il V\ v : ' ii j SR SI " *. * I? sV Hi, * ' ■*■ *.. ■ % mVKp proclamation I» v : Robert Ilelmle, Mayor of Burnsville Know ng that the annual Burnsville Arts and C~afts Fes'ival is a valuab’' asset to our town, that i offers craftsmen in all the neigh boring counties an oppor tunity to display ana sell the products of their skills, that it is a measurable bene fit to the economy of this area and its people, that it prov'des a Comprehensive showing of the many arts and crafts practiced by tal-f ented persons in these mountains and that it stim ulates craftsmen here to perpetuate crafts that were in danger of disappearing from man’s knowledge, therefore I, Robert Helmle, Mayor of Burnsville, do he eby declare Saturday, August 7, 1965, to be Arts and Crafts Festival Day in this ninth year of Burns ville’s tribute to North Car olina's artists and artisans. This proclamaton is also a recognition of the unself ish efforts of Gordon Ben nett, director of the Park way Playhouse, and the Playhouse members who ori ginated this worthy Burns ville tradition and < have made It such a successful civic enterprise. Signed this, the fourth day of August, 1965. Robert Helmle,'Mayor Taylor Replaces Pouts K IS Douglas E. Taylor, native of Burke County, has been appointed as Assistant Coun ty Supervisor of the Farm ers Home Administration in Yancey County and began work here on July 29. 1965 His appointment was effec tive June 1, 1965. however he THE YANCEY RECORD Dedicated To The Progress Cf Yancey County Volume 29 Burnsville, N. C. August 5, 1965 Number Fifty Oldest Resident Visits Courthouse \ Perry Bradiord, 104 year old resident of Yancey Coun ty is shown as he visited (he now courthouse here this week. Mr. Bradford was born Ap*H 1, 1831. Has always lived in Yancey County. He worked for the C C & O Railroad fo~ a while and is a former in. the county. His Wife has been dead for 14 years. He has three children living and two dead. Os two brothers and two sisters, he is the only one living. Mr. Bradford reads with out glasses and has his own teeth. received his induction train ing In the local office of the Farmers Home Administra tion in Newton, under the supervision of Thomas A. Dixon. v - He graduated from North Carolina State University on May 28, 1965 with a BS de gree in animal science. He is a member of Gama Sigma Delta, a honorary fraternity of agriculture. He was also a member of the North Car olina State Livestock Judg ing Team which represented the University of Baltimore and Chicago. He has been active in civ ic clubs, community affairs and is a member of the Mount Hebron Baptist Church. Mr. Taylor replaces Will iam E. Fouts who resigned in May 1965 to accept em* ployment with Langly DeHl, Inc., Laurinburg, N. C. Cs * n • ''jp * 1 Man Critically Injured By Shotgun Blast Zack McCurry, 38, of Mi caville urns taken to the U. S. Veterans’ Hospital) In Oteen Sunday night with cholgun pellet wounds over the entire front of the body. He is in critical condition. According to Deputy Sher iff Charlie Chrisawn, Mc- Curry was injured in a Sunday night shooting scra pe at the home of George Briggs. According to Briggs' state ment Monday, a truck pull ed up to his house on a private road Sunday night, and lome shots were fired at the house. He said he called to the occupants to identify themselves, and that they did not. According to Deputy Sheriff" Chrisawn the occu pants of the truck were McCurry, Floyd Ray and Ralph Fortner. Ray and Fortner were in the truck at the time of the shooting and McCurry was standing on the outside. According to Chrisawn, Ray and Fortner stated that they did not hear Briggs ask that they identify themselves. After the gunplay the two men picked McCurry up and put him in the truck and took him to the hospital. According to Information from the Sheriff’s office It has not been determined who fired the shotgun that wounded McCurry. The Sheriff said he will still con tinue to investigate. . No arrests have been made ih the case. Rev. Hilton To Hold Revival At Newdale A series of revival services will begin at the Newdale Presbyterian Church o n Sunday, August 8 and con tinue through Friday, Aug ust 13. Services will be held f at f 130 p m. each evening. The Rev. Hcrace H. Hilton, Jr. will bring the revival messages. He is pastor of Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church, Charlotte. N. C. He ha<- traveled extensively vis iting Scotland, En lard, -ThR if* A Scene from “Lady Bountiful”, original musical at the Parkway Playhouse. MUSICAL, ’LADY BOUNTIFUL’, ENDS PLAYHOUSE SEASON By: Steve Vollmer LADY BOUNTIFUL, a new musical-comedy w.itten and directed tj Vincent Petti , and Leonard Adriance, will make its premiere August sixth at Burnsville’s- -Park way Playhouse. Set in 18th century Eng land and written in the lusty “TOM JONES’’ tradi tion, LADY BIUNTIFUL re sound? with robust humor, animated dancing, and gay ~- costumes. Vincent Petti, au thor and director, disolays his acting ability as well, as he creates the ro’e of Archer. Technical Director at the University of M ; am ; ’ s famed Ding Theatre for three years. Mr. Petti’s directing accom plishments include such Plays as MEDEA, LUTHER and ENDGAME. Leonard Adriance, c-nupo-- er of the music, comes to the P'ayhou/e from New York State, where he is a music co-ordinatoo Mr. Ac 5 - has been teachlrg mus'c for fifteen years. The choreograph v. orio;. nated by Dlenne Gustafson, of Miami, Fla. w ; ll reflect her former affiliation with the renowned Matt Maddox stud'o In New York. LADY POUNTTFUL is the saucy sac.’’ that plague the wealthy. ’ « ——*•- France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Ita’y, Greece, Spain, Egypt, Palestine, and Is now on tour to the Bible Lands. Rev. Hilton will re turn to the United States on Thursday, August 5 be fore coming to Newdale on August Bth. Along with his preaching he will shaw slid es on the Hible Lands. Rev Burt Styles is pas .-r c r (hr Newdale Chun h. Two such rogues a r e boM. dashing Archer (Vincent Petti) and awkward, conser vative Aimwell. portrayed by Douglas Therrell of Mans ”111. N. G. to moke 1 his ringing debut at Carnegie Hall. Well-bred gentlemen, down-on-their - luck, they approach the situation thro ueh Dorinda’s amorous ap petite. Three luckless highway men, Hourdslow (Bill Cwi kowski), Bagshot (Bob Tay lor), and Gibbet (Bill Th ! ry), add to the confusion when _ their desparate desire to succeed draws them to the Bountiful estate. Barbara Oka, a graduate of Columbia University, _ has been cast as Lady BounVful, benificent healer of Litch field's poverty-stricken mas ses. Her frustrated daughter, Dorinda, is played by vivac ious Vicki Lauffer, second runrier-up in the 1965 Miss Florida Pageant and a stud ent at the University of Miami. Burnsville’s 'Betty Cooper will play opposite Vincent Petti as Che ry, the inn keeper’s comely daughter, fated to fall in love with Archer. Miss C riper, a grad uate of East Yancey High School, is a Sophomore at Western Carolina College where she plans to major in Dramatics. Mr Petti has chosen Elea nor Smith, of Morristown, Tenn., as Assistant to the Directo- for the play which Is expected to attract pro ducers from New York for the August sixth opening. The Parkway Playhouse, completing its 18th season of summer theatre, under the executive direction of Gor don R. Bennett, is sponsored by the Yanci bounty Board of Education. Curtain time ffor LADY BOUNTIFUL, running Aug ust 6,7, 9, 10, is 8:00 p. m. T'rkc-ts will be sold for two dollars. V ' \