f , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilson and children of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Erwin and children of Glen Rock, N. J. were the guests of . Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Briggs during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buckner and children have moved into th'e home which' they recently purchas ed from Mrs. Charles Hutchins, Mrs. Hutchins moved to a home she purchased in West Asheville. 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fox and children of Florida visited Mrs. J. G. Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Arney Fox last week. Mr. and Mrs . Robert Presnell visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy Helms in Concord, N. C. last week-end. SOUTH TOE TOWNSHIP NEWS By: Mrs. Philip Nordstrom For each one of my readers I wish the best of everything during the whole year of 1961. As I wrote the above sentence this solemn thought came to me To receive the best, wp must give the bust. t !. ’ Fourteen young people of the Celo Methodist Church, started the New Year by organizing a Youth Fellowship Sunday evening under the leadership of Mrs. Arthelia Brooks. They gathered in the church basement at 5 o’clock for a sup- together, and this was followed by the program. The ..Presbyterian Church is the new sponsor of the Boy Scouts. Several, boys are expecting to parti cipate. Some men have volunteered to b,elg,. but there is no scoutmaster >’ ct r DOUBLE ISLAND NEWS I • • .7 „ . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Buchanan over the holidays. Mr. Mrs. Alvin Livinston and girls visited her mother and reirtlves here during the holidays. Hi|s Gloria Lee Mace was mar ried to Jimmy Randolph on Satur * and Mrs. Lane Harris were united in ijiartiapre on December 2, in Greenville, South Carolina. Mrs. Harris the former, Vinita Edwards is the daughter, of Mr. and Mr?. Denver Edwards of Bur navi'le. Mr. Harris is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Harris also of; JBumsyille. : & jjj Mr. Harris graduated from Bur nsville High School in 1957 and Mrs. Harris graduated from Cane River High School in 1960. The couple are now jnaking their home in Burnsville, N. C. SINGING CONVENTION - " ; , : ‘«jjg The Yancey County Singing Convention will be held rfty the • ' ' V .-v • Jr •Pensacola Methodist • Church on Sunday, January 8, at 2:00 p. m. Everyone is cordially invited 'to attend. ; i 1 ” | &°OP |j!/ * h _- 1 ’f, l ’* i a Hi Miss Caonlina r 1 Pork & B«anS, Ilf I ? No 21-2 oan, 2 for-W I Blue Plata,May- C(\J 1 qt. J7% 8 CHOCO- TA i LATE PIN WHEEL .iMf | only Duncan Hineq Cako a . AA I Mix, White, Yolipw \ 1 III) 1 & De vila Fpod, 3 for Jr # •V V I | P.l.p l< T „ ,1.- ■8 9 ■|■ j J! When the trees exchange their summer green for the rich •hades of gold, red and brown, that is nature's first call to jahtxunn. Another announcement of fall’s arrival is the delicious spicy aroma of fresh-baked pumpkin pie escaping from the ■kitchen. - j This fall pumpkin pie takes on a new flavor of che«M. In Cheese Pumpkin Pie, the distinctive flavor of sharp cheese is' blended with the crust to both accent and compliment the rich pumpkin filling. This elegant dessert will take the place of, honor on your table among its traditional companions of plump' turkey and rich cranberries. • To make the cheese pastry, cut the shredded cheese into Die , self-rising flour right with the shortening. Then mix in the water 1 ( and your pie crust is ready tc roll out and fill with pumpkin. 