■ THE YANCEY RECORD *; ifc» Stitchin’ ’N Kitchen ... I BY ALICE B. HOWON I Assistant Home Economics Agant' In 1962, acciderfes occurring la the home and on Che farm, caused 767 deaths In North Carolina. Be side* the deaths, thousands suffer ed injuries. How sale are our home* and farms? Are our homes safe tor small children? elderly folks? Che whole family? Are our homes free from accident hazards? A hazard is any condition or practice thait makes it possible for an accident to occur. Here are a few reminders of the kind of hazards commonly seen about Your drivers in 1962 had the worst record of any age group tat the United States. Men and women under age 25 represent only about 15 per cent of the na tion’s licensed drivers, yet they were Involved in nearly 28 per cent of all fatal accidents and In more than 27 per cent of aid non fatal accidents. TO 'yh# lUoopd CROSS WORD^^gf 1. Nonalco- 4. Cardinal 25. At 11 holic, as a number home iquyaraMgitfl drink suffix 26. Knife- jJI'JP 5. Glass water 5. Heart Uke bottle (med.) impte. IWPI l|iUJ’jC]X)g}gj 11. Hint 6. Constella- raent g|43xI|MKLAJ|jJ2J 12. Beginning tion 27, Greek Hffcwfifrfjgj i 13. Ascend 7. Wealthy fe. moon 14. City (Wis.) 8. Exchange ?? Rod- MWilalVh i : 15. l.evels premium dem WlJ9l l|lwW3|»yisl 17. Eleanor .« 9. Sibelius 24. BefaflM! liiflQlS l swimmer 10. Foe* deity 18. Marrv 18. Artist's (vw.) 38. Resorts 19 Oolong workshop 34. Move 38. Prong 22 Sloth 20. Half an e» sideways 4L Stinging 23! Cheerful- 21. Declare M- Kind of insect nes3 23. Mr. Snead Mack ink 43. Rodent 26. Dinner 24 Owns 36. Pauses 44. Large worm , course la |3 14 p 17 I* |9 j'° 29. The beach | OS 30. Pledges JJ~~ ““ 7? iZ 32. Close to 60 33. Belonging ““ 77 W~ to us . __ 34. Churchill's W~ " W~ 77 ■“: ms m vssa. ipp!„ r _:± | referee a ? I m Climbipg P* J W, ’ j plants m7T> 3TT 77? YT [ 47. Slash J I I I I I property 49. Vegetables 77/+? [iJSM ■- —’ w r i '' -I j We Doze... But Never Close! Open 24 Hrs. Per Day Vegetables - Groceries - Fruits » * LEAVE YOUR CAR WITH US TO BE SERVICED AT NIGHT-PICK IT UP IN THE MORNING ! I PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE W. Burnsville Shell Service ———H—————sk FOR THE BEST | IN I MOTOR TUNE UP, BODY 4 FENDER REPAIRS FRONT HMD ALIGNMENT, WHEEL BAJANCBVG MAJOR A MBffiß AUTO REPAIRS, UNDER COAYGIG, WIN TER BONG, WITH RADIATOR REPAIRS ' BY* / FACTORY TCLAINK) VJT6* BODY MJ^JANiCS V S«k t Roberts Chevrokl-Buick | INC. | MMMfIUa. 21.«. v 1 . FRANCHUBD DEAlfll NO. IMS I l I homes and farms: ' Ashes in paper or wood contain- 1 era: No hand rail on stairway; 1 Oily rags left uncovered; Prayed | electric cords; Guttered stair ways; Children playing with mat ches;* Handles of cooking utensils protruding over edge of stove; Loaded guns; Poisons unfabled or wtatata reach of children; Stove pipes too dose to combustible ma terials; Rotten or broken steps; Rdbbisk, dry grass and leaves about buildings; Broken ladder rungs; Wearing loose or floppy clothing that might catch in mov ing machinery; Sharp tools, im properly stored; Careless handling of bids or other animals: Un guarded power shafts, belts or ! pulleys; Also: Insecure handles on tools; , Blind road intersections: Exposed . live electric wires; Careless hand , liner of tractors: Burned-out fuses . replaced with coins, wire or other niet&l; Unprotected hay chute . openings. Let’s “comb” our homes ami farms for these or other hazards and correct them before an acci dent happens! i but vjhetm S' —* L£FT T ° jm- * terrific H , you StAy sH^'s \, 't ?f / r ° rHe Gatoobo fS (KT HOME/ MK f OOWV-2-4 S—HE'S5 — HE'S UP — HE'S DOWN 1 hesup- and connects with a Here Are Some Facts About College That Students, Parents Should Know BY JOHN COREY 1 Appalachian State Teachers 1 College > This is the season when college admissions directors receive {.hear heaviest mail. Dr. Braxton Harris, assistant registrar in charge of admissions at Appala chian State Teachers College, ioone, N. C., laments that sometimes it reveals a groat deal of “lack of knowledge” about college, both on the part of young people