Volume 32 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ADOPTS RESOLUTION At a meeting of the Yancey County Cnamber of Commerce hem lhursaay night, the 7ui, tne foatwing new officers and dir ectors were elected: President, Phinp M. Thomas; Vice Presi dent, J. C. Styles; Directors Jack Biggerstaff, J. F. Roomson, and Lee Childress. Director Bigger staff is replacing J. C. Styles; Director Robinson replaces R. K. He.mle; Director C.iildress is a new Director. Mrs. Grace Banks remains as Secretary. Bill Dean, Director of Public Re.aticns, spoke to the group, outlining the athletic program at Mars Hill College. The Chamber adopted the fol lowing Resolutions: THE GREAT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Yancey RESOLUTION WHEREAS, WOODWARD FIN LEY has provided spiritual guid ance for the members of the First Presbyterian Church of Burnsville, and for the many others with whom he has ser ved, and WHEREAS, his devotion to the ministry and the cause of Christ has led him to seek a Christian solution to the many problems confronting Yancey County and its citizens; and WHEREAS, his tenure of the office of President of the Yancey County Chamber of Commerce has resulted in an outstanding record of achievement; and WHEREAS, his faithful ser vice, abundant life and clear ex ample have produced a signifi cant contribution and will ever serve to enrich the lives of those among whom be has labored; and WHEEAS, his departure from this community for another place of service can onlv be accepted Mrs Briggs z Passes MRS. HOWELL BRIGGS Mrs. Howell W. Briggs, 86, of Rt. 3, died in a local hospital Sunday afternoon after a long illness. Surviving in addition to the husband are two daughters, Mrs. Terrell Young and Mrs. James R. Yeung, both of Burnsville Rt. 2; two sens, Dawson of Burns ville and Thurman Briggs of Mars Hill; four sisters, Mrs. Haskett Hensley and Mrs. Tay lor Wheeler, lfl>th of Burnsville Rt. 3, Mrs. Earl Hensley of Bur nsville Rt. 4, and Mrs. Stella Shepard of Weaverville: two brothers, Cloyd of Bamardsville and General Sronce of Mars Hill 11 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. Services were held at 2 30 p. m. in Mt. Pleasant Bap tist Church. The Rev E J. Hall and the Rev. M H. Kendall officiated Burial was ir. the family ceme terv. Pa'tbcarer-! were Charles and p .’nU Ai-nn Sron r ‘c, Ollie and Willard Gar ntt Vi I *, n *•''! 4 iepard and Kenneth Buckner. THE YANCEY RECORD Burnsville, N.C. with the knowledge that we thereby share his dedicated life with others; NOW. THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED by the Yancey County Chamber of Commerce,. acting by and through its Board of Directors, that 1) The sincere gratitude of this organization and its mem bers be publicly extended to WOODWARD FINLEY for his leadership and service; 2) WOODWARD FINLEY be granted an Honorary Life Mem bership in the Yancey County Chamber of Commerce; and 3) This Resolution be entered in its permanent minutes and a copy be presented to WOOD WARD FINLEY. This the 7th day of Septem ber 1967. THE YANCEY COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, by: Philip M. Thomas, President; J. C. Styles, Vice President, Grace R. Banks, Secretary, G. D.. Bailey, Harlon Holcombe, James W. Ray, Joe Young, Donald Westall, George W. Rob erts, Claude Vess, J. A. Anglin, Ray W. Miller, Earl L. Boyles, William A. Banks, Paul Wooten, Charles J. Wesson. Mattress Making Workshops Conducted October 3rd, 4th, sth and 6th will be busy days for some homemakers from Mitchell, Yan cey and Avery counties as mat tress making workshops will be going on. Mitchell and Yancey will have their two day work shop, October 3rd and 4th in the Scout Hut in Spruce Pine. This event is being sponsored by the Agriculture Extension Service in cooperation with W.A.M.Y. Community Action. Mrs. Genevieve Greenlee, Spec ialist in Housing and House Fur nishings, N. C. State University, will be the instructor. Mrs. Carol Wilson, group work er, W.A.M.Y. Community Action, Burnsville reports the following will be making mattresses from Yancey County: Mrs. Maggie XfcPeters, Mrs. True Elliott. Mrs. Faye Storie. Mrs. Ethel Fox, Mrs. Kathleen Fairchild,, Mrs. Wilma Harris, and Mrs. Carrie Bennett. Those to make mattresses from Mitchell include Mrs. Lois Slaele. Mrs. Eula Young, Mrs. Beulah Burleson, Mrs. Ina Stev enson, Mrs. Gladys Wise, and Mrs. Evelyn Bennett. Mrs. Greenlee will he in Av ery County October sth and 6th to conduct the same wrkshoo. Anyone with sewing skills wish ing to participate in these work sh' ps should the Fx'-u si l| Office 'll f’oki-rs* i’V New lf>”d or ( aroi n Burnsville. Dedicated To The Progress 01 Yancey County Arrowood Expert Rating Yi’n . ..v.. ... ’ llllfc I m ' .r&sggp FT. CAMPBFT L. KY. (AHT NC) Amiv PJemr Ar r'wond. 23. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fra"ei s Route 3, Bur* rsviHe. N. C„ fired expert with the M-14 rifle near the comn’e tion of his ha«io combat train in® at Ft. CamnJv.lt, Kv.. Aue. 14 The emert r>» : ng | s the high est mark a om arMeve in his rifle qualification test Plum Branch Road Improved RALEIGH The State High way Commission comp’eted work on more than 1.15 mi’es of road in the Thirteenth Division during the month of August, according to Commissioner James G. Strike’eather, Jr., and Division Engineer A. J. HuPhes. Work was comp’eted in McDowell and Yancey Counties. In McDowell County: 01 mPe Be Jp “ : I II _ \ __ NEW HIGHLAND GAMES TRACK ''Tien Scottish Games enthusiasts Rather next July at Grandfather Maintain. N C. Thursday, September 14, 1967 BURNSVILLE RECEIVES $8,988.77 UNDER POWELL BILL Taylor Introduces Dairy Bill WASHINGTON U. S. Rep. Roy A. Taylor Monday introduc ed a bill to control dairy im ports which are hurting the dairy farmer. The Uth District Congressman said he was joining colleagues in both the House and Senate in an effort to halt the increasing flow of foreign-produced dairy products. Similar bills are being sponsored by several members of the North Carolina congress ional delegation. Dairy imports in 1966 were three times those of the previous year. Estimates for 1967 are al most double those of 1966. Taylor’s bill would not at tempt to eliminate imports, but would restrict them to a level where they would cease to threa ten the livelihood of dairymen. “Many dairy fanners in North Carolina who are already oper ating on dangerously thin profit margins will be forced out of business if imports continue to disrupt the market,” Rep. Tay. lor declared. of grade, drain, and stabtizing was improved to Mt o’iv e Chur ch (New Addition) from SR-1415 north: 015 mile of grade, drain, and stab’izing was im proved to Grandview Drive (New Addition) fr°m Loop off Airport Road-SR-1512 to the dead end. In Yancev Countv- no mile of grade, drain. sfab'Mzing. and erosion control va<» improved to Plum Branch (SR-132D. they will see an entirely new Highland Games track in the Shadow of the 6000-foot peaks. The new track cent ruction is under the directim of Ellis Nunber Two RALEIGH State Street Aid allocations totaling aimost 10- million dollars will go to qualify ing cities and towns in the State this year under provisions of the Pcwell Bill, State Highway C-mmission Chairman J. M. Hunt, Jr., said today. Hunt said that 424 North Caro lina towns and cities will re ceive proportional cash allot ments amounting to $9,959,054.78. Checks will be mailed from Ral eigh the latter part « Septem ber so that they will reach the municipalities by October 1. Funds equal to the amount pro duced by one half cent of the re gular six-cents per gallon motor fuel tax levied by the State are returned annually to participat ing municipalities in propor tional shares based on relative non-state system street mileage and cn the relative populations of each of the municipalities. Towns and cities qualifying for participation do so by submitting detailed information each year to the Highway Commission Con cerning ad valorem taxes, other sources of revenue, budget ordi nances and local elections. Some legally incorporated towns do not participate in the Powell Bill Program simply because they do not perform the necessary muni cipal functions required under the law. Cha'rman Hunt noted that the $9,959,054.78 being returned to the 424 participating municipa’i ties this year is more than twice the amount returned t® 386 pa*-- ticipating towns and cities at the beeinning of the program in 1951. During the 17 year history of the Powell Bill Proeram. a total of $118,260,817.55 has he®n re turned to the municipalities for use on local streets. Based on the 1960 Cenmg po. pulation of 1.388, Burnsville will receive a total allocation of $8,988.77. Maples, architect who de signed the new Grandfather Golf and Country Club nearby, and will be the standard one tiuarter mile in length.