THE’ YANCEY RECORD THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1943 hi UI W 5 ■ ■jzz', * atodf *.o_ MUSTARD SEEDS by fr. BON kaple When two people are getting acquainted, they usually begin by telling each other about them-, selves, For several centuries now we've' veen neighbors but we have not been on speaking terms. Only now are we 'beginning to get ac uainted. I would like to begin by telling you about my sell. 1 would like to tell you how a Catholic looks at his Church. My hope is that when I have finished, our mutual love for Jesus will have drawn—uaa little closer. ~ We~ havebut one Mediator with God and thf t is Jesus Christ. Jesus was th Way and 'the Truth and the . Lifd'Tie s came)to show ws the way, to the~ Father, to teach us the secrets of the king dom of God and to give us life everlasting. And Jesus is with us still. “I will not leave orphans;” he said, I will come to you.” (St. Jn, 14; 18) . .behold lam with you aij days, even unto the con sumnjation of the ‘' world." (St. Mtt. 28; 20> Jesus is still the Way and the Truth and the Life. He is still, showing us the way to the Father; he is still teaching us the secrets of the kingdom of God; he is still giving us life everlasting. j The question is, how? St. Paul tells us that Jesus has MONUMENTS --ANY SIZE - ANY DESIGN - ANY PRICE HOLCOMBE BROTHERS J Helps Heal And Char Itchy Skin Rash! Zemo—liquid or ointment—* doc* tor’s antiseptic, promptly relieve* itching, stops scratching and *o helps heal and dear surface *nn rashes. Buy Extra Strength Zemo for 1111 stubborn case* 1 We Doze... But Never Cloael i, Open 24 Hrs. Per Day Vegetables - Groceries - Fruits LEAVE YOUR CAR WTtH US TO BE SERVICED AT NIGHT-PICK IT UP IN THE MORNING 1 PICKUP * DELIVERY SERVICE i _ W. Burnsville Shell Service FOR THE BEST I MOTOR TUNE UP. BODY & FENDER REPAIRS FRONT END ALIGNMENT, WHEEL RAIANCING MAJOR * DONOR AUTO REPAIRS. j ’UNDER COATING, WINTERIZING, WITH RADIATOR REPAIRS BY* FACTORY TRAINED AUTO * BODY MF^JANIGS See, 1 , A Roberts Chevrolet-Buick INC. mmwKmmm, *.«. • FRANCHISED DEALER NO. »1» assumed a new body; that Christ’s lew body is h's Church of Which head, “For as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, many as they are, form one body, so also is it with Christ.” (1 Cor. 12:12) Jesds himself orgfcnipted his body in this manner. "And he (Jesus) himself gave some men as apostles, and some as prophets, others again as evangelists, and others as pastors and teachers.” (EPh. 4; 11-12). Thus the Catholic looks at the Church and sees Christ. He does not look ai the Church and see simply an organization and say, “Is this not Jesus the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How, then, does he say, “I have come down from heaven?” (St. Jn. 6; 42). But rather he looks -at the Church and says, "Thou art the Christ, ‘the Son of the living God.” (St. Mtt. 16; 17). He sees the Church as not simply a spiritual king dom but as living a spiritual organism. He believes that Jesus himself set up the basic structure of this organizat ion and therefore he feels that even if he desired to do so, he could not change that basic structure. The Catholic looks at the Church and sees Jesus continuing to work in the world today through poor, weak, sinful men, and be prays the prayer of Christ, “I praise thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. that thou didst hide these things from the wise and prudent and didst re veal them to little ones.” (St. Lk 10; 21). He says with St. Paul, j "But the foolish things of the I world has God chosen to put to shame the ‘wise’, and the weak things of the world has God chosen to put to shame the strong, and the base things of the world and the despised has God chosen, and the things that are not, to bring to naught the things that are; [lest any flesh should Pride itself before him.” (1 Cor. 1; 27-28). When Jesus lived in the village of Nazareth and taught in Galilee and