and on the part of their parents. Here are some basic facts that this group ought to know: In the 1930’5, only about one million young people were in col ' lege. By 1961, according to the ! National Education Association, I the number had Jumped to same -1 what over three miHion, and it’s j still qolng up. This means that I something over one-third of all young people of college age (IS-2V are tin school. I The number of colleges in the ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA j YANCEY COUNTY j Having qualified as Administra trix of the Estate of William T. Martin, deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the t Decedent to exhibit U>e same >o | the undersigned Administratrix at t her home at Green Mountain, N. j C., on or before the 9th day of I November, 1963, or this notice will . be pleaded In bar of their recov j cry. : All persons owing the Estate will please make Immediate payment. | This 9th day of May, 1963. | . Mrs. 1 -jla Martin, Administra trix of the Estate of William T. Martin, Deceased May 9, 16, 23, 30 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Adminisira- I trlx of the Estate of M. M. Mur phy, deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the De cedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Administratrix at her home at Rt. 5, Burnsville, N. C., on or before the 2nd day of Octo bed, 1963, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. I A ll persons owing the Estate will [ p * ease make immediate payment. This 27th day of April, 1963? Mrs Tennie Murphy, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of M. M. Murphy, Deceased. May 2,9, 16, 23 Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch—Relieves Pain Forth« first tlms science hee found a new healing eubetence with the se toniehlng ability to ehrink hemor rhoids and to relieve p«in - without surgery. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduc tion (shrinkage) took place. Most araatmg of aU - results were eo thor ough that sufferers made astonishln* statements like “Pile, have cea.ed to be a problem I” The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne®)- die. eovery of a world-famous research bujtltilts. This substance is now avail able In suppository or ointment form tailed Preparation H*. At all drua counters. ! [_: _ _■ U. S. continues to increase. In the 1930’s there were fewer than j 1,000. The 1962-63 Education Dir-’ ■ ectory, just published by the U. . S. Office of Education, shows that i we have a total of 2,100 institu , tions of higher education now. Os . these. 623 offer at least two years of college work, but less than four. l They are, generally speaking, in 1 the junior college or community t college class. Many are quite » similar to major colleges except . in the length of program offered, and the number is growing fast. , Last year there were only 593 in this category. , There are today 1,447 degree granting institutions, of which 223 • , offer the doctor of philosophy as well as bachelor’s and master’s degrees. s Only about one in four of the ; students who start college ever I finish. There were 394,889 bache i lor’s land (first-professional de- I grees conferred in 1960, plus 74,497 second level degrees (usu ally the master’s and . 9.329 doc-1 tor’s degrees. There are just twice as many men in college as women. What do college students study? > A survey done at the University of Michigan in 1959 showed the fol lowing: agriculture, 135%; busi * ness, 19% education, 19,8 per cent; * engineering, 13% biological scien ; c 05,10%; humanities*. '11%; physi ■ cal sciences, 5.6%; social sciences, ' 9.5%; other, 7.3%i undecided * .4%; not reported, 2.1%. How about the cost ol going to colloge? The same Michigan sur vey showed that the cost of one year may vary from SSOO to $3,540 or more. The average was shown to be $1,550. The figure moves upvard a bit year by year, especially when colleges are forc ed to increase their tuition. Who pays the bill? Again, the Michigan study shows that 27.6 per cent have their whole way paid by mother and dad. The percentage is higher for girls than for boys. The fam ily paid the way for 21.4 per cent of the men, for 39.5 per cent of the women. A considerable number paid their way by a combination of money from home and their own earnings. The rest met expenses by various combinations of money from home, working, and scholar ship aid, without a cent from home. What are the reasons given by MONUMENTS •- ANY SIZE - ANY DESIGN -ANYPRICE HOLCOMBE BROTHERS I - I I - 1 , those who do not go to college ? 