Volume 32 i i y i ittK I ?: s y El • •■••' :< ' s hR * jßjfo&’v ■- II 1 •.^wWhHfeilfiMiMCT^BH^^ : " " : -> >•.-. Ik f |lsf : x # S*^:. Shown above are members of the Girl Scout Neighborhood team as they met last week to complete organisational piaw mmi Girl Scout Troop Leaders are (seated 1. to*r.) Mrs. G. D. Bailey, Mrs. Evelyn Wilson, Mrs. Girl Scooting Underway In Cennty THE YANCEY RECORD Burnsuille, N.C. for the Girl Scout Program for the coming year. Seated left to right are Mrs. Kenneth Laugh run, Troop Consultant; Mrs. Ed Earl Young. Mr. W. E. McKinney Standing, Mrs. Pauline Long, Mrs. Vincent Westall, Mrs. P.P. t K. Competition Sponsored Boys 8 through 13 throughout Yancey County are invited to display their football talents in punting, passing and kicking in the 7th annual nationwide Punt, Pass & Kick Competition. Young Auto Sales will award 18 troph ies, one to each of the top three boys in each of the six age groqps between 8 and 13. Mr. Joe Young, Owner of Young Auto Sales explained that PPAK involves no body contact and that every boy has an equal chance to win since each com petes only against boys his own age. "There is absolutely no charge for entering and no spec ial equipment Is needed,’’ he said. "Registration for Punt, Pass k Kick is open from Sept. 1 thmugh October 6th with Young Auto Sa'es as registration head quarters." Continued to back page Dedicated To The Progress Os Yancey County tar. Pensacola Littlo Loague [Wins First Place Pensacola Little Leagus came out first in division in the coun ty. The final league game was played at Pensacola when the team met and defeated Burns ville Braves August 26. Following the game the-Little League team Father and Son game. And game a switch in baseball. The moth ers were umpires and manag ,ers for the team, i Trophies were awarded each / boy on the team after the game. A pre-game party was held Tuesday before die Saturday game. The party for the play ers, asb nine through twelve, wag, .held at the Riverside Skat ing Rink. Adults managing the team are H. D. Ray, Jr., Ray Burnette, and Ralph Byrd. Players on the champion team were Larry McMahan, Bobby Lee Riddle. Kevin Ray, Kim Burnett. Glen Williams, Doyle Byrd, Russell Wilson, Mark Rid dle, Keith Allen, Gary Allen, Steve Pate. Terry Pate and Gary Riddle. Thursday, September 7, 1967 gar Hunter, Jr., Neighborhood Chairman; and Mrs. Jack Bif gerstaff, Troop Organizer. Jack Edge, Mrs. Bill Hess. Mrs. Willard Crowder, Mrs. Garland Wampler, Mrs. James McWhir- Rev. Finley Leaving Burnsville Hess Receives Federal Scholarship William N. Hess of Burnsville, presently the Assistant Regional Librarian of the Avery-Mitchell- Yancey Regional Library will take a year’s leave of absence to study for a Master of Librar ianship degree at Emory Uni versity in Atlanta. He was re cently awarded one of 327 Fed eral Scholarships given through, out the United States, and one of 10 such Scholarships awarded by Emory University, for grad uate study in Lihrarianship. These scholarships, authorised under Title H-B of the Higher Education Act of 1065, will pay both tuition and support of the students and their families. Sup port for the program nation, wide will total $3,775,250, which will go to 58 Library Schools to provide for 327 scholarships at the Master’s level. In addition to the Federal Fel lowship award. Mr. Hess has al so received a Schntarshto Grant from the State of North Carotins Lions To Hold Another Watermelon Slicing By poplar demand, the Lions Club of Burnsville will hold ano ther watermelon slicing Sunday afternoon at the picnic area of Mountain Wilderness Park at Pensacola. This will be the final watermelon cutting of the sea son sponsored by the Burnsville Lions. On Labor Day a melon cutting was sponsored by the club at the picnic area. Rutherford County melons were served, and every one who participated said that the melons were the sweetest, best flavored melons tasted this season. The same type melons will be served Sunday. On Labor Day a plane piloted by a commercial pilot was on the landing strip of the Park from 1:00 o’clock through the afternoon, taking passengers for a ride. At one time Monday, three planes were on the field. And four planes visited the field that day. It has been announced that the Asheville Flying Service will have a plane or planes on the field Sunday for passenger ser vice. The Lions Club also announced , that arrangements have been made with Mr. Miller, park own er, for families who wish to bring food for a picnic may use the park facilities without charge That is except for the water-' melon desert you may wish to % try. Watermelon and plane rides will be available from 1;00 o’clock. Number One Announcement has been made by Rev. Woodward Finley, Pas tor of Burnsville Presbyterian Church, that he will be leaving Burnsville soon for further study. The Rev. Finley, who has been pastor here for five years, will further his education at Vanderbuilt University. During his five-year service here, Rev. Finley has served in many different places as a bene fit to the area. He is now Presi dent of the Yancey Chamber of Commerce, a director of WAMY and an official of Yancey United Fund. Although he has taken a very actiVe part in many of the nec essary humane and civic fields in addition to his pastorate, his work in the Yancey Chamber of Commerce has been outstanding for the past two years. Cane River Wins, E.Y. Defeated Cane River’s Rebels put on a show of speed and strength in the final quarter Friday night to defeat Crossnore High School 134). The Rebel team out classed the visiting team on the gound. The local boys dug up 220 yards, while the Crossnore team show ed only 70. In the passing de partment, the visitors completed four out of ten passes for sixty yards, while the Rebels made one of four for 10 yards. Cane River punted five times for an average of 35 yards, with Crossnore kicking three times for a 23-yard average. No score showed on the board until the last quarter. Following a 50-yard drive, Randy Parker drove one yard for the first touchdown and made the extra point. Then Willie Jobe made a 55-vard run for the final score. Cane River made 10 first downs while the visitors made 7. Cane River will meet East Yancey Friday night at East Yancey. The Mars Hill Wildcats were too much for the East Yancey Panthers Friday night, when the Mars Hill team scored four touchdowns and three extra points while the Panther team scored two touchdowns with no extra. The score was 26-12. In both passing and ground play the strong Mars Hill team proved superior to the Panthers. On the ground Mars Hill rolled up more than 300 yards, with East Yancey gaining a bit more . than 150. And in passing, the Panthers one of four for IS yards, while the Wildcats of Mars Hill completed eight of 11 tries for 02 yards. The East Yancey team’s post ing was excellent, however. Forced to kick five times, the team averaged 55 yards. The Mars Hill team was forced to punt twice ior a35 yard average. The East Yancey team will meet the Cane River Rebels on the F»«t Yancey field this Fri day night.