Judea, faith was necessary to see the Son of God, the Word, be yond the human form of Christ; so also today is faith necessary to see the workings of Jesus be yond the human. # limitations of his Church. This is how a Catho lic looks at his Church— with eyes of faith. I in STAFFORDSHIRE fiv w * ujc*. ‘isws» prC 2: /T if <0 eow ft SUIT M goRMfO, At fIWD 6XPiR£O 300pew# iw f) vWfVJr B wrrrfooY thf of fAIN'T (SVNtoPe) W/HfM M t/MT HIS SPouse ! TTBws ow! • 1 ItoMEDlflrreW A4FTW AVfEWXN& ill our. 3£ MONIViN f*HT» orCHiMAt. II You And Your Health | Pointers On Snakes, Snake Bites The idea that most snake bites i are poisonous is one of the more picturesque items in our national | folklore. The fact is, however, that of all the varieties of snakes fonud | in the United States, only a limited . number of poisonous types are at all common. ( These are the rattler, the cop perhead, the cottonmouth mocca sin, ar.d the coral snake. For the most part they are encountered only in deep woods or in the high er reaches of mountains. Snakes found near houses, except in parts lof the Southeast, are typically harmless and in fact often useful as natural means of Pest control. Snakes of any kind, venomous or not, wilt rarely bother you unless you bother them. Most stake bites are sustained in the leg when an unwary hiker steps over a rock or a log and sets foot on or near a / snake. The moral: step on the Im- J pediment first and take a good] look on the other side. • Also fairly common are thej snake bites-that result from over-1 turning a rock or prodding under] it with a stick. Moral: don't get: too inquisitive about rocks. On I the other hand, almost any snake: if encountered in the open is likelyl to give you a polite stare and go Advertisers Give The Best Hrjs ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Adminis trator of the Estate of Lonnie Pate, deceased, fate of Yancey County, this is to notify all per sona having claims against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Administrator st his home at Rt. 2, Greet Moun tain, N. C., on or before the 13th day of December, IMS, or tills notice will be pleaded As bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate will please make immediate pay- Iment. This 13th day of June, 1963. Mr. Dewey Pate, Adrainistntor of the Estate of Lenale Pete, | Deceased. JUNE 13, 20, 27, July 1 —— . ■ . ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Admhriatra- J | tor of the Estate of Mande Ggrd-J iter, decerned, late of Yancey] County, this Is to notify eQ per sons bavin; claims against die Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Administrator at Ms home at Rt. 5, Burnsville, N. C., on or before the 29th tby of December, 1963. or this notice wtß be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons owing the Estate will please make immediate payment, This 28th day of June, INI Clinton Gardner, Administrator of the Estate of Maude Gardner, i Deceased. June **, 27, July i, U j ' I lii.. about his business. An effective aatidote, called an tivenin, has been developed for just about every kind of snake bite poison known. If a snake bite results in inflammation or pain, the victim should be taken to a doctor or a hospital without delay. First aid consists, most import CROSSWORD i..,',, vjSjkm . 49. Sondsiac 24. Inde. IS 3g V j 1-Gem trees finite PH 'I jM. Biblit?.