IBS TANCET RECORD b THURSDAY, JULY 20, 196 L , l ' '< ii£VRD&IN TIMEI . C . State College A*. *' b - T c j “What is meant by cbloi-osis and how can this condition be treated when occurring on t azalea plants?” " - When azalea leaves lose ■ then normal green color and become yellowish, they are spoken of as being chlorotic. Sometimes the yellowing follows a rather defi nite pattern with the midrib and veins remaining green and other parts of the surface turning yellow. This lack of normal leaf color develops as a result of a trace element deficiency and is not as sociated with a disease organism. These trace element deficiencies are becoming rather wide spread in many crops and bring into focus the importance of proper nutrition. The most common form of chlorosis on azaleas is caused by the lack of available iron brought about by a soil reaction, pH, which is too high or sweet. The iron de ficiency symptom is further ag gravated in soils which are wet and poorly aerated. For Correction, the first and most obvious step is to adjust the soil reaction, or pH, by using eith er aluminum sulphate or sulfur, to a pH of about 5.0. A soil test will be necessary in order to make this sďfaa By: Lucille M. Rickman Field Representative The new amendments to the social security law, : signed by President Kennedy on June 30, give men early benefit lights sirriilar to those women have had since 11)5(5. The change applies to men between 62 and 65 years of age, and is designed especially to help those who are unable to find or hold employment because of their age or poor health. A man now 62. to 65 years of age can start benefits with the month of August 1961. ■ r-i. ■■■■ ii .- —i - —-- mrnmmmmmmmmau -» BY EOB BREWSTER Outdoor Editor, Mercury Outboardt Eating carp, the sages say, is quite a' lot like trying to kiss a porcupine. --This most prolific and übiq uitous of fishes i 3. without doubt y. the most scorned of all the “food" fishes, ;occupying the bottom rung in the ladder of popularity. Two things are working strongly against the lowly carp in his battle to become loved. One is the amazing num ber of his breed that "inhabit the waters of the globe and ii ———————■ • —jjjj||p^-v-.,. "• Summertime - and the savin’ is easy!] It’ll pay you plenty to pad over to your Chevrolet dealer’s One-Stop Shopping Center and get in on all the excitement there. Because Jet-smooth Chevrolets are outselling every other make of car, he’s able to turn on the • savings like nobody else in town. Have him fit you with an elegant Impala, a popular Bel Air or a budget-wise Biseayne. Or maybe with one of those six sweet-going, cargo-craving Chevy wagons. Just bring along your desire , to own a lot of car at an easy-to-own price. Chevy and your Chevrolet dealer will look after the rest hicely; thank you. JCt-SinOOtll OICVrOICt pib_jp4 j Chevy Corvair Monza Club Coupe ! ’ \ \< r , , - , ■ • y ' See the new Chevrolets at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer’s V» W *»ii Manufacturer* Lloem Mo. 1U ROBERTS CHEVROLET-BUICK, Inc. WEST MAIN ST. FRANCHISED DEALER No. 1019 BURNSVILLE, N. t« 1 s Save-a-bundle buys on Corvairs, too! The climate couldn't - j be better for getting into one of these. Yessirree, juicy July buy* i i on the Monzas with their faiuily-etyie sports-car spirit . . .on ! ' > the nimble, nickel-nursing Corvair 600’a and 700’s ... on the : 6-Passenger Lakewood Wagons . . . and on those Greenbrier Sports Wagons with up to twice the space of regular wagons. Need more be said? Your Chevrolet dealer is the man to talk to.j l