—a. 'xt'-n Mrs. Frank Husldna is critically ill in Duke Hospital in Durham. , Mr. and .Mrs. D. L. Garland and children of Salisbury, N. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bailey last week-end. W. L. Smith has returned to his home after undergoing treatment ' -in Yancey Hospital. Mrs. George Roberts visited her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lamb, * | in Ingold/last week. Mrs. Warren Reeve has returned to her home here from Philadelphia where she has been with her dau ghter, Joan for. the past week- 1 Fleet and Ralph Proffitt have returned home after a fishing trip to Fontana Dam. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Pollard visit ed Mrs- Lem Crossland in Green rille, S. C. last week-end. They met W. C. Gillespie in Greenville 1 on his return from Deerfield, Fla. where, he had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Jack Brown, and 1 Mr, Brown for several weeks, and 1 he accompanied them home. \ Mrs. Roland Glenn of Den ton, -N- C. visited Mr. and Mrs. , L. V. Pollard here last week. < Norma Jean Parsley and Norma ! Edge of Charlotte visited their i parents at Newdale last week-end. j Edd Young of Newdale who has 1 been in Spruce Pine Hospital .for several days returned to his home ] Sunday, and- is still very ill. • I-ee Boone of Hamrick ig at the UNC at--Chapel Hill this week- < Hank Kaulf of New Jersey visit- , ed Mr. and Mrs. ' Lee Boone of , Hamrick last week. x i r NOTICE J Sunday School will be held at Boring Chapel Church on Sunday, May 7th. at 10:00 a. m- and wor ship • service will be held at 11:00 a. m. Theme of the service will be “The Four Kinds of Soil.” 1 J- E. B. Houser is pastor. —' CARD OF THANKS - We express pur sincere appreeia- ] tion to all those who were so kind ; and thoughtful during the. illness ; and death of our husband and father, Warren S. Reeve. i Mrs. Reeve and daughter, Joan i Reeve 9 ' ' ’ ' Specials-Friday & Saturday, May 5 &~6 i ~ —* —— NESCAFE AA Instant Coffee, 7k I / 10 oz. jar only " Crisco Shorten- AA ing, 3 lb. tin © JrC 1 ' Sanlao Dry OO# Milk 10 qt. size Jmw C ’ «* « • V ... Nabisco Ritz Q Q Crackers, 1 lb. OwC RAY BROS. FOOD CENTER . NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Dial MU >-2410 BURNSVILLE, N. CJ. AMPLE PARKING SPACE BY SIDE OF -BUJILDINGI South 7oe News By: Mm. Philip Nordstrom New officers were installed I Monday night, April 24, when the! Parent-Teacher Association met at the South Toe River School. The rhythm band several num bers, a nd Ramona Bowditch played a piano solo. One new director was elected for the Board of Directors of the Celo Mutual Store, Inc., at the annual membership meeting which was held Friday night, April 21. Mrs. Tillie Brooks, Mary Lee Hill, and Lola Nordstrom, all near Route 80, attended the annual' district W. S. C. S. meeting Friday, April 21, in Haywood, Street Metho - dist Church in Asheville. Marie Lipp of Chicago and’ Florida has ccme to live on White Oak Road. It is always nice to have new neighbors with whom to get acquainted. Mrs- Mark Hall of Newdale visit ed with her sister, Mrs. Joe Let terman, Sunday forenoon, April 23. Mrs. Letterman has not been well, and she appreciates the peo ple who have been visiting with them at various times. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibbs visited his brother and wife, Mr- and Mrs. Ira Gibbs, and his sister, Mrs. Mollie Patton, during the week. They then took Ira to a hospital near their home, and he will be there for observation for a few days. NEWDALE COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS By: Mrs. J. R. Dawkins The Newdale Community Club held their regular meeting Thurs day. Mrs. Betty Towe presided and gave the devotional- Mrs. Harry Robertson, program chair man, gave a reading, "The Grac- j ious Heart.” The” business of the hour had to do with finishing signs for the new highway, these are the Newdale Welcome