Stitchin ’N Kitchen BY JUNE STREET Home Economics Extension Agent I pledge: My 'head to clearer thinking; My heart to greater loyalty; My hands to larger service; and My health to better living for my club, my community and my country. 4-H club meetings are opened by repeating the pledge to the American flag and the 4-H pledge. Many times when words are re peated together they come auto matically and there is no thought behind them. During your lives you develop ways of doing things and ways of saying things so that by the time you are a teen ager or younger your family and your friends know pretty well what to expect of you. They know whether or not they can count on you to do something you promised to do, or whether you will thank them for their help. These actions are generally re ferred to as habits. The growth of your habit can i be compared to te growth of trees. When a tree is young and it’s roots aren’t set very deep, it cart be pulled up easily; but after it continues growing and the roots develop, it cannot be pulled up. While people are still young their habits aren’t set firmly and they can be swayed or pulled up with very IMe effort; but later their habits become a part of the per son and .it is a hard job to get rid of them. Let’s take stock of your habits and see if they are what they should be and if we have let them become a part of us. A pledge is a promise and is not to be taken lightly. What does it mean when you pledge your head to clearer thinking? Are you a dependable person and prove that you are by finishing what you will start? get your jobs done without being reminded? coming home when you say you will? and by keeping /your project up to I Specials-Friday & Saturday, March 1-2 I I Swiffs Premium JQ „ Bacon, only "I 1 #% Campbells Chicken M£% Noodle & Cream of Chicken Soup, 3 for ** w CHARMIN <£■ a a TISSUE, 4 roll 1111 pk. 3 for WVW INS SALT. a% mm ROUND, 26 ez. / "%f 3 for RAY BROS. FOOD CENTER ■ MLI * **** MttT 8008 TO wwmm BvtusmwuM, n. c. I elateDo you discuss clifferenc* of opinion in family matters witl out “blowing up”? Hold, yoi tongue when you want to say u kind things? Willingly take yoi discuss your 4-H project wil other members of the family These questions may help you I decide if you are car’-yimg out tl pledge. If you pledge your heart i greater loyalty, do you thar members of your family f< tilings they have done to help you Praise members of your fami and friends more than you cril cize them? Remain loyal to yoi friends or are you just kind whc you want something from ul.em Do you treat the friends of otlv members of your family as yc want them to treat your friends Have respect for persons old< than you? Are you using your hands f< larger service? Do you offer i do someone else’s work when yc know they don’.t feel well? Clea up any mess you have made Offer to help other members < the family when they need he or encouragement? Keep yoi I'oom and clothes tidy and order? Do you strive to comple your project to the best of yoi abilities? Are you using your health fi better living? Do you practii good health habits? Look ne and clean? Eat the proper food! Go to bed at the hour agreed u on by you and your parents? I you work with your family ai community to help improve sat tary and safety conditions of yoi home and community? Let us each take inventory at see if we are carrying out tl promises we make when we se the 4-H pledge and also tl pledge to the American fia Even though saying the pled) at meetings may became a hab the things that are said can b come a great part of u* aod will all strive to the fullest Make The Best Better.” th K&py&fr ' >ur HhHHBBb ’ ■****'-'' .m- jjgißjraL MW iy? wti Bw? $ Wi; to die THERE’S DAINTINESS, TOO —4 J H work is ’ajll in the fields and forests. These girls are learning correct table setting methods from to 'Mrs. Halsey Miller (left), former Arbuckle Club leader. •nk ' ’ ‘ ~ E u °, r All Projects Related To Health iiy by Virginia McMahan iti- My health project in 4-H holds mr “ FROZEN FOODS >er BY PHYLLIS McMAHAN ’OU I I have carried the 4-H frozen , s ’ I foods project for three years. I i have enjoyed it very much. The easiest foods for home for , freezing include uncooked vege -101 tables, fri ts, meats, fish and ou poultry. Packaging ‘has a lot to 1311 do with the quality of frozen le? foods. They must be packaged °ff properly to preserve the flavor, color and food; value. >ur The packages should be sealed 111 tightly so that the foods Will not lose their moisture. mr Cellophane, aluminum foil and plastic film provide the best wrap for ping for meats and poultry, ice Fruits and vegetables can he eat preserved in plastic or aluminum Is? foil containers, or in waxed con up- tamers. Do Most foods make good frozen ind .products and can be stored for a ud- year at zero degrees farenheit if xu- properly prepared, packaged and frozen. nd Vegetables should be picked -he while young and tender and at ay their peak in flavor. Meats should •h e also be selected with care, as- Freezing is growing more and ige more popular as a way of preserv t>it. tag foods. It also helps out on the be- food budget for the family. It is w® also a real pleasure to see my 'To family enjoy some of the foods I have frozen. VELVETTA va I CHEESE Spread, K “wtf 1 I 2 lb. box only * " B WILSON’S