Wornt/TES^ Vim 7k£ BIBLE *r eoßNiaui k. rout - XT OiKAOQ i\ aUNO» i A ARE .YOU SURE! , - Would you like to have the knowledge, the assurance and the j°y ptTsins forgiven? Would y o u like to be sure of heaven? Well, the first step to heaven -is to realize that* you cannot get there by "trying.- You can’t fly there. Only God can take you there. Many try. to earn heaven. They try to climb there on a ladder of good works. They talk about “adding another rung.’’ But look OUt tor that good works ladder! It’s not anchored at the top and the higher you climb’ the farther you will faJJL God’s Word says that salvation j sdfdaf HOME ' •h or a GARAGE . |h jft I Sf* s 'i ~ , -S'" ! For , All Your See B. B. Penland & Son Co. , t -.: ■ Dial MU t-0186 BURNSVILLE, N. C. is - the gift of God, mot of works lest any man should boast” t£ph. 2; 8, 9). He is not going to have bodstrrs in heaven—there are enough of them on earth and nobody likes them. , All of us should realize that even the best are not good enough for heaven, for “all have sinn e d and., come short of the glory of God” (Rom- 3:23), but in this sfftne statement* the Apostle Paul declares, that believers' in Christ, who died fob our s i nSj are fied freely by His grace, through the redemption that" is i n Christ Jesus” (Rom- 3:24). . ‘“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God< through our Lord Jesus Christ”! (Rom. 5:1). So, friend, it not by trying, or crying, or praying, or paying/ or doing anything that* you will heaven—it is only by believ ing. God says He loves sinners. - -and that. Christ died for our sins. Will you believe this and trus- Christ as your own Savior? • “For the Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into Hi hands. He that believeth on tlv Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Got abideth on him” (John 3:35, 3G).' it’s as simple as that. || IF VVE CAN DO | What is 4 for 3 in 7 and !)? The formula for saving. You get back four dollars for three in only 7 years and 9 months when you put your savings into Series “E” U- S. Savings Bonds. ** * * After twenty years of buying U. S. Savings Bonds of Series E, Americans are still holding one dollars Worth out of every five they purchased in 1941. SUBSCRIBE TO The Record fsdfsa FOR SALE: FIVE ROOM ROCK HOUSE WITH FULL BASE MENT ON FIFTEEN ACRES ... OF LAND. WATER IN HOUSE tAND WIRED FOR ELECTRIC STOVE. $6500. SEE BISS HON EYCUTT ON LITTLE CREEK. FOR SALE: Small farm, 8 acres, 4 room house, outbuildings', lights and wat-T, school bus at door just off pavement on South Toe River, near Celo. Sacrifice at $3,100. Write Mrs. S. Almon, Rt, 5, Box 272, Burnsville, N. C, FOR SALE: Seven room frame Swelling with bath, water heater, basement, outbuildings and vari ety of fruit trees. Approximately two acres land. Located, on Shoal Creek. See George F. Wright. _un FOR SALE: LARGE DUO THERM OIL HEATER. $83.00. CONTACT M. E. SULEY, PEN SACOLA, N. C. un FOR SALE: Handmade Pictur. frames which are just right for your paintings. Different >voods including wormy chestnut. Philip Nordstrom at the Shop in the Laurel, 7 miles south of Mica vijle, on highway 80. ROOMS FOR RENT. Also place for trailer with water and sewer con nections ready to hook on too. See Troy Cooper at Cooper's Shoe Shop, c-un “Let the rustic signs on highway 80,. South of Micavill 1 ’, direct you to the Shop in the Laurel, a retail market place of authentic Carolina crafts of high quality workmanship. Closed on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nordstrom Read The Want Ads EXECUTRIX NOTICE [NORTH CAROLINA ;YANCEY COUNTY Having' qralified as Executrix riot the Estate of David Harlee | Covington, deceased, late of Yan cey County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Dt cedent to exhibit the same . (o the undersigned Executrix at her home at Burnsville, N. C, on or before the 22nd day 0 f June, 19£2, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate j> will please make immediate pay. m-nt. This 22« d day of June, 1961. j . Mrs. Grace Covington. . Execu t