Signs. AH those who are interested in the community are urged to make an effort to attend the next meeting which will be held or May 18. | NEWDALE NEWS i By: Mrs. Preston Wyatt .. , The Newdale Home Demonatra-1 tion CJub met with Mrs. Homer, Price on April 18 with seven mem- j herfl present. The program was om Better Lighting in the Home, and was presented by Mrs. Lepton. Refreshments Were served by the hostess, Mrs. Price. | NEWDALE HOME DEM. CLUB i ACTIVITIES FOR 1960 AND 1981 By: Mrs. H. Johnson Newdale Club has 10 active members, with two new members added this year. All club members have worked diligently during the past year to carry through with all projects. Some have worked in gToups while others have work ed separately with other church or community workers. Starting May 1, 1960, our Club 'has beeij represented at 4 Special 1 Interest Meetings, besides sending • one member to Craft Camp- The J meetings were: Bread Making, i dly Making and Furniture Re- Our Club held 4 Lea ders Meetings and Demonstrat ions on Educational Programs, which were; Yeast Breads, Care' of Linnens, Smooth Floor Cover ings and Family Life. Our New- 1 dale «Club was presented at all County Council. Meetings during the past year and has one mem ber now serving as an officer. We were well represented with, our families for the Achi- i evement program. Our Club pre sented a combination display J mostly of sewing. (Most rof our Club members have done consi derable home sewing the past year ) Eight members represented our Club at the District IV Federation Meeting in Asheville this year. Most members contributed to the Cancer Fund and some assist ed with the Bloodmobile Unit and had Chest X-Rays. Some members assisted with the 4-H Dress Revue . and demonstrations and achievement programs. Most members are active church ■ members and some helped to or ganize a Junior Youth Fellowship ' Group this year. Club members helped with the following Service Projects: 1. Providing needy school chil dren with clothing and shoes. 2. Helping furnish household items and quilting for burned-out Charcoal, 10 lb. jPQ I bags only m i(C I SE ALBD-S WE ST AA I Frozen Orange ] Juice 10$ off, 12 oz- ** " | Martin dale Sw* ot - r\ r* Potatoes Nc. 2 1-2 iiP | 2 for •W'l Grapefruit Juice, 1 C «I ■46 oz. can only v 1 V- *: / p Silver Dust Washing /Q„ I Powder, Giant size 0/C I famiHea. ' ' I 4-_ , 4. Collecting clothing and pre paring boxes for needy families. I Our chief money making pro , ject for the pest 2 years has been I Quilting. One chartered member, Mrs. Champ Ray, opened her home to our Quilting Project 2 days a She and another devot ed charter member have been chiefly responsible for all quilt ing for the past year. This year we have quilted approximately 20 ; quilts. Most of the quilting is I done by a community group rathei thad just clultegpembers. Quiltings ‘ are a delightful get-togethei enjoyed by a covered dish lunch. Our proceeds have been used chiefly for the upkeep and fur shing of the Newdale Methodist I irsonage. " • —■ Candles were made - at _ ehrist mb time to help raise money to donated for jku Building Fund Raleigh, wlfim was pledged me time previous. A sum of :5.00 has been donated. All money making projects for ie Newdale Community Club uildidg Fund have been . sponsor '. by the Home Demonstration bib,. .They were: a Quilt —which vas chanced off with a picnic, 2 “Stanley Orders, a Bazaar and Bake Sale and the sellidg of Cards and Gift Items. Our Club boasts at still having on our active roll 4 charter mem bers. They are: Mrs. Jack Young, Mrs. Preston Wyatt, Mrs. J. R. : Dawkins and Mrs. Champ Ray. i Other devoted charter members : who help with quilting are: Mrs. | Welzie Robinson, Mrs- Agnes Wyatt, r Mrs. Pearl & Boone and Mrs. Ruby Thomas. We wish to take this opportun ity to announce Mrs. Champ Ray as our most outstanding “Club Woman of the Year.” Mrs. Ray has never