THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1965 Byrd Creek News By: Donald McCourry Route One Box 16 Relief, N. C. 28769 . Carious Gouge of the Pig eon Roost area was here one day last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Miller and three children of the Tipton Hill area spent the night cf Nov. sth, here visiting with Mrs. Miller’s relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnett spent a night recently on Left Hand Fork Creek, visit-, ing with Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Peterson and children; and Luther Peterson. Bobby Edwards who is em ployed in Burnsville, did not work last week Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Pet erson of Pigeon Roost, spent the week-end at Henderson ville, N. C. visiting with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Byrd moved two weeks ago to a dwelling belonging to George Bennett, on Pigeon Roost. Philip F'lls, London Parry and John Normon from New land, N. C. w r ere here in Dog Flat Hollow two weeks ago, buying some hemloek shrub bery. Marion Miller recently spent a night at Tipton H'll, visiting with his two broth ers. Harvey J. and Fonzer Miller. Mrs. Hester Ray recently moved from Eyrd Creek, back to her home place on Pigeon Roost. The farmers here in this vicinity say that this year was the best year for com, that had been in several years Com here in this area last year wasn’t any good much, due to that the wind blew most of the corn down. The weather here in this a r ea at this writing has be gun to warm ut> somewhat. For the past week or so, the here in this ar ea, were considerably cold, for a week with frost. Not any rain has fallen here in several days, or even weeks. Fherre'l Griffith of the Tint on H ; ll section was here several davs ago on business. Frank Bennett, who own ed a farm for several years on rich Mountain, has sold the farm recently It is re ported that Mr. Bennett re cently purchased a place in the nearby Poplar area, where Bennett has lived for several months, ester mov ing from R : ch Mtn., several mn-'ths a^o. Mr Mrs. Rav Barnett recently spent a week-end at Lenoir, N. C. visiting with their son and daughter-ln- Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Toney Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bar nett and two sons, from Le noir,, N. C. were here over the past week-end visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barnett, and bro ther, Randell. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Sturgill, son and daughter, from Johnson City, visited here October 31st, with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hughes. *The Pigeon Roost FWB I Church has been completed J inside, and services are being held now, once aga’n. There will begin 3rd Sunday in this modh, at this church, a singing. A singing was start ed last summer and was stopped until this month, which it will begin again, on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peterson of Hendersonville, N. C. spent the night of October 30th, here visiting with their par ents. Mr. a~d Mrs Stewart Petersm and Mr. and Mrs. F’ovd Miller. Mrs. Murphy and two children, Trudy Price from Lenoir. N. C. were here recently visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey G. Hughes Mrs. R. C. Byrd and Mrs. Clyde Hopson were in Erw'n, Tenn. one Sunday recently visiting. Rev. Joe Famett of the T'pton Hill area was in this urn recently visiting. Rev. and M»*s. Joe Brown of the Jake Ho’low area re cently visited with the Hugh es boys here at ByrH Cr°°k. Pat Hughes of the Pate Creek area recently w>s h°re at Bvrd Cre°k on business. Mr. and M»*s. Jimmy w~r_ nett ofLemr. N C and ch’ld ren were here at Byrd Creek recent’y visiting with h's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bar-'ett. Luther Peterson of the p-ior Flat area recently a night here visiting wRh his sister and bro^h n ir-law. