Volume 31 Advisory Board Members Seater (ljr.) O. W. Deyton, Charks Harr son, Mrs. An drew Johnson, Mrs. Alice B, Hopson., Mrs. Roy Young. Albert Edwards. Standii.g, M. D. Bailey; Yat Agricultural Development Program Launched The most ambit Ous agriclu tuiai program, ever under by County has been ouicialiy launched a.ter a year of plann.ng. The u-Cal program is part of an overall staio w.de pro gram of A o r.cultura! Service ,: n a State Uni at Nor.h .C-vro ima verity wii-ch i~„ n ; ho ' (t m Raleigh January 30 by Q°v. Dan Mcore and univer s ty officials. The fii’p-year program is a product of a fombinat.on of local level planning which involved some 7,600 lay lead ers including scores of Yancey County citzens, and N. C. State research and extension special r sts. Yancey County has goals in five areas under the Target opportunities endeavor. These long inclue reals in agricultural production, fam ly living, con servation and use- of natural resources, 4-H and youth, and community resources devel opment. A state agricultural income potential of $2 billion has been estabrshed. Yancey County’s ror:ion of this total figure has been set at $5,000,- 000.00. Ths will represept a gain of 20 per cent over the gross value of the county’s av’-cultural production in 1968. *- « E. L. Dillin , 'ham, Yancey County Extension Chairman hrs announced that the new program is already being implemented ,r- Some of the priority items designated for the C'mvng year include tomatoes, s‘raw berries, shrubbery, Chrstmas trees, irore young pto-de in 4-H, increased particlnating in f'>*»dlv living and commun ity clubs. Mr. D said the THE YANCEY RECORD Dedicated To The Progress Os Yancey County Burnsville, N.C. es Deyton. Rev. Jchn Powers, Don Buihce. Rev. Woodward Finley, Amey Fox, Buddy Farmer. Members not present wera Robert K. Helmle, Miss Ra c-ninty extension s‘aff, with the assistance of the exten sion advisory board, will be meajuring process at in tervals throughout the year and evaluating total progress toward the f : vp-vear goals at the end of ra-h of the five ye~rs until 1971. XT/, J IJC < ,rr *ri uiar, me county a "*d state urograms h-’ve fcuil*- ? n flexihilitv to allow for abutments and shifts of emrbasig dur’rg the course of the five-year development. Lincoln Day Dinner Set For Feb. II The Lincoln Day Dinner to be held in the Ashev.ile Cuy Auditorium on lebrua.y 11, ai 7:co p. m. will feature Si.ator d Baker, Jr., of Tennessee as the speaker. The master of ceremonies will be Sta.e Representative David Johran of Asheville, and the address of welcome will be given by Clyde Rob erts of Marshall who is soli citor of Buncombe and Madi so.i counties. The resiymse wll be delivered by State Representative Charles Tay lor of Brevard, and Senator Baker will be introduced by W. Scott Harvey of Arden who was the most recent Republican candidate for u. S. Represent a'ive. An unusu ally large crop of recently elected Republican off : clais from the Western North Corolra counties will be in troduced. The price of the ticke's Is $7 50 ea'-h and may be nhtai-ed from Mr Garrett Pa lev of Burnsvil'e. or at the d4 Fa rlane from Roberts Chevrolet lot; theft of a 1966 Buick in Barnardsville; theft of a truck from Buddy Ben nett’s filli. g station. In jail accused of these crimes are Wade Miller, age 16 and Dean Bolen, age 17, together with two Juvenile youths, aged 14 and 15. When police officer Silver approached the susp’cious car parked at ths filling station oppos te the funeral home, the v two occupants HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL THIS WEEK East Yancey was host to Ma ia j tiui ii.gn rciday night and iook butix games 1,0. n the Visitors. me rauiher girls of East Yancey en-ea the game with a bi-23 lead over me Mais Hill team. Ihe halftime scoie was 14-13 in favor of the ViSiJng team. uriiKStati wi.h her corner sho.s scored 17 pones to lead the home team, while Louise Jones came through Wu,h 14 points, and Boone 1. The Panther boys gave the Madison Visitors a good trouncing with a f.nal score of 60-44. At halftime the It cal boys led by. two points, 28-26. Hoover scored 18„ Silvers 13, Young 12, Gibbs 10, "and Wc stall 7. "f On Tues 'aji' night the East Yancey teams traveled to Marshall where the games were split. East Yancey girls came home losers by two points. The final score was 21-18 in fa\or of Marshall. Grindstaff was high scorer for the team with 10 po'nts, yh le the Jones sisters scored 1 and 8 points to round out the f'nal score. The Panther boys did bet ter, coming home with a Victory of 69-62. Hoover scored 23 points, wi h Silvers and Young both 13. Wes*all dropped in 10 points,, with Gibbs 9 and May hem’ l .... Number Twenty Three of the car fled. After appre hending one of the youths Silver contacted Sher ff Banks and Chief Peniand, and shortly thereafter a sec onl youth was arrested by Peniand. , On the basis of information received, the officers, a-com pan: ed By one of the youths, drove to Barnardsville where •they located an abandoned car, out of gas, that had been stolen from Roberts Chevro let the previous evening. They were also able to not fy John Wilson son of Bamardsvil e that his Buick, also stolen th e previous evening, £- was undamaged in Burnsville. The next stop of the officials was the Madison County fill ing station that had been broken in*o. La f er, the two other youths were arrested and taken to Jail. , A curious fact disclosed by the investigation of these occurrences is that in repeat ed instances it appears that cars ani trucks have been s‘o’en at nia-ht,. and after bHn