South 7oe News By: Mrs. Philip Nordstrom First of all I'd like to commend the Yancey Record for the fine literary supplement- published last week. This was a good way of en couragng our young people to try to express their ideas in writing. This would be a good project To Tepeat each ycar ; Many people of our township attended the open house at the library Sunday afternoon and were happy to find the library in such a nice light building in an ac cessible place. The bookifwere dis played so attractively on well placed shelves. The open house was also a time for socialibility while drinking punch, eating cook ies and looking for books to check out. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abraham son showed by projected slides the pictures they taken in Mexico last winter. These pictures were shown to a large group of friends in their home last. Saturday even WE’VE SET THE STAGE FOR FASHION WITH OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION of SPRING And SUMMER MERCHANDIS E. SEE THEM TODAY AT THE DORIS-SHOPPE “HIT BURNSVILUC, N. C We still have some winter Merchardiseon'sale! Prices slashed to amazing lows. • .* - , . . * ' - •. ' ■ ' ‘ ?<:-'■ ' -■ c Vs • * ’ " *• Special- Friday & Saturday. February 3rd & 4th . * * ■ j ... Pet Ice Cream, 7€% + 1-2 gal. any kind # # C Swifts Premium PA . Bacon only JTI " . ~ : —-'• ’ ' . .'. • . ‘ Crisco Shortening 7Qm 3 lb. tin only mm C Reg. Potatoes QO# 10 lb. bag only V7% Carrots, Fresh Q pkg. only #% RAY BROS. FOOD CENTER I . orFK - . A\ «-«««. jM I AMPLE PARKING SPACE BY SIDE OF BUILDING 1 ing. They also Had on nlsplay some of the noHery. baskets. XnwrU made from gourds and oilier Mexi can made items such as a band woven- table cloth. NEWDALE„COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS - By: Mrs. J. R. Dawkins The Newdale .Community Club met on Janusry l&thi at 'the New dale chuxlih. Mrs. Harry Robinson, program-chairman, gave the devotional and also showed some Dim strips. One by the Digest, “Liberty And Freedom”, and one on “The Right Way To Make a Salad.” After the business session the meeting was adjourned. The dub will hold the next meeting on Feb ruary 16th. at the Newdale Metho dist Church. NOTICE The Yancey Draft Board office will be closed from February 10th., 1961 through May 8, 1961. Boys becomjng 18 during this period may register at the office of D. R. Fonts in the Bank Building. Bit sick News - A prayer series held at the home of Shelby .'Caroll on Saturday night, t'ebruarjF A, every one is invited to attend.'-; - 4*l, A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huskins of Busielt last week. Sir.- and Mrs. Bartlet of Marion visited Mr. and Mrg. Dolph Wfl ■son Tsrer and ,stso Mrsr. Clara - Bell - Wiison visite* here last^week. Johnny Autrey left for the US Army to be stationed at Fort Jackson last week. Mrs. Lillie , Autrey is visiting -her sister, Mr*. Lonnie Murphy, for a few days. EAST YANCEY PTA TO HOLD v- MEETING The East Yancey Parent-Teacher Association will hold their reg ular meeting on Monday night, February 6th. in the school lunch room. Every parent and teacher is urged to attend these mettings. A ' - . - ARMOURS CANNED (tO QQ HAMS 5 lb. tin only VUi/O COMET MCE, 2 lb. box wOl KLEENEX, 400 Size Ldl Red Band Flour pi. OQn or sr. 10 lbs. only 0 Del Mente Prune il* Juice, qt. size only TJ v m .»■» o 5 _ r- m - ». ——. J*. 'O’ UV AWCOi U •-■ a— "- '• ' hrtjf -5 ~ yiM | p- T - • - . • - • * ' ■ ’ • '“tJL 11 FURNITURE TOOLS Save On Housewares And Appliances For Every • ? -5r - Room in Your House. Just Cast Your Eye Over , ' "‘t ... V 3 • These Wonderful Buys: For the Kitchen, the Bath room the Laundry, the Garage, the garden, the lawn, v BLUE RIDGE HARDWARE CO. MU 2-2545 Burnsville, N, C. Happy Khmer New Year. Happy Khmer New Year. Happy Khmer New Year. ”f r ■ Dixie Crystal (t* |AA aVGARS \z M.“ l Mrs, Pickford’s ti Margarine, 2 lbs. J/C Del Montico Pop 1(1- Com 2 two lb. bags Jjv Dulany Ford Hook JQ* Limas, Frozen 2 for *7v PET RITZ FROZEN a-- PIEB, Apple. Cherry XMp or Custard, 2 for v TUB YANCEY RECORD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, IMI