K - * .- —T T . rir "‘- - r- .fßerfihg&dßwdsfflass riliw 4rO| lii; 1i »C 3 rofio CainiMiimAn ttlS? m. S-MiWC -3IHROO rUf 3FT .: T '» | N..^ >, k.'-3Jtf3pWhMg J t to »in lvWifl%MiAm-« 'twiNr —eiiciiaaifas ** rana-v.; •» t ostrolsveo nJetcwT /i?jq«wv’l-i»at*[»'lcaJiw»iia» Bakersville Liond r Trafhttig FOSf Slli. ' OKIiX. (AriTKC)^ £f«e«!ir£^ „as tff artßW surveyor at the ‘ Arrhy ArttlWry —and- Missile.. Center. Fort Sill. During the course Blevins re ceived instruction in mapping of .areas of fire ery and to provide targer •toot™ ions. Blevins i October and training at Fort tiwlonTuT® The 23-year-.oid soldier is a 1959 graduate of East Yancey High School. _ Fancake Supper At Ceio Chuftted A pancake supper will be held at Celo Methodist Church urday, March 14. Plates will* be served from 5:30 to B‘oo p. m. at ,Siv”i Ru, l a * the supper. Everyone is invited to flfK A a Ad»! ’CODtitira ■faHU*. •, -yjy ■ 4’ :S Subscription $2.50 Per Year «"*nwqo ■H'Ui.uw.**!— •• —i*— *•* W" —• .» —-•• - Nurse, Mrs. ** flfetry , s££; 'sxs . Ma rjorie i« *Gibßs‘ and M'SH-ns Millie Autrey; * “CaSM# - Mf*3 "She * Fairchild; r Re l l^d|Uiii,. : Krs:j^Au., Chrijsatvji., ». sWrs.iHerman Murphy., Mrs. Dixie ,; Mauberrjr. - 'MisS Sybil' Murphy, Charles Wesson and Ivlrs. Peg LoPicallo. ,«•• • * * EAST YANCEY HIGH SCHOOL; Coordinator, Roy Ray; Doctor, G- IE. Wampler; Nurse, Mrs. Anne j taiTy - :: S)pi npvtrt,*! * rator, Ernest Banner; Doctor, S. P. Urquhart; Nurse, Mrs. Helen Fender; -'tor, ’ Mrs. Dale 5 Arigtfn •Sf'lcMry fidwardS’; Registration? ivtrs/MtSa freti‘Ufcintctelv Mr'S. : %lilSfreif Hen-' Mrs. 1;’ K tte^anrifoC (John Banks. East Yancey Girls fc&JteJitaC Championship fjrfNS* YKey^jtlaA^Sld the Crossnore girls by a score of 36-20 in the East Yancey gymna- ShWor the Toe boys defeated the Cranberry boys by a score of 81-33 for the championship title. for Friday and Saturday nights conditions the games were de f >® a wlhrS at ' H IWil 8 HP . *IIW UJ Shown above are-/five generations of the Bank# Famiy. Mrs. John Banks, seated, of Bank Creek; from right to left, th|T tufti Mrs. E at a ■ Co Ifee Party at the E^ecutiv^' ■ Mansion in Raleigh wi<|h Mrs. . Teriy Sanford as hostess. The i First Lady is State Chaiftnan of f Easter Seal sponsors and She gov ernor is a former state; Easter - Seal Chairman. To qu§«te Vic 1 Bubas “Gene is now a Mil L B, s a very important little boy”.' In i representing Easter Seals: in Nor f sch Carolina, he Joins an imprest - ive list of V I P’s. These, include' Buljus Jiimself. r _ B " BURNSVILLE, N. TwAStCIT 1 TV**,” —■ .fer'vjg-! y,n • . _""T .1 ■ " ISM jl am, , •.. Tha Joy Outweighs T ’ cl iSnabtnra * - (IM J*, . v 4UOJ aft :W eiri-id ■ sfotions * 'L Hi I 'W ,fe ww noitJ •••>• From TfttOt’Wlpito.lGteeSl’erj Anarch 1* 1964 ■" *■■ ■* Jis>b»el|'{tJ)lWl»«RS with Tom Higgins „, . iNO MORE |ijj .lyaulu LavairadH make yottttjßipKßcaJflosßlj' down-. 1 the steep, TOdeKStrowra river bank. -:d»)l|taw{ ÜbadaWfcing m the bucket soiSiltbjbui! praelwis car go loesn’t fell .7 .i-njA . ■ . Ebr tbffi#B*, S |&itt ah-'RTSgi ::tiiae it-wa* h»»d .r.