vancev i THEATRE 1 n«ai«i SUN.-MON.-im JUNE 24-25-26 a&Vthe best blockbuster of tSrjf THE YEAR. RIPS THE HEART!- '| llLcdoljs OTTO PREMINGER PRESENTS i PAUL NEWMAN EVA MARIE SAINT RALPH RICHARDSON PETER LAWFORO LEE J COBB SAL MINEO JOHN DEREK JILL HAWORTH (- WED.THURS. ’ _ JUNE 27-28 A MOTION PICTURE WITH ! REAL OFF-BEAT! •ft#*.«« IlilWMfffri '• I CINEMASCOPE | Bring back the high shine to vinyl floors with Seal Gloss acrylic fin ish. Mary Carter’s FOR SALE: ONE JEEP IN | GOOD CONDITION. SEE E. L.' BRIGGS. BURNSVILLE. I FOR RENT: THE SUNRISE ] CAFE. CALL MU 2-2482. pJ2I NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, County of Yancey. Yancey County vs. R. B. JOHNSON and wife, LEO NORA JOHNSTON; HUGH JOHN STON and wife, ELIZA JOHN STON; W. M. JOHNSTON and wife, SARAH W. JOHNSTON; W. M. JOHNSTON, JR.; J. R. MAN SON and wife, FRANCES MAN SON; JAMES WOODY and wife, SUZANNE WOODY and the un known heirs at law of the afore said named persons ( The Defendants, above named 1 will take notice that an action, en titled as above, has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Yan cey County to enforce the tax liens for the years of 1951, 1952,'. 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956. 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, and 1962 for taxes due by the above named Defend ants on land in Burnsville, Cane River, Egypt, Ramseytown, Green Mtn., Jacks Creek, Crabtree, Pen sacola and Prices Creek Town ships, Yancey County, North Caro lina; and the Defendants will fur-1 ther take notice that the complaint In said action is on file in the' office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Yancey. County,. Norik Carolina, and the Defendants are required to appear and answer or demur to the said complaint with in 30 days from the 21st day of June, 1962, or the Plaintiff wIU apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 25th day of May, 1962. Lowe Thomas, Clerk of the Bup . erior Court-' '- r i May 31, June 7, 14, 21 FEMALE HELP WANTED PLACEMENT NOW—women i • work 4 hours daily at excellent pay servicing Avon customers In your vicinity. Full or fut time, no experience necessary. Write, giving directions to your home. 1 Mrs. Bonnie Charles, P. O. Box 691, Morgan ton, N. C. FOR SALE: Ideal RottreoMDt Home. Brick. Carport, Large Paneled Recreation, with Fire) Place. Lota of Shrubbery, SI2 JM. Call MU 2-2344 JM . ... . ■.. A FOR SALE. 80 ACRE FARM. .6$ TOBACCO ALLOTMENT. SEE WADE HAMPTON AT SUNRISE RESTAURANT, un i : FOR SALE: Six room boose with bath, 27 acres of land. .98 to bacco allotment with tobacco barn. Four acres of improved pasture, 5000 Balsams one year old and gravity water located 1H miles out of Burnsville. Call MU 2-2205 or write David Bynum, Burnsville, N. C. FOR SALE Three bedroom house, Bath and half. Large paneled living room with beautiful stone fireplace, raised hearth. Dining area pan eled and matching kitchen with built-in evenr surface unit and hood with fan. Full basement with shower, large furnace and 52 gal. hot water heater. About 5 minute drive from Burnsville. House and lot or acreage with tobacco allotment. Write P. O. . Box 695 Burnsville for appoint ment to see. p-Jys FOR SALE: Two Mare Ponies with fillies. Also one horse pony. See Mrs. Jess Cooper or Call MU 2-2626. un FOR BENT HOUSE FOR RENT, NEW, CON VENIENT. SEE RONALD AN GELL, 1 MILE WEST OF BURNSVILLE. c-un FOR SALE: 1956 Ford Station Wagon, 9 passenger, radio, heat er, fordomatic. Reasonable. Tele phone MU 2-2819. p-J2B wmmmm vMee»e»»»er Dial MU 2-1478 Day Tima And MU 2-214 S at Night POE TOUR COAL-FUEL OIL KEROSENE BAILEY FUEL GO. BIMMnriUJL N. c. FOR SALE Case farm tractor, good tiros overhauled engine, very good condition, price $460; One ton Ford truck, dual wheels, four speed trans-, also two speed exie, good condition, price $400; 56 Ford Fairlane, thunderbird en gine, straight shift, radio and heaier. clear, price $500; 67 Chevrolet 210, automatic trans., heator, ww tires, good condition, price S6OO. See Ronald Angel, 1 mile West of Burnsville. un QOVIRNMENT SURPLUS SALES NOW anyune can buy DIRECT from U. 8. