THIS IS THE LAW By: Robert E. Lee (For the N. C Bar Association) ANNULMENT A beautiful and talented girl, age nineteen, won a beauty con test. The rules of the contest, which the girl was acquainted w th, stated that all contestants must be single and not previous ly married. It was discovered the day fol 1< wing her coronation as queen that she had been married at the age cf fifteen, but that the marriage had been annuled. should the grl be required to forfeit her title and all of the prizes she has wen in the con test to the girl who has won second place? No. Frrm a legal viewpoint, the girl was never married. An annulment is a judicial declaration of the non-existence of a supposed or pretended mar riage It is in the form of a court decree that reaches back and destroys the marriage from the beginning. Its effect is to make the supposed or pretended marriage just as though it had never existed. A v-man who has had her marriage annulled can truthfully and legally say that she has never been married. It is other vise- if the woman has had her marriage term'nated my a di vorce decree. Generally speaking, the gro und f' r annulment are concern ed with either the invalidity of the marriage ceremony or the incap,!' !y of the parties at the time- i f the marriage ceremony The grounds for divorce, or the other hand, are usually marital offenses c-mm tted after the marriage cremony, such as ad ultry, cruelty, desertion or sep arpt i m f< r the statutory period. •• • • bom ot an annulled r ' • ■us legitimate? A c* •) bom of an annulled rnarr .v. ■ is rendered illegiti mate c'loss his legitimacy is save,- a statute in the parti cular state. N"i ii Carolina in 1951 enacted a Mat'ite which provides that a chile, vrn of any marriage oth er the" an interracial marriage is legitimate notwithstanding the annulment of the marriage. Un der this statute, there may be legitimate children of parent! who are not married to each other and who, legally speak mg, have never been married to each otrer. The statute creates an ano malous situat on A couple may have , legitimate children and he rs without ever being legally married to each other. Legiti mate children may have parents who were never married to each other. — Bbwers Now Jn Bloom GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN. "Carolina’s Top Scenic Attraction” THE YANCEY RECORD Sodal Security News By: D. C. Nichols Q. It looks like I’ll need to file a Medicare “doctor bill insur ance” cla m for benefits soon. Please tell me, as briefly and simply as possible, how to file a claim for payment. A. Briefly and simply: On page 29 of your Medicare Hand bock ycu'll find the Request or Payment form. Fill it out care fully, giving your complete name and number exactly as they ap pear cn your Medicare card. Follow the instructions m the Handbook and cn the back of the Request for Payment form. Be sure that the itemized and re ceipted medical bills (which you must attach to your claim) show the necessary information. And cne more thing to get started off right and prevent a delay in payment, contact our office and have your FIRST CLAIM with the receipted medi cal bills checked over before you send it to the Med care car rier (Pilot Life Insurance Com pany. for bills incurred in North Carolina). Q. How do I go about getting hosp'tal insurance to pay my hosital bills? A. Always carry your Medi care card with you. Just show it at the hospital when you are ad mitted, and the hospital itself wll make the application for payment under hospital insur ance. Q. As I am separated bu tnot divorced from my husband, and mill be 60 in June, will I be able to get social security on my hesband’s work record? A. No assuming, of course, that you do not have an el gible child in your care. Only a wid ow can qualify for reduced benefits at age 60, or for unre duced benefits at age 62. Before you can receive bene fits as a wife, you must be at least 62 years old, and (2) have a husband who has quali fied for benefits. You would al so have to be at least 62 to be eligible on your own earnings record provided you had werked \eng enough under soc ial security for benefits to be pavable. But to get full, unre duced monthly benefits either as a wife or on your own record, you would have to wait until age 65 to start receiving the benefits. Q. Under the present law can not a widow who has remarried still get benef ts on her first (deceased) husband’s work is> errd? And how about a divorced wife cr widow? A. The law now provides Out a widow who remarries after age 60 may continue receiving benefits but a tan adjusted (lower) rate. Also, under certain conditions a wife who is divorced at age 60 cr later, or a “surv'ving di vorced wife” who is 60 or over, may qualify for monthly bene fits if she was married to the worker for at least 20 consese cutive years. A surviving divorced wife, re gardless of her atte, can qualify for monthly benefits if at the time of the worker’s death she had in rer continuing care h ! s child under 18 or disabled. Nat urally, the child also is eligible for benef.ts. Tune in June 10 and 11 to the 10th Annual Buick Open, on NBC-TV. Buick Bargain Days are here. Now, drive a Buick bargain. • ' r Vacation Loan / 2 Checkbook 3. Travelers Checks g 4. Safe Deposit Box Tor TheTead Four for the road- a Northwestern Bank vacation loan to start you on yt)ur way...a Northwestern Bank checkbook to meet many of your travel expenses.. .traveler’s checks to meet the rest, particularly if your vacation takes you far from home...and a Northwestern Bank safe deposit box to keep everything safe until vacation’s end. A good com bination? An unbeatable one. So rely on The Northwestern Bank for every vacation-time service a bank can give you, and have a good time 1 every day you're gone! A THE NORTHWESTERN BANK WINNERS AT SHEPHERD’SIAKTf Jack Pot won by Janet Green 19 lb. 7 ox. fish won her 1 first prize of $105.00 2nd. prize John Norton I 10 lb. 4 oz. fish $3.00 I 3rd. pripeßon Ball 9 lb. 10 oz. fish $2.00 New Jack Pot of $65.00 THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1967