-thef l ; ti,JXS the "Vnfifleji, .;«e&j*r^:ii4hfr frightened—toiLHfresh from r ’-K»« hatcheiy—iif'o he t of the icy, *MpH VktcV** * * «jj ht i ok % bites*? stomacii vrao' Tisning for the U> wide-eyo-U Kfiloy liiv® W-Um the rifles : tirf lge_:of ; the v«ilto water quest for„f^d..,., A , ■aj-l-.ir At the same time,:■>>• ■won’ti.' : -'k»r your worry - ; wep_ fishermen .to,.caWh ffghsin decfly spri ng,. coigfjjin- because -We# favor, te ati’oan.jrapppjis- ttj be de sign #a£ t> wsd rrrcre^ is rfirtHngrJintil the lust It’s not when, aiteQr-jaiie’.ye pour ed bucketfuls J fisl}-y*to.- ( a stream the Inndqwner.juprne&oiaiong posts, his >penegr»ng on a promise held Bade only the day YoXQon&ljpfoaM ic essant ly in ea#ly nowi wihh people calling \to OlkAf-season.. S’* mm'nr “f Sut that fthe »' of; satisfaction ;ioU : gryes the y#u mast endure. are ’ '. ,P J 7\ : "• IJT’HAfirßEEHt.years.'since Geo-] rge 'Keesee, -the late, eeadclely-re spected Ofcstonia 7 -;dufcctoDrsman, j Climbed. tM stepsatot-your porch and asked, roa ibshaW of the youngs-N. Gu-'.-Wilcflfferf "Resources Commission lit. yon would, • >bec olme the firstr lulWtime gurtW’TJiotecjtor In Yaneey'.'CDUDty.’ VYow.-achudkie when you recall the -begixin ng. '■ Yonr: nfodeso# 3*l*l spotttftion vdS* a—weak, but willing 1936 F< rd, j you*' own, awl. ymnr-'un'form urasi have on; at the time. 1— YMlMtfieir ffiHtft abuse in dose earlyr dsoß.->b wo «•<&; * Your feWotf I '#l ounta4iieefs j Jggjr] to 'ltuittKig j] lung at their pleasure, arid-they were ruffled ‘at Jtar oTAtlßteftn.. They Balled 'ShMFffj’ and J, Rahtoit‘ : waWen” v m a 1 touri st > liescrt ■in t a ci inty. They got'ithe inaxotmwrT>ei ty. Yen '.proved ■ yoUE’-.dotennji ition, -to ■ dor'yErti- ■ all when ■ yaWr W( bro ther, . 'Wtieiv -■ it'irtiu’id' ilwate, ; bedß Jnst bsp easyh>,loß» the ottie] way. You were in the Coastal? i :a of North- Carolina Dttrrjjwtir ] mual cOAn-toantthgo jontoetl* He H i it a v gquu'i’e}' And osbot ifcnThots urrel seasoir was -open bade homd n the 1 I t th ; Uke, you, knejv ,he„.wowW 1 e, | PROGRESSION'TWO: r W«T.S 14V>« •**4b*-% J M Ti *%*n ifrtn»rt -** - 11 house [am you arrest the llaw ? baaakar’.W- \ ,But-“yo.u what it 'is'"to be THE RIDGES BECOME J” s«|#ra ;■= *• rqii. vefus- to % in. ih»'3«o*Mniss‘on's plane as lan it’s being used Finalpy'fellnw waidens (ell you' I thejr ybu to fly in it, 1 but thixidiey would very I to see r you touch it. [Yob j-eTqli and they howl 1 with too, but you ‘.-until it’s gone. someday you ißay be Ordered to fly.. No need foP ! th 1 -- ges where -you once out (! '!>*>■ v thifie times younger ! thaST* yobrSelF Aiavpt become steep | c3j v ' the = triouߣLadan Jackets heav -1 t§p; thA -nrUlSs'when -yon liad to sit cut "on ’patrol' for spot-lighters longer. ~~ - So. last week, you retired. - Ealoy your retirement, Dad. 3PBM , gave up beoause there was a job to be done (including staying: home in order to feed seven Wild Russian-Boar that you agreed 'to keep in your barn until they could be released in thelhills*. • , Fish those i fetrafutas— 1 the ones you used to stack—-that you would never fish before be cause “People might talk if , fished for fish I stocked myself.’