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS DEPOTS, by mail for yourself or for reoak. Camara*, Mr *>ular* car*, jo*pa» hrueka, boots, hardware, office ataebinss and equipment, tent a took and tono-of-tbouaanda at other IteaM at a fraction of their original coat. Many items brand now. For List of kun~ droda of U. S. Government bur plus Depot*, located in every State and e-oraees with pamphlet -How Government Can Ship Dirac* To You." ptua pncednrao, HOW TO BUT and how U get FREE SURPLUS, Mall $2.09 to SURPLUg BALB9 INFORMATION fSRVICBR P. O. Box No, 111$ Wadbtsp tah 5, ft C. . i ,I*3 ' THE YANCEY RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1962 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA TANCEY COUNTY Having qualified aa Administra trix *f the Estate of Elizabeth R. Hensley, deceased, late of Yancey County, this la to notify all per- I bom having claims against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Administratrix at her kome at Burnsville, N. C., on or before the 21st day of Decem ber, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded la bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of June, 1962. Willie Molt Hensley, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Elizabeth R. Hensley, Deceased. Jane 21, 28, July 5, 12 There’s no charge for use of Car pet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre Carpet Shampoo. Mary Carter’s. ; -pSgJPWv i-WSr-jSPg i* ».* ‘j,-'*’, s’£■" 5 ’£■" 1 * * - *■ -** v l , -f m, ]H ' j |jjj| ■HHHr i '' Sifit •• ' IS ?i ELECTRONIC PROCESSING of information 1 supplied by architect-engineer survey teams potential fallont shelters assures that this < data will be compiled and supplied more quickly (to civil defense officials.. Using Federally-fur nished shelter supplies, CD authorities will 1 . (y .■*l \ . all gjg I 1". •, f 1 H M "Mm* "m a m m l» ' ' A ni tW* 1 SHELTER PROGRESS RAPID 1 The national civil defense program of sur veying fallout shelters for up to 60 million Americans is ahead of schedule, and should be completed before the end of 1962, according to : officials of the Defense Department's Office of Civil Defense. i By October 1 OCD expects to have in the hands of local civil defense authorities com plete information on the number and location . of shelter spaces available in each community, i From information obtained by the Federally financed National Shelter Survey, local civil defense officials will know also how many per sona in each community could be sheltered, how many could not be sheltered under present conditions, what additional space could be modified into shelter areas, how much it would *| , Creamy-Rich lee Cream •. . Made with Ease it..,. , , l> With the oomlng of day* that At* ■ warmer, thought* turn to •oat, refreshing dcasorts. First r m the list'of favorites is home lands Ice cream. Grandmother RM to spend hows turning the wank of her ice cream freezer, ,t>ut the modem homemaker can £*T on Carnation Company's | home economists who have de veloped an ice cream recipe that { fa creanur and rich ... but oh, m easy to prepare. The secret la araporated milk .. .