• > ■ THI YANCEY RECORD 1 THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1963 \ ■ MUSTARD SEEDS BY FR. DON KAPLE ' , I Philip, the Deacon preached to, the Samaritans and they believed him and were bap tized, the Apostle sent Peter and John to Saznaria to pray for them, and to lay their hands upon them that they might receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8: 4-25). Catholics believe that this is another 'holy Sacrament which was instituted by Jesus • Christ; that this is another personal en counter which the soul has with Jesus its Saviour. And this Sacra ment we call Confirmation. Jesus had promised the Apostles that he would ’ send the Holy Spirit. “But I speak the truth to you;*’ he said, “it is expident for you that I depart. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I- go, I will send him to you (St. John 16:7). Jesus oalled the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth. His mission would be to bear witness to Christ (St. John 15:28). One of the ways in which the Holy Spirit would carry out His mission would be through the Apostles, for he would teach them and bring to their minds what ever Jesus taught them (St. John 14:36) and they, in turn, would bear witness to Jesus Christ in their lives (St. John, 15:27).“ . .the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness concerning me. And you also bear witness, because from the begin ning you are with me” (St. John 15 : 26, 27). Jesus kept his promise. The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father in the name of Jesus. “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a violent wind blow ing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as of fire, which settled upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Spirit. . .” (Acts 2: 2,4). Peter, who had been afraid to admit to a girl that he even knew Jesus, went out from the room and boldly preached Christ to the multitude who as sembled outside the house.- The / 4-WHEEI\ 'Jo&p Universal are performance-proved s over billions of miles! Come in dnd see the full line of 'Jeep' 4-whesl drive vehicles. Learn the 7 exclusive reasons why 'Jeep' 4-wheel drive vehicles are your best buy l . ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY! g All N»w'j*«B'Wo»on«#f Ail New 'jeep' GladiiW mmGCD VEHICLES made only by Kaiser Jeep corporation ROBERTS CHEVROLET-BUICK INC., JEEP MY. WEST MAIN «T. BURNSVILLE, N. C. I‘REBENT'i l ‘ REBENT ' i T - TUESDAY. P. M. LLOYD BRIDGES SHOW Pj. otter Apostfe also, Who had fled in tenor' when Jesus was cap tured, went forth and courageous/. preached the message of Christ. I U1 of them went to their death j n the name of Jesus. All of them. Pore witness to Christ by their i lives and by thpir deaths. But Jesus knew that not only the Apostles but all of his follow ers would be in need of the Holy Spirit. He clearly warned them: ‘‘Behold, I am sending you forth like sheep in the midst o) wolves they will delivei you up to councils, and scourge you in their synogogues, and you will be brought before the gover nors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and to the Gen dies” (St. Matt. 10: 16, 18). “Aho orother will hand over brother tc. death, and the father his child; children will rise up against par ents and put them to death. And you will be hated by all for my iames sake. . . .” (St. Matt: 10 21, 22). And Jesus assured them, “But when they deliver you up do not be anxious how or what you are to speak; for what you are e speak will be given you in thai hour. For it is not you who are speaking, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks through you” (St. Matt: 10: 19, 20). Therefore, Jesus wanted to give his followers, the Holy Spirit in a special way. The Holy Spirit would give them the strength and the courage they would need to bear witness to the truth. And so Jesus instituted the Sacrament of the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, the Sacrament of Con firmation. Truly this is a won derful gift from our loving Saviour. But the Spirit breathes where he wills. If ever Christianity is to be delivered from the scandal of divisions, all Christians must be come sensitive to workings of the Holy Sp rit—the Spirt of truth— within them. The Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of love and unity. Although truth without love intol erant, love wit-hou truth can flicker but briefly. Only when Christians are once again one heart and in mind will there be one fold and one shepherd.»“And other sheep I have that are not of this fold. Them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd” (St. John 10:16). lEnit Slip Bfc. cm m | -*• Wh * . r- ** mmgtuL ?#., ' *.•» I I ■ ;. v :. -r - \ CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY Luther Wirioonw e-elf, Ashebo ro, confers with Miss North Caro lina, tall Jeanne Swanrier of Graham, about her Atlantic City presentation gown, a gift of Cone Mills. Self has created the presentation gowns for five previous state queens, fncluding Maria Beale Flet cher, Miss America of 1961. At right is Mrs. .Luther E. Self, the designer’s mother who will make the ( gown. In discussing his new challenge.!Self states, “That much pulchritude over a six-foot-two frame is an opprortunity for any designer.” | Local Soldier Is Graduated At NCO School U. S. FORCES. GERMANY —Army Sgt. Oscar H. Buchanan.! 26, son of Mrs. Letitia Hensley of j Burnsville, N. -€?., was graduated from the Seventh U S. Army Non- Commissioned Officer (NCO) Academy in Germany early in July. Sgt. Buchanan received four weeks of refresher training in various military subjects with emphasis on leadership, map reading and principles of instruct ion. The purpose of the academy ’s to broaden the NCO’s profess ional knowledge and to instill in him the self-confidence and sense of responsiblity required of a 1 capable leader. Buchanan is a radio team chief in the 23rd Ordnance Company in Germany. He entered the. Army in 1955 after graduation from Burnsville High School and was stationed at - Fort Benning, Ga., before arriv ing overseas on this tour of duty n June, 1962. 