Volume 31 1 r |i: llBB M *\Q i W* *■>**. al * * M*V,t't v >, I m "*wh KB¥\ t I ' *f’; #£3 yWsMmv, *££> i V mmSjSwmSEslßx. # * y JJ ■I, \vl I nK' v .- Jm? I i '%• SJI fUfe- s <JL HV ."Y *; - wßfflggm ':* A H;&. BB|||s&\<:-- ■ Jg| y£ ' J WM.- " $d < iaP .--' *iM |gMMfc>. 7 . «■ < |&j|g||H|H WKtSS^BA ■ft’ * Jp > : -.#>?. late Queen Salote of the Tonga Islands was the author of the World Day of Prayer service for 1967 using the theme, "Os his king dom there shall be no end." Queen Salote ruled her independent kingdom for 47 years. The first observance of the World Day of Prayer each year is held in Tonga and the Queen always led her people in this observance. Wide World Photo Job Survey To Begin Friday A survey of jobs available and job tra.ning needs in Watauga, Avery, Mitchell and Yancey counties will begin Fnaay, according to J. B. Robinson, cha.rman of the Manpower Development and Training Committee for Watauga County. The survey is being made by W.A.M. Y.. Community Ac tion at the request of the North Carolina Employment Security Commission in de termining how many u.ifill d or potential jobs there are in be used in dev loping a state what kind of training pro grams are needed to help em ployers fill these jobs. The technical institutes in Cald well and Buncombe counties will provide some of the training courses. The survey is part of a new effort on the part if the Em ployers Security Comm : ssion to place the hard-core unem ployed into jobs in this area." The comnvssiori has asked W.AM.Y to help in find ing, recruit'ng, and motivat ing the unemployed to use the tracing, counseling and job-finding services offered by th" ssion offices in North Wilkesboro and Spruce Pire. The survev i-formation will be used in developing o state plan for Manpower Develop ment and tra'niog. It will at«o he used bv W. AM Y in THE YANCEY RECORD Burnsville, N.C. ,» planning for an On- s he-Job Training project that will pay small businessmen for train inn- new employees in th°ir "7businesses. Approval of the Job Training Pro "Tam is ex pected any day from Wash ington. All local employers are asked by Robinson to cooper ate with the survev in sup plying the information re quested. Mental Health Group To Meet By: Ashton Chapmon A film on “Mental Retar dation” will supplement a talk on this subject to be made by Donald R. Boon, clin'eal social worker, Devel opmental Evaluation Clinic of Asheville, at a meet'ng of the Mitrhell-Yancey Mental Health Assoc : ation at 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Feb. 14. at Figging Mcmor : al Methodist Church in Burnsville. R. Allen Childress of Spruce Pine, pres'denf of the two county association, invites all interested persons to at tend. Dedicated To The Progress Os Yancey County Friday, World Day Os Prayer The county-wide observance of v»o.id D..y of Prayer will be held at F.rso Baptist Cnuixh, Burnsville, at 7:30 р. m. Friday, Feb. 10. Mrs. Joan Reeve 15 program cna r man. Representatives of all churches throughout tha county are invited to parti- Cipa.e in the program. The World Theme for thi* year’s observance is “Os His Kingdom Ihere Shall Bo No r-nd.” World Day of Prayer ig being held throughout th« world, beginning in the Ton ga Islands in the South Pa с. Since the beginning of the observance in these Is lands, Queen Salete Tupon led her people in the preparation and carrying out of the ser vices. In 1965 Queen Salete died, after ruling her people for 47 years, a few montha before her death she com pleted the World Day of Prayer senree to be used around the world on Febru ary 10, 1967. The theme and nature of this service is most aopropr'ate to come this regal woman of strong Christ'an faith. You are inv ted to share in th : s service of prayer on Feb. 10, 1967. Local People Attend Kick-Off Dinner Mrs. Qrady Bailey and Miss Hope Bailey attended the N. C. Symphony Cam paign Kick-off Dinner at the Battery Park Hotel on Mon day night. The purpose of the meet ing was to acquaint volunteers with procedures in conducting a membership drive. Member ship in the Society entitles each subscriber to attend all membership concerts spon sored by the N. C. Symphony Society. Tickets for the concert to be riven in Asheville C'ty Auditorium on