1.) THI YANCEY RECORD THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1961 <a /I «?iRDEW ITIiVIE'. r\i. e. srt.ii t i;;. V-• ,7. .» . ‘ . ■•>■ ,'.■■> "-r- _... . , ' r It happened during blueberry sfeasos. A native of Raleigh com ing from Wilmington stopped in the blueberry' territory anil bought a pint cup of blueberries. They were beautiful berries. AU the way home this sative of Raleigh was thinking about how -presented to his wife, lo and be such tempting fruit for dinner. When the cup of berries was Presehted to his wife, lo and be hold, clearly stamped on the cov er were these words: ‘‘Pa,kaged in New Jersey/’ The native" of Raleigh bought his berries in a southeastern North Carolina ceusty within 100 yarss of where the berries were grown. He recalled that when he bought the berries a big diesel truck, with a New Jersey license tag, was busy loading crates of these Cantaloupe —a la,Mousse! |S|iP | nip ' (f *3[ M-f\S » • a dessert to top off a tip-top meal, fill wedges of California : cantaloupe with frozen lemon mousse to create “Cantaloups ;San Joaquin.” 1 ■ I Cantaloupes grown in California’s fertile San Joaquin Valley ar ® f? r their relatively small seed cavity, which means more ' nutritious fruit per melon. Their beige rind features a high, well defined, close net and is clean at the stem end. The thick, apricot colorea meat of California cantaloupes is firm yet tender with a Vine-ripened flavor. - : * 1 CANTALOUPE GAN JOAQUIN 2 cups whipping cream jj teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar Few drops yellow food 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind coloring ;*4 cup fresh lemon juice 2 California cantaloupes ' Whip cream until it will hold soft peaks; gradually beat in sugar. Fold in lemon ririd, juice, salt and coloring. Turn into freezing trays or loaf pan. Freeze without stirring, until firm. Cut cantaloupes into quarters; scoop out seeds. Fill with frozen lemon mixture and serve at once. Makes 8 servings. iWhil' // your heat ms Hid ’ 23 / ## KKr ' r -79^,.- - ... : ; , f YOUR FUEL I BILLS GOUSr j|j|j i ; 4-. j| H ' , •* '1 , 4 •,, ■ OIL HOME HEATERS II 1 force the he, Bjy {uel bills l| Ordinary heaters pile the heat up on the ceiling until some of it finally steps down to the living level. If you own an ordinary heater, you know how costly and. uncomfortable that system is! Siegler does just the opposite ... your floor gets heated first. Heat is not wasted on the ceiling and out the chimney. Don’t close off rooms this winter and pay high fuel bills to b00t... order your new Siegler now. ' IT PAYS FOR ITSELF WITH THE FUEL IT SAVES ! Burnsville Furniture & Hardware C#J § PHONE MU 2-2521 BURNSVILLE, N. C. same berries. This truck load of North Carolina berries was on the way to the New York market the next day, sold as New Jersey berries, without any reference whatever to North Carolina. How frequently this story can be repeated: The products of the soil and factory in North Carolina sold on markets outside of North Carolina under trade names of otht r states. Growers of other fruit, and vegetoble crops, which ian be grows in abundance in North Carolina, have the same experience as the blueberry grow er. ...The time must come—and hasten the day—when all products grown* or manufactured in North Caro lina can be sold bearing the labels of the producer. This will be a great step forward toward in- creasing oor per capita income, raisisg our standard of living, and at the same tim* giving our people greater incentive to pro duce and market only quality produces both < from the farm and the factory. -- I have quoted much of an ar ticle which appeared in the July issue of “We the People,” a fine magazine about North Carolina . sgid its people. I agree with what , the writer has to say and will i comment more In detail on this . next week. You can buy blueberries “Pack , aged in North Carolina” and there is a reason, and a good one. for the label ‘Packaged in Nei l * Jersey.” ; . "**a- i i Adrerfifccn [ Give The Best Bpji \-- - - | notice. | SUPERIOR COURT, Before the Clerk YANCEY COUNTY 1 NORTH CAROLINA MRS. W. J. GORpON as guardian ’ for CHARLENE W. GARMON, 5 ROBERT GARMON, and 1 LEONE W. HUTCHINSON a’M. Husband, J. P. HUTCHINSON^ Petitioners, Ex Parte ... Under and by virtue of an Order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, in the above-entitled proceeding dated 11 August 1961, the under signed Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, North Carolina, at 12:00 o’clock Noon on the 28th day of August 1961, that certain track of la n d containing 12 % acres, more or less, located, in Green Mountain Township, YanCey County, North Carolina, as described in a Deed dated l July 1935 from Leone Warrick Hutchinson and husband to Minnie E. Warrick, which Doed is l-ecorded in Yancey County Detd Book 78, page 408, and re ference is