‘whipped and blended with marshmallow .whip and fruits. Evaporated mUk Insures a smooth texture every time... no need to worry about' iciness. It's extra nutri tious, too . . . with twice the j Amounts of Vitamin D, protein and minerals of whole milk. ► HOMEMADE PEACH Os ' STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM • (Makes about 2Vt quarts) f 1 cap sliced fresh peacheae I 1 cup sliced fresh California / strawberries* .ft «®P »"«« ,Ift cups (It fa to 8 ounce Jar) i marshmallow whip Ift cups (large can) undiluted H evaporated mUk * Ift cup lemon Juice j »- — Whole fresh California - strawberries > Mash peaches and 1 cup •Hoed strawberries in bowl. Add sugar and marshmallow whip. AAow to stand for 25 minutes, •thr occasionally until well jfee crystals form around edges . . ids Ufty (about 25 to 30 mlu ' Whip evaporated mUk flMßLatitf (about 2 minutes fr- jte&r FOR RENT: ONE THREE BED ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. SEE E. L. BRIGGS YAXCHY SAND AND GRAVEL GO. NOW HAS AMPLE SUPPLY OP ROAD BOND CALL 2-2599 mark and stock shelter areas located and re ported in the survey. Technicians are shown transferring microfilmed survey data to mag netic tape in the U.S. Census Bureau headquar ters at Suitland, Md., so the information can be run through computers. (Dept, a Defense Photo) cost, and similar data. Local architects and engineers surveyed shelter areas under con tract to the Army Corps of Engineers or the Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks. Under present plans, civil defense authorities receiving this information would then be re sponsible for marking shelter areas with a nationally-standardized sign. They would stock shelter areas with specially-prepared 14-day 1 supplies of food, water, sanitation and medical i items, and fallout detection instruments—all provided by OCD, 1 Tha shelter survey, marking, and stocking program, announced last August and put in operation Dec. 1, 1961, is the first part of a broader plan to provide fallout shelters for vir tually all Americans over the next five years. • ■ *- fUI ■ ■ Sm. Vi'ui ftSSL I ’’tak. 1 MHr . . ' i, . SJI j ~ • ' •’* -SC--‘. '.* • ' 1 - , ... 0* - r. J. a*: V (j,' Photograph courtery of Carnation Company^ Add lemon Juice. Whip very «mrTff 2 minutes longer). Fold peacli mixture into whip ped evaporated milk. Spoon in to refrigerator trays. Freeze until firm (about 3 hours). WANTED: MAN TO DO YARD ] AND GARDEN WORK. SOME ONE WHO IS EXPERIENCED. CONTACT WATSON NEYLAND, PHONE MU 2-2490 un ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Administra tor of the Estate of Lewis Robin son, deoeased; late of Yancey County, this is to notify all per sons having claims agaiudt the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Administrator at his home at Rt. 5, Burnsville, N. C„ on or before the 15th day id December, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 14th day of June, 1962. Arthur M. Robinson, Administra tor of the Estate of Lewis Robin son, Deceased. June 14, 21, 28, July 5 A-FpOI. LARD’S ~ RECORDS Tussey Deodrant / Serve garnished with whole strawberries. ( •or 112-ounce package frozen sliced peaches and 1 10-ounca package frozen sliced straw berries, thawed (omit sugar).' FOR BALE: REGISTERED GER MAN SHEPHERD DOG, year and one half old, Black and sil ver (Markings. Phone 2-2676 BurnttUle, after 5 P. M. clt SALESMEN WANTED BE INDEPENDENT. Sell Raw letgk Products In adlehrtag *rea. Writ* today. Rawleigh Dept. NCF-1909-5, Richmond, Va. FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO WANTED: Responsible party to take over low monthly paynleata mi a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager. P. 0. Box 346 Kings