1 Enriched self-rising flour gives a tender, light pie crust ione you can be proud to serve. Thanks to enrichment. Cheese! ! Pumpkin Pie wiH give your family and friends much-needed! “ ;nutrients as well as much appreciated goodness. Enriched self rising flour is a good source of calciuni, food iron and the three -y essential B-vitamins 1 J CHEESE PUMPKIN PEE V/t rape sifted enriched self- */z cup shortening c , -j,. rising flour &to 5 tablespoons cold water ’ % cup shredded sharp cheese Pumpkin filling Measure flour into bowl. Cut or rub in cheese and shortening until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle with water, mixing lightly * until dough begins to stick together. Turn out on lightly floored, board or pastry cloth and press dpugh together. Roll dough to circle about % -inch thick and fit into 9-inch pie pan. Trim and .flute edge. Fill with Pumpkin Filling. Bake in slow oven (325* F.) about 55 minutes. Roll remaining to %-incb thiokneaa and cut out pumpkin shapes. Prick with fork. Bake in slow, oven (325° F.) about 20 minutes. For serving, place pumpkin cut-outs on top of baked pie. - • ! Pumpkin Filling . v • } • 2 cups cooked canned pump- 1 %. teaspoon vnaaee - , kin >}/i teaspoon salt , 1 cup Ught brown sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1 >/ 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 % cups undiluted evaporated' indlamrtw . Big, new 5.64 cu. in. \ l waton displacement delivers ; assists: 1 RAY HOWELL HDW i" SPRUCE PINE, N. C. , r i*. . - v ' - - . • y I , nrdVAms & *' J . ;•■ - • THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, I*l •' : Whet ISM Should We Accept? : past 90 years muctf hbout ISM, but Jiave . 1 ihoulij bare? '*.. ' •. First .'let's name a few of them ju?t to. get. the sound, the ones we ginearly hope'are histoiy, Nazism Faciam, and Jmperealism. The live ones today are. Babtism. which we all need, rtieumatism which is %o painful, but some, have ft. Captialism —we *JI sme ’envious and then there is Communism which most of us hate and hope someday will also be.hfertd** :’ ! I Would like just these few words about the ism I am most fami v liar with,'that is Imperialism, (Jap anese Style) . Why and how am I fa miliar with it? I was aomng those who, surrendered the four fortified islands of Manila Bay,-May h, 1942. ( aaW :Oid'Qery removed from our flagpole and the'Rising Sun hoist ed to :tbe top. If you think losing a loved one-is-bad, and it is, but ima gine the idea-sos !o«ng your Coun try, that is when the whole world to have no meaning. Well* to cirt'this short, ! was a guest of Japanese Imperialism for 3Va years. Like, it"? No I didn’t like it. How did I survive it? Well you see, I could remember that ; I once had lived in-a country where there is freedom Os speech, Press, Religion and the privilege of helping elect the person I felt was best to head my government, that is what sustained ifie. y Please let us take cognizance of the fact that all the people in Japan didn't believe in Imperialism, as was the case in Italy and Ger many and is the ease today in Rus sia, China and, all the countries un der Comumnism. Haven’t Hungary and Poland proven this to be true? Just what does this type of ism’s prey .on? Ignorance is the major part in the ism’s diet, then we have Cow»rdism,‘ that those who Icifow right from wrong, but are afraid they will hurt someones 4 feelings, Let me nay this ipy % ovim pers onal experience, when old man ism is doing the driving, no one,. has any feelings to_be hurt, they are soon jAridyWti, Jthere?wlU *be ino customer* to because they automaticsdly beldhf VMr; ism. A* forw*. job, will have a job, tb f’spert d hie or her meagmr efurmngs.' Then there is Wes,frihifJf& [ mine, now you g/t 1 yoilrf! r’llon't want toini* ii* politics, work ' r **#» «o. Now-how many peopC'laTKSe’ ism-,countries' have had* tins experi ’Cf IV! tMnk to 1 hemselvas jtlSt v had one more chance, I ana sure that this type of ' thing Cftblef' pever ’happen**here in Yaijpey County,- as -f-lirn ""proud •to •ay, tHerje- is .soo-.:«nueK'pitfirio%-lsm toward Jbeir families, communities .'titf their fetlowman' to Tet nothing like thi% pit «torte«fc‘; To prepent rit us’ it’s firnt *®t*(t' itUiAlik* a small tjnte AMgPter whivgoe* to the merchant gjid says, if you don’t pay ms far protection your {win dows may get broken, and they .