Volume 31 Cub Scouts Hold Annual Banquet Eurnsville Cub Scouts held •ihc.r annual Blue a,.d Cold Banquet last Thursday 'n ght at the Community Building. Farcuts and several o.her persons were guests of the Scours. The program, under the direct.on of Cub Mhs.er Doyce McClure, was opened w»ih the Pledge of Allegiance adn the Invocation by Rev. Harold McDonald. Following the banquet, ser vice awards were made to several Cubs. Ronnie Bigger staff. «on of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bigger £aff was award id the highest aw«.rd in Cub Scoring, the Lion and Web los. Others receiving awards were Gordon Silver, Bear Bad e; Daryl styles, Silver Arrow; Bryan Butner, Lon Badge, Gold and Silver Ar row; and Marty Johnson, Wolfe Badge. The most exciting feature of the night was the P'ne wood Derby Race following tht- banquet. Cub Larry Ba ks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Banks, won f rst place in the derby, wth Cub Timmy Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thompson, coming In second. Cars used in the derby were made by the boys, wi h some help from their fathers, from pine blocks. All the cars had the same type wheels, asd 4PBB. „. s >i%>| lWp|»liW » «**% * m,, # # * ' m j|;|^HB i ::S J|H' *P r :#c|-. *fsk : Wm?t Ip JskmKJw^m m «*y» ~ ~ * m «pj|Pj|p Jt 4 j| jßk ' H JEffjL B jfll K1 »Kp Jn, Cerald Styles, Gordon Silver. Joey li cgjr ,out. A'rter that East Yancey had the game well in hand. Hoover, one of the hgh scoring high school players In Wes em * Nor h Carolina, scored half East Yancey’s pouts with 33. Peterson of Bowman hit the ne; for 24 points, leading the scoring for h s team. The lineup for East Yancey included Hoover 33, Silver 12, R ddle 10, Westall 6, -Young 3, O'bhs 2, Cleverger. Following the game awards were presented to the ttwo winning teams as tourna ment champ ons. Spontsmansh»o awards were presented to Tipton Hill girlt, wth Harris Hrh, Newland and Tipton Hill boys named. Janet Cox of Cane River was named as the most Valu able girl player in »ihe tour raiment. The all tournament girls’ team r.amed included Cox and Hensley of Cane River, Lou ise Jones and Linda Grlnd ifeMtnii, S. But ha .an, C. Geouge, C. Bur leson and S. Pittman from the other teams. Beys named on the all tour nament team were Person and Wilson of Bowman, Sil vers and Hoover of East Yan cey, Odom of Tipton HU, McCurry of Cane River, Jul ian and Norman of Cranberry, atiff, Steve McClure, Tony Byrd, Told Bailey, hynn War ren, Kdd e and Ron nie Biggerstaff. Biblock of Newland, and Cat hey of Crossnore. Ear£ Yancey boys were call ed on again Monday n ght to , Basketball continued Inside Newdale Club Building To Be Dedicated The Newdale Community Club on Champ Ray Road Route 2, will be dedicated Sunday af*?r Ao Dn at three o’clock. Assisting in the ser vices will be Rev. Alvin Jones pastor of Martin’s Chapel Methodist Church, Rev. Ste phen Woodward, pastor of Newdale Presbyterian Church and Rev. J. Raymond Daw kins, former pastor of M-r --tin’s Chapel Methodist - MarnsnEET com munity are urged to attend and take part in ths service. A covered dish supper will follow the dedication service.. Ladies bringing frod are ask ed to contr bute the contain er in whir* the food is car ried to the community build ing, since the kitchen is not yet fully equipped. Larry Banks Winner Os Rate *f ’S ' aP * I J ilj^{ m * C |fl| jMk/ B y| Dirry Banks, winner of the Pinewood Derby, holding’his “plnewcod’V racer and award.