” """ 1 ’"" " 1 f ESTABLISHED JULY, 1936 TRENA P. POX. EDITOR ft PUBLISHER MISS. ZOE YOUNG. ASSOCIATE EDITOR THURMAN L. BROWN. SHOP MANAGER ARCHIE H. BALLEW, PHOTOGRAPHER k PERSSMAN PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY YANCEY PUBLISHING COMPANY SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAH) AT BURNSVILLE. N. CL THURSDAY, AUGUST *4, 1987 NUMBER FIFTY-ONE SUBSCRIPTION RATES $3.00 PER YEAR OUT OF COUNTY $4.00 PER YEAR L Scene From Top O’ The Hill By: Jack Kelly At Ray Brothers Store, while I was visiting down home, I got an Indian Head Nickel in change. I hadn't seen one for seme. time, so, I did a bit of checking on them. It appears that these nick els were first minted in 1913 and the Government put them . u i . r a quarter of a Century. During that 25 years, they minted al most a billion and a quarter of them. The Indian you see on the face cf that coin is a composite, because the sculptor, John Fraz er, did not use just one Indian, he used three of them for his model: Iron Trail, Two Moons, and Big Tree. The first two pass ed to the Happy Hunting Grounds several years ago, but old Big Tret- held off. He died about a month ago. Brother Big Tree claimed to be 102 but the re cc rus only allowed him 92. Eith er way, he made the nickel go a long distance. Seems like Wash ington hasn't changed much since 1913, Then, as now, they didn’t use one when they could use three. For the benefit of my friends who liked my "Raccoon” arti cle, l have the pleasure to in i' rm them that the Government recently brought _ 'e -:.oo new ’coons into our County. Now, if our old County dogs will leave them alone, and if our human natives will just lay off collect ing souvenirs from these new ’coons, the poor creatures might find time to breed with our own and Yancey will have a fine har vest for future generations. In talking wih one of our elder citizens about long-lasting mar riages. she commented "Choose a bride and piece-goods in the daytime " 1 like that one but she said I couldn’t use her name. When I was in Boston, not too long ago, one of the Harvard scholars put out a statement that his research had determin ed that 43 words accounted for half of all American speech. He claimed that the articles "a” and "the" and the pronouns "I” "that" "you” "it" along with the pr< pcsitit ns “on” ::to” and the verb "is" were the nine most often used words of the 43. -Si mchow or other.. I was a lit tle disappointed that his words didn’t include "milk and hon ey" and "sour grapes” because these phrases sort of cover all of our expectations and our reality. Burnsville, this year, has pro ven an old English proverb to be correct "If the first of July be rainy weather. It will rain, more or less, for four weeks to gether." I sure hope those four weeks mentioned are over. It would be nice to get a little dry spell Watching the building activity made me wonder if all of the land was getting used up. A bit of a check showed me that the l S. Government afene owns 770 million acres of land that is valued at 94 Billion dollars. Wonder why it doesn’t sell off a few parcels and cut taxes in stead of raising them? While checking into the land situation, I ran across some ether National figures that you might as well know. For exam ple, our Country accounts for half of the mail in the entire world—72 billion pieces a year. Also, the average tombstone costs $500.00. A porcupine has 18,100 quills. (If you don’t be lieve me, count them.) The av erage American housewife wash es over 300 tons of dishes in her lifetime. American ladies use half a billion hairpins every year. There are 3 times as many tropical fish as people here. That’s enough of facts and fig ures. The whole trouble with checking anything out is the fact that you get involved with so many other facts that it is hard to step. So I will just stop and save them for another time be cause I have to tell about my Bennett Gate. When we got the house on the Hill I was worr $ d because I didn’t have any con nection between it and Burns •ville.. It hadn’t been built by Burnsville folks or anything like that, and it worried me. How ever, when the arrival here this summer, a golden opportunity presented itself. My upper gates had rotted away a bit. Now there may be a more awkward man with a hammer and saw than I am but I doubt it. Any way, I decided to build me a couple of gates. Then, Providence must have stepped into the situation because my friend Gordon Ben nett, when he got over laughing at the thought of my attempting such a feat, volunteered to build my gates for me. So now, I not only have the only gates in Yancey County, and probably in the entire State, designed and built by a terrific stage set- de signer, I also accumulated me a good name to go with them. That’s why people will now en ter our home through the "Ben nett Gates.” 