PURE j- a I LARD or Shorten- j wf# I ing, 3 lb. ct. only I Pi)lsbury Cake Mixes aa I White, Yellow or /Mp ■ Chocolate Fudge '** I Lettuce, Large IQpl Heads, 2 for w/tl Del Monte Pineapple Q I Grapefruit Juice 46 oz. Zf/CI a special meaning to me because I think good health .is important to everyone. I have enjoyed the health project very much and I am glad that health is a required project in 4-H Clubs. A health pro ject encourages good health hab-1 its for all those who take it. i I have taken the 4-H health .project all of the six years ] have been in 4-H. The project re quires that certain improvemests in personal, family and commun ity health be made. In the process, some things are discovered .that !we might not even know harmed bur health. All of the other projects are in some way related to health. Thej all point out some important as pects of a good health plan. For instance, a cooking project em phasizes the importance of eating three "square meals” per day. One of the H’s on the 4-H dovei stands for health and we pledge to improve our health. We do this by practicing good health habits Jbr both our minis and. biur bodies. 4-H Club members also help wiith family health by en couraging good health habits for .the whole family. In community health, 4-H’ers help by doing such things as distributing rat poison In drives to eliminate the disease carrying rodents. I have won the COUhty d\ampk»v s ship in health for two yeors, once » in the. iunior-rluUnUw onrf anao. an ’ the sender division. This past t summer I win a trip to State 4-H Club Week in Raleigh. ... -L ' — ’ A' 1 A LITTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir; Young people between the ages of 10 and 21 have a reliable _ and proven means of transportation. This vehicle is known *s a 4-H Club. Many of our present successful business and professional 'men, as well jvs farmers, in Yan cey County have ridden this 4-H vehicle to success. We hear a lot about juvenile de linquency and problems brought an by school dropouts. Law offi cials report teenagers hot rodding and seeking thrills in other de sirable ways. Few of these are ever 4-H members. The project is the center of the 4-H program. The 4-H boy or girt learns the fundamentals of work ing with livestock and crops. They also receive training in re cord keeping and planning, along with opportunities for leadership and citizenship development. | Local leaders serve as the con ; necting links between the 4-H Club members and the Extension Agents who 'train, the leaders and furnish subject matter materials. There are now 10 Community 4-H dubs active in Yancey Coun ty, with a membership of 160. Any community that would like to acquire a 4-H Club should contact the County Extension Office for details. E. L. Dillingham County Extension Chairman Burnsville SUBSCRIBE TO Tht Record AT THIS <£L >T. I ADS ARE, Tricky You Advertise Garden Tools (We Have Them) And Find you Need Snow Shovels (We Still Have A Few). Or you advertise Lawn Mowers (to cut the grass—if it- rains) and you need heaters (we I have them) We advertise Fishing Tackle (we I stock a nice iine of Rods, Reels and Lures) and I the weather is too bad for anything except to I sit by the fire and read (we can fill those empty light sockets to make reading and studying easier on the eyes). To play Safe I Guess I Will Advertise Revere I Ware—Th% Copper-C!ad Stainless Steel Cooking I Utensils That Dress up the Kitchen and Make I Cooking a Pleasure. (Folks have to Eat Regard- I less of The Weather.) I Blue Ridge Hardware Co. I BURNSVILLE, N. C. I —AA——A— _ * - t ,-. .: v ~ ’ THE YANCEY RECORD j§fl§ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2S, 1963 Canning Is Becoming Simpler \ BY SHARON McMAHAN I have carried the 4-H project Cf xiing feu- three years. I have enjoyed it very much. Canning was a hard task, but with the new methods and equip ment, it is almost simple. After T work in the summer I feel great '.satisfaction when- my food is open ed and complimented. Sometimes instead of compliments I receive criticism. But this makes me J more alert and prevents my mak ing the same mistake again. Os the two methods of preparing the food, I prefer the hot pack., I ha ve found of all ithe methods I of canning I like the pressure earner best. Successful home canning de pends on the 'selection of fresh food in perfect condition. Over-j ripe or damaged food should not be canned. Food should be spread | SAFETY Is Good Business PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES WITH A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX AT THE THE NORTHWESTERN BANK MEMBER F. D. I. C. DIAL 682-2110 out and stored if it mart 'be kept ; over two hours. ) Cleanliness is very important in home canning. Foods should be washed several times to remove" all dirt and grit. 441 Ims taught me how to can and canning will be a great help to me in the future. Canning has saved me a lot of money. I have | learn to can many things alone, [ although I still need help with I some things. I have exhibited several cans in local and county exhibits. | Some day I hope to exhibit some canned food in a county, or maybe even a state fair. In the future I hope more girls will take canning and enjoy it aa i as much as I have. Even if you | aren’t always a winner, canning is a iot of fun.