* Perhaps you’ll happen up on seme youngster who doesn’t know , to |ish the .riffles at the edfce of 'wtie Btf&OWiyitfcCuCgtve J h'm advice, his eyes won’t be as idweltbm* you been weanng the impressive Undoubtedly, he won’t get as much kick out of it. But M. B. Higgins w'-li. Locals Mr. and Mrs. Cart Hensley spent the week-end l in Hickory Frank Howard W^WasJJMDdentil mst • week-end with his parents. Mr. f and Mrs. Frank Lewis, here. 1 John Evans is seriously ill in a 1 Veterans Hospital at Oteen. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Alleiv-vof ,e West Asheville visited in Burns ls vdle last week. ’ k Mi - s. liene English and daugh ter, Glen Ella spent last week “ end with Mr. and MrsTß» w J vacationing in Florida. \ 1 -.* . M • >Jt l AJ i Prise Pet Copy Jliye,Cents . Bids oit Consfrucfion Os ?$ • warfL a?r Courthouse-Jail Opened On IVlarch 2 5 5 LA.Tt K.M Si Bill Atkins, County Attorney, i r< turned early tjils “frcan“'a f trip | Ga.-“fa*oeriUDg i the proposed Yam^^Couhty n fl""' lliiifi Carroll Gibbs entered j£he United j States Amy in „ Iy*ovqipJj>ei 1963. He took his bas c. trfci«t«fe at Fort . Gordon, da. He ..went tdcFort Sam Houston, Texas first—of—Feb ruary where TSf rtg" "tn Use medics coips. He will ba at f Fort Sam Houston fer e : gh+ then will be sent to Geroany. He is the son of Mrs. B. A. Gibbs of Burns ville RFD 5, and the late Mr. Gibbs. , v "' j February, Record For Snowfall - - •’3aci*s> I in the morning, p’-fiefl blizzard • 'a’nir flarHrrnyig snow upon ...the xpadß/and stoppedrtiuch traffic, xzfjjf ’ i In sonre* areas di-ifts were f blown acrass the roads several feet deep. The State Highway maintenance crews did a,, splendid job of getting tra'ff *c Acccrding to the Bureau in Asheville on as many .Hus winter. The--records nhok-that Febmary 1964, was a record' for snowfall. Mt. 3|itchefl ’ hbd-*'»n ?»e'- cumulation of 8 feet. February’s snow... „l&nygh re cord-breaking had warm’ temper atures inteiiapejsed. _ta the day- pile up, except in the high maun- s 'tTWltjlrovU f Girl Scou|& . ‘ Birthday I* Girl mßjyatvlFSßlli Yanoey Counb’ |he 1 1 church* of lYraS**®)' Sunday, Maich 8 to belt in the 1 the 52nd birthday 1 of G:nl Slcouttng by demonstrating : thpir- M , the iirst part of the Girt scOTtt promise. 1 .The Girl Scout Week this yeartfs *“Girl Scouting—A Promise in Action’’ and special r?wiaawMO|« sponsors and the^emmuniy. The b'g commumr™ffclTW ject of the Pisgah! Girl Scout Council, comprising w North Cai'olina Conncls, is the Drop aut PupnfWShows to be aut en dWhgAißßli aOl 0011 l | troops in their own schools throu ghcuS thOtTO-td's eftpt j of the Girl Scouts to call attention] to the school drop out program and to offer some suggestions through a Puppet play for com bjattingj Yan cfey neMb4p, instruction will begin im mediately, Mr. Atkins said. * Tirbi» -.siuj?mitting the low bids will be 'fiuirrd to furnish bonds gigtranteeing faithful perfoiman cjt,i«| i iftteraated in knowing if anyone else has seen this species ctf grosbeak in tWa area. Both Mr. and Mrs. think j Burnsville is a wonderful place to 1 , live. Now they are more eonvinc |J edpnce a flock of winged visitors jflMi Westertr Canada deWured by ITKShvUIe for a short tUyp M ru.j« wav t ® #ir l