Volume 30 Miss Whisnant Winner fn Essay Contest Miss Lela Whisnant, 15 year old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C- M. Whisnant of Bur nsville and Winston-Salem, was first place winner of the State-wide Teen-Dem Essay Contest, which carried a $250.00 award. Miss Whis nant delivered the essay, shown on the editorial page of this issue of the RECORD, before the 1500 to 1800 guests assembled at the Vance-Ay cock dinner held in Ashe ville Saturday night, Oct. 30. Lela, a junior at Reynolds High School in Winston- Salem, has always been an outstanding student, having attended Governor’s School in Winston-Salem. She is Secretary of the Forsythe County Teen-Dems and edi tor of the Teen-Dem paper in that county. - dflft 191 _.«..> a^|||BpL M ’ y ~'3F> -v. . 7..J»-- ftmJßs |WjßHMßfr7ir | MTm- The Harris High School Band of Spruce Pine plays the National Anthem as Boy THE YANCEY RECORD Burnsville, N. C. Cane River Beats Hot Springs Coach James Neill’s Rebels of Cane River High School over-ran the Hot Springs High School eleven last Thu rsday night a score of 26-7. The first score of the game was set up when the Rebels were forced to kick in the first period. The ball was fumbled by the Hot Springs team and a Cane River play er recovered. Three plays later Byrd carried the ball over the line for a touch down. Ralph Wilson receiv ed a pass in the end zone for the extra point. Gordon Hensley scored again in the second period, but the extra point failed. The opposing Hot Springs team scored in the second period, leaving the score at halftime 13-7. Coming back in the third period Gordon Hensley seat ed again, with another extra point. And in the final per iod Byrd scored again, while the Hot Springs team failed on every attempt. The Rebel defense against passes by the other team probably made the differen ce In winning and losing, even though the had a wide margin. The Hot Sryings aunrterback tossed fifteen passes, and all except four was broken up by the Rebel defense. Care River completed two out of seven passes. The Rebels ga’ned 287 yards rushing, while Hot Springs made only 143 yards. Cane River has won three games and lost four to date. Tonight .the Rebels travel to Rosman for a game, and a final game will be at the Cane River field against Blue Ridge School For Boys. However, the date has not been set for this game. Scouts proudly raise the flag In a ceremony on the lawn In front of the new courthouse. Dedicated To The Progress Os Yancey County UF Moves Toward First Thousand The Yancey County United Fund swings into the second week of its fall campaign with money beginning to hit the til toward this year's goal of $8,278. Volunteer workers under the leadership of Helton Carmichael, District Forest Ranger, are busy collecting the first thousand of the campaign. The campaign will last the month of November. The money is used to support eighteen different educa tional, welfare and service organizations. Local groups who will benefit from this campaign are the 4-H Clubs, Rural Community Develop ment. Blind and Conservation, Or thopedic Clinic Here. Boy Ecouts, Girl Scouts, Yancey Hospital, Dread Disease. This year there is a Helping Hand allotment which will be used for furnishing shoes for the needy. The different business places in and around Burns ville are being contacted Firms having ino% partici pation will be listed in the ho "Or roil aS° In previous years. Blood mobile To Yancey Fir To Grace Governor's Be At Armory Mansion At Christmas It Is fitting that the Red Cross Blood mobile will be at the Armory in Burnsville on Armistice Day, or Veterans Day as it is now called, Thursday, November 11th from 1 to 6 p. m. As we reflect back to the men who fought in World War I and 11, as well as those who were in the Kor ean conflict, let us honor their contribution to our na tion and health and safety The Harris High Bajid is one of the leading high school bands in this part of the state. Thursday, Nov«mh«r 4,1965 Small Crowd Attends Dedication Here Saturday Judge William E. Anglin as he presides at the dedica tion ceremonies of the new Yancey County Courthouse. Anglin -was appointed resi dent judge at approximately the time the new building was completed. He is a na tive of Yancey County, and the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George W. Anglin. Yancey County is to be re presented byway of a Bal sam Fir from the slopes of Mount Mitchell at the exe cutive mansion. According to Mr. Helton Carmichael, local forest ranger, and Mr. by donating a pint of blood in order that some other person may have the oppor tunity to live. * Today we have the Viet Nam struggle plainly before us. As many from our own county, both men and wom en, are there fighting and nursing in order that we may be secure, let us remember • them on this national holi day and contribute a pint of blood. What more appropriate way could we celebrate this historic occasion than by giving of ourselves through our own blood? The Burnsville American Legion Auxiliary feels stron gly enough about the rela tionship of the giving of our blood being symbolic with those who gave of themsel ves for us and our country that they have taken It upon (themselves to personally contact families in Yancey County and urge that they celebrate Veterans Day by the giving of blood. Doctors E. R. Ohle and Melvin W. Webb will be on duty at the Bloodmoblle. Mrs. W. P. Honeycutt will be the nurse in charge. The Gray Ladies will assist the Red Cross personnel. * Number Tuu^ Approximately two hund red people sat in the court room of the new courthouse building Saturday while an impressive ceremony was being held for the dedication of the court’s new home. W. E. Anglin, resident jud ge, presided at the ceremony. * Attorney Dover R. Fouts, who gave an address of wel come, gave a short history of courts and courthouses of Yancey County’s past. Fouts ponited out that the first court held in the county was held in the Cane River Bap tist Church. Later a brick structure was built on the site where the town square now is. The next building for courts was completed in 1908 and was used until the pre sent building was completed. Rep. Roy A. Taylor and woodrow Jones, who repre sented Gov. Moore at the event, were the principal speakers. County, State and Feder al officials who occupy offi ces in the new building were recognided along with other local and visiting dignitaries. Donald Burhoe, Pres, of the! Yancey Chamber of Com merce, the offer of a Christ mas tree for the executive mansion has been extended to Hon. Dan Moore, and graciously accepted by him. Gov. Moore states in a letter to Mr. Burhoe, "It will cer tainly be nice to have a tree from Western North Caro lina in our home here hi Raleigh". Dimensions of the tree will be furnished by Mr. Geo. Cherry, Supt. of Build ings and Grounds. The tree will be provided by the For est Service, and transporta tion will be handled by the Burnsville Chamber of Com merce. Panthers Win Final Gamn By Wide Margin The Panthers of "feast Yancey tcok Cranberry High School last Friday night at Cranberry to end the season. The final score was 27-6. Mike Hoover, Panther halfback, made two of the touchdowns, and Eob Ander son ht hard through the line to rack up two more touchdowns. Ronnie Robin son kicked three extra points following touchdowns. East Yancey gained 137 yards rushing, while the op posing team gained 80. The Panthers completed two pas ses out of four to gain 35 yards in the air. Cranberry completed eight out of 22 passes for a gain of 112 yards