!TH* YANCEY RECORD THURSDAY, SEPT. 28 1961 ■ —■" _ > School and Your Child ' -Ji By: John Coney Education Department Appalachian State Teachers College The “part-time” fathers our society seems to foster cause many children to be evenly dom inated by the female, says Dr. Wiley Smith, long-time professor of psychology at Appalachian State Teachers College, Boone, -N. O. Where are the daddys, and what’s wrong with the feminine influence ? Dr. Smith reports these ques tions well answered in a book, “Father to the Child,” written by a professor of child psychology at Queens College, New York, Dr. Everett S. Ostrovsky. Divorce is of course an import ant factor in separating fathers! from their children, says Dr.' OStrovsky. And occupations such as selling and the military keep others away from home. Long hours of business make absentee fathers out of many executives. As for th e female 1 influence, it’s wonderful; but too much „is too much. "A child needs, practically equal exposure to masculine en vironment. In fact, Dr. Ostrovsky suggest that “father-deprived” youngsters may puffer personality disorders ranging from sexual maladjust ment to extreme aggressivness or submissiveness. In his book, the psychologist presents case studies made while he taught in a nursery school. They demonstrate the need that children have for companionship of a father—preferably their gwn father. , And when there’s no daddy pre sent, or present only on a part time basis, a lonely child fre quently demalds a “father-sub stitute.” Dr. Ostrovsky reccmmends that substitutes be furnished. He' sug gests several possibilities. One method is to put men as well as women on the nursery school staff. The same goes for the elementary school, now tau ght primarily by women. Fortunately, there are as many men as women today in high school. Actually, the -latest gov ernment report places men ahead of women as high school teachers i for—the 'first time since 1890. 1 I REVOLUTIONARY I I new performai^^ I gives so much wonderful comfort I wmmmmmwmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm new heating comfort „> This new Siegler Oil Heater is all new » from the inside out! The entire walls of the inner trait create super heat tubes that surround the flame. The mult is more heat over your floor, more fUel savings, end undreamed of heating comfort. Why put up with an “expensive” cheap heater when a Siegler will pay for itself with the fuel it saves. , new styling \ Clean, trim lines with a “picture frame'* front The genuine porcelain enamel is rich cordovan with bright gold trim. This Sieglar will b« the handsomest end I warmest friend ia your home! see a SIEGLER soon at | Burnsville Furniture & Hardware Co. ■ Dial -MU t-ftlM BURNSVILLE, N., CL *" #*- Males now comprise 52.2 percent of the total. The male influence, however, is needed much earlier in life. A father begins to take on great er significance for the child after early infancy. But the father’s presence in some homes unfortu nately doesn’t increase with the, child’s need of him, says Dr. Ostrovsky. Even if Junior does have a full time daddy, Dr. Ostrovsky' be lieves it’s good for the boy to be exposed to many different male personalities. - For instance, the psychologist found in his case of Paul, a five- I year-old whom he called the t I Spartan Boy, that the child’s image of a man reflected a tight mouthed, unflinching “he-man” who shouldn’t show feelings. His father trained him purposely to ward excessive independence to harden his character. Paul’s contact with Dr. Ostrov sky in nursery school taught him that a male can be strong and also exhibit affection. Further, it isn’t shameful to show fear, sadness of incapability The same benefits of being around other men occur to a boy whose father allows the mother to “boss” the family because he’s timid, v Children soon learn from other men that all members of the male species aren’t necessar ily submissive by nature. I For father-deprived youngsters to obtain as well rounded a con ception as possible of the male role in life, Dr. Ostrovsky sug gests that any chance they have for a prolonged and satisfying re lationship with a male adult rela-' tive, teacher or family friend should be exploited. Opportunity for such ' children to visit homes where both parents are pleasant gives a more realis tic and better-balanced picture of home life. Male group-workers- i.i community centers and camp counselors also can greatly con