THE YANCEY RECORD THURSDAY, APRIL ft, m 2 ■'■■■ , —— •hi .. in. LOCALS Dawn Essie Hensley lias been called back to her old job. She will leave within two weeks. She has been absent from her work for over a year, and has spent that time in Biur&sville. ’ She will again work for York Stores, Inc., and Cotton Shops out of New York City. Her posi tion with ttes company is mana ger and supervisor. The location where she will resume respon sibilities is not yet known.* Mr. and Mrs. Boyee Fender and small sons, Gary, and Charlie, of Wilmington, Del., visited re latives and friends in Burn a . ville during the week-end. Boyce’s mother, Mrs. Charles Fended, returned home with them for a few weeks visit- Mrs. Milt Higgins has return ed to her home after unrergoing teatment in Aston Park Hospital, Asheville for injuries sustained in a fall at her home the 28rd. of March. Mrs. Higgin 8 is able to be up now and is much improved. Mr. Higgins was a patient in Yancey Hospital recently and will not be able to get back to his job for several days yet. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Powell and daughter, Joanna, of Mt. Holly, N. C. attended the wed ding of Miss Linda Ann Banks and Dennis MeCurry here o B Friday. They also visited rela-. tives while here- Mr. and Mrs. T- S. Hughes oft Erwin, Tenn. visited relatives here during the week-end and attended the MeCurry-Banks wedding. Miss Norma Edge of Chariot** and John Edge with the U. S. j Army in Jackgenvills visited their" parents," Mr. "and*~ Mrs. ( George Edge of Newdale last week-end. Terrill Randolph of Char lotte visited his mother, Mrs. Jeanette Randolph, last week-erfd. Edd Cassidy of Burnsville is taking training in Heavy Equip ment School in Charlotte, he left this week and will be there for several weeks. ~ • * _ « A . » ; I pgp* 1 §§yg§ I Specials-Friday & Saturday, April 6-7 8 I Jewel Shorten- PA. I ing, 3 lb. ctn. 3# C ■ NESCAFE (1 AA | Instant Coffee w I § W 8 large 10 oz. jar "*™ " I DONALD Duck tl #8 A I Orange Juice, 46 1 f ||f R oz. can, 3 for iewW I SILVER MIST *m AA FLOUR, 28 *1 MX I Lb. bag only K Twin Pet Dog QQ# ■ Food, 6 fox 3#C RAY BROS. FOOD CENTER DUI ns MS iirar Doom *o son am soiumviLu. n. a I AMPLE PARKING SPACE BY SIDE OF BUILDING I |i| ts ' -:i ‘ Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Woody have returned home after sev eral months visit with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wicker and' boys in Cocoa, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jester and son in Brand on, Fla. Mr. Mack Mclntosh, Rotha Bailey and Biltmore Mtfk Pro ducers of other counties, met with the N. C. Milk Commiasisn in Raleigh, N. C- Monday. BEE LOG 4-H CLUB MEETS By: Barbara Whitson, Reporter The Bee Log 4-H Junior Club held its monthly meeting on| March io in the 4-H Club room ( with Mrs. Alice Hopson, assist ant home economics agent, and Charles Steelman, assistant agri cultural agent, and Mrs. Maphra Bennett 4-H Club leader. The president of the club, Billy Fagan, was in charge of the program- The meeting was opened with pledges to the flag end the 4-H motto- The 4-H Theme song a°d other songs were led by the song leaders. Following the pro gram a report on the sale of 4-H first aid kits waa given by Mrs. Bennett. | After the business session Mrs. Hopson talked with the girls and gave a demonstration lon Proper Table Setting. The girls were much interested and were allowed to ask questions and give demonstrations on Table Setting. Mr. Steelman discussed Soil Testing with the boys. I The meeting was then adjourn ed until its next me®ti n g in April. | ■■ NOTICE The Yanety County Civil De fense will meet Tuesday, April 10th. at 7:80 p. m. in the Bak nsviUe Courthouse. The public is invited to attend. AAzer&ors Give The Best Buys ( t ( t 1 1 i i . . * r • MR*. THOMAS DENNIS” ] I •* (wwer Mis* Linda Ann Banks In a levely service Friday,. March 80 at 4:30 p. m. Miaul Linda Ann Banks became " the i bride of Thomas JJennJb M.cOirey in the First Baptist Church hire, i The bridj is. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Joshua Banks and the bridegroom is the i son of Mr. and Mrs. Farrell G. MeCurry, all of Burnsville. The Rev. Charles B, Trammel 1 performed the double ring ceke- I raony against a background -J ; of ; palms and seven branched can i dlelabra with an ivy entwined ■ arch centered with wedding bells, i and baskets of white gladioli. 