* article pßlgffl l r Wrl I■' > tower DOWN 25. Donkey II PW I 11. Beetle LCant 27. Branch I J I iHTIM ■■ JB. Bird’s J. Come into of HmvBIB >i Ia I v Ufa Si wing viqw rnathe. I i SB|3|N[|j3lßß» 3 (soot.) 8. A valley mattes P 3 ff* pB-Mfl ’B 03. Part of field. (NT. Afr.) 28. Music |Slo Nl l MgMag ¥1 work A. Spot-ha note n 2 IdMaMXfelUtaTrl 14. Skins B.Portable 29. Thin I l 3 l a I T I"M l a l w l 3 l r l 15. Grain to be light plate « , > ground 6. A peer "0. Subsided 36. Passage. I*. Sign as 7. Similar :s2. Sharper way correct a. Kind of roll 33. Birchlike 41. Wild pig 17. East by 9. Oldest drees 42. Adriatic j south 10. TV- dog £5. Os a brick wind i (abbr.) 20. Scotch dirk not fully 44. Female 18. King Os 23. Route burnt sheep Bashan , , __ a ~ - T Jj 19. Serf « J FT * ? '/ / }\ w M 21. Yes (Sp.) /£ I 22. City (N. J.) M 77/ x I i 25. Consumed OU ■ I 24. Heats, as » %% ** I «*6S * V/~~W ft i 151 ——1 35. Wxrhled I? 2* V?V? fl ,L sr*. IP I. mISS* m r-40. Subsided 3 V?,* 43. Articles /& . /% 45, tvs *r~ “ y/^ Paladin __ /£ ___ ___ 4d. Stairway yy *7 ! poet __ 47. More in. • 51 V VYs* £ frequent a. /Y, «—JL^ - - - i# Optometrist Dr. WATSON H. BLACK Offices In Professional Buiding (over Yancey Pharmacy) DIAL 6*2 2574 TUESDAY 9a. m —sp.m. -- Burnsville. N. C. 9- , i( ,. IIIGR SCHOOL GIRLS OR COLLEGE STUDENTS. MAKE GOOD MONEY SELLING. AVON PRODUCTS IN YOUR COM MUNITY DURING VACATION. WRITE P. O. BOX 177, I-AT TLMORE. N. C„ OR PHONE COLLECT NIGHTS RUTH C> SWOFFORD, 434-6*70. antly, of immobilizing the patient, applying a toumaquet, and sucking out and ejecting the contents of ‘ the wound. A tourniquet should not be made tight enough to interfere with arterial circulation. and should be loosened for one-and one-half’ minutes every quarter hour. 4 Fran# Yancey Malta Dean’* list Horace Higgins^ 3t, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Higgins of Burnsville, and Miss Deane Hen-j sley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I Clifford Hensley, Route 1, Burns-' viille, have been named to the Dean’s List for outstanding aca demic achievement at Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa. Miss Hensley is a graduate of Cane River High School, class of 1960, and Higgins is a graduate | of East Yancey High School, class t of 1961. ” . , I TALLAHASSEE, Fla.,—Florida State University this week an nounced the Dean’s List for the second trimester, containing the names of undergraduate students with the best academic record dur ing the trimester. Included on the list is Miss Julia Byrd Bennett, daughter of ... Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bennett of Burns ville, n. c. |' To make the Dean’s List students must have carried 12 or mope trimester hours of work and in most divisions must have made a grade average of 3 OB) or higher. Students in the College of Arts and Sciences had to make an av erage of 3.25 and those in the School of Nursing 3.5. Miss Maude Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Murphy, of Route 1, Relief 1 r ; been named to the Dean’s L ; st at Warren Wilson College, PvamJanoa, for superior academic achievement. Miss Murphy is a graduate of Cane River’ High School, class of 1962. —■ ■ ■ - Read The Want Ad* SQUARE DANCING 7*3* SAT. NIGHT AND CONTINUING EACH SATURDAY THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER JTJ-, * COME HAVE FUN YOUR SELF AND HELP ENTER j|Mh | TAIN OUR TOURISTS! BOONE BROS. BAND V JM? CATTAIL Nf i RECREATION V Y> CENTER \ Annual lommer Price Reduction! i: » \ SUMMER PRICES ARE NOW IN EFFECT ON COAL, ' KEROSENE AND NO. 2 FUEL OILS. PRICES ON FUEL OILS ARE GUARANTEED AGAINST DECLINE UNTIL SEPT. 3*. 1903. THIS MEANS THAT SHOULD WE PRICE DECLINE EVEN FURTHER AFTER YOU LET US FILL YOUR TANK, YOU WILL RECEIVE, AN APPROPRIATE REFUND. ORDER NOW AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TIIE LOW EST PRICES ON ESSO FUEL OILS UNTIL SEPT. 36. •i iltU' **"■ \'* s©'! «i*\ ***' BAILEY FUEL CO. Dial 682-2478 or 688-3111 (Night) Burnsville, N. C, Stanley Bailey cars are ■ H■■ with us than with any other company. Hi Find out why now! Pearle 5. Higgins DIAL 682-2549 , BURNSVILLE, N. C. t STATE FARMfJ: Mutual Automobile ln»nr*nc« Company Horn* Office Bloomington, llllnoi* » | Best Values In ' Real Estate MODERN FOUR BEDROOM HOME ON 2U ACRES OF LAND, PICTURESQUE VIEW. RANCH-TYPE 3-BEDROOM HOME. CHESTNUT PANEI* L\G, NEAR MICAVILLE. CAS ,BE SOLD WITH ONE ACRE OR 36 ACRES. We Also Have Several Desir able Building Lot* and other Acreage. SEE YATES BENNETT O R DIAL 682-2831