1 His wife, Ingeborg, is with him 1 in Gen-many. Yancey Judging Set In October The Judging cf the Yancey Rural Community Development Program \v4l be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 16 and 17. j Judges this year will be Miss ' Jean Childers, home economics l agent, Transylvania County; Nor man Wilson, district ASC field-; man, Sugar Grove, and Ormand j Wfeliams, soil conservationist,! Buncombe County. Awards will be presented at the annua] Farmers’ Night Banquet Monday, Oct. 22: A. P. Hassel of, Raleigh, state executive director, of ASCS in North Carolina, wll be guest speaker for the awards pro- j gram. MR. MERCHANT SCHOOL STARTS IN YANCEY MONDAY, AUG. 19. THE RE CORD’S BACK-TO SCHOOL EDI- TION WILL BE PUBLISH FUD AUG. 1. I ' . Jp ' ' ' ' * THE ANNUAL ART AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL EDITION WU,L BE \ t PUBLISHED AUG. 0. PLAN YOUR ADVERTISING ACCORDINGLY • \ tjaHcey decosid j You And Your Health Human Error Causes Most Home Accidents For the Man: Ever miscalcu late with a good,. hefty elusive nail? For the Wife. Ever hop around on one foot at two in the morning, holding the hapless toe you stubbed against a chair leg as you groped toward the kitchen after baby’s bottle? For the Teen ager: Ever try a swan dive onto the floor of a barn after playing; Tarzan on the second tier? If you analyzed the situation, you probably discovered that there was nothing wrong with the ham mer. Or the chair. Or the barn. Safety authorities will remind you that you swung the hammer Wrong. You forgot where the chair was. You missed the rafter. They probably shake their heads in amazement as we merrily con tinue to destroy ourselves with accidents which shouldn’t have happened. The fact is, authorities say. some sort of human failure is be hind ninety per cent of farm acci dents. This doesn’t mean, of course, that you’ll be safe if you keep only ten per bent of your machinery in top Working order. But it does show that we need to j examine ourselves as we give our | farms and homes a good safety i check. We need to make some 1 corrections on our attitudes and 1 habits. | Take for instance: You say, ; ”What the heck?” and step over a moving belt on a combine. You did it carefully because you knew what could happen. Next day you did it again, with a little less cau tion. Before long, you’d be doing iit unconsciously—and asking for I trouble. | Farming is not necessarily a dangerous business, "although an accident every hour claims the life of a farm resident, and al-, though someone living on a farm \ suffers a disatoiling injury every forty seconds. Fanning is made dangerous by people who work when they are angry, fatigued, cocky, preoccu-j | pied, in a hurry. In short, by not 'being alert, trioy turn normally harmless situations into potenti ally dangerous ones. And .Ley are working in an environment which is bristling with such situations. During National Farm Safety Wtck—'which comes July 21-27- remember that most accidents - car.’t get along without you. But! ne.tner can your family j , ■ - « SUBSCRIBE IO The -Record ! i . r ' •' * jIHi m %k I You see it everywhere—people on the go are going for Pepsi. Light. bracing Pepsi-Cola matches modern activities with a sparkling- nCDCLiT'ni A dean taste that's never too sweet. Nothing drenches your thirst bet- Ht HbrUOIJv ter than a cold, inviting Pepsi. Think young-say "Pepsi, please!" © sti, nm-Aa* ro»r»<i» •OTTUO By INAMI AMO AOD«*S OF BOTTICA 00 HERE) UNDE* APPOINTMENT F»OM PEP»i COWA COMPANY, N V., N.V. rnmtmmmmmtamtmem PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CO. SPRUCE PINE, N. C. ~' Farmers Urged To File Reports On Performance Raleigh—Farmers who have | completed conservation „ projects' approved earlier this year under the 1963 Agricultural Conservation Program were reminded this week to' filg reports of performance ■ . for cost-share assistance. A. P. Hassell Jr., Executive Director..for the Agricultural Sta bilization and Conservation State j Committee, pointed out that the i ! earlier reports on completed' prac-1 tiers ore filed, the sooner the! 5 ACP payment can be made. With, 1 spring conservation projects com pleted and the cost-shares received, j it will be easier to concentrate on j other work that needs to toe done.' Hassell said hat if a farmer has received approval for a prac tice which he later finds he is unable to cai’ry out, he should re port this to his ASCS county office, This may permit the ASC county! committee to approve another practice for him or for some other farmer in the county. 1 | on your mind? . . . FINANCE YOUR VACATION THIS SUMMER WITH THE MONEY YOU (’AN SAVE ON NEXT WINTER'S FUEL IVILL! HOW? IT’S EASY! SIMPLY LET US FILL YOUR TANKS DURING OUR ANNUAL SUMMER FILL-UP PROGRAM. ALL PRICES ON KEROSENE AND FUEL OIL GUARAN TEED AGAINST DECLINE. (Don’t Delay Call Today! Riddle & Roland Fuel Co. 4 DIAL 682-2422 BURNSVILLE, N. C. ! ACP, Hassell explainer has been authrzed by Congress in j recognition 0 f the fact that the natural resources on individual , farms are vital not only to the farmers and ranchers who operate the land, but also to the health and . well-being of each citizen, both ‘ now and in the future. The cost-share assistance available i und; r the program is an evidence of the whole Nation’s interest in ! helping insure the wise use and adequate protection of farmlands throughout the country. i MUSCLES ACHE? Don’t suffer . STANBACK re lieves pains of tired, sore muscles. STANBACK acts fast yet so gen tly, and with pain relieved you feel relaxed, comfortable; Let r. STANBACK’s combination formula ; free you from pain due to over ex ercise and other muscular aches— STANBACK Tablets or Powders. . '

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