-do, pretty aoon,he ts a big time.opera tor. Os oburep "in this ism business the lusi tot power is greater, > but it must start small-and grow. JMow | this may begin by a. boss to an empjpyte, J expect eertailvfWhfe | of you and if I.dpffii get them-your lysiur services will no longer he fidfejk fc’sd, well tfijt person hbi‘V } grocery bill; efr .payments «>. he does.a* this jg. M(kingt 6 ‘ltfs He tefls this' to net efte bpcmijie'hd is •o embamumed? hlth himself, but how he' Is on the spot, he is afraid, to quit because he needs Die |i|rw| mailed the same day. The penend reraiviog them tp my knovriedfa ... i were: Wiilard P. Honeycutt, Jacks " . Creek, Bob Hillard, BuriisviU*. and Mrs. Luther Banks of Bolens Creek. It is evident others were mailed be cause of them being mimeographed, in red, who has a mimeograph ma chine with a red pad ? My letter was signed John Absentee. Noy to set " the record straight there is not one doubt in my mind but that the per son or persons who wrote this con glamoration is the dictator of- ab- ~ senteeism in Yancey County, but he i left His identifying mark. wbsg : he failed to sign the right name, by this I can tell that he belongs to an ism party,’ ORGANISM, .(the mciroscopic kind), just remmeber ism thrives on this and rur*s from the truth. THE LETTER FUNERAL AND SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE . The elephant,-companion of the Mastodon, and friend of the mel lons and Duponts having been law fully executed by the enlightened voters of America on November 8, 1960, and it being necessary to dispose of the stinking remains there will be a public meeting in the State of Confusion, City of De spair, in the Loge of the Cabots at the intersection of Hoover and Eisenhower Street on Midnight, January 19-20;, 1961. The meeting will be called to order by Re-Count Morton. The following business will be transacted. -* Report of the Goon Squad, by Dean Higgins, Chairman. Report of the Committee on False hood and -Misleading Propoun ds by Cobb, the Wiper, Chairman. How to distribute slimy literature by E. T. Moody. The Beauties of an Absentee Bal lot Frank Lewis. Tha Road to Raleigh bjr LB. Pitercy. • - ' , fGiving Away Gavin by W. P. Honeycutt. How Nixon was Dis-Lodged by Rj>tha Bailey and Clayton Whitkon. One Million, sacks of Bqll Dur ham smoking tofecco for SaW/This tobacco will be given to any one '■ filing to takfe Niton, *D&dn and Lodge off our hands and help us fil'd employment for 10,000 preaeh ! e^s - For diaposaTof a large quant ity of much used golf and golf ; balls. - : ; Song -r; “Walking away from Washington”, by Woody McPeters. Folldwing the song all Bibles pollected- hjy Edd Dale, Rev. Raljrfi Yoiing and Dan Graham... * I Ibterigept will be in Che sfime which the chiSbens. es caped fn. 1928. : ri' - John Absentee J I am.sorry to say that I have missed a copy or two of the Yan cey .EgpgrJ, but ,ifc .Jw^s^en an answer to my request to the Chairman of the Board of Elections regarding-darifleatkiif of th*'ques tions I requested an answer to, please ICt me know. I am still, in terested and I assume there are other persons equally as interested. Taking this opportunity to wish all the good citizens of, Yancey County a most happy *and pros perous New Year.' I remain, Res pectfully, I. B. Pierey * , - (Paid Advertisement) • ■ " i i . r* " ._ _ 1 ADMINISTRATOR NOTIOR NORTH CAROLINA - YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as th« estate of Lawks m *• ***** andersignod AD SSEsKft.!! ati II ikr •f IW INI, or tfcb ki Vnr of Me Ftea*. w i '-THJTS UA of Dot, $«dC ■nig.