Volume 29 ■\ : § .-fry ■.‘■.^■^v- I '-?^' i^MHßPfriaM > -i_.»it- 4mj,; JMrNtf LJB|. ▼ 1A Joey Barbly and “Mutt” Burton are shown in a scene Playhouse ****’* Pl&y >The Happy Time ” at the Parkway * f. - MUT’ BURTON IN NAPPY mi THIS WEEK By: Steve VoUmer Samuel Taylor’s THE HAP PY TIME, a comedy with a nostalgic flavor, will be pre sented July 22, 23, 24, at Bur nsville’s Parkway Playhouse. Set in Ottowa, Canada in the 1920’5, THE HAPPPY TIME is based on the fond childhood memories of Rob ert Fontaine, animated by the central character, Bibi. Bibt is the object of a gentle tug of-war between the French and English factions of the family. Papa, played by company manager Ed Anderson, is witty, upderstndlng, and French. Maman, portrayed by Barbara Perreault, is a prim, appealing, Scotch Presbyter ian, worried that her impres sionable son, Bibi will be led astray by the pleasure-sreking French ride of the family. Bill Thiry, after appearing in a leading role in SEND ME NO FLOWFRS, will be seen as Uncle Louis, a lovable lush. Debonair Uncle Desmoid is p’aved bv Marshall Cohen of Monmouth College, N. J. «. W. C. “Mutt” Burton is as Bibi's wise tolerant Grand father, an incorrigible ladies man. Mr. Burton’s versatility as an actor is accentuated a.s he .as u*nes the challenging role of Granpers. Bibi, at the brink of adol escence and bubbling with curiosity, Is portrayed by el even year old Joey Garbly of Naoquesant, New Jersey. Director Lauren K. Woods, who starred in the season’s second production, SEND ME NO FLOWEBS. has chosen Stephen Eielstein of Mon mouth College as Assistant to the Director and Stage Man ager. Others in the cast are: Vicai LauUer as Mignonette, t the family’s alluring maid, Nancy Beckman as Bibi’s mt so-secret admire* - Steve Edelstcin as Dr. Gagnon. THE YANCEY RECORD Also included are: B~uce Branch as the unyielding echo'd p’-lncmai, Mrs. Kve, Bill Cwikowski as an unsus pecting suitor. Alfred, and She'ia Dennis as Uncle Louis’ scolding wife, Felice. The Parkway Playhouse is in its 18th season of summer • theatre under the Executive Direction of Gordon R. Ben nett, Assistant Professor or Drama at the University of Miami. • i Six Arrested On •«, «r : Assault Charges Six Pensacola men are out on bond following waiver of preliminary hearing on as sault and other charges. The charges were made following an incident on upper Cattail Creek July 11. According to Deputy Sheriffs Thad Bradford and Clerk of Court records, warrants we~e Issued and arrests made for Carl Blankenship, Gaither Thomason, Jr., Govan Blan kenship, J, B. Roland, Harold Roland and Dennis Silvers following an attack made on four Burnsville youths Sun day. July 11, by the six men. The four Burnsville youths were on their way to visit at the home of jyirs. George A Downing, who is summer re sidents at Cattail Creek. The attack occurred 'irt front of the Downing summer home, according to witnesses. Mrs. Downing said the four boys were followed In a car by the six men and two small boys, and the assault occurred In the Downing parking area. Mrs. Downing was threaten ed with an open knife by one of the men arrested when she tried to stop the affair. Baccus Henrley, son of Mr and Mrs. Selwyn Hensley here Dedicated To The Progress Os Yancey County Burnsville, N. C. SURVEY UNDERWAY FOR FURNITURE WORKERS IN TRI-COUNTY AREA Two questionnaire forms for a Tri-County Labor Sur vey for Furniture workers a e inside this per, one in each section for the benefit of readers to com plete and return to the Mit chell County Chamber of Commence, Spruce Pine, Nor th Carolina. It Is important that these forms be completed and re turned as soon as possible. All residents of the area who have relatives and friends that are working away should see that they get one of these questionnaires if they are in terested in coming back to our area for work. The survey will concern everv available person In the Tri-County area between n years of age and 80 who Is working, or has ever worked in a furniture factory. It simply boils down to this if everyone in the Tri-County area who wants a new furni ture factory and employment in the fumitnre factory, then thev should fllf out a ques tionnaire and see fort it gets back to the Mitchell County Industrial Comm- Srvuce Pine, N. C. P. O. Box 500 1 WESTERN