neglected her home or family, yet, has kept active for the past 20 years with Home De monstration projects as well- as Church and Civic activities. Mrs. Ray has been the Health Leader for our Club for the past 4 years. She has attended most of the meetings includidg County and State. We feel that none of us can surpass her outstanding devotiod as a Home Maker and Community Worker. Our Club is observing this annual Home Demonstration Club Week with our window display at Edges Department Store in Burd.sville and by sendidg a Fruit Basket to a shut-in. NATIONAL HOME DEM. By: Dr. Frank J. Welch Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Federal-States Relations Nearly 8% million women now take part in Homo Demonstration work to learn better ways of managing their homes and of having healthier, happier . fami lies. These women are learning to put the latest home economics research to work for them. In that way, they’re building better homes and communities- They learn and adopt improv ed methods in their own homes, and many serve as volunteer lea ders to teach others. By "showing how” as well as “telling' how,” local home demonstration leaders ■ help neighbors and friends also become, more able homemakers. Most important of all, they help create better homes for rearing and training children, rfor mol ding character, and influenc ing tomorrow’s citizens. Home Demonstration work is an educational program —planned by and for homemakers. It is conduct ed cooperatively by the Extension Service of the U. S- Department of Agriculture, the State land grant colleges, and county gove£ ments. This year’s National Home De monstration Week extends from April 30 through May. 6. I like j the week’s theme, "Today’s Heme! Builds Tomorrow’s World.” The j women in this large out of school program of the Cooperative Ex tension Service are helping to day’s home build tomorrow’s world better! I extend my warmest greetings to all of them everywhere! • BflKgP • A Lovelier Mom! r|J||| Mom deserves something special for Mother's Day. >3 | / / pT I Why not treat her to a lovely Natural-looking [ Permanent Wave or a New Flattering hair style! Make her Appointment Today. Just Call MU 2-2314. Phoenix Beauty Shop BURNSVILLE, N. C. MOTHER’S KINGDOM I is Her Home... I And We Have Everything For I The Home I China Cooking Ware I Glassware Club Aluminum I Pictures Vacuum Cleaners I Mirror Pop Up Toasters I Table & Floor Lamps Pressure Cookers I End Tab!es Automatic Waffle Bakers I Throw Rugs Automatic Coffee Makers I Card Tables Electric Mixers I Sewing Cabinets Samsonite Luggage I ANU MANY' MOKE GIFT ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM [ Burnsville Furniture & Hardware Co. I I PHONE MU 2-2521 BURNSVILLE. N. C * I 1 I M«q In Service San Diego (FHTNC) Clark 1 E. Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs,. John L. Griffin of Route 6, Burns ville, N. C. was graduated from ! recruit training, April 21, at the Naval Training Center, San Diego, . Calif. - The graduation exercises, mark ■ mg the end of nine weeks of , “boot camp”, included a full ■ dress.., parade and review before ; military officials “’and civilian ’ dignitaries. „ ] In nine weeks of instruct- 1 iou, the “raw recruit” is developed into a Navy Bluejacket, ready for duty wjth the fleet. THE FINEST IN BUILDING SUPPLIES %”xi'x7’ SHEET ROCK $1.19 PER SHEET *»”xl’xß’ SHEET ROCK 1.33 PER SHEET %”x4’x9’ SHEET ROCK 1.52 PER SHEET %”x4’xlo’ SHEET ROCK 1.68 PER SHEET ! %”jct’xl2’ SHEET ROCKT 2.00 PER SHEET • %”\4’xl4’ SHEET ROCK 2.35 PER SHEET COLUMBIAMATIC ALUMINUM TENSION SCREENS $ -99 EACH 1 BRIXMENT __ $ .99 PER BAG T”7~ • • ™' - ': T : “ ' CEMENT $1.20 PER BAG i \ 8 ” D-GRADE HEMLOCK SIDING $168.00 Per Thousand Ft. >/ 4 ”x4’xß’ LAUAN PANELLING $5.44 PER SHEET LIBERTY. CASH & CARRY 207 North Main Street PHONE FI 3-6161 Erwin, Tenn. TBLLSDAY, MAY 4, 1961 and LIVE ! Advertisers Give The Best Buys