. Robinson, Gen. Mdse. I CAWB RIViR ' N ‘ C , PHONE MU 2-2494 them). Young people may not be as dis illusioned as their elders: they are still at the stage of jumping from this to that, always hoping that luck will. be with them, but often soon finding themselves in trouble. These attitudes, these states of mind, define what the Bible means by being “lost”. Such folks are like people lost in the woods. They don’t know where they are, or which is the way that will lead hem out. They are lost, too, from the point of view of their friends, or perhaps from their parents; and most certainly from the point of view of God. Oh, that they could be found! such would be he longing desire of any one who cared fpr them. One of the greatert joys of my life is the faith that enables me to tell anyone that God cares for him, and that to any human being to whom human existence seems meaningless and cruel, I can say with assurance, “God has a plan for you.” If we can but learn it, there is wisdom behind every sitvia-' Ition; there is a word of hope that may be spoken to '/any one m des pair. Life up to now may indeed have been meaningless, but it nejtd 119 longer be so. One may truly have got lost In an 'impene trable jungle, but God is a Search er, and He is a Finder, too.- Let any one who is lost allow himself to be found! _ 7'■ * - * But and here I think of your * young people it i* far "better if one may keep from getting lost in the first *Thfe fbHi. g man or the young woman .who from youth vp abides in the faith that God will lead him aright, and who knows that God is the Planner of bis life and Who tries his best to follow that plan will in the long run come out best such is my own assurance. To a young person who is faced with making a choice as to what he is going to , be, God would say: “Stbp doing your own planning. Hear what my ideas for you are!” We may tell ourselves, God has better ideas about what we should be and do than we have, or than our par ents have, or than our buddies have. The thing for us to do is to believe God, and to pray. We should not. .jump to the conclusion, however, that even with this faith we won’t sometimes make mis takes; nor should we be too inde pendent and give no heed to what a parent or teacher or minister might have to advise, for often God meditates His thoughts to us through others. We hear increasingly of the vo cational guidance that is offered to young people in schools and colleges. The. .term, “vocation”, has come to mean the " profession or the occupation or the trade in which a person becomes engaged. We should remember, however, th§t orrginally it had a more pro found meaning than this. It sig nified that some one was being “called” to something, and this 1 usage arose out of the thinking of God’s people, first of all in the dimes of the Old Testament, and then later in the early Christian Church. According to Bible us age, God was the One who gave people a “call”. We may illustrate it to ourselves if we think of a military platoon or company MMEiiMMil'iiittlirHT I'll sp.r fSftMpfca, ti-. A ... WHAM! ' By H. M. Alley Statistics show that.:: Church : v « . ... .r* standing at attention and of the company officer calling a man out of the ranks and assigning him some mission to perform. Similar- 3 ly, God may be thought of as . call ing a person out of.the ranks, of 1 society and putting him in a, spec- J ial classification. It-would .be; 1 mistake to think, as sometimes 1 people do, that this ealling is just 1 to be applied to ally, according to,.the Bible, God’s, call is directed to EyERX'CHR.Is't-, lANr- He calls ayer y *Cbristian..put , of the ranks of ordinary society; to be in a special unit of alUthose who have faith. Fundamentally, He calls EVERYBODY TO BE: A CHRISTIAN. That means that, ev ery Christian from the , moment when he hears and responds to the call, is to have a meaningful life, not a meaningless one. , . Christian vocation, therefore, signifies much .mqre than merely job means . , essenti ally, besng right with God.. If one is right with God, then Odd will help with job placement, too, .no doubt. God with His infinite fund of ideas, lovingly wants and me to find His idea about what. job we should be in and even atniit the little daily taskev.-that, tak«.n singly, may not, seem sq^..impor tant. He wants us to .believe that He loves and cares for us, so that, despite our many mistakes, all things may, in the long run, work together, for good. A This faith, which is ours to ..share with our friends, is the thrilling good news of the Gospel. > membership in the United States has increased 28# since 1950, arid 76# ■ since 1940. On the other hand crime has increased GO#, since 1950, and 128# 9ince 1940. The over-aH population increase' mice 1940 has been 36#. this un-balanced ratio between of church jtlgjpbership ,pnd crime could be greatly remedied ts pastors all across the nation would put less emphasis upon card-signing profession, and begin shocking their congregations with Bible based sermons on the wages of sin: death, followed by hellfire rind damnation. ~ LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir: In your county there are young folks who ire" eager to become tVhll qualified for the future. Many if them} iid doubt/ have access to gbod eleriieritary and high school (Programs. The establishment of a good foundation^-for • advanced or specialized training is not a pro blem for them. We are told, how ever, that many schools in the Southern Appalachians are very limited itr'-their ■ offerings.- • This causes some young folks consider able difficulty in college admission Because they have been unable to «> get the courses needed in science, riiathetnatics, and language. Then, there may be those who want or need some special high school work, , such as industrial arts, business, music, and art, that is not available in their local schools, There are others who live ip such remote areas, that no.-schools are easily,.-available to them. Few people realize there are t private elementary and high ols in the mountain area that I are in a- position to be of help to these fine Voupg folks who really "want t& move forward. Os these schools the Foundation School of Berea College is fully accredited by the Southern Assoc iation of Colleges and Secondary Schools and by the Department of -Educatioft of the state of Kentucky. In the ungraded classes, over-age students and others who have been delayed in their education may move along as rapidly as ■ SAVE ON THESE FO9D BUYS I 7 Cans peas or corn SI.OO I BANANAS Lb. 10c B Lb. Bucket Scoco $1.69 ! J- F. G. Coffee l ib. I 8 cans Evaporated Milk SI.OO I *. * ■ "■ ' ‘ . • ~ *£ v... . ■ We f ill Farm Purohase Orders I On Seed & Fertilizer I We Have t Complete Line of Seeds &\ I "Fertilizer. y_.~ r TOBACCO BED METHYL BROMIDE I PLASTIC SEED BED QOVERS I Applicator* &. Takes I they are able.. There Is a wide ange of high school classes de signed to get students ready ! for college or for specialized work suck as business, industrial arts or practical nursing. It is a school Wfiere a student may, while learning, earn a part or all of his school . Acpenses. The practical training received in the various work actSVities"Jnay Be of inestim- Any space yoii may give to bring to the attention of those who need Such opportunities the bene- FLOWERS s^\ FOR /• YOUR fWjT Valentine IF YOU’RE AT A LOSS FOR WORDS TO EXPRESS VHAT’S IN YOUR HEART, LET FLOWERS SAY IT FOR YOU. A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF POTTED PLANTS ARRANGE MENTS ~ ' OR V SELECT HER CHINA FROM ONE OF OUR NEWEST - PAT TERNS c- SYRACUSE NOITAKE BAVARIAN „ -■ HAVILAND 1961 CAPE COD SPECIAL FEB. 6TH THROUGH FEB. 21ST ALL STEMWARE REG. $1.40 NOW 89c. ODD PIECES PRICED ACCORDINGLY. TAKE AD * VANTAGE OF THIS SALE. START HER CRYSTAL NOW as A Valentine Gift Ruluf'l tylows* & Qijft SUofi PHONE MU 2-12345 BURNSVILLE, N. C. fits offered by the Foundation Bchool would be a public service to tlie young people of your county. j Roy N. Walters, Dean Foundation School Eerea, Kentucky/" NOTICE A dance will be held at the Com munity Building on Saturday night, February 4, beginning at, 8:45 p. m. Goocl musics '" wnr be" furnished. Everyone invited to attend. Admission SI.OO per couple.