| I THE YANCEY RECORD • TOURS AY, JANUARY *3, MW TKJK li 4JNCEY RECORD /J E*taUi«hed July, 1936 TRDNA P. POX, »kfct«r Sc PuWi»Aer THURMA $ L. BROWN, Shop Manager PUBLL'IEB * FTRT THVIUBA V BY YANCEY PI 3USHING COMP/ N j Second cits* F *jp ige PaM at Biurasvflle. N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY W, IM4 NUMBER TWENVY-T AEE SU BSCKCPTIBN RA Eg ffcGl PER YEAR N. C. Achi roes 100 Perec nt Savings B »nds Sales In 33 In 1963 N. C. achieved .the first all-around 100 percent t Savings Bonds performance in the peace time history of the Program in the State. Bond sales last year amounted to $51,644,143, which is over 102 percent of the State’s goal of $50,600,000. This is the first time that N. C. has exceed ed its annual dollar goal and represents a 6 percent or- $3 million increase over 1962 sales. The outstanding sales record in 1963 in the State was p imarily the result of several factors, of which the Payroll Savings pro motion and the advertising and publicity support by the media were outstanding. N. C. achieved over 202 per cent of its annual Payroil Sav ings quota for, the year, which amounted to 36,350 “new savers” being added to the Payroll Sav ings Plan for the regula • pur chase of Bonds. “We are indebt ed.” said Mr. Walter P. T ehns«n, State Director, “to the leader ship given to promoting he Pay roll Savings Plan by Mr Charles F. Myers, Jr., President of Bur lington Industries, and M \ Alex ander H. Galloway, Pres> lent of R. J. Reynolds Tobaot# ( mpany, who headed, respective y, the Textile and Tobacco industry jHli '^* < f'.' -j« GOOD TO LAST BITE: Chinese refugee youngsters in Hoa. Kong “dean the.pots” after eat ng meal prepared from CABE for pack ages. Hong Kong is one of 19 areas around the world who 3 refu gees and other needy car be helped through sl-per-pacicage contri butions to the CARE Fo. d Crusade, 812 Forsyth Building, itlanta, Georgia 30303. - ■ .V In .1 ■ ■■-n. ■. ■ ■ '■ ' ■ .' ' -I— - tfHM, ' | —-* ITS AMAZING! I Chu-Orem or the - . « * . • ! tfeRM "HIPi CHEST" ■ J ORKSmfirreo from -t» a fact the 5, chest would evENiuAuuy Go tvrro a > *m —'i rector concluded, (‘lt is almost impos . sibie to sipgte out the m y indi viduals, fcjbdcs, gitips, indus tries, and se help ■made 1963 a banner y ir for Bonds in our State. Ne less to say, we are most gre! jl for their contributions.” Mr. G. Leslie Hensley, cal In surance Agent, is ' dunteer Chairman of fthe Savin' Bonds Program in Yancey Co- 'y. In releasing this report he pointed to the County sales for li which amounted to $711,384.00. his is 58.8 percent of the Ccuy#iTt>ELL CONTAINS. SUCH XYITAAMN / ' \ USAENTIAL NUTRIENTS C | A. 4 AS VITAMIN C. NIACIN, /J THMA/,,1NE ' iRC>N y/1/11 ' A TEAAA OF MOUNTAIN CLIAIBECS J V \ WIJO RECENTLY SCALEP MT. EVEREST, fS \ Y#A- Vri WORLD'S HI6HEST MOUNTAIN PEAK, ISM ®y- l it*’ ’ C TED FRENCH'S INSTANT POTATOES AS Kw4l W f LOMIN& TWROU6H WITH FLYIN& -(Pfe-yP Jr COLORS" IN MAINTAINING. THE ENERSY ANP MORALE OF THE MEN. fit!" JT 'f'mSrx -' A <1 Potatoes also peu&ht V\lt, li J THE PALATE. A PASrt OF DILL ! W A. APPS A SCANDINAVIAN ACCENT: rra; 'Ti W&~> //X 1 curryan Indian flavor. ■SSL* U . OEESANO OIVES POTATOES MW» THE TASTE OF ITALY. A VARIETY iSI ATO Wf' s'- ■-?-> OF SPICES ADDED TO INSTANT _ W - POTATOES &IVE 4 THEM A L --35jr~\ / &OURMET TOUCH ANR BRINGS EXOTIC RECIPES OF THE WORLP , INTO THE YITCHEN EASILy. M . Health Dept. Officials Attend Program Ttf I'. 9". Hturn, Jr., District . Health Director, Mrs. Annie Jo Ballarl, Public Health Nurse, Mrs. Alma B. Shepard and Mrs- Iris B. Thomas, Clerks, attended an In- Service Training Program on Pub lic Health held in Boone Thursday, January 16th. WEEK-END REVIVAL A series of revival services be gan at the Burnsville Church cf God on Wednesday night, January 22 and will conitnue through Sun day, January 26. The Rev. John _T. McGuire will be the,, evangelist. I The Rev. Roy Lee Tucker, is pas tor- Services each night at 7 p. m.