Volume 31 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Proffitt haj as gues.s during the holi days their daughters, Mrs. H. O. Crowgey and Mr. Crowgey of Taylorsville, Mrs. R. C. Orr and Mr. Ort of Asheville, also Mrs. Morris Stpphe s daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orr, of Reidsville. >lr. and Mrs. Alex Helms and sons, Robert and William, of Salem, Va., were vis tOrs at the home cf Mrs. Helms’ fa ther, Robert Presnell, and Mrs. Presnell, during the Chlistmas holidays. Randall Patton, a second year student at Harvard Uni versity is — spending the' Christmas holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hall of Route 2, and hia paternal grandmotrer, Mrs. Florence Fatton of Celo. Ran dall is the son of Airman and Mrs. Arthur Patton, Jr., who are presently stationed in San Francisco, California. Mr. and Mrs Frank McCur ry had as their •guests on Monday Rev. and Mrs, Mil ton Bodlien, daughter Joyce ary son John of Conover, —M. Q. Joyw »n<-Mr. iniil t,i'euis, «*X. and Mrs. Paul lA-garun, here. He no.u the urilver &.,y iasf- simeaU-r. M-ssto Pate Os Kingsport and Pate of THE YANCEY RECORD COMINGS AND GOINGS DURING THE HOLIDAYS Asnevuie vis.ted t..eir par en.s, Mr. a.,d Mrs. Roy Pate, durmg the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Robert con of Johnson City, Tenn. v.sited his mother, Mrs. W. Z. Robertson, during the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Quinn and son of Columbia, 8. C. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Roy Ray, hare during the holidays. Miss Ho.-e Buck of Knox ville, Tenn. vls ted her moth er, Mrs. D. M. Buck, and other relatives here during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. R'chard Mc- Intosh and children are va c.v io ling in Florida, the week. Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Sholes and children of Winston- Salem visited relatves in Bur nsville and Mlcaville during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs T. S. Hughes of Erwin visited her mother, Mrs. Georve Cam obeli, and other rela f ives here during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall J®M«; Oa-t. and Mrw Kee neth McCurry and children of Havelock; Mr. and lira. B. J. Ayers and daughter of CharWte and Mr. and Mre. Joe Holler and daughter of Alaska were moeets of ltr. a«d Mn. Flav'l MeO"»ry durino- the holidays. Cant and Mrs McC»rry a«d child ren also visited her parents, Mr. pjv» M-s LaH For. Ronnie Peterson of Bassett, V«. a-d ReVJ Reters-n of At lanta. Oa. v'sited their rar erts. Mr and 'Mrs f*ns Pet ersen, d’'P»M? the holiday a. Mrs. L G. Deyton is visit ing her son. L. O Deyton, Jr. and family in Edentoo, JL C this week She spent the holidays w>th them. Mr and Mrs. Bill Hedrick and children of Knowille, Tenn. were the guests of her mother, Mrs. Edgar Hunter, Sr. of Jacks Creek, and other relives here during the holidays. 8 eve Hensley of Green ville, S C., vls’ted his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hensley over the Christinas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hili iard and daugnw, JLteuxan, VLaiteu Mr. Hilliard’s axsttr, Mr*. Kidiurd VYunauis, and family in Ciu.riot,ie Christ nian isuy. Mrs. IToy Hriimnl uivrn u> Char -10*1*;. w. and Mr t. Edwin Powell anu ttO.i, oea-4, ana i»xrs. n. s>. Po«vcii ox iviv. xiouy and iur. a*id iv*rs. L«s..tr r, Mrs. Bin Pr*ce! and familv in rr-aenvllle, 8. C. during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. George Mur dock returned home Tuesday from San Angelo, Texas where they attended the wedding of their son, Gerald Murdock, to Miss Mary Bowllnger in San Angelo On December 25 at 4:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. James Muse and daughter of Greensboro spent the holidays with Mrs. Muse’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey. , Thomas Takes State Appoiated Positioa lowe Thomas, former Yan- Court, will begin hs duties as Administrative Officer un der the New North Carolina Court System next week. Thomas, who WMs recently re-elected to the office of Clerk of Super Or Court, in the last general election, was appointed to the new position by Administrative Director, Judge J. Frank Huskins. Included in the duties which w 11 be required of Mr. Thomas will be “to assist the Supervisor of Superior Court Clerks in planning and in stalling adopted uniform op erating procedures in the of fices of the Clerk of Superior Court.” He w : ll have to trav el to the different clerk’s of fices in the area assigned to h ! m to instruct and indoctri nate employees under the new procedures. Also his work will be to evaluate the application of the work to the operating procedure for its effectiveness. Thomas will have the duty of inspecting office equip ment and supplies and the maintenance and care of srch supplies in the counties assigned to him, as well as to perform related administra tive duties as required. Mr. Thomas has served Yancey County for two four year terms as Clerk of the Superior Court and had been elected for a third term when hts appointment as Field Re- 0 presentative under the Ad ministrative Office of the Courts of North Carolina was made. District Superior Court Judge, William K. Anglin, will name a person from thts county to fill the office of Superior Court Clerk for Yancey County.