THE YANCEY RECORD THIS IS THE LAW BY ROBERT E. LEE (For the N. C. Bar Association) LAW DAY May 1 la Law Day U. S. A. It is a new kind of national "day” which has appeared on the American scene? It origi nated In 1958 with a proclama tion by President Eisenhower. Subsequent presidents hare yearly done so. The public response to it has bee 7 enthusiastic and wide spread. No day of national observance has grown so Mg, so quickly. Hie Russians for years have been using May 1 to parade their military might, symbol of their philosophy of rule through force and fear. In the Waited States, May 1 now has become a day for a demonstra tion of different sort. It is a day for rsaffirma ti' i r of faith in the rule of law in the daily lives of all Ameri cans. It is a time for impart ing to all Gitizens a deeper awareness of the part that our laws arid courts play in sus taining the spiritual and social values we cherish most as a ration. Law is an agency of social control that has received the sanct on of the sovereign state. T t is the only agency of social control that mey be enforced by policemen, sheriffs, judges, and other officers of the gov ernment. There are two basic aims of * Law Day U. S. A. They are: (1) To foster increased re spect for law, enabling the na tion to grow in moral strength as it grows in population, re sources and world leadership. (2) To provide an occasion for the American people to re dedicate themselves to free dom for the individual under Just laws administered by in dependent courts, and in so doing to emphasize before the world the contrast between the rule of law in the United Stat es and the rule of force and fear under totalitarian systems. In the United States the Haw is superior to the govern ment; the courts are designed to protect the rights and prop erty of the individual against the power of the State. Government in the United States has become emphati cally termed a government of laws and not of men. The beginning words of the Constitution of the United Btates are "We the people." These words bear witness to the fact that the Constitution emanated from the people. They describe those who hold the pouter and conduct of the government through their re presentatives. ARTHRIIIS-RKEiiMATISM D<> claim* and double talk make you doubt you can get any relief from artlirifk and rheumatic pains? Get l ot) STAN BACK tablets or, 70 SIANHACK powders, use as direct ed. IJ>you de not get relief, return the unused part and your purchase price will be refunded. Stanback Company. Salisbury, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. County of Yancey . Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust execut ed by. Worley Robinson and wife. Elvina Robinson, dated 22 October 1963 and. recorded in. Yancey. County. Mortgage Deed Book 55, page. 637, .and default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being, by the terms thereof subject to fore .. closure, the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for esai. at the door of the Courthouse in Burnsville, Nor th Carolina, at 18 a. m. on Monday. 24 May 19(5 the prop erty conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in Brush Creek Town ship, Yancey County, North Carolina, more particularly de scribed as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING •n a Locust, running up the creek 259 feet to a small Wild CheiTy on the seutli bank of Doc-bag Creek; the nee a south erly course up the hill 15# feet to a email Beech; thence around the hill an easterly course 2(9 feet to the eld Ma-k Thomas line to a small Beech, Mark Thomas’ corner; thence down the hill a northerly cour se to the old road at a Beech. Mark Thomas’ comer 215 feet; thence a northerly course 83 feet to the beginning comer, containing one and one-half (1 Vi ) acres, more or less. AND BEING the same land described in a Deed dated 5 May 1955 by Theodore Freeman and wife. Ruth Freeman to Worley Robinson and wife, Elvina Robinson, which Deed is rerouted In Yancey County Deed Book 114, page 132. SECOND TRACT: BEGIN NING on a Locust, the Theo dore Freeman beginning cor ner and running down with (he road arid the Mark Thomas line 254 feet to a stake; thence northerly course 77 feet erose iag Doe bag Creek to a locust on the bank es Upper Doe bag Road; thence up and with said road 523 feet to a snmtl wild cherry; thence down wtth said Doebag Creek Ut feet to the BEGINNING comer, con taining one-quarter <*4) of an ■ere, more or less. AND BEING the same lands described in a Deed dated 29 August 1956 from Lowe Thom as and wife, Ethel Thomas to Worley Robinson and wife, Elvina Robinson, which Deed is recorded in Yancey County Deed Book 118, page 425. This sale will be made sub ject to ail outstanding and un paid taxes and special assess ments and the highest bidder at the sale will be required to make a cash deposit in the sum of 10 percent of the amount of the bid up