The Yancey Record Established July, 1936 TrenaJ*. Fox, Editor & Publisher Miss. Zoe Young Associate Editor Thurman L. Brown, Shop Manager Archie H. Ballew, Photographer & Pressman Published Every Thursday By YANCEY PUBLISHING Company Second Class Postage Paid At Burnsville, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 2. 1967 NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN Subscription Rates $3.00 Per Year Out of county $4.00 Scene From Top O’ The Hill By: Jack Kelly Everybody knows that I think the world and all of my Wife Blanche. She is qu&e a girl and, being a woman of the female gender, she makes and has made a great wife for 27 years June. She always speaks highly of me, too Wo organ zed a sort of a mu ual admi at on society. ~ I :'? ; a gre t th sg for married folks to have going for them. Sort of helps you over some of the rough spots as you go along the rou.e. Mainly, what I am g ating at is lhat a person with any kind of sense at all would think .that you knew pretty much about your wfe knows after 27 years of marriage. Even if you don't, I did. Which I gu' h< mselves to select ve cut ting and natura lreseeding for contisuous crops. In the management of Douglas fir In .the Pac sic Northwest, for instance, the timber is out in staggered blocks because .Mi's species reqWes abundant light toVp*