Ethiopia’s Community Development Problem Similar To Southern Appalathian Region A recent visit by a high of ficial of E-h.opia's poverty program to four mountain counties in North Carolina served by W.A.M.Y. Com mumty Action, Inc., revealed the many s.milarnies in the problems of community de velopment in Ethiopia and in the Southern Appalachian region. oiuiiielis Adugna, deputy director of the tiaile Salassie Foundation wh ch is in char ge of Health and general welfare programs in Ethiopia, toured Watauga, Avery, Mit chell and Yancey counties to observe the workings of a community action program in a rural mountain area. Mjst of Ethiopia’s 25 mill ion people live In rural moun tain areas and work in farm ing and herding. Shimelis was particularly interested in the work of nonprofessior.als. All of his g/SCOUftt Head AT Shoulder Shampoo Colgate WO Amphoiel R ® 9 ' Re9 ' JJ* Re 9* W Reg. $1.50 Now 89< Now Now 53t Now $1.19 Bromo Seltzer Reg. 69< Now 53$ Rolaids Reg. 98$ Now 79$ Corn Huskers Lotion Reg. SI.OO Now 77$ Reg. 60< Now 47( Excedrin Reg. 73$ Now 57< Reg. $1.49 Now $1.19 Look For Many Other Rod Tag Specials I POLLARDS DRUG STORE Burnsvijle, N. C. I THE VAN'TY RECORD country’s 1500 community ac tion workers have at least two years of training. W.A.MY. currently employs 26 onal health aides low-income group and an additional 16 nonprofessionals are working in horticulture development and as community organizers. Ethiopia foes not yet em ploy nonprofessionals in its own programs, but Shimelis expressed great interest in the American view that low income persons could work ef fectibely af'er only a short training period. Agricultural development is a primary concern of both While Ethiopia is concentrating on improving existing agricultural practi ces, the W.A.M.Y programs are concerned with the devel opment of high-income per acre crops. In summarizing his im Sudden Beauty Spray Net Reg. 87< Now 69< One-A-Day Multiple Vitamin Reg. $6.60 Now $4.95 Reg. $2.94 Now $2.19. Reg. $1.96 Now $1.59 St. Joseph Aspirin Children's Reg. 39$ Now 33< pressions and comparing Eth iopia’s ’prop-ram with W. A. M. Y., Shimelis Concluded that wh’le American projects have more money to work wi'h. Ethiopia’s program, in contrast to America’s, does not denend on annual anoro priat'ons from the legislative that both American and Ethiooian programs depend on the involvement of indi vidual communities- and, that Ethiopian pro-rams are by their nature more firmly bas°d on lonp-mnsre planning. The Haile Se'assie Founda tion is personally supervised by the Emneror, and plans are now being made for a large expansion of the pro gram when Ethiopia enters its third five-year plan .in 1968. Reprint from Rural Oppor tunities, January, 1967. Bayer Children’s Aspirin Reg. 39< Now 33< Teg r in Reg. $5.29 Now $3.88 Reg. $2.79 Now $2.29 Reg. $1.29 Now 97< Cardui Tablets Reg. 79$ Now 63< • I Employees Urged To Type Reports GREENSBORO, N. C. • Employers are urged to use typewrlctTs or other business machines in preparing Forms 941, the quarterly return for reporting income tax with holding and social security taxes of employees, J. E. Wall, District Director of In ternal Revenue for North Carolina, said today. The reason for this request Is that the Social Security Administration is using an op tical character recognition machine to transfer wage in formation from the forms 941 into their electronic data pro cessing system. Th : s “read ing” machine, which will pro vide improved service to the public, cannot yet read hand writing, handprinting, or col ored inks. Handwritten returns will be accepted by the IRS, how ever, Mr. Wall explained. SALE! THURSDAY, JAN.. 12, 1967 Coricidin Cold I Tablets I Reg. $1.19 I Now 89{ I Gelusil Tablets I Reg. $2.00 I Now $1.49 I Gelusil Liquid I Reg. sl*so I Now $1.19 i I Massengill Powder j Reg. $2.93 I Now $2.19 I Reg. $1.26 I Now 97< I NOTICE OF SERVKjte OF PROCESS UY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY YANCEY COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. YATES LAWS AND OTHERC, H&IkS AT LAW of L. M. PRESNELL TO: ‘GDIS LAWS, JUNIOR ROBINSON, CLARA LEE LAWS, LEONARD ROBIN SON, BILL THOMAS, VALO RISE ROBINSON, LEONA THOMAS, GEORGE YOUNG AND LAURA YOUNG: Take Notice thar a plead ing seeking relief against you has been fi ed In the above entitled case. Tile relief sou ght is the foreclosure of tax Hens in favor of the Plaintiff for the years of 1956 through 1965. You are required to make defense to such n’eading not Inter than the 13th day of February. 1967, and ~jpnn your failure to do so the Plaintiff w-11 ann’v to the Court for th* relief sought. This December 15, i«w»3. O’enra Thomas. Assistant Cerk of Superior Court Dec. 22. 29. Jan 5-12