Volume 31 : |i 11J Program Director Mitch Rus sell ready for a news spot on WKYK Radio Station Goes On Air “WKYK, coming in loud and clear.” That is the word throu ghout the area. Burnsville’s Rad'o Station WKYK went on the air last Sun day at 1:00 p. m. with good lis , ening. •*' ne\y clear cljpnnel station broadcast has bedn picked up . clearly by traveling local peo ple at Black Mounta n, Asheville, jH Morgan ten, Arden and surround-/ ling territory. jf: Since Sunday the 1000 watt station has been broadcasting from 6:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m., and will continue on that sch edule, station off cials said. Many telephone calls and vis its have been made to the sta tion since it went on the air by well-wishers. The staff has been C'mmended for the clar ty of the station and the distinct an nouncing. Manager of the new station is Lee Childress, who came here with Mrs. Childress and sons, Terry and Timmy from Mt. Airy, N. C. They reside in Micaville. Other members of the staff include Mitch Russell, announ cer, program and news director, who came here from Thomas ville, N. C.; Stan Smith, an nouncer, from Rutherfordton, N. C.; part-tme announcer, Wade Holder of Spruce Pine; and Miss Barbara Honeycutt. Station WKYK began taking a part in the religious life of the county Monday mem ng with a devotional period at 9:15 a. m. The Morning Devotion is being taken this week by Rev. Harold McDonald, pastor of First Bap tist Church here. And each week a d fferent minister in the coun ty will hold the devotional ser vice from 9:15 a. m. to 9:30 a. m. Each Sunday morning from 11:00 to 12:00, service will be broadcast from one of the local churches, Next Sunday morning the service will ceme from First \ Baptist Church. Following that, the Sunday Morning Hour will be alternated from a different local church in Burnsville, sta tion officials said. THE YANCEY RECORD Burnsville, N.C. Burnsville’s new Radio Station WKYK Micaville Church To Be Dedicated Sunday * The dedication of the remod eled M caville Presbyterian Church will take place Sunday, June 4, at 2:00 p. m. The speak er for the occasion will be Dr. L. B. Gibbs, Executive Secre tary of Holston Presbvtery, U. S. Invitations have been issued to all former pastors, members and friends of the church. A p cnic dinner will be served in the fellowship hall following the morning worship service. All friends are invited to come and br ng a picnic basket. s Blood mobile Here June 6 The last visit of the year 1966- 67 of the Bloodmobile from the Amercan Red Cross Regional Blood Center to Yancey County will be at the Armory n Burns ville from 1:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m„ June 6. The local Red Cross officials have made the following arran gements: Volunteer doctor cov erage will be provided by Dr. Stan’ey P. Urquhart. Miss Wan da Edwards will be tile Region al nurse, Mrs. Alma Holcombe and her Gray Lad es w'll keep records and the Metrodist wom en of the Higgins Memorial Church will have charge of the canteen. Yancey County is behind in its quota for the year and E. L. Dill ngham. Blood Program Cha rman, said, “that he hoped that everyone would cooperate in making it possible for Yancey to meet its quota and exceed it.” Dedicated To The Progress Os Yancey County Summer Schedule For Parkway Playhouse Announced GREENSBORO - The com plete summer schedule for the Parkway Playhouse in Burns ville has been announced by Ralph Kerns, managing direc tor, of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. “Pool’s Paradise” will open the 2ist season for Parkway, starting July 28, with add tional 1 performances July 29, 31 and August 1. “Angel Street,” the mystery-thriller from which the movie "Gaslight” was made, will show August 4,5, 7, 8. “Ev erybody Loves Opal” on August 11, 12, 14, 15; an old fashioned melodrama on August 18, 19, 21, 22; and fnally, “Once Upon A Mattress,” the musical in which Carol Burnett starred, on Aug ust 25, 26, 28, 29. Students from approximately nine states will arrive to begin a s x-weeks session of concen trated theatrical study and acti vity July 18. Seven courses for college credit will be taught in the dramatic arts and four col lege “directors will produce five plays, A high school oraWtr prr'gram is also offered by the Parkway Playhouse. High school stud ents who have competed their junior year are still elig b’e to apply for the summer session. Staff of the Parkway