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Li’l Abner will feature the entire company and stars Barry Dudley as Li’l Abner. Mr Dudley toured overseas with the UNC-G Theatre’s production of Li’l Abner for two months this spring. Karen Woods, a student at Monmouth College, is Daisy Schedule Set For Opening Os County Schools The following schedue will be observed by all schools for 1966-67. Pr "cioa's wil start work on Thursday, August 11 and will be at the school dally for conferences with parents and students. The teachers will start with a County-wide meeting in the auditorium of the Burnsvll'e Elementary School on August 22 at 10:00 a m. The Rev. J. M. O. Warner, Pastor Higgins Memorial Methodist Church, wl’l conduct the devotional. Dr. Fred B Bent'ey, Presi dent, Mars Hill Coll«*-1ft. will make the addrerv Teachers THE YANCEY RECORD Burusvillu, N.C. Abner showing off a samp! of the production to be gh at the Playhouse Friday Saturday, Monday and Tues day nights. Mae. She has much, experi ence in musicas as she played Lola in Damn Yank ees and Polly in The Boy Friend.. Lauren Woods, who directed Mary,. Marv and ap peared in the first three pro ductions of the season, con tributes his talent and will be playing Marryin’ Sam. The Parkway Playhouse has added a new\ twist to this rollicking musical. Miss Jo Carson of Johnson City will play Pappy Yokurn and Mr. BiP Cwikowskl of Asbury Park New Jersey, will be Mammy Yokum. Mr. Halnh Kerns, Manag ing Director of the Parkwav Playhouse, Is directing Li’l Abner Mr. Kerns Is the Director of the Young Peo- P’e’s Theatre of UNC-G and diree’ed the Playhouse’s first production, See How They Bun. Miss F*ckv R°eder, Mr Kern’s assistant and a student at U KT C-G, is doing the choreography. wi'l meet with their princi pal? at 1:00 p. m. on Wed nesday, August 24, s’udents will , register for classes. Bu es wil' operate on the re gular morning scheduled time. Students will be re turned to their homes for lunch. Thursday. August 25, wil be the official opening for students. This wt’l be a full day. Lunch ro-ms will operate and mea's will be served. The wil op erate on Labor Day, but will be closed a’l day for the N C E.A. meeting on Sept. 27. and election day, N-nr. 8. Thanksgiving holiday wl'l be observed on Nov 24 and 25. Dedicated To The Progress 01 Ygncty County Bloodmobile To Visit Hero Tuesday Yancey County will be visited Tuesday, August 18, by the Red Cross Bloodmo bile from the Regional Offi ce in Asheville- ' The quota for this visit is 100 pints and a total of 400 for the year. The Burnsville Methodist WSCB is in charge of the c&nteen; Dr. Urquhart will be the attending physi cian; a registered nurse will also be on hand. According to a release from the Asheville Regional Blood Center of the Ameri can National Red Cross, new policies and procedures of N. C. Baptist Hospital, Win ston-Salem, will go into ef fect Sept. 1, as follows: In the past the hospital has ap proved blood usage for resi dents of the Asheville region, whether or not they had blood coverage, or had made replacements. They are no longer able to do this, and. effective Sept. 1, 1988. blood usage at this hospital will be approved only for those Asheville region residents who hold, current blood cre dit cards, or who have made replacement of blood in the quantity, and, in some cas es, the type required. The Asheville Blood Center is attempting to make ar rangements with Baptist Hospital so that they will have advance notide of these needs when such notice is available, the appropriate chapter will be Informed so that action can be taken to arrange for preplacement, or credit coverage can be confirmed. It is feared that advance notice will not be available from the hospital in many, if not most, cases. It will be necessary there fore, for the local chapter to make arrangements with the physicians and hospitals in their area to keep them informed of patients when they are referring to Bap tist Hospital. Because of increased out of-region usage and other factors, the Asheville B’ood Center has fallen seriously in debt to the Central Ex change Rvstem. In oHer to reverse th<s trend and pay off this indebtedness, it is necessary that blood collec tions be increased. To Servo Barbequed Chicken Saturday The Yancey County Cham ber of Commerce Is sponsor ing a barbeque for the 10th Annual Mt Mitchell Crafts festival. The barbfcque will begin at 4 o’clock and the hungry visitor at the festival will be able to sample the delicious mountain style barbequed chicken once again. Thursday, August 11, 1966 Fun, Mountain Arts And Crafts Promised For Festival The hum of potter’s wheel, the nimble fingers of moun tain basket weavers and the swishing skirts of native folk dancers Will add a new di mension to the quiet beauty of the Burnsville village green on Friday, August 12th as Mayor Robert Helmle of ficially opens the 10th an nual Mt. Mitchell Crafts Festival to the public at one o'clock. 7 With the help of craft co ordinators from Yancey, Mit chell, Avery and Watauga counties, the Yancey County Chamber of Commerce has invited 27 master craftsmen to demonstrate, display And sell their craft during the two day Mt. Mitchell Crafts' Festival. The festival will begin at one o’clock on Friday after noon with the proclamation of Mayor Robert Helmle and end on Saturday, August 13, with the Parkway Playhouse production of 111 Abner at eight o'clock After the festival c'oses at 5 o’clock on Friday, the Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a championship softball game between the <Wf leading teams of iftm cey County on the ath’etlo field of the Burnsville Ele mentary School. The game wTI begin at 6 o’clock. The voices of the Anple Cider Singers. Susan Hen sley and the lovely Margar et Winters will sdve the visl *to.rs at the Mt. Mitchell Crafts Festival a unique ex ample of native fok talent. Artie Lee Peterson’s third grade folk dancers. The Cat tail doggers and the Cane River sauare dance team will also lead a snuare dance , for all to participate In on \ Wk, filß gs g Mm .* : FL /* i J " To the delight of th * young ci-Wd, the surry with the fringe on top went round Numbur Fifty Saturday evening after "the festival closes. The dance lwi’l begin at seven on the Burnsville village green. Special Exhibits at the Mt. Mitchell Crafts Festival in cludes the United States Forest Service exhibit. The F pc s Lewis Poe*rv display. The Yancey, Mitchell, Avery, Watauga Central Oaft Footh and the Deneen Mica Company disp'av. For the rock hound at the festival the Chamber of Commerce has scheduled a field trip to the Ray mine on Saturday at 2:30. A large box of mineral specimens wi’l be complimentary gifts of the Yancey County Cham ber of Commerce ,to the young rockhounds at the festival- The Higgins Memorial Methodist Church will pro vide mountain food and re freshments. The traditional crafts festival barbeque will begin at 4 o’clock. Native mountain costume will be worn by hosts and hostess at the festival to give visitors at the 10th an nual Mt. Mitchell Crafts Festival a more complete view of yeater year culture In your mountain area. Championship Soffball Game Set On Friday, August 12th at 6 o'clock the final champion ship game of the softball season will be played between the Oreen Mountain team winner of the National Lea gue Pennant and the Little •World Series and the Bur nsville Eagles winners 6f the (Continued on back page) and round the town square during last year’s Arts Fes tival loaded with excited children. ,

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