Volume 29 NINTH ANNUAL HANDICRAFT FAIR TO BE BIGGLST YET i BOOTH APPLICATIONS EXCEED PREVIOUS DEMANDS ------ —, . j ORIGINAL MUSICAL TO FOLLOW AT PLAYHOUSE Dr. Har'y Greene, director of Burnsville’s annual Arts and Crafts Festival, predict ed Monday that this year’s fair in the town square will be more rewarding to visi tors than ever before. He told his work committee that craftsmen’s applica tions for booths on the grounds had already exceed ed the demand of previous years and more were expect ed to be made this week. There is a limited number of booths available, he said. Staged by the staff and student members of the Parkway Playhouse, the Arts and Crafts Festival will be held next week on Satur day, August 7, from 9 a. m. until 7 p. m. This will be the ninth annual exhibition here of the varied handi crafts p-oduced by the ar tists and skillful artisians within a four-county radius of Burnsville. Originated by the Play house staff, of whom Gor don Bennett has been gen eral director for 18 years, the craftsmen fair marks each year the close of the theatrical season in Bu-ns ville. This summer the sea son will climax with the production of an or'ginal musical comedy, “Lady Bou ntiful,” which the sponsors are hopeful of presenting eventually in New York. : —} Vincent Petti, play direc tor from Miami, Florida, wrote the book, based on a 17th century comedy simi lar to the recent motion picture success, ‘ Tom Jones.” He is he-e to direct the Playhouse production. . Composer of the songs and dance numbers is Leonard Adriance, mus’cian and tea cher of New York. Mr. Ad riance also has come to Bur nsville to direct the musical features. Choreography of the show is being created by Dianne Gustafson, choregrapher of New York, who postponed a business trip to London, En gland, to come here for staging the dance, in Lady Bountiful." —, \ First performance of the musical will be presented Friday, August 6 night before the fair— and • will be repeated Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Aug ust 6 through August tenth. If the p oblem of musical accompaniment can be sol ved. performers from the Playhouse may present one or two musical numbers on the fair grounds, according to Mrs. Ernest Briggs, chair man of the festivals enter tainment p ogram. Meanwhile the cntcrtain- THE YANCEY RECORD ment will include talent from this area dancers, folk singers and instrumen talist?. Mrs. Artie Lee Peter son, of the Micaville elemen tary school, will present her well trained group of adole scent dancers in various folk-dance patterns. A refreshment booth, manned by a group of lad ies of the Methodist church, will sell sandwiches made with home-baked bread, home-made jams, jellies, cakes and other ta ty items made from individual reci pes that have been passed down the generations in Burnsville families. Home Demonstration Ag ent Mrs. Alice Hopson, of the U. S. Department. of Agriculture, has reserved a booth for her special g"oup of skilled women, exhibiting and demonstrating various home crafts, from expert needlework to cane-straw creations. These home crafts are being perpetuated by the government, Mrs. Hopson points out, as a vital part of the culture of this area. Decorative wrought-iron pieces from his forge will be displayed by Nat Howell, and Wiley Ble vins will exhibit a collection of his comfortable kitchen chairs that are unusual for - their seats of woven bark. Wanda Lea, famous Celo ceramic'st, will have a booth exhibiting her latest pottery creat’ons. She will have also a pottey wheel on which she will demonstrate the skilled technique of “throw ing” a pot. Lapidarist Haro’d Butner Is bringing the power wheels and tools to the fair grounds, to demonstrate the art of cutting and polishing stones, both semi-precious and pre cious. Burnsville’s famed jewelry artist, Floyd Wilson, will al so have an exhibition of his work, including his popular silver design of The Moun tain Leprechaun. Hia dis play will Include not only his hand-fashioned Jewelry designs in gold and sliver rings, pins, brooches but also inexpensive solo ties, tie tacks, earrings and "tumbled” stones agates, amethysts, topazes, garnets and imported opals. Two of the exhibits that distinguish Burnsville’s fair as somewhat different are those of E. L. Beeson, Burns ville resident, who fashions violins Lorn handsome woods on the classic pat terns of Stradivarius and Amalfi, and of Raymond Laync, who will exhibit his sweet - toned dulcimers. Dedicated To The Progress Os Yancey County Burnsville, N. C. There