Mountain. North Carolina. J-28 FOR RENT: 5 rooms and Bath, newly decorated. Electric water heater, wired for Electric Stove. Located on "Summit St. Sec H. E. Duncan on Pensacola Road c-mr FOR SALE: NEARLY NEW 3 BED ROOM HOUSE. CARPORT. IDEAL LOCATION. $6,790. CAN FINANCE. Call MU 2-2344. FOR SALE: USED LESTER BETSY ROSS SPINET PIANO. IN GOOD CONDITION. $37600. CALL MU 2-2391, OR WRITE MRS. MAX PENLAND, BUR NSVILLE, n. a LOTS loo’xlso* NSw Develop ment. W. B. EDGE or JAY EDGE 2 BLOCKS FROM , SQUARE MU 2*2476 or 2-2253 j JEEP FOR SALE: MILITARY MODEL, OVERHEAD VALVE | ENGINE. CRAIG ENGLISH, | ,MU 2-2188, BURNSVILLE. DITCH DIGGING SEPTIC TANK WORK. MOVE DIRT, INSTALL RLSERVOIRS AND WATER PIPE. CONTACT FRANK COOP ER, BUkNSVILLE RT. L Phone MU 2-2436 AT POLLARD’S WHEEL CHAIRS FOR SALE or RENT LOTS FOR 9ftLE: New Develop ment, on Riverview Heights, 3 miles west of barnsville, ’A to 1 acre. Water fu.-nished at city rates. Beautiful view, wooded lots. See or call Frank Cooper, MU 2-2436, Burnsville, N. C. FOR: Floor Sending, Finish tug, Tiie Laying. Ail work guaranteed See ar call Rdd Dale, Phene Mil 1-219*. BuntevUir. FOR SALE: MOST ANY KIND OF CAFE EQUIPMENT, GAS & ELECTRIC, 21 CASE ELEC TRIC DRINK BOX, GOOD CONDITION. SEE CLYDE BAGWELL, PENSACOLA, N O * ROOMS FOR RENT: SEE TROY COOPER AT COOPER’S SHOE SHOP, BURNSVILLE. un ’’auto"' LOANS &40PMtia>l6 LOANS | THE NORTHWESTERN BANK BHRNBVHJUR, 16 O Monthly Payment Plan NEED A " WRECKER ] ;CALLDAY ' or NIGHT ' MU 9-9191 ar MU 9-2119 FRIENDLY SERVICE Roberts C hevoiet! Hoick, he. RUINBVULB, N. 41 mVERSIDfi 1\ DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY, JUNE 22 ‘The BIG SHOW’ With BOTHER WILLIAMS IN COLOR SATURDAY, JINE^ IN CINEMASCOPE ‘The Racers” STARRING ‘ KIRK DOUGLAS 1— DOUBLE FEATURE ‘The BIG SHOW’ With ESTHER WILLIAMS SDN.-MON.-TUES. JUNE 24-25-26 “Return To 1 Peyton Place” With JEFF CHANDLER I WED-THimS. JUNE 27-28 “SHANE" With Alan Ladd, Van Heflin-Jcan Arthur FOR SALE: BARGAIN. STURDY BLONDE OAK EXTENSION TABLE, FOUR CAIRS. WILL SELL SEPARATELY. SEE MRS. CRAIG ENGLISH. pit FOR RENT: FURNISHED AP ARTMENT, PRIVATE BATH, CALL MU 2-2468. p-J2B TOWN OF BURNSVn.T R SALE OF DELINQUENT TAX FOR 1961 NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Aa provided by law, and pur euant to authority contained in a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the Town of Burnsville, default hav ing been made in payment for the taxes hereinafter listed, I will offer for sale at public outcry at the court house door In Burns ville on the 14th day of July, 1962, at 10:00 A. M., the property here laafter described by reason lof non payment of 1961 tax due hie Town of Burnsville. This the 12th day of June 1962. Mrs. Victoria L. King, Tax Col lector Town of Burnsville, N. C. June 14, 21, 28, July 5 Namei Tax . ■ Wayne Atkins $54.00 i Taft R. Allen 38.00 Ayers A Ray 84.48 R. L. Bailey 134.40 Edward H. Blake, Estate 60.00 Wiley H, Blevins 102.48 Leonard Boon* 43.44 Mrs. Esther Buckner 49.58 Elizabeth dkrtor 22.40 Mrs. Lillie Chase, Estate 36.00 Mrs. Bill Clouse 12.00 John A. Cooper 242.40 Jess Cso per 105.60 Edd Dal* 48.12 Craig English 88.40 Frank Fox 40.32 Dr. William Gladden 3.60 Cecil Higgins 78.70 •M. B. Higgins 47.04 J Seth Honeycutt 69.00 | Cling Hughes 51.60 Tom Jones 10.00 Harry McCrsckln Estate 12.48 I Leroy A Ruth McCrackln 21.60 | *®y King 30.00 W. N. McNeil 109.98 Artie Leo Peterson 80.40 " “ Guardian 7.20 I Ashton Raaisey 49.30 j Phillip Ruy 109.56 t Stanley Riddle 66.60 Welide Riddle, Jr. 183.60 Boyd Shephard 4.g0 Howard W. Simpson 72.00 Carroll H. Soothers 30.96 Mrs. Bertha Thompson 164.40 Frank H. Watson 57.60 Mra. J. A. Watson 138.60