/Hiss Satsuma Honored With Bridal Shower Miss Nora Satsuma of Japan was guest of hcnCr at a Bridal Shower given by the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Celo Methodist Church on Thursday, June 29th, at the Celo Methodist Church, which was at tended by women frcm Higgins Memorial Church of Burnsville; Estatoe Presbyterian Church of South Toe; Martin’s Chapel, Newdale; Church of God of Bur nsville; Friends Meeting House, Celo; Bering Chapel, Jack’s Creek; Pensacola Methodist Church; Windom Methodist Church, Celo Methodist Church and also guests from Forest City, N. C. and Florida. Decorations included a large watering can in yellow and white with streamers “flowing” over a table of gifts. Buffet ta ble was in white with red and yellow roses and sweet peas gracefully arranged in a large crystal centerpiece with white candles in crystal candelabras. Mrs. Arthelia Brooks present ed a family program in honor ct‘ Miss Satsuma who is leaving for Japan on July 14th and will be mhrried on November 3rd in her native land. Mrs. Alvin Jones of Newdale gave the dedication for the pre senting of Che gifts. Mrs. Char les Wesson, Mrs. Willard Hill and Mrs. Arthelia Brooks were hostesses for the occasion. Miss Satsuma who was the re cipient of many lovely gifts has been in this country for almost a year as a guest of Mrs. Arthe lia Brooks of Celo and has been studying American Housekeep ing methods. During her stay here she has been a guest in many homes and has visited many churches in Western Nor BNFKTU blue waters, you may have in mind. The Northwestern i for positive thinkers like raving. new, but Northwestern has pint, with the v * :cess. No matter THE NORTHWESTERN BANK HtUtifi flHmOllpiAtmt. 4 .» . r „'J.* t 0 tea'’ l -! reading, writing, English, math, social studies, anu science. 3. To provide the educational backgrccnd necessary fnr pass ing the high school equivalency test. What is the high school equivalency program? It is a program whereby an adult who did not ccmp’ete his high school education may take a series of tests to demonstrate his general education competence and be awarded a certificate recogniz ed and generally accepted as equiva’ent to a high school diplc. na. C!a ses sponsored by W.A.M.Y. and Asheville-Buncombe Techni cal Institute.