made to such public re cord for a more definite description. The terms of the sale will be for cash a n d the highest bidder will be required to make a cash deposit in the amount of 10% of his bid. This property will be sdd sub ject to the Hen of the 1961 Yancey County ad valorem Taxes and the sale, will be made subject te the provisions of G- S. 1-339.25 and subject to confirmation by the Clerk and confirmation by the Judge. This the llth day of August 1961. G. D. Bailey, Commissioner August 17, and 24 , NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS ~ BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT s. d. no STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, Plaintiff v. H. LEE GRIFFITH, ET AL, . Defendants TO: MRS. MARIE WRIGLEY’S AND HUSBAND : WRIGLEYS; MRS. T. R. HUGHES; MRS MARY MARTHA BARTKIN AND HUSBAND, ADAM GRIFFITH AND WIFE, MRS. ADAM GRIFFITH; HER BERT GRIFFITH AND WIFE, MRS. HERBERT GRIFFITH; MRS. ROSCOE GRIFFITH; CARL B. HYATT AND WIFE, MRS. CARL B. HYATT, Cl. ARA LEE HYATT; KATE HYATT HIG GINS AND HUSBAND HjpGINS; GRACE HYATT DEY TQN AND HUSBAND,....-. DAYTON; and ALL OF THE UNKNOWN AND UNBORN HEIRS OF JOHN 0. GRIFFITH, Deceased; Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against yo u has been filed jn the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The condem nation and appropriation, for high way purposes, of an interest or estate i n that certain land lying and being in Crabtree Township, Yancey County, North Carolina, and being the same lands describ ed in a deed recorded in Book 12, Page 41, Yancey County Public Registry. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than September 14, 1962, and upon your failure y. d 0 so, the party searing service against you will apply to the Court fpr the relief sought. This the 8 day of August, 1961. Lowe Thomas, CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT YANCEY COUNTY Aug. 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER 1 7 D*sD Os, TRUST By virtue of the pow c r of sale, contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Joe V. Bowlin and wife, Cora Bowlin dated July 9, 1959, and recorded in the Re gistry of Yancey County, »n Book No. 46, page 395, to secure the indebtedness thereto named, default hayidjt-'beeto.madSe ja. th? payment of the. same, and ' the trustee therein named having heed requested to exercise th? power of sale therein, the under signed Trustee, will on the 6th day of September, 1961, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., at the court house door in Burdsville, N. C., offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder the following described real estate, situate in Burnsville Town, ship, Yancey County, N. C. and bounded as follows: Adjoining tjie lands 0 f Lewis Henson, Zona Henson and others: First Tract: Beginning at a rock east of the branch, Henson’s north west comer, and runs south 2 12 poles and 11. links to a black gum east of the branch; thence south 51 east 65 poles to a stake in the old line on a .ridge; thence with the old line north 44 east 5 2-6 poles, north 66 east 7 Poles to a rock Henson's southwest corner; thence north 52 west 66 poles to be ginning, containing (4.5) acre s, r more-or less. t Second Tract: Beginning on a , blackgum, south west comer to r tract sold to Lewis Henson / and runs south 51 east 55 poles to a r stake on top of the ri<%e in the * °ld line; thence with the old lipe . south 34 west 4 8-5 pclei, south , 72 west 10 poles, south 82 west 14 ; poles to a small hickory; thehce . south 62 west 6 poles to a stake; thence leaving the ridge north 17 west 31 poles to a rock in the hollow at a small branch; thence down the branch with Zona Hy son's line 22 east' 2 - poles, north 4 east 8 poles, north 14 west 4 poles, north 28 west 4 pole* to a in said branch: thence north 84 east IVi poles to the beginning, I containing (C-J) acres, more or less. - • • Together with all heating, plum bing, cooling, ato conditioning and lighting fixtures and equip ment. This 31et day of July, 1961. Mary C. O’Donnell, Trustee Charles Hughes, Attorney Aug. 10, 17, 24-31 wWr m* \ e Tobacco Will Soon Be Ready I *■- . * r if * I > Do You Have a Good Supply of i Tobacco Sticks It ‘ * \ . " ,T B .' r . v j • f •• * * " ~-~T~ ■ • * *- .. K ™ * XT - © . We Have Them For Sale At I -■ '• c* I Jr. 1 T . ■ <» . $4.00 per hundred See Us Now 2 - •* ' ' ‘ - *■ _ * >f T ... I I • • V* * B. B. Penland & Son Co. OW - m 3 H1» lUENfIVILUe, H. C. I ADMINISTRATRIX’ NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Administra trix of th® Estate of Sam J. Bus kins, deceased, late of Yaneey County, this is to notify *H Pa eons having claims against the I Decedelt to exhibit th® same to . the undersigned Administratrix at her horn® at Burnsville, N. C„ on or before The 3rd day of August, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona owing the Estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 3rd day of August, 1961 Pearle B. Husk/ns, Administra trix of the Estate of Sam J. Bus kins, Deceased. Aug. 3, 10, 17 24 31; Sept. 7 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Administra tor of the Estate of Ed Hunter, Sr., deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Administrator at his home at Burnsville, N. C., ol or before the 3rd day of August, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 3rd day of August, 1961 Ed Hunter,- Jr., Administrator of the Estate of Ed Hunter, Sr., Deceased. Aug. 3, 10, 17 24 31; Sept- 7 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Administra trix of the Estate of Anna K. Benedict, deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Administratrix at her home at Pensacola, N. C., on or before the 20th day of July, J1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing tire Estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 17th day of July, 1961. Elizabeth A. Knudsen, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Anna K. Benedict, Deceased. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY CIVIL ACTION ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT S. D. NO STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, Plaintiffi: • :7 V - N. M. HARRIS, ET AL, . i Defendants TO: M«s. MARIE WRIGLEYS AND HUSBAND, . WRIGLEYS; MRS- T. R. HUGHES AND HUSBAND, T. R* HUGHES; MRS. MARY MARTHA BART KIN AND HUSBAND, ... BARTKIN; ADAM GRIFFITH AND V/JFE, MRS. ADAM GRIF FITH; HERBERT GRIFFITH AND WIFE, MRS. HERBERT ‘ GRIFFITH; MRS- ROSCOE GRIFFITH; CARL B. HYATT AND WIFE, MRS. CARL B. HYATT; CLARA LEE HYATT; KATE HYATT HIGGINS AND HUSBAND HIGGINS; GRACE HYATT DEYTON AND HUSBAND, DEI?TON; and ALL OF THE UNKNOWN AND UNBORN HEIRS OF JOHN O. GRIFFITH, Deceased. Take notice that a pleading seeking it lief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief Ling 1 sought is as follows: The condem , nation and appropriation, for high [ way purposes, of an interest or estate in that certain land lying ! and being in Crabtree Township, Yancey Counay, North Carolina, 1 a°d being the same lands describ ed in a deed recorded in Book 71, page 231, Yancey County Public Registry. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than September 14, 1962, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service agai n st you will apply to th« Court for the relief sought- This the 8 day of August, 1961. Lowe Thomas, CLERK OF SUP ERIOR COURT YANCEY COUNTY Aug. 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURfT S. D. NO STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, Plaintiff v. LACY JOHNSON, ET AL, Defendants TO: Ed Roberts, Mrs. Shirley W. Johnson, Dr. Stacy Duncan, Jr., James Edward Roberts, Howard W. Johnson, Tommy Reed John son, Dr. Margaret J. Du n can, Elizabeth Ann Roberts, Thomas Michael Roberts, Ed Roberts, Trustee tor James Edward Rob erts and Thomas Michael Roberts, Minors: . Take notice that a pleading seek ing r lief against you has been filed in thhe above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought as follows: The condemna tion and appropriation, for high way purposes, of an interest or estate in that certain land lying being in Burnsville Township, Yan cey County, North Carolina, and being tho same lands described in a deed recorded in Book 122, page 230, Yancey County Public Regis try. You are required to make de fense to such pleading * n 0 t later than September .14, 1962, and uj ,n your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court tor. the relief sought. This the Bth day of AugUst, 1961. - Lowe Thomas, CLERK OF SUP ERIOR COURT YANCEY COUNTY Aug. 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT S. D. NO ..... STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, Plaintiff v. W. J. BANKS, ET AL, Defendants TO: EVELYN BRIGGS WIL-. SON a n d husband, EDWIN WIL SON; ROBERT McCURDY SMITH and wife, ELIZABETH SMITH; WEAVER DEERING and husband, JOHN DEERING; and MARY WEAVER MILLS: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above-entitled actio 11 - The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The condem nation a n d appropriation, for high way purposes, of an interest or estate in that certain land lyi n g and being in Burnsville Township, Yancey County, North Carolina, and being the same lands describ ed in a deed recorded in Book 105, page 276, Yancey County Public Registry. You are required to make de- - sense to such pleading not later than September 14, 1962, and upo n your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the reliet sought. This the 8 day of August, 1961. Lowe Thomas, CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT YANCEY COUNTY Aug. 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7

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