BARBECUE AUGUSI /hi was Injured by the assaulting group to the extent that he was brought to the hospital here with facial and other head injuries. Warrants for the group were taken by both Selwyn Hensley and Mrs. Downing. One charge was made for as sault with a deadly weaoon with Intent to kill and aiding abbeting. Warrant taken by Mrs. Downing states that the offender- “did assault and imure guests on my Drr't>“’•- ty”, and "assaulted me with a knife opten and attacked pe-snns on my property”. The six men were released on bail of $300.00 on one charge and J. B Roland and Harold Roland and Gaither Thomason, Jr. on a $500.00 bail on the other charge. This Is not the only Incident wh'ch has occurred In that section of summer residents. Acco-ding to reports, on other occasions F'orlda youths In the Cattail Creek section with their parents for the summer have been attacked. Also, about two years ago some other Burnsville youths who had attended a community square dance there were beat en up by a local group. Thursday, July 22, 1965 Special Program Will Be Given By Children BY: EDDIE HAY A Reverent interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer in dance, accompanied by the modern hymnal music and vocal solo, will be the impressive climax of the special program of music and art next Monday, July 26, at the Parkway Play house,- for the pre-school children of the federal sum mer program, “Headstart.” Mrs. Hubert Justice, who teaches In the Micaville ele mentary school, is chairman of the special program. Pro feisional and university ar tists of the Playhouse, Bur nsvilies summer theatre, will present the 35-minute menu of songs, dances and story-art demonstration for the young sters and parents The child ren will be brought to the theatre in school buses from the Burnsville and Micaville elementary rchcols. An audi ence of 150 child en, plus those parents who wish to at tend, is expected. Dianne Gustafson, New York choreographer who is here to stage the dances for the new musical, "Lady Boun tiful,” is training the dancers for the special “Headstart” performance. Five experienc ed performers will comprise the Lord’s Prayer ballet: Priscilla Petti, Nancy Bennett Patti King, Ro-emary gills Gustafson herself. Prayer will be'sunpS, Lord's ville’s soprano Betty Cooper, who has been cast in a lead ing role in the upcoming musical at the Playhouse, and the piano accompaniment will be played by Leonard Adrian ce. comnoser of the musical score for “Lady Bountiful.” Two selections from the musical show will be intro duced at the children’s thea tre party. A song-and-dance vd v—ill * ■*' * *■ ' V - - * •>.f£srA*« ' .. ■ >- , ' *■>*< Head Start Day was Around 202 children from the the county participated in the Start flag was held. Robert made a few remarks. Shown above the children court house Nunbur Forty Eight trio of comic would-be high waymen will be presented by Pill Thiry, Bob Taylor a"d Bill Cwikowskl, and Betty Cooper will sing her so-g from the show, "Listen to My Heart.” Vern Smith, Rutgens Uni versity professor who is de signer of scenic se* s for the Playhouse productions, will tell a story a-d illustrate it by drawing pictures of the characters. From the stage he will invite the young au dience to participate with their ideas of how the story should go. Two youngste-s of the Play house families five-year old I.vnn Petti and six-year old Karen Gustafson will entertain their young contem poraries with a sprightly dan ce, designed by Karen’s mother. The Playhouse 7 .entertain ment will begin at 9:30 next Monday morning in the thea tre, and admission is free. 4-H MEMBERS ATTEND CAMP By: Waightstill Avery, Ass’t. Agricultural Agent Yancey County 4-H’ers at tended the Swannanoa 4-H Camp the week of July 12-17. There were 24 4-H’ers and leaders attending.. Yancey County went to qamp with Tyrrell and Union Susan Ohie Toe 4-H Club was the best g'rl camper during the week. Gary Bennett and Forest Westall were chosen as the be-t boy campers in their individual group. Also, Susan and Charles Ohle received certificates for winning first place in the swimming meet that was held the last day at camp. observed Friday, July 16 here, seven elementary schools In program. Raising of the Head Heimle, Mayor of Burnsville, are looking * over -the new