tribute to the child’s understand ing and emotional enrichment. NEXT WEEK: WHAT ARE THE SCHOOL’S GOALS? SUMMARY BOX I A New York psychologist re- comments that men staff nursery schools along with women to serve as father substitutes for “father-deprived” children. Fath er sbtstiiEuies beljp you&jfiters fain a" afore reafistfc cbfice{&cm Os tl® male rble in liffe. Note: Headers having questions concerning education are invited to send inquiries to “SAool and Ypur Child”, Appa lachian State Teachers College, Boone, N- C. ' ; TEENS HEALTH I Health and Safety Tips From The American Medical Association j Many boys and girls of high j school age are much more self conscioUs than they need to be simply because they let themsel ves become careless about their grooming. N< ' They worry about a lot of lit tle things their nails (which they meant to take care of the ; night before, but didn’t); specks of dandruff on their shoulders (because they didn’t shampoo often enough); their complexions (pimples and acne can be treat ed). • • In Today’s Htalth, the maga zine of the American Medical, Association, the teenagers are ad vised that the very first thtlig any self-conscious youth should do is to make it a habit to keep himself perfectly dean at all times. First aiftl foremost to keep i clean Is to take a bath every day, i more than once a day if engaged’ The Ford ' will be here tomorrow! Starting tomorrow at your Ford Dealer’s, you will discover a line of Fords so long, so new, so varied that everyone will find his personal Ford the car that fits his pleasure and needs as precisely as though it had been made to measure. ■ For those who want a true luxury car, there are two distinguished new series of Galaxies—both swift as a rumor, silent as s d \ ' . r- i: X. VV * V - Aj 1 *? * v j 'r- "V- Vs *■' v 'llffll • yW|?r /AOL iU / ™mllrl'‘ ' 'ff aflEjSSv jf’y -Mmi f. >.». . >< .. ‘‘S' •y •• i ■■;■ *•’ •. »\ < •v^' J '*'" .r ■.'''■ ”' '' '' N ' V ' : v .^! : ' : >MW tißtjS.LV' . <; ? > . . 1 V'l* •■>»>* > --•-•rtWMi rr :r .... .w.-. ■-^■■■^•' v akg/:•£ >:*•■■ ■■: <>‘:v:-:-?:v:v- : yy ;^?jSJff^3ffUW«iM \ v ‘ r *** • y. - JHra »• i» v\ j r i y&sXKGS£m£wl y , .*>:' r JKMrF ■ Ep;j Galaxie / 500 Club Victoria (foreground) ... Galaxie. \ Town Sedan (background) . x . ; .The Galaxie / 500—new in name, new in luxury—is for those who want all of jhe elegant extras. The Galaxie makes it easier than ever .02. \ door sedan has an improve' version ■ I ,->. I spring recorded the best gas mileage N«p \ ■A I ■ 1 I lor a Six or Eight In the 25-jrfir * FALCON SQUIRE WAGON . • . Brand new for ’62, it’s sleek, V/ history of the Mobilgas Economy N sophisticated ... and the only compact wagon of its kind. Inside, \ / Run Falcon’s low price for'62 makes it Is available with Future bucket seats ar»d a handy console! / it America's best compact value! Outside, It has steel side paneling with elegant woodlike finish. jpp n „ Liril . Features of the futyrt— now H BANKS-YOUNG MOTOR CO., Inc. PHONE MU 2-2195 FRANCHISED DEALER No, 1100 BURNSVILLE, N. C. id active sports or games. And the 1 bath should be followed by appli ’ cation of a deodorant or an anti perspihant. 1 Complexion care «an be a real 1 problem for teenagers, because of the tendency for pimples, blemishes and assorted skin erup -1 tions during these years. Soap 1 and water, plentifully and fre quently allied, are the first line >of defense against blackheads and blemishes. • Treat blackheads and pimples with, respect. Squeezing and pjn- I ehing them often aggravates the [trouble. j j Acne is the re suit of increased * hormone output; of certain endoc trine glands. There is no way to prevent it, but it can be controll ed and treated, and, in most cases, scarring can be avoided. Here again cleanliness is the first step. Thorough and frequent cleansing of the face with soap and water will keep acne to a minimum. Some foods, such as nuts, cho colate and fried and greasy foods, may increase acne. But a visit to the doctor is important before beginning any self-imposed diet. Many physicians will urge a diet ,|high in fruits, meats and vege table s. Care of the hair and scalp of ' ten is neglected by teenagers. It 1 isn’t very difficult. Regular sham pooing, use of comb and brush and regular visits to the barber i shop or beauty parlor are a I “must.’’’ Hair should be washed "at least once a week, more often J if the hair is oily or if the youhg - ster is active in strenous sports . Massage the scalp with the fin gertips during shampooing. -For 1 stubborn dandruff, see’ a ph£si ; cian. , Frequent washing of hands, . sometimes with a small scritb > bhush, also is important. Both . beys and girls should manicure ? their nails at least once’ a week. i Boys, especially, should keep nails filed short'. , Teenagers, busy with -many ac tivities, sometimes get careless , about another important health measure regular brushing of I teeth and regular trips to the dentist.. ( Many of the minor worries of adolesence can be reduced if the . teenagers'will take just a little time to be clean, neat and well ' groomed at all times. : • 1 Read The Want Adi a secret. With Thunderbird styling, Thunderbird power, and quality that sets a new industry standard, the 1962 Galaxies give you every essential feature of far costlier fine cars. ■ If you are looking for economy without compro mise, look to America’s favorite compact; this year there are more Falcons than ever to choose from—l 3 in all. ■ Wagon i y f to move up to fine-car luxury—at the low Ford price. All Galaxies are beautifully built to be more service-free. They f?o 30.000 miles between major lubrications, 6,000 miles between oil changes and minor lubrications. \ NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST By virtue of the power—of gale contained in a certain Deed of Xptsfc : executed Jay Henry. . Lee Rqbinson and wife, Yerrion '*Rdb | insem Bated April 28th, 1956, and recordfed in the Registry of Yan , cey County, N. C., in Book No. 33, page 445, to secure the Indebt edness therein named, and default having been made in the payment of the same, and.. the Trustee therein named having been re quested to exercise the power of ■ sale therein, the undersigned Trustee, will on the 17th day of October, 1961,. at 11 o'clock A. M. at the court house door in Burnsville, N. C., offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder the following described real es tate, situate in Crabtree Township Yancey County, N. C., and bound ed as follows: First Tract: Being Lot No. 7 of the Julius Young Heits divis ion: Beginning on a poplar, Cor ner of the old tract, and runs S. 70 W 20 poles to a"small black oak, northeast corner of Ldt No. 6; thence S 4 E 78 poles to a stake in the Gurley Road; thence with said road N 82 E 16 poles to a Spanish oak; thence N 7 E 58Vi poles to a hickory stump, comer in the old tract; thence N 25 W 28 poles to the beginning, containing 9Vi acres, more or less. Second Tract: Being Lot No- 6 in th e Julius Young Division: Be ginning at a Spanish oak and uog wood, beginning corner of Lot No. 5 of said division, and runs fanciers will find unprecedented variety —from a new wagon that seats eight to a Falcon Squire Wagon with the rich woodlike finish of the famous Country Squire. ■ Pick the Ford in your future with this confidence: every 1962 Ford is built to a standard of quality so high that it will change all your ideas of how fine, how quiet, how enduring a car can be. Brakes adjust themselves automatically. Special zinc e#at ing protects vital body parts against rust and corrosion. N 70 E 17 pcfeNo » small bluk oftkv thence S 78 pole* to • stake In the Gurley Road; thence ' S. 40 W 6 poles to arTock; begin ning co*3». :of. Lpt 1 Arbuckle hepeg ftdth road N3O W 8 poles; N 11 poles to a stake,' southeast. ~ comer of Lot No. 5; thence wiC-, the line of Lot Not. 6 N 8 poles to the beginning? t&htara*' > Ing 8 acres, more or lawk- Together with all 4 heating, plumbing, cooling, air condition ing and lighting fixtures and equipment now attac&ea to dt Used in connection with the skid real estate. This the sth day of September, 1961. . . 1 ' Mary C. O’Donnell, Trustee Charles Hughes, Attorney Sept 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12 EXECUTORS NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY . Having qualified a* Executor of the Estate of John Lloyd. PrMOeiL deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to notify all persons.-having claims against the Decedent Jg. exhibit the same to . the undersign ed Executor at his hom® fi Batfy nsville, N. C., on or before tht 24th day o£ August, 1962? or this notice will, be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing th* Estate will please make immediate pay ment. £ This 24th day of August, 1961. ““ Robert Presnell, Executor of the Estate of John Lloyd Presnell, Deceased. Aug. 24, 31. Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28