1 Aisle cloths and satin bows to 1 mark the pews completes the » decorations. ~ A program of wedding music I waa presented by Mias Cynthia Randolph at the organ. Mr. Banks gave his daughter . in marriage. She wore a gown of silk organza over taffeta with Chantilly laee and seed pearls. The pointed bodice held a ' fall skirt that swept . into a 1 chapel train. Her veil was a lace ’ mantilla and she carried' a cascade : of stephanotis around a white orchid. Mrs. Robert Hilliard, aunt of the bride, was the o°ly attendant. She Wore a dress of purs silk organza in turquoise with a white Quaker Maea- ljf|* J »' roni, 7 oz. box IvCB KRAFT American I Slieed Cheese, / Ilf B * 1-2 Lb, A#% | Pet Ice Cream yA I 1-2 gal. any kind # #CI DULANY Frozen g%m ] GREEN PEAS, Schuster). j Gann, E. K. Fate ia the Hu»p, ter (Simon & Schuster). Gary, Remain, Promise at Dawn (Harper). Greene, Graham. A Bxknt-out Case (Viking). vA- , Horizon (periodical), Kjftchum, R. M. ed. The Horizon fi|ok of Renaissance (American Heri tage—Double day). Johnson, Gerald W. Thd Man Who Feels Left Behind (Morrow). MacLeieh, Archibald. Poetry and Experience (Houghton). Malamud, Bernard, A New Life (Farrar). Maxwell, Gavin. Ring erf Bright Water (Dutton). Moore, Ruth EU«n. The Coil I of Life; the Story of the Great Discoveries in the Life Sciences (Knopf). Moovehead, Alan. The White I Nile (Harper). Murchip, Guy. Music of the Spheres (Houghton). O’Cnnnor, Edwin- The Edge of Sadness (Little). Paton, Alan. Tales From a Troubled Land (Scribner). Salinger, J. D. Franny and. Zooey (Little). Sanderson, Ivan T. The Conti nent We Live On (Random). Schorer, Mark. Sinclair Lewia; an American Life (McGraw- Hill). White, Theodore H. The Mak ing of The President, 1960 (Atheneum). SINGING CONVENTION Tire Ya n cty County Singing Convention will convene with the Ivey Gap Baptist Church on Sunday, April 8, at 2 P. M. AU singers and everyone is invited to attend. jWWPiWe nHH Jwilita22«zp»n»nni«pw MUSTARD SEEDS BY: FR. DON KAPLE The Atheism of the modern western world is not a theoretical \ atheism, ft is not an which motivates people to deny the existence of tfjut rather it iri a practical atheism, in which God is expelled from daily life. As Leon Bloy, the French author expressed it, “God is absent from the towns, the countryside, the laws, manners, ahd art.” It is an atheism whereby people who profess belief in God, live their lives as if there were no God. Therefore, I would like to discuss the meaning of God speaking of God and a n d how our belief in God should in fluence our daily live... Ages and u,es ago every tim, vra dark a v d cold and empty. There was nothing but God o' ly. And when o n e by one the stars will have gone out like can dles in the wind, this God will still be. With God there is no time; there is no beginning and no end, no yesterday and tomorrow. With Him there is only now- He is outside of| time. He is in eternity. In the! ; Psalms we read: “Before the I mountains were begotten and | the earth and the world were brought forth from everlasting to everlasting You are God.” St. Peter writes: “One day with the Lord js a thousand ytare and a thousand years is as one day.” God is eternal. Nations rise and fall Egypt, Assyria, Babylo®, Persia, Greece, Rome. Today we are witnessing I the decline of two great nations !of yesterday, England a°d France } And the rise of Russia a n d the United States. Tomorrow it will bo Africa and South Ajmerica. People are born and die. ! Where j today are Ae Fharaos of , j the kings of Assyria, Babylon, • and Persia; the Alexanders the Great, and the Casare, th« Hit lers and the Staii n s? Yrs, nations] rise ar.d fall, people are born ' and die but God n mains th e \ same. Again in the Psalms we 1 read; “The earth and the heavens shall perish but You remain though all of them grow old , like a garment Like clothing You change them and they are I l changed. But you are the same/ ' and Your years have no end.” We are living in anxious ' i.'iKidquorte.'si Be Ready SATURDAY When Trout Season Opens -,r ’ See us For Anything the Fisherman Needs. Rods, Reels, Tackle, Flys, Nets, Boots, Fishing License See Us For All Your Fishing Needs Western Auto Associate Store 1 LLOYD OWENS, Owner BURNSVffiLB. N. t. t •- • i .. Ottawa t times —in times of war and ! rumors of war. Anxiety is a characteristic of modem man. Weil may Christ say to us: “Why are you anxious, ttttl* faith'?” Men like KniShcfifev who shakes their fists at God and ridicule Him will soon be gene.. But God Is. The men who seek to mass power, to *«M empire,, to conquer the worlci, are In tone laid in the earth along ride of their victims. A Q d the God they ridiculed and ignored exists still Modern man is also anxious about his material wellbeing. He seeks security and comfort i ft wealth. But fortunes are made a n the B*W Creek Church, The ChurA of God, also Ae doctors staff at j the Yaneey Hospital for their , kind consideration during the recent illness a ß a death of our 1 Vvfved one. Also for the beauti -11 ful floral offering. We g/wat (ly appeciate all Ae kindness 1 a n d sympathy shown. I Mrs. Dora HUemon, Mrs. I Chart s Fox and family, and Mrs. Charles Mclntosh.