to and ineluding SIOOO and 5 percent of any excess of SIOOO. This 23rd day of April 1965. G. D. Bailey, Trustee April 29, May 6, 13, 20 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE C T A NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Admin istratrix of the Estate of Harris G. Gibbs, deceased, late of Yan cey County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Ad ministratrix at her home at Burnsville, N. C., on or before ’ the 15th day of October, 1965, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Estate will please make immediate payment. This Bth day of April, 1965. Pearl Gibbs Administratrix, CTA of the Estate of Harris G. Gibbs, Deceased. April 15, 22, 29, May 6 STMMOfNM ASMBCS'S PMCI POWWI TOE*-’;SAVINGS '.W^BOMDS rou» MW IN MUSICS 'iDIxI.MsTKATOR’S NOTICE Nv-RIH CAROLINA Y.INCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Admin i xrator of the Estate of Dlro thy Autrey, deceased, late of Ya.icpy County, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the Decedent to ex hibit the same to the under signed Administrator at his home at Rt. 5, Box 85, Burns ville. N. C., on or before the 22nd day of October, 19(5, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the'r recovery. All pc.s ms owing the Estate will pease make immediate p:ym;nt, This 22nd day of April, 19(5. ' Marshall McMahan, Adndn- I t-ator of th? Estate of Doro thy Autrey, Deceased. April 22, 29, May (, 13 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Admin istratrix of the Estate of Geer re Murphy, deceased, late of Yancey County, this is to noti fy all persons having claim against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Administratrix at her heme at 1123 Clark Street, Marion, N. C , on or before the 15th day of October, IMS, or this notice will be plcuted in bar of their recovery. AH persons owing the Estate will please make immediate parment. This 15th day sf April, 19(5 Mrs. Eva Murphy, Adminis tratrix sf the Estate of George Mnrphy. Deceased. April 15. 22, 29, May ( NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY NORA LEE SOUTH, Plaintiff vs, JACK LEWIS SOUTH, CAKOUHAHOnM wnmmnon ■ 1 y pjyjk ■ ■■ '66 MUSTANG HARDTOP I4OAC* FOB Detnxt. y #Jl?ln M,rs ■NrwW retail price. •Uaeefacturar’s suunted retail price for Mustanf Hardtop. Destjeatiofl charfa*. state and local taao* and tan, if any, not iadoded. Options such as whitawalls extra cost. See rout Ford Daeler for his seilini price. Come price hot-to-go hardtops, powered to please! Galaxie’s got America’s biggest new Six... Mustang’s Six is bigger than ever! For long-distance value, drive the hot line! SEE YOUR CAROLINA FORD DEALER » ' YOUNG AUTO SALES RYIIIVCIIV f r Defendant TO: JACK LEWIS SOUTH You will take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been sought against you, has been filed in the above-entitled action. Said action is for divorce sh outs and for Me custody- of Stephen Erie South. You are requited to make 1 defense to sueh pleading not later than the 19th day of June, 19(5, and upon your fail ure to do so, the Plaintiff in the above-entitled action will appeal to the Court for Hie relief sought. This 19th day of April, 19(5. Lowe Thomas, Clerk of the Superior Court. April 22, 29, May (, 13 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Vhrtan Jameroon, deceased, late «f Yancey County, this Is to noti fy all persons having ohdms against the Decedent to exhibit the same tc the undersigned Administratrix at her home at Buru* rifle, N. C., on or before the Sth day of October, IMS, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the Mtate will please make immediate payment. This the Sth day sf ApriUMS Orieaa WMhm, Administra trix of the Estate of Vivian Jamerson, Deceased. April (, 15, 22, 2S A DMINISmATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Haring qualified as Admin istratrix of the Estate of Gar rett W. Wilson, deceased, late sf Yancey County, this is to notify all persons havbq claims against the Decedent to exhibit the same to the un- BUKVSVIIXrc. N. c THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1965 dersigned Administratrix at her home at Cane River, N. C., on or befote the 29th day of October, 19(5, or this ncAm will be pleaded in bar of Mb recovery. All persons owing the Bhte will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of April, 19(5. Mrs. Betty Wilson, Admtofc tratrix of the Estate of Gar rett W. Wilson, Deceased. April 29, May 6, 13, 2# rv *7l When you have an insurance claim, relax- Go Fishing! We'll put ourselves in your shoes with PS ROIHTS A6IWCY All types iMsdy ffceet Ml-Itfl liriilif, I. C. Hsatenrhrt hr ~ " A\u C—Hf B|Jw»R 66 GAUUQE HARDTOP Big, bold and beautiful Galaxie hardtop* come 4-door models. With a choice of four optional V-8 engines, ycu can have your anywhere along the scale from hot to hottest. Come in now and get set to live it ud in a big way. w