'j No desire to go or poor grades, rank first. It isn't always defer ■ whether these are separate rea : sons or reasons that go together. ' We might assume that sometimes the lack of a desire to go to 1 college would result in the high ■ school student’s having rather 1 poor grades. But the opposite is also possible. Next most important is the lack of money. About one-fourth of 1 ' all students Investigated in Mlehi gan study reported either that 1 their services were needed at home or thfet they did not have the finances. j About 10 per cent simply planned to take jobs on graduation from high school, while one-fifth to one fourth were planning to get mar ried or enter military service. Editor's Note: [, Readers having i questions concerning education are invited to send iilquiries to 1 ( School and Your Child, Appala- ; chian State Teachers College, Boone. N. C+ '~7 - V _ 'Jeep'Universal j* are performance -proved \ over billions of miles! w •- » 7 exclusive reasons why 'Jeep' vehicles are your best buy! f! 1. lowest initial cost 4-wheel drive vehicles 5. built from the ground up as a 4-wheel drive ; U l t ieheit ; esalß Va,oe do * to func,ional *•**" 6. performance proved over billion, of mile, of I j 3. big payload capacity on a short wheelbase world-wide service 4. 3 power take-off points - front, center, rear 7. only complete line of 4-wheel drive vehicles j i I rOR A DfMONSTIMnON Je * P “*'l AH New 'Jeep' Wagoneer All New 'Jeep' Gladiator i! VEHICLES MADE ONLY BY Jtgp corporation Roberts Chevrolet-Buick, Inc. ‘Jeep’ Div. WEST MAIN ST. FRANCHISED DEALER No. 10U BURNS V II.LH. N. i\ Murdock Is Elected Science Club Head MARS HILL Gerald Murdock, son of Mr. tod Mrs. George C. Murdock cf has been elected president ctf the Science Honor C’ b at Mars Hill College, where he is a rising senior. The club is c rnyosed c' 1 with high academic averages who i are especially i.itcrto :d in science. 1 A 49.71 c udtot’a cl? B ■ ■nsvS’.s , Hi-h School, Murdock attended ' Mars Hiil d'.trir.g .be 1958-59, 1959- 50 ;:h cl years. He re-entered Mars Hill last September wtien the first junior class was enrolled. A chem.iolry major a.cd math min er , be is planning. to become a textile chemist. His election to fbe clu- bpres dency is for the fall semester. I - WORRIED? NERVOUS dMk Over Change-of-Life? j ■r iiiVwl lose your mind. Get welcome relief with special woman's medicine Don’t dread those seemingly endless years of misery and discomfort, of sudden hot flushes, waves of weakness and irritability. There is a special woman’s medicine which can relieve those heat waves, weak ness, nervousness, so you can enjoy life again. So that you can once more be an affection ate wif ■ and mother. If you are going through the change, don’t despair. Do as countless thousands of women The gentle medicine with the gentle name LYDIA E. PINKHAM SAFETY Is Good Business PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES WITH A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX AT THE THE NORTHWESTERN BANK MEMBER F. D. I. C. DIAL 682-2110 GERALD MURDOCK „~r— do —take a special woman’s medicine-Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound devel oped by a woman—specially to help women by relieving such functionally caused female distress. In doctors’ tests woman after woman found that Pinkham’s Compound gave dramatic help to all this without costly shots. is soothed; hot flashes subside. So don’t sit and ~ brood and fed unable to help yourself. You can feel better. Get gentle Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound today.