State Dept. Os Archives MkraMming Ceenty Records Representatives of the State Department of Archives and His tory arrived in Burnsville on Monday to begin an inventory of the records of the various coun ty offices preparatory to micro filming for security those of per manent value. When written up the inventory will list all public records found and will contain schedules of retention and dis posal for each record, or series of records. Permanently valuab le records in need of repair will be restored by lamination in the department’s records restoration and then rebound. Two micro film camera operators will re main in the courthouse and mi crofilm all records classified as permanently valuable. All work will be done at state expenses. Microfilm copies will be stored in the State Archives and in the event of loss of the original re cords copies can be furnished at nominal cost. For years, Dr. Christopher Crittenden, Director of the State Department of Archives and His tory, and Dr. H. G. Jones, State Archivist, considered possible methods of safeguarding the re cords of the counties. They ev entually devised the present plan of microfilming for security, and the state-wide program was au thorized by the 1959 General As sembly (G.S. 121-5.1). Counties have been selected approximat ely by age and Yancey is the seventieth county to be schedul ed. The program is under the direct supervision of Rear Ad miral A. M. Patterson, USN (Ret.), Assistant State Archivist. ESSO SUMMER PRICES ARE NOW IN EFFECT ON NO. 2 FUEL OIL , KEROSENE, aid DIESEL FUEL. PRICES ARE GUARANTEED AGAINST DECLINE AFTER YOU ACCEPT DELIVERY, UNTIL AUGUST 31, 1967. WE WILL RIU YOUR OIL TO YOU AUGUST 31,1967 S A H GREEN STAMPS GIVEN IF ACCOUNT IS PAID IN FULL IY AUGUST 31,1967 OIL TANKS, STANDS, FITTINGS AND MOTOR OIL IN STOCK WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DELIVER IN ALL KIND OF WEATHER WITH 4-WHEEI DRIVE TRUCKS. LIT US FILL YOUR TANK FOR YOU BAILEY FUEL COMPANY Stanley Bailey BnnsvllU, Plioit 632-2478 THURSDAY. JULY 27. 1987 Microfilming will be done by P. W Hines and H. D. Stroud of the department. The department has extended an invitation to all churches in tlie county to take advantage of this opportunity to provide sec urity for their records by bring ing than to the courthouse for microfilming. Minutes,. registers, and other records of permanent value- will be microfilmed and the film stored in State Archives for security. No cost to churches is involved. As in the case of county records, copies of church records can be provided at small cost in the event of loss of origi nal records. Churches wishing to take advantage of this service should contact Mr. Hines in the office of the clerk of superior court as soon as possible. It is estimated that work will be completed in the county by the end of August. ; 1 -.-c, ... IJ^KIGiiIETTE - Y" RIGHT GUARD AMERICA’S - MOST POPULAR mmrfm deodorant MM 79% r SESFECT PERSONAL DEODORANT j FAMILY tit ODORANT < l SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS By: D. C. Nichols Q. I'm sure that many read your column regularly, as it throws light on questions of in terest to almost everyone. Now I want to ask a question of my own: Am I getting mv money’s worth from the Social Security tax dollars I’m paying? A. If you are the Average Worker earning social security life insurance, disability insur ance, and retirement insurance protection, besides health insur ance protection starting at age 65 you are certainly getting your money’s worth and more, in terms of protection, from your social security tax dollars. The exact dollar amounts of the different kinds of protection that you as an individual have, or will have, depend on your level of earnings, your age, whether you become disabled, how long you live, whether and when you retire, your marital and family status (wife and children, if any, and their ages), etc. Quoting Robert Myers, chief actuary of the Social Security Administration “As with all p-»rna es workers will re alise a greater return on their s-«.,ai security ’investment’; some a smaller return, if (a worker) who is married and has three small children should be unfortunate and die at an early age, his family would receive benefits far in excess of his con tributions. This, would also be the case if he and his wife are fortunate and live a goodly num ber of years after his retire ment.’’ It would also be true if be should become disabled for work during his younger or middle years. Os course, if he never becomes disabled, and if he should die in his early sixties without being survived at that time by any eligible dependent, then his “re turn” would certainly be less than his tax contributions. How ever to quote Mr. Myers again “he would have had the protection of survivors and disa bility insurance during his youn ger years and the potential pro- SCHEDULE OF SERVICES FOR MICAVILLE-ESTATOE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. John Powers, Pasfor Jvly - Micaville Cherch Servlets 9:45 A.M. Si ad ay School 11:00 A.M. Jely Istatoo: Soiday School - 9:45 A.M. Chvrch Services 11:00 A.M. Aogost: Micaville Soiday School 9:45 A.M. Chorch Services 11:00 A.M. Aogost Istatoo: Chorch Services 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. THE YANCEY RECORD lection of retirement benefits if he had survived to retirement age ’ He also would have had Medicare protection had he lived to age 69. It is only natural and under standable that an individual worker paying this tax should ask what Social Security la worth to him on a strictly indi vidual bass. But the fact is this is not aa individual insurance system. As its name indicates, it is “Social Security” rather than Individual Security. It is a social insurance program (for the large social group, for the society and the nation as a whole). It is primar ily desiged to meet the broad, basic needs of this Nation’s workers and their families for protection against the loss of “work income” due to old age and retirement, disability, or the death of the family bread winner. Moreover, as is true of all in surance, its value to the insur ed individual or family must be Judged not merely by the dollar amounts that may actually be received, but by the protection the individual or family has against the specified insurance risks. (This is the first of a three part answer to a very important question. The second part will appear later in The Yancey Re cord.) YOU CM GET RELIEF FROM HEADACHE PAIN STANBACK gives you FAST relief from pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, and minor pains of arthritis, rheumatism. Because STANBACK contains several medically-approved and prescribed ingredients for fast relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed! „ Test Sm( a* Stanback wmmmmwm against any MuJlllilifilM preparation you've ever US