displays are always a center of interest for the music lovers among the visitors. Jame? McWhirter, expert wood craftsman, will bring examples of his craft, es pecially his boxes of exotic and domestic woods, and his wife, an accomn’ished maker of potte-y, will dis play her works. Comshuck dolls by Mrs. Walter Greene, cane-fiber brooms by Mrs. Lulu Can non, honeysuckle baskets woven by Mrs. Hiram Willis, hooked and braided rugs made by Mrs. William J. Potter, and candle-making by Mrs. Lo Piccolo, of Celo, all contribute an exciting variety to Burnsville’s crafts fair. Mrs. John G. Low, who is well known for her profi ciency in many crafts, will demonstrate how cornshuck shair seats are woven. Her display will reveal her latest art so m: correspondence cards, decorated by the dried petals of wild flowers. Knitted wear and other needlecraft products will es pecially attract the ladies to the booth of Mrs. Vernon D. Stengel, of Celo. Appropriate for the gala civic occasion will be a pro clamation by Burnsville’s Mayor, the Hon. Robert Helmle. Chamber To Sponsor Western Barbecue At Fair • The Chamber of Commer ce is sponsoring a Western Barbecue on the Town Square beginning at 4:00 p. m. on Saturday, August 7, the day of the Arts and Crafts Festival. The chicken will be cook ed on tlie square and tables will be set up so people may eat In comfort. People attending the fair will be able to eat their sup per before going to the Parkway Playhouse to see the last production of the season, “Lady Bountiful” an original musical. The Apple Cider Singers will entertain with western and folk songs during the barbecue. Proceeds from the barbe cue will go toward organiz ing a teen program in Bur nsville. Saturday ntght. August 14, a street dance Is scheduled for Burnsville. A local band, The Journeymen, will fur nish the music. More details of the st"eet dance will be published In this paper next week. Thursday, July 29, 1965 feir Shown above is a scene from this week’s production "The Hasty Heart” at the Parkway Playhouse. COMEDY-DRAMA, THE HASTY HEART’ AT PLAYHOUSE By: Steve Vollmer THE HASTY HEART , a comedy-drama by John Pat rick, will be presented July 30-31 at Burnsville’s picture sque Parkway Piayhouse. The setting of the play which ran successfully on B oadway for over 200 per formances, Is a WW II Army hospital in Burma. Despite the military atmosphere, THE HASTY HEART Is not essentially a war play. Judith Rose Nann, remem bered for her vjvld charac terization of Annie Bulllvan in THE MLRALCE WORK ER, has the sole female role of Margaret, the British nur se who teaches “Lechle” the meaning of love and friend ship. Di vector Ed Anderson, company manager of the Playhouse and Director of the season’s first production, THE MIRACLE WORKER, has chosen Barbara Perre ault, a graduate of Mon mouth College, as Assistant to the Director and Stage Manager. 'POLICEWOMAN TO CHECK METERS Mrs. Wiley Blevins was sworn in as a policewoman on Tuesday and took up her duties on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Blevins was employed by the Town Board and her chief duties will be to police the parking meters and take care of minor traffic viola tions in order to relieve the town policemen for more night duty. ■■l Number Forfy Nine Blood mobile Visits Here August 6 The Bloodmoblle will visit Yancey County Thursday, August 5, at the A-mory in Burnsville between 1:00 and 6:00 p. m. E. L. Dillingham, Yancey County Blood Chairman, said that the county’s quota for this visit Is 100 units and that with everyone co-oper ating, he feels sure the quo ta will be reached. The Agricultural Workers Council is sponsoring the visit. Bert Sutton, Chairman, Is heading up the group in publicity and securing don ors and other arrangements. The attending physician will be Dr. W. A. Y. Sargent. Mrs. Max Proffitt will be the nurse. The Presbyterian women will operate the can teen. WORKERS ASKED TO COMPLETE QUESTION AIRE Questlonaire forms for a Tri -County Survey for Fur niture workers may be filled out at the Yancey County Chamber of Commete in Burnsville, The Northwes tern Bank, Burnsville and also the Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce in Spruce Pine and in Newlanr. The survey will concern every available person In the Tri-County area between 17 years of age and 60 who 4s working or has ever work ed in a factory. Evr Jfo'% in the Tri-County area who wants a new fur niture factory and employ ment In the furniture f&c --• v ' I tory, should fill out a ques tlonaire as soon as possible.