Play- Wm 'WBmmKm Miss Patsy Hughes The twenty-eighth annual Tar Heel Girls’ State will be held June 25, July 1, 1967 at the Uni vers ty of North Carolina at Greensboro. It is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of North Carolina. The local unit is Earl Horton Post No. 122. The Tar Heel G ris’ State was originated and established in 1940 by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of North Carol na as an Americanism pro ject to orovide for high school girls of the state an opportunity to study and practice citizenship in a democracy. For twenty seren years it has developed v.ithin several thousand young Tfcmdoy, June 1, 1967 Local Girls Will Attend Girls’ State house includes Ralph Kerns, UNC-G, managing director; Garden Bennett, Univers : ty of Miami, Fla.; Lauren K. Woods 111, Monmouth College, N. J.; C. Robert Jones, Gardner-Webb College; Terry Bennett, Gusta vus Adolphus College, Minn., Ja charge of scenery; James Tro- Vacation Bible Schools To Begin In Many Churches IT’S VACATION BIBLE SCHO OL TIME at First Baptist Church, beginning with PRE PARATION DAY June, 2, 8:30- 10:30 a. m. PREPARATION DAY will sea-, ture fun, games, refreshments, regstration and worsh p. Hand work will also be done on that day in each department. All age groups 3 to 16 are inyited. Nur sery care will be provided for workers with very \ small child ren. u All-teachers and ch ldren are urged to be present for this very important day. Vacation Bible School will get underway in earnest on Monday, the sth, when all children and teachers are to be on the job promptly at 8:30 for intensive Miss Peggy Higgins leaders a deeper sense of their responsibilities as c’tizens and proved to be a practice source of instruction in the structure and operation of state govern ment. The body politics of 1967 Girts’ State will be composed of 300 girls. The two girls re presenting Earl Horton P-'st 122 are chosen from the rls ng sen ior class of the high schools. From Cane River High School is Miss Peggv Higgns, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hig gins, RFD 1, Relief. Mirs Patsy Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hughes oi Burnsville is from East Yancey High School. Ntiikur Forty mas, Mars Hill College, business and promotion manager; Mrs. Evelyn Wnston, Stratford Col lege, Danville, Va., in charge of the high school program. The management of Parkway Playhouse was bW «wer list summer by the Theatre of UNC-G. Bible study, crafts, mus e, and, on the lighter s : de, games and refreshments. School will close promptly at 11:30. Any child needing transporta tion is invited to call the church off ce and arrangements will be made for a r'de both to and from school. AH children who regularly at tend First Baptist Sunday School are expected to attend Vacation Bible School; all other children not enrolled in their own Vaca tion B ble School are .invited to join with us in three hours of worship, study, and fun. IT’S ROUND UP . TIME AT HIGGINS MEMORIAL METH ODIST ..CHURCH. Daily Vacation Chun#* School w'll begn with "Rajtly Day” on Sunday, June Classes will begin on Monday, June 5 at 9 o’clock and will run until 11:00 a. m. School will con tinue each day through Friday, June 16. All Higgins Memor al Method ist children between ages 3 to 12 are expected to attend Daily Vacation Church School. All other children in this age group will be welcome. A p cnic will be held at the reme of Mrs. W. K. Banks on June 15. The commencement program and awarding of cert ficates will be held Sunday morning, June 18th, at 9:45 a. m. The planning committee has been fortunate in lining up an excellent group of teachers. They are: Mrs.'Martha Westall, Mrs. Luc lie Piercy, Mrs. Mar garet Laughrun, Mrs. Mary Ann Wampler, Mrs. Becky Gillespie. Mrs. Joe Edge, Mrs. L'nda Edge, Mrs. Betty Ann Young, Mrs. Coupey, Mrs. Ailene Big-' gerstaff, Faye Letterman, De nise Piercv. Jeanne Biggerataff and Pam Edge. . The Newdale Pres byterian Church Vacation Bible School will begn Monday morn ing, the sth, at 9:00 a. m., and run to 11:30. There will be Bible study, crafts, singing, refresh ments and fun for all children attending. All children of the church are expected to be on hand, and ch Idren of the com munity not enrolled in their own church school are invited. The South Estatoe Baptist Church will start their Vacation Bible School Monday, the Bth, at 8:30. All children of the com munity are welcome to attend.