1 .guess the name "Benne’t" will give me a tie to Burnsville that the original builder never thought about. Os course, I’ll have to he’p Gordon out when he pets around to doing some construction cn his place up here. I have promised to come down or up cr over to wherever he builds, and I’ll sit and talk to him while he constructs. Gor don would never trust me with a tool. "There’s no book so bad that something good may not bo found in it.” - Cervantes. “Don Quixote.” | j ' | p | _ % L- 1 mad JEI mm Members of the Clearmont Read start Program Members of the Bald Creek Headstart Program. Melodrama One Os Season’s Biggest Hits "PURE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW”, a very “mellar dra mer”, was thoroughly enj yed by those attending the latest performance at Parkway Play house. Speaking from the view point of an “old timer", how anyone could have failed to en joy this is our under standing. If anyone did not enjoy it perhaps it was because this particular form of theater was entirely new to him, and s:me may even have thought it was to be taken seriously. To get the most out of a play of this kind there must be audience partici pation hosses to the villian and applause to the hero and the villian and hero were worthy of hisses and applause, bur Leaders Tell Os Many Activities Os Scoots “A fun-filled lesson in inter national understanding” is the description cf the XII World Jamboree given by 7 Sc~uts of the Daniel Boone Council, Boy Scouts of America, upon their arrival heme on Saturday, Aug ust 12th. Volunteer leaders of the local contingent, Carmer D. Bean, of Asheville, and John Loren Brown cf Hendersonville, told of the many activities that the Scouts had to get better acquainted with ether Scouts from 100 coun tries. Exchange meals, evening campfires, a Wide Game, and earning of the Adventure Award provided many opportunities f r Scouts to practice brotherhood and friendship Those earning the coveted Ad surely a better performance could not have been turned In. This goes for all in the cast. Added attractions were the be tween the acts skits put on by a group of crmic dancers, singers and entertainers. We were par ticularly impressed by the per formance of the “Card Girl”. jit is hard to conceive of the hours of labor that must go into a production of this kind; not cnly by the directors, actors, but alsoi those who provide the costumes, and particularly the authentic sets. We hope Burnsville and Yan cey County appreciate the pri vilege they have of being able to attend entertainment of such high caliber. venture Award, which included requirements related to bring ing Scouts together from differ ent countries are: Richard S. Daniels, Brevard; John F. Dan iel, Sylva; John W. Claris and William R. Okie, Hendersonville; Glenn Russell, Asheville; Rich ard F Strieker, Brevard; and Gene P. Wagstaff, Fletcher. This World Jamboree was the first to be hosted by the Boy Scouts of America and brought together 13,C00 Scouts. It was held at Farragut State Park, Idaho, frem August 1 to 9. Scouts from Asheville who at tended the World Jamboree, C.aytoip Doty, Scout Executive said, are available to tell (( f thrir experience before any Ci mmtinity er< up Requests may W.A. Hensley Dies In Texas The following obituary was sent to THE RECORD by R. p. (Dick) Dayton of Fort Worth, Texas, a native cf the Green Mountain section of Yancey County, and married to the for mer Miss Grace Hyatt of Bur nsville. (Copy death of W. A. Hensley of Gainesville, Tex. who died 8-6-6 s) A prominent Gainesville busi nessman and civic leader, W. A. Hensley, 95, died at 4:20 p. m. Sunday in Golden Acres Nursing Heme. He had been in declining health for several years. He was born Oct. 23, 1871 in Harrison, Ark., and moved to Gainesville in 1894. On Aug. 17, 1893, he was married to Miss Delly LeMaa, who died Nov 24 1958. Hensley was engaged in the transfer and automobile business with his late brother, E. B. Hen sley, during the early i9oo’s. In later yetrs, he was in the real estate and oil business until his retirement several years ago. Hensley had been a member of the Christian Church in Gainesville since early man hood. He was a charter member of the Gainesville Kiwanis Club and former member of the Gainesvlle City Council. He was active in many civic affairs of the city. Funeral services were con ducted at 4 p. m. Tuesday at the First Christian Church with the Rev. Herbert Sprowlc, paster, of ficiating. Interment was in Fair view Cemetery directed by Geo. I J. Carroll & Son Funeral Home. Hensley is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joe Coursey -f Gainesville and Mrs. C. *l. Caughey cf Aurora, III.; two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Brishin of Richmond, Calif., and Mrs. D S. Austin of Altus, Okla.; three brothers, J. P„ J. R. an d E. L. Hensley, all of Altus, Okla.; six grandchildren; 13 great-grand children and three great-great grandchildren. Mr. Dayton added a few in teresting sidelights on Mr. Hen sley, as follows: “Mr. Hensley’s father and mother, Mask and Mary Byrd Hensley, left N. C. in a com- ed wagon, with a milk cow tied to the rear of the wagon, about 1868. His sister, Mrs. D. S. (Mary) Austin was one of two children in the entourage. She n°w lives, as indicated in news feature, at Altus, Okla., and will be 100 years old in Febru ary, 1968. His mother was the daughter of Charlie Byrd of the Jacks Creek section cf Yan cey County, and had many Lr> thers and sisters, and is now, I am sure, survived by many relatives in that area. “Mr. Hensley visited Yancey County a few years back, and was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Will Bennett. Mrs. Bennett was re'ated to Mr. Hensley on his father’s side. “I thought this news might be of interest to many of your read ers who are kin to the Byrd and Hensley families." be made by calling the Daniel Bcone C uncil. 254 6189. or writ ing to Brx 812>, Asheville, N. C. As a pafrt of the 16 day trip, the Scouts also visited Ye’low stene National Park, Old Faith ful and Chicago, Illinois. The leaders of . the group from Daniel Be ne tell us that th:s trip was hrth educational and informative and an adven . tun experience they will not soc r< f rget