Tuesday, April 25th at B'3o p. m. may be obtained by calling Burssvlle 682-2367. The cost of adult memberships at the same ad dress is $5.00; single adult membership $3.00; student membership l , including ele mentary and high school, col lege graduate schools, busi ness schools and nurse trail ing schools, SI.OO. ..' Dr.. Benjamin Swaiin of Chapel Hill is conductor of the N. c. Symphony’ ✓ Thursday, February 9, 1967 Revaluation Os Property To Be Made In County Local Heart AssocXhairmad Named Mrs. Mary Young of Bur nsvnd been named chair man of rural community pro giams and Mr. James Fox of Burnsville named as town chairman for the Yancey County Heart Association, it was announced to~ay. Dr. Melvin Webb, president of the local heart group said that Mrs. \oung and Mr. Fix would be responsible for in forming the local community of efforts to eliminate heart disease as the nation’s lead ing cause ofj death. As program chairman, Mrs. Young and Mr. Fox will be responsible for the conduct of special programs designed to provide the com munity with the facts on heart disease and the efforts *= of be'ng made to prevent or cure it. Tile local program will make use of movies and quali f'ed sneakers, which will be available to any group, club or school in the area inter ested in learning more about heart d'soase and how it may be controlled. President Webb pointed out that although heart and blood vessel diseases erwFnve to rouse more than half all deaths, the-e are ad vances in the use of dru->s and surgery to help patients. If detected in time, most forms of heart disease can be cured or controlled. “Our Heart Association wTI work with other agencies to determine the heart d'sease of Yancey County and to find wavs of solving them,” Dr. Webb said. ' Bliss Fox Makes Basketball Team Miss Rita Lynn Foxx, a third quarter freshman at East Tennessee University has made the University • Women’s First String Basket Ball team. Miss Foxx, daugh ter Os Mr. and Mrs. William Foxx of Route 3, is a 196$ graduate of Cane River High School, and thi. ugh out her high school career starr d on the basket ball team. Mss Foxx is also captain of the Irtramurals Women's Team. She is a major In psy chology. Number Twenty Four . The Board of County Com missioners and County Attor ney Eill A-kins announced this week that a mee.,ng will be held February 23 with tax exptr.s co. earning revalua tion of property in • Yar.cey County. The meeting will be held in the courthouse at 7:30 p. m. The officials pointed out that law makes it mandatory that a revaluation be male for the county. Experts will be employed who are in no way connected with tax pay ers here, and who will g've unbiased appra : sal of proper ty in every part of the county, the commssioners Said. . .. “In* our o »inion,” they seat ed, “revaluai on by such dis interested people is justified because it w 11 bring equitable values to people and eliminate guess work.” In the past, valuation has V been set by three appraisers in each township. This system caused a great variation of taxes to be paid by people of the county, although the pro perty may have bjen similar. The Board of Commission ers and County A-torney feel that a reduction of the tax rate which will s.cm. from a revaluation will encourage industry to come to the county, as well as distribute the tax burden more , fa rly. Every tax payer is urged to attend the meeting at the caurthouse on the even ing of February 23, 1967. O Sewage System For Schools Approved Work has bees completed on sewage disposal plants for Bald Creek Elementary, and Clearmont Elementary Sch ools. Grease traps have been installed for the lunchrooms. A new drain field has been put in for the Bee Log Ele mentary School. This gives all the schools in Yancey County approved sewage dis posal plants and safe and pure water supply system.* All of the above comply with Laws, Rules and Regulations of the North CaroPna B“ate Board of Health. Th Dis trict Sanitarian, Jake F. Buckner, wishes to thank the princioals of the named schools and all others who cooperated in the projects. Sno-ial annrec-’ation for the work of the NYC m-mio who did much of the work is> ex pressed.

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