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Barnett. Mr. and Mrs C’avtnn Pet erson recently were here vis it! w ith relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pet erson of the Bmmmett’s Creek area were recently in this section visiting with re latives aild friends. D. J. Hughes recently got his call for the U. S. Army. Mr. Hughes is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hughes, and is at the present time em ployed in a Manufacturing Company at Lenoir, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hugh es recently spent two nights at Lenoir, N. C. visiting with their two children, Mr. and *Mrs. Wayne Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson and two children. Trudy Price from Lenoir, was recently at the Jake Hollow area visiting with ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hughes. Linda Setzer and Ginger Stezer of I er.oir, recently spent a night at Jake Hol low area visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey G. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs Robert Pet erson and two children from Lenoir, N. C. were here over - the week-end visiting with friends relatives. ClvdeT Hopson was at Byrd Creek over the week-end, visiting with home folks. Caly Miller of the Cane Rivbr area was recently here on business. The writer of the column spent 13 days and 9 nights recently at Erwin. Tenn., on business, and working in the office and plant that prints the Frwin Record. The writ er walked nearly all of the way back on Fridoy, Novem ber sth, cro<=s the Unaka Mtn. region. Til's distance is aoDroximately ?5 miles. The writer made the trip in Glenn Bennett recently went of on picnle excursion. F a nnett was accompanied by several others on the trip, which was to the Beauty Foot area located on the Uraka Mt. area. Hunting season here in this area this year was poor according to the hunters who say that there weren't too many squirrels AJROUND THErfj .mmmm Mrs. Luther Wells is a pa tient in Memorial Mission Hospital in Asheville where she is under observation. Miss Amelia Penland, a student at UNC, Greensboro, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Penland, here last week-end. Rev. and Mrs. Charles B. Trammel of Elkin, N. C. vis ited friends in Burnsville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Styles and Mrs. Eloise Young and children, Doug, Janice, Darj and Brenda visited Mr. ai.u Mrs. Billy Styles and family and Mrs. Claude E Robinson and her mother, Mrs. Effie Mitchell, in Charlotte last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Der rough and children of Ashe ville were week-end guests of Mrs. Derrough’s mother, Mrs. Troy Ray. The women of the Higgins Memorial Methodist Church gave the Arthur Letterman family, who recently moved into their new home a house warming on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. James An derson and Mrs. ZaidA Rag an Leavitt of Gastonia, N. C., visited Mrs. C W. Mur phy, Miss Zoe Young and other relatives in Burnsville Wednesday, Nov. 3rd. Mrs. Martha Kanipe and Flovd Hughes from the Byrd Creek area was recent ly in Johnson City on busi ness. Mr. Hughes was ac companied by this reporter. Mrs. Sally Barnett from Ohio spent several nights in this nearby area about 4 weeks ago, visiting with Mrs. FpHha Barnett and two sons, Wilbur and Bradley. Luther Bennett of the Bailey Settlement area was recently here on Byrd Creek on business. Car’ous Gouge of the Pig eon Roost area was here last week, cutting some wood for Ashley Gouge. Mrs. Eohlee Peterson of the Brummetts Creek area was at Pigeon Roost last week on business. Mrs. Euster Ledford of the Tipton Hill area was here on Byrd Creek last week on business. Mrs. Ledford was accompanied by Mrs. Edy the Miller of Tipton Hill and Mrs. Garther Barnett of Pig eon Roost vicinity. Rev. Holt Harrell of Tenn essee was at the Huntdale church on Sunday night of October 31st. * Rev. Holt Harrell, who Is pastor of Woodby Hill Bap tist Church in Tennessee, told the writer recently that he was to leave this past Sunday for Flint, Mich., where he will be in a revival for about a week. The Heavenly Light Quar tet from the Pigeon Roost FWB Church was at Hunt dale Church recently, there where they did some singing. Mr. and Mrs. Aspie Mc- Curry and Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fiovd Famett and Mrs. R C: Byrd attended a recent ser vice at the Huntdale church. Grover Byrd of the Pigeon Roost area was here at Byrd Creek this past Saturday on business. Turnie Arrowood from Er win, Tenn. ,who is pastor of the Pigeon Roost FWB Church, i s scheduled to start a revival at the Miller’s Chapel Church at Cane Riv er on Monday night, Nov. 8. Miss Roberts Engaged To Talmadge Banks Mr. and Mrs. W. Wesley Roberts announce the en gagement of their daughter, Cheryl Thomas, to Russel Talmadge Banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Banks of Route 2, Eumsville. Miss Roberts is a student at Western Academy of Hair Design in Asheville, North Carolina. Mr. ranks is employed by H. and B. Lumber Company, of Woodlawn, North Carolina A December wedding is planned. Club To Moot The Eumsville Woman’s Club will hold Its regular meeting tonight (Thursday) at 8:00 p. m. in the Commun ity Building. Mrs. Aliice Hop son will have charge of the program. Mr. Mrs. Roy Kanipe of Asheville visited Miss Zoe Young on Wednesday, the 3. Mrs. Elizabeth Silver has returned to her home in Burnsville, after more than a month’s visit with her dau ghter and family. Mrs. Penh Hyams, in New Jersey, and daughter Margaret, Mrs. Jack Rogers, of Winston- Salem. Dr. and Mrs. Rogers and children accompanied her home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs Bill Davis of Asheville and Howard Mur phy of Erwin, Tenn.,. visited their mother, Mrs. C. W. Murphy, on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Short Pollard will be leaving on Thursday, the 11th. for Pom qpno Beach, Florida. During their absence Mrs. Byrd Gillespie and son Joe and wife will be in charge of the Mt. Mitchell Motel, where they will make their home until the Pollards return in May, 1966. Dr. and Mrs. Julian Corn well and children visited Dr. and Mrs. James I. Cornwell of Asheville Sunday. Also visiting with them were re latives from Charlotte, N. C., and Chester, S. C. Da and Mrs. Garland Wampler spent a part of last week in Durham, where Dr. Wampler attended the North Carolina Academy of Gener al Practice, which was held October 31 through Novem ber 2nd. Bom In Yancey Hospital, November 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Colwell of Bak crsville, a son, Stephen Wayne. THE YANCEY RECORD Dorsey- Robinson Marriage Aaaouaced Miss Patricia Eleanor Dor sey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey of 2804 Yubulan Ave, Charlotte.. N C., became the bride of Jam es Robinson, son of Mr. a~«d Mrs. Verlin Robinson of 207 Judson Ave, Charlotte, on November 3. Rev. Cha-lie McMahon performed the wedding ceremony at his home In Micavil’e, N. C The couple wiir reside in Char lotte. where they both are employed. PTA MEETING The Burnsville Elemen tary PTA will meet Tuesday, Nov. 16th, at 7:30 p. m. in the school auditorium. Scouts To Hoaor Paroats A special program honor ing the parents will be pre sented on Friday, November 12, at 7:30 p. m. by the Brownies and Girl Scouts of Burnsville and the South Toe community. The pro gram will be feiven in the auditorium of the Burnsville elementary school. It will consist of songs, dances and a short skit. All parents and friends are Invited. Mou’s Breakfast At Methodist Churck The men of the Higgins Memorial Methodist Church will hold their regular mon thly breakfast meeting in the fellowship hall of the church on Sunday morning, November 21 at 8:00 a. m. Mr. Harold Bolling of Ashe ville will speak on the Eye Bank. Voteraa’s Day Program At Caae River Higb School Cane River High School will hold a patriotic program In the school auditorium at one o’clock on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11th. Among other features will be a short talk by Mr. Grady Bailey on what the Veteran’s Administra tion is doing for veterans, widows, children of vet erans in the county. Gospel Slag There will be a gospel singing at the Ivy Gap Bap tist Church Saturday night, at 7:30 p. m. All singers and the public are invited to attend. Craft Classes At South Toe School Persons interested In the craft classes, in native ma terials will meet Monday, Ncv. 15 at the school, as early as 6 p. m. The execu tive meeting of the PTA will meet at 7 p. m.„ followed at 7:30 by the regular business meeting. Materials needed for the making of plaques include seed pods, nuts, cones and ' woods rose” fungus. Large fungus or plywood pieces should be brought for the background, according to Mrs. Andrew Johnson, In structor, and Mrs